The Resurrection of the South Seas of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 253 Qing "British" Nanjing Treaty

Chapter 253 Qing "British" Nanjing Treaty

Otherwise, it will be difficult to say whether there will be any assistance in the future!
And they who are huddled in a corner of Mengla, without the assistance from the recovery army, their life will be very difficult!
What's more, at the Qing court now, because Wang Fuchen resolutely refused to admit that he killed Yongli.

Therefore, Yongli is now just hanging a missing sign!
However, everyone knew in their hearts that there was a high probability that Yongli was dead!

Otherwise, there is really no reason why he can't hide out!

If Yongli was still alive, it would not be that simple to get them to recognize Zhu Hongyu's position as supervisor of the country.

But, now that Yongli is dead, it doesn't matter!

The Ming army camp in Mengla!
The soldiers of the Ming army in the camp were practicing. Li Dingguo called Li Laiheng, Habai and others, as well as the generals in his own camp, to discuss matters.

Everyone gathered together, Li Dingguo said with a gratified face.

"My king has received the battle report from Guangdong!"

"His Royal Highness Jian Guo and Yanping County King allied forces for the Northern Expedition. After they captured Qiongzhou, they sent troops to the coast of Guangdong."

"After conquering Macau and Humen, the king of Yanping County led his troops north to the coast of Fujian, and His Royal Highness Jian Guo led his troops to the inland of Guangdong."

"In Tanzhou Town, the seven thousand Han troops and the Eight Banners led by Lord I Da of the Qing court and Prince Pingnan's son Shang Zhixin were wiped out."

"Then conquered Xiangshan, Foshan, Shunde, Jiangmen... and other places successively, annihilating a large number of green battalion soldiers of the Qing army."

"The king of Yanping County went northward from the coast of Fujian, conquered Zhangzhou and Quanzhou, and marched to the city of Fuzhou, killing and capturing a large number of Qing troops."

"Hahaha, it really strengthens my country's prestige!"

Li Dingguo laughed heartily.

Since the defeat at Mopan Mountain, he had not heard such exciting good news for a long time.

Zhu Tingyun, Li Dingguo's deputy, stroked his beard and said the same thing.

"Prince Jin, since His Royal Highness Jian Guo and King Yanping have achieved such results, perhaps our army should counterattack appropriately!"

"I have been huddled in this mountain, and my bones are about to rot!"

Zhu Tingyun is from Guangxi, and his family ancestor is Jinyiwei Xiaoqi of Ming Dynasty.

Until his father's generation, the Zhu family still carried an official body on their backs!

After Jiashen, the Qing army entered the pass, and the Hongguang court swung up and down.

When Yongli ascended the throne in Zhaoqing, he was Yongli's personal guard.

Later, he was sent to the army. After more than ten years of war, he is now Li Dingguo's deputy general.

Li Laiheng on the side spoke.

"It's just that Wu Sangui in Yunnan and Guizhou holds a large army, and the Manchurian Eight Banners of the Qing court are stationed. If our army rushes out of the mountains, I'm afraid it will be no match for us!"

Whether it is Wu Sangui's Guanning iron cavalry or the Manchurian Eight Banners soldiers of the Qing court, they are all quite formidable opponents.

Habai also said in a low voice.

"Wu Sangui is a villain, although his character is low and despicable, but he is quite capable in leading the army."

Ha Bai used to listen to Wu Sangui under Wu Sangui's tent before he fought against the Qing Dynasty and restored the Ming Dynasty, so he still has some understanding of Wu Sangui's abilities.

Li Dingguo sat at the top seat, tapping his fingers on the table lightly, his face full of dignity.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Li Dingguo was also full of jealousy towards Wu Sangui.

It was under Wu Sangui's attack that the Yongli small court lost several provinces in the southwest and was driven to Burma.

Li Dingguo faced Wu Sangui, but he won less and lost more!
Although the reason why the Ming army was continuously defeated was more because the strength of the Qing army was stronger than that of the Ming army.

