The Resurrection of the South Seas of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 413 Surround the spot to fight for aid?

The existence of Qixia Mountain is very beneficial to the infantry who want to escape.

As long as the infantry can escape into Qixia Mountain, there is a high probability that the Ming army will not be able to pursue them.

But for the cavalry, Qixia Mountain is quite unfriendly!

Once the war horse enters the mountain, the mobility advantage is gone!
It may not even be able to outrun infantry!
And more importantly, the Ming army may be able to ignore the infantry and not go all out to chase the green infantry.

But how could it be possible to give up chasing the Eight Banners cavalry?

After arriving at the battlefield, the Imperial Guard Brigade of the Ming Army made some adjustments and launched an attack on the rear of the Qing Army!
The Qing army retreated steadily under the attack of the Ming army's Imperial Guard Brigade, showing a very obvious decline.

At this critical moment, Tulehun looked in the direction of Qixia Mountain.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he had an idea to break the game.

If the Qing army wanted to escape, the terrain of Qixia Mountain would make their cavalry useless, which would be a great obstacle.

But if they were prepared to stick to it and wait for help, Qixia Mountain's uncomfortable terrain would become the Qing army's best friend.

Having figured this out, Tulehun opened his mouth and ordered.

"Order the entire army to retreat to Qixia Mountain to deploy defenses!"

"Prepare to stand by and wait for help!"

The Qing court has a lot of troops in Jiangnan and Jiangbei. As long as they can stick to certain things in Qixia Mountain, the main force of the Qing court in Jiangnan and Jiangbei can overwhelm them.

At that time, the predicament will be solved by itself!

The ministries of the Qing army began to shrink their forces and retreated towards Qixia Mountain. The ministries of the Ming army took advantage of the situation to launch rounds of attacks, chasing after the Qing army who wanted to withdraw from the battlefield.

Due to the retreat of the army, the morale of the Qing army was low, and a large number of green battalion soldiers of the Qing army had no intention of resisting!

In this process, the Ming army charged again and again, causing great damage to the Qing army!
More and more green battalion soldiers of the Qing army chose to throw away their weapons, kneel on the ground, put their heads in their hands, and simply surrendered to Daming.

The Guiyi army chanted the slogan of surrender without killing, and recruited a large number of green battalion soldiers.

However, even so, a large number of Qing troops withdrew into Qixia Mountain, and the soldiers began to use the mountain terrain to deploy defenses, preparing to meet the Ming army.

At this point, the offensive of the Ming army was suspended, and the battle situation fell into a stalemate!

The flag of the Chinese army of the Ming army moved forward, and Zhu Hongyu, wearing a golden armor, stood under the flag and looked towards the direction of Qixia Mountain.

Looking at the deadlocked battle situation over there, his eyes narrowed into a dangerous arc.

Hu Dinggao beside him knelt on one knee and asked for a fight.

"The final commander asks to fight!"

"His Royal Highness, please dispatch one thousand heavy armored soldiers to the last general. The last general will lead the team to the battle. He will definitely see success in one fell swoop. He will break through the defense line of the Qing captives for His Highness, and bring back the heads of Lang Tingzuo, Tulehun and others, and present them to His Highness. !"

Zhu Hongyu just shook his head and said.

"At present, the Qing army occupies Qixia Mountain, and the camp is condescending."

"If our army attacks Qixia Mountain head-on, it will be attacking from behind. Even if we can capture the Qing army's camp, there will be many casualties."

"Attacking the fortress head-on is the worst choice, not advisable!"

Zheng Chenggong on the side heard the words and asked.

"Then how does His Highness plan to annihilate the Qing captives who are hiding in Qixia Mountain?"

"The Qing captives have a large number of troops stationed in Jiangnan and Jiangbei. If our army delays in Qixia Mountain for a long time, reinforcements from the Qing army may arrive at any time!"

"At that time, our army will have no choice but to force reinforcements from the Qing army from the same source to fight at the foot of Qixia Mountain!"

