Chapter 469 The Party Struggle in the Qing Dynasty (Please recommend)

In fact, soldiers from Shanxi entered Guanzhong, and soldiers from Shandong entered Henan.

It probably means tearing down the east wall and repairing the west wall.

After the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, the nine-border defense system that the Ming Dynasty worked so hard to build was abolished.

Because Mongolia is the Manchu's own people, and the Manchu soldiers in the north have no enemies, so they don't need to guard against anyone!

The Zhungeer tribe, the great enemy of the Qing court on the grasslands, was to the west.

There is no need for the nine-sided defense system to exist, so it will naturally be abolished.

Therefore, Shanxi, which is traditionally close to the frontier, has become a hinterland.

The former Shanxi Nine Frontier elite soldiers incorporated by the Manchu Qing can naturally be transferred to other places.

Shandong is almost the same!
Now Shandong is not directly facing any threat of war, and there will be no problem in transferring troops from Shandong.

It doesn't sound good to tear down the east wall and mend the west wall!

But it doesn't matter, as long as it works!

Bumbutai nodded again, expressing his approval.

Then, she asked another question.

"The fall of Guangdong and Guangxi was too fast. The attitude of the local landlords and gentry towards Ming thieves is worrying the Ai family!"

With the fall of Guangdong and Guangxi one after another, Bumbutai suddenly realized that people's aspirations did not seem so useless.

In the case of the Qing Dynasty's absolute superiority in military power, it naturally didn't matter what the people wanted.

But when the situation facing the Qing Dynasty turned into a headwind, the people's desire was the supreme weapon to speed up the decline of the Qing Dynasