Chapter 290 Power Technique!

Zhu Hongyu spoke again.

"Wait a moment!"

Li Guangyuan subconsciously stood still, turned around and asked.

"What's the matter, Your Highness, is there anything else?"

Zhu Hongyu took a deep breath, and then spoke.

"Go and tell those guys, what's going on in the future, come and talk to Gu Tan by yourself!"

"Gu is not a person who can't listen to words!"

Li Guangyuan nodded in agreement, and then left Zhu Hongyu's study.

Standing outside the door of the study, Li Guangyuan rubbed his face, but he came to his senses and asked if he just didn't tell himself...

Just now he said that he was not instigated by anyone, so he nodded and told the people behind him.

Don't be self-inflicted!

The corner of Li Guangyuan's mouth twitched, secretly scolding himself for being stupid.

Zhu Hongyu actually didn't care about this, because everyone has selfishness.

Seeking benefits for oneself is a normal thing!

Li Guangyuan was sent away, but Zhu Hongyu did not give a positive response to the collective behavior of the generals of the recovery army asking for rewards.

the reason is simple!
Gratitude comes from above!

Zhu Hongyu can take the initiative to give favors, but they can't come to ask for it!
As the saying goes, what I give you is yours, and you can't take it if I don't give it to you!
Otherwise, there will be no rules!
In fact, Zhu Hongyu already planned to confer titles on the generals.

Although in the past year, the Liberation Army failed to occupy much territory on the mainland battlefield.

But the results achieved are quite a lot!

Nearly [-] Eight Banners soldiers of the Han Army and a similar number of Green Battalions of the Qing Army were defeated and captured.

It can be regarded as a brilliant victory, worthy of the reward of knighthood!

Originally, Zhu Hongyu planned to announce this matter at the Grand Court Meeting in Zhengdan.

In this wave, at least two or three earls and corresponding low-level titles such as viscount and baron will be confiscated.

Originally, he was about to release corresponding rumors to the outside world.

But Li Guangyuan made such a fuss, he didn't plan to let the wind outside.

Just hang them like this, let's hang them for a while before we talk!

In addition, Zhu Hongyu will also order the rotation of the chief officers of each unit, and the officers at all levels will conduct intensive training.

Give them a slap in the face!

Zhu Hongyu must establish his own authority!
Avoid this from happening again in the future!
The chief officers of each unit are rotated, and the grassroots officers are trained intensively. This is a big stick!

Then at the Zhengdan Dachao meeting, it was announced that the officer would be knighted, which was for Tianzao!

Knocking a big stick and giving a sweet jujube is such a simple trick, and Zhu Hongyu has also started to use it with great proficiency.



After the "English Country" took over Macau, a large number of goods poured into Macau every day.

Massive goods attracted a large number of merchants, who brought gold and silver and consumption.

Macau is even more prosperous than when the Portuguese controlled it before!
Because of Macau's unique port status, businessmen who come to Macau to do business can be described as diverse.

Koreans, Annans, Japanese, and even Dutch, Portuguese, and Spaniards disguised as businessmen from other countries...

The Spaniards didn't want to pretend either, but Zhu Hongyu had no choice but to issue a kill order to the Spaniards.

One day the Spanish king did not stand up and apologize to the Chinese who died in the two Manila massacres.

Don't even think about passing through Daming's sphere of influence for a day for Spanish ships!
The order that Ming's fleet received was that as long as they saw ships flying the Spanish flag, if they found one, they would sink one!
The Spanish businessman was forced to have no choice but to light up the skills of flying the flags of other countries.

Whenever a merchant ship was about to enter the waters controlled by the Ming Fleet, the Spaniards would replace their flags.

Change to a Dutch, Portuguese, or British flag!
Of course, apart from these countries, there are also many British businessmen traveling between Europe and East Asia every year.

Captain Brown stood in the St. George's command room, holding a telescope in his hand.

The binoculars were aimed at the Macau port in front of him, and he looked at the Mizi flag hanging on the big fort, his face was full of confusion.

"My dear First Officer John, do you know when our British Empire had such a colony in East Asia?"

After defeating the Spanish Armada, Britain's strength expanded rapidly.

Even in the throes of the bourgeois revolution, Britain has already begun the pace of external expansion, occupying colonies all over the world.

However, Captain Brown is very confused now. Wasn't the British Empire defeated in the first naval battle in the East?
He was also forced to pay more than 2000 taels of silver to the Ming Empire at that time!
Not a lot of money, but the symbolism sucks!
The British Empire, which was invincible in Europe, paid war reparations to a Far Eastern country!

For Britain, which has just embarked on the road of global colonial expansion, it is almost like being hit head-on!

But what is going on now?

When did the British Empire have colonies in the Far East?
First Officer John was also full of confusion, shaking his head and said.

"Dear Mr. Captain, I want to ask you the same question!"

The two looked at each other, puzzled in their eyes.

The St. George slowed down slowly, closed the gun ports, lowered the sails, and sailed into the port.

A small boat flying the flag of Great Britain approached and wanted to board the ship for inspection!
The St. George did not refuse, and the captain Brown even came forward in person, ready to ask the boarding personnel what was going on in Macau.

However, when the inspectors boarded the ship, Captain Brown's confusion deepened.

Those who boarded the ship were all Chinese with black hair and black eyes.

The only European face turned out to be a red-haired Dutchman.

Moreover, the Dutchman was standing behind several Chinese people. Judging from his position, he was obviously a handyman.

Captain Brown stepped forward to ask with deep doubts.

"My dear sir, why does Macau fly the flag of the English country?"

Captain Brown did not ask the Dutchman, but directly asked the leading Chinese.

Shang Jinren nodded solemnly and said.

"Of course!"

"This Macao is the first colony in the Far East under the jurisdiction of the East India Company of the British Empire!"

"If you don't fly the flag of the British Empire, what will you fly?"

As an official of the tax department, Shang Jinren took the lead in boarding the ship for inspection this time, and he came here for the tax inspection.

When a ship enters the port, the first thing is for the tax department to register the amount of goods on board in preparation for tax collection.

Among the people around him, many were armed tax police officers with pistols and steel knives pinned to their waists.

Daming's tax department also has a not-so-weak armed force under its jurisdiction.

Composed of wounded veterans!

Formed artillery and musketeers!
These people are definitely not able to go to the battlefield due to physical reasons, but it is still no problem to arm taxes and suppress the riots of tax resistance elements.

Brown was even more confused now.

As the captain of the East India Company running the Far East route, why hasn't he heard of this matter? !
Regardless of Brown's confusion, Shang Jinren said.

"My dear captain, we will conduct a registration check on the cargo in your ship, please cooperate with us!"

Brown nodded and agreed to cooperate, and then continued to ask.

"When did the company establish colonies in the Far East? Why didn't I know? I'm also the captain of the East India Company!"

Shang Jinren gasped, his face was dark, and his heart was pounding.

(End of this chapter)

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