"If there are too many troops from the Qing Dynasty to help, our Ming army will be strong, but sooner or later we will run out of strength!"

However, at this point, Zheng Chenggong suddenly became suspicious, whether Zhu Hongyu had planned to encircle the Jiangning Eight Banners of the Qing court in Qixia Mountain, and then encircle them for help.

Ask when you think of it, Zheng Chenggong continued.

"Your Highness, are you going to gather around to fight for aid?"

However, to Zheng Chenggong's expectation, Zhu Hongyu shook his head and said with a slight smile on his face.

"It's meaningless to surround the spot to fight for aid!"

"The Eight Banners of Jiangning in the Manchu Qing Dynasty were all surrounded by my Daming in Qixia Mountain. Even if the Qing government sent troops from Jiangnan, Jiangbei, and even along the canal and Yangtze River to help, it would only be green battalion soldiers."

"For the Qing court, the green battalion soldiers are worthless, and it doesn't matter how many they die. If that's the case, why do you have to waste time with the main force of the Ming army on Qixia Mountain for a group of green battalion soldiers that the Qing court doesn't even care about?!"

"When we use troops in the Ming Dynasty, we don't need to care about the gains and losses of a city or a place. The first priority is to annihilate the vitality of the Qing court to the greatest extent."

"As for the so-called vital forces, the Manchurian soldiers are given priority, the Mongolian Eight Banners are second, and the Han Eight Banners are third..."

"As for the Green Battalion, to be honest, that's not important!"

Because for Daming, the Green Battalion can be persuaded to surrender.

As long as Daming can gain an advantage on the battlefield, it is entirely possible for the Green Battalion to return to Ming with a large number of braids cut.

In other words, there is no need to waste power on them!

Zheng Chenggong nodded, as if he understood Zhu Hongyu's train of thought, but he continued to ask.

"Then how does His Highness plan to annihilate the Qing captives who retreated to Qixia Mountain?"

Zhu Hongyu lowered his eyelids slightly, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and spoke.

"First try to persuade them to surrender, and let the green battalion soldiers on the mountain come down to surrender."

"The rest..."

"Hehe, didn't the army carry a lot of oil along with it during the Northern Expedition?"

Zhu Hongyu said that he has decided on the honorary title of BBQ Master!

Instead of letting the Ming army's troops and horses attack Qixia Mountain head-on, paying huge casualties, and not necessarily being able to capture it, it is better to simply set fire to the mountain.

This will only have a better deterrent effect on the enemy!
As for the damage to the environment after the fire spread?

Zhu Hongyu said he didn't care, this is Jiangnan, a water town in the south of the Yangtze River with a humid climate and dense water networks.

Even though it is now a drier winter, the possibility of the fire spreading is not great!

The high probability is that when the oil is burned out, the fire will gradually go out.

Besides, before Zhu Hongyu set fire to it, he would definitely start digging a fire belt in advance.

When Zheng Chenggong heard this, his pupils shrank violently.

At this time, he seemed to have seen Zhu Hongyu's true face.

This is a true ruler!
No matter how gentle, compassionate, and affectionate he is in normal times, it can't change the essence of his ruler.

He is tolerant and merciful to those who are not a threat to him.

But he will never show any mercy to anyone or anything that threatens his rule.

Just like in the current Qixia Mountain, there are at least tens of thousands of Qing Army Eight Banners and Green Battalions.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhu Hongyu wanted to set fire to the mountain and burn them all into the sea of ​​flames, turning them into "acquaintances" through and through.

But in this era of cannibalism, how can Zhu Hongyu show mercy to his enemies?

He had only to look after the interests of those who followed closely behind him and stood firm on his ships.

As for the enemies, it is better to be dead!
Obviously, compared to making the Ming army pay a huge price of casualties, attacking Qixia Mountain by force.

It is a better choice to burn all the Qing troops on Qixia Mountain to death.

Zhu Hongyu stood under the banner of the big banner with his hands behind his back, and gave another order casually.

"Send an order to dispatch a fleet and go to Longjiang Bao Shipyard!"

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