But the role played by Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief, also cannot be ignored!
Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Li Dingguo said.

"Since the Northern Expedition to the homeland is not feasible for the time being, let's attack Burma!"

"Myanmar King Mangbai launched the Curse of Water, slaughtered the emperor's close officials, and handed over the emperor to Wu Sangui, a traitor."

"If it weren't for the righteousness of General Habai, the Son of Heaven would probably die in the hands of Wu Sangui, a rebellious official!"

"I can't swallow this breath!"

Now Li Dingguo's mentality belongs to, what the hell, I can't beat Wu Sangui, and I can't beat you, a little Myanmar?
Everyone nodded, expressing that they could not swallow their breath.

Zhu Tingyun spoke.

"If our army can win the whole of Burma, it will also be beneficial to the overall situation of fighting the Qing Dynasty!"

"His Royal Highness Jian Guo captured Lu Song, and the Prince of Yanping captured the officials."

"They all have their own foundations overseas and can provide stable soldiers and food for the great cause of fighting against the Qing Dynasty."

"That's why we can play a beautiful counterattack along the coast of Fujian and Guangdong!"

"If our army can take the whole of Burma as a base, and use Burma's wealth and soldiers for our own use, we will surely be able to successfully counterattack Yunnan and Guizhou!"

Everyone's eyes brightened, and they began to discuss the specific strategy of advancing troops.

Hit Myanmar!

Speaking of this, they are not sleepy!

Zheng's fleet delivered a large amount of population and supplies to Da Yuan.

Zheng Chenggong himself also returned to Dayuan, and began to preside over the placement of the staff and the development of Dayuan.

And sent people to the Pearl River Estuary to discuss matters in Macau with Zhu Hongyu.

Zhu Hongyu cooperated with Charles to stage a scene where Ming and Britain turned against each other.

The 16th year of the eternal calendar, 1662 in the Western calendar!
On the night of the third day of July, Macau was full of flames, and the sound of gunfire and cannons made a mess!
There was also continuous shelling on the sea!
On the second day, the flag of the Ming army landed over Macau, leaving only the British Union Jack flying high.

Zhu Hongyu left Macau with the fleet and settled in Hong Kong.

And continue to host population transfer, and the development of Hong Kong Island.

Since the Qing army had no ships, it was helpless to face the Ming army lingering in Hong Kong.

Immediately afterwards, Shang Kexi instructed the Guangzhou government office to sign a treaty with the English friends of the Wangfu in the Governor's Mansion of Guangdong and Guangxi under the notarization of the Wangfu.

At Charles's insistence, the treaty was named the "Nanjing Treaty", with only one content.

That is to transfer Macao from a concession to the Portuguese, and then to a concession to the "British".

The rest is business as usual!
The reason why it is called this name is that in the eyes of England, Guangzhou is the Nanjing of the Qing Dynasty.

The treaty signed in Guangzhou is of course called the "Nanjing Treaty".

After Shang Kexi heard this, his face was full of smiles, because Guangzhou was his fiefdom!

And I agreed!
Of course, this is just an excuse on the surface!

The real reason is actually because of Zhu Hongyu's bad taste!

He felt that since he traveled here, he vowed to let Kang Mazi experience what a strong ship and a sharp gun are like 200 years in advance.

When the first treaty was signed, it was not called the "Nanjing Treaty", and I always felt that something was missing.

Of course, this point belongs to Zhu Hongyu's self-esteem.

Charles, who was in charge of signing the treaty with the Qing court, did not know why Zhu Hongyu insisted on calling the treaty "Nanjing Treaty".

After the treaty is signed, trade in Macau will continue!

A large amount of goods are handled from Macau every day.

It's just that many businessmen who come and go are very sharp-eyed and found that although Macau has changed its flag.

However, those responsible for public security, tax collection, etc., and even guarding the fort and inspecting the customs, except for a few more foreign faces, are generally the same group of people...

Macau's current owner, the "British", often acts very humble in front of some Chinese.

Everything has changed, but it seems like nothing has changed!

(End of this chapter)

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