The Resurrection of the South Seas of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 334 Learning Foreign Languages

Chapter 334 Learning Foreign Languages

"Governor Luobei, next Daming will send people to take over Malacca, Palembang and other places, there should be no problem!"

Wearing ordinary clothes, Zhu Hongyu met Luo Bei in Luo Bei's study and asked.

Luo Bei nodded and said.

"Yes Your Excellency the Prince!"

"Although Malacca and other places are very important, due to the tense battle in Batavia some time ago, most of the fleet and soldiers in these places have been transferred away."

"Now that Batavia has surrendered to Ming Dynasty, there are not many troops in Malacca, Palembang and other places."

"I have also used the name of the Governor's Mansion to write to Malacca and other places to make them surrender to Daming!"

"If Ming wants to accept Malacca and other places, there should be no resistance!"

Zhu Hongyu nodded slightly and said.

"Very good! Governor Luobei has done a good job."

But after saying all this, the expression on Luo Bei's face was hesitant to speak.

Obviously something to say!

Zhu Hongyu put down the brush in his hand and spoke.

"Is there anything else Governor Luobei has to do?"

The expression on Zhu Hongyu's face was intriguing. Wang Ruxian had already found out the identity of the foreign language teacher he was looking for.

It is Luo Bei's daughter!
Luo Bei hesitated for a while, then spoke.

"I want to intercede with His Excellency the Prince on behalf of the consuls of the Governor's Mansion!"

Zhu Hongyu frowned, then spoke.

"What are you asking for? Is my Daming public trial wronging those Dutch people?"

"Which sentence was not justified?"

"What kind of favor does the governor want to ask of me?"

Luo Bei said.

"I'm not pleading for those criminals, but for those consuls..."

During the Ming Dynasty's public trial, it was naturally impossible to only try the criminals, and not to try those Dutch consuls who unilaterally favored the Dutch after the crime occurred.

Because their actions are condoning crime!
Connivance in crime should also be killed!

When the Dutch East India Company was in charge of Batavia, they favored the Dutch, of course it didn't matter.

But now Batavia has been renamed Daming Fuyuan City!

The cause of tomorrow, the fruit of today!
The evil deeds done by these Dutch consuls in the past should also be punished!

Luo Bei explained.

"Although in the past when dealing with the conflict between the Chinese and the Dutch, those consuls were more biased towards the Dutch when they gave solutions."

"But they are also based on the relevant codes of the Dutch East India Company. I don't think they have done anything wrong. Your Excellency the Prince should not punish those innocent consuls."

Zhu Hongyu just said with a sneer.

"Strong words make sense!"

"If you say that, then Gu will govern Fuyuan City in the future according to the Dutch East India Company's code."

"For example, if the Chinese kill the Dutch, they don't have to be punished, they just need to lose money. What do you think, Governor Robe?"

"If you think there is no problem, then I will order someone to announce this decree!"

Luo Bei's face turned blue and white for a while, but he still spoke.

"Your Excellency, this is not fair!"

Zhu Hongyu said with a smile that was not a smile, very jokingly.

"Where it's not fair, I think it's fair!"

"In the past, the Dutch only needed to pay for killing the Chinese. From now on, the Chinese only need to pay for killing the Dutch."

"Is there a problem?"

"You tell me what's unfair?"

Luo Bei has nothing to say.

Zhu Hongyu continued to speak.

"Gu Fei is a bloodthirsty person, but he will not show mercy to those who should be killed!"

"If there is nothing wrong, Governor Luo Bei can step back!"


It's night and it's dark!
After Zhu Hongyu had dinner and dealt with official duties, he went to exercise.

Since he became the supervisor of the country, although he is busy with government affairs every day, he has never given up on exercising.

No matter how busy you are every day, you will spend some time exercising.

As the saying goes, the body is the capital of revolution, Zhu Hongyu does not want to die young at a young age.

After exercising, Zhu Hongyu took a shower, changed into dry clothes, and headed for his bedroom.

In order to send up a dry towel, Wang Ruxian!

Zhu Hongyu took the towel and wiped his wet hair, while Wang Ruxian spoke from the side.

"Your Highness, everything has been arranged!"

"People have been delivered to your house!"

Zhu Hongyu smiled when he heard the words, knowing that tonight would probably be a sleepless night, he threw the towel in his hand to Wang Ruxian, and said.

"Good job, you go to rest too!"

Wang Ruxian stopped where he was, and promised.

He knew that Zhu Hongyu didn't want him to follow.

Zhu Hongyu strode towards his bedroom, and every few steps on both sides of the road stood a heavily armed soldier of the Imperial Guard to take care of his safety.

With a creak, Zhu Hongyu pushed open the bedroom door.

Placed in the middle of the bedroom is a typical European-style round bed, with bed nets, light gauze, and a beautiful velvet quilt...

Sitting on the edge of the bed was the foreign language teacher that Zhu Hongyu had a crush on.

At this time, the girl was wearing thin clothes, her figure was unusually garish, and her small face was slightly pale, which made her feel even more pitiful.

Zhu Hongyu strode forward, lifted the girl's chin, felt the tenderness of the girl's skin with his fingertips, and scrutinized her delicate facial features.

The girl's eyes were slightly flustered, and she spoke in a pleading tone.

"Let whatever, please don't...don't hurt my family!"

Zhu Hongyu raised his eyebrows. When Wang Ruxian was doing business, what exactly did this shape his image into? !

However, Zhu Hongyu didn't care about it, he leaned over, leaned into Bella's ear, and said softly.

"Want to protect your family from harm?"

"I can promise not to hurt your family, but it depends on your performance tonight..."

The girl's crystal-clear ears were immediately stained with a blush.

Zhu Hongyu twitched his index finger, and secretly said to his waist, I'm sorry brother...


On the second day, the sky brightened!

Zhu Hongyu dressed contentedly. He learned foreign languages ​​very well last night. He has already mastered a few monosyllabic Dutch.

Pretty good progress!

Keep up the good work tonight!

Pushing open the door, Zhu Hongyu strode out and ordered someone to settle Bella, while he himself strode towards the study.

Get ready to start handling today's government affairs!

Just as Zhu Hongyu sat down, Wang Ruxian came in with a strange expression and said.

"His Royal Highness Jian Guo, please see me!"

The corners of Zhu Hongyu's mouth twitched, but fortunately he had a thick skin, so he wouldn't dare to meet people just because he slept with a woman, so he opened his mouth and said.

"Bring people in!"

Not long after, Luo Bei came to Zhu Hongyu angrily.

Asked directly.

"Your Excellency, may I ask where you took my daughter!"

Luo Bei clearly revealed the attributes of her daughter's slave.

Zhu Hongyu smiled slightly and said.

"Don't worry Governor Lobe, Beina will be fine!"

As if thinking of something suddenly, Zhu Hongyu spoke again.

"I don't know how Governor Luobei plans to arrange himself next?"

"Do you want to return to the mainland of the Netherlands, or continue to work hard in Nanyang?"

Luo Bei didn't want to talk to Zhu Hongyu very much, but when he thought that his daughter was still with him, he could only restrain his temper and say.

"The company has lost its markets and colonies in the Far East, and even the company's headquarters in Batavia."

"I am no longer qualified to continue to be the governor of the East India Company. Next, I will take my membership and return to mainland Europe, return to my hometown, and spend the rest of my life in peace."

When talking about "my family", Luo Bei deliberately emphasized his tone.

Hinting that Zhu Hongyu let go of his daughter!
(End of this chapter)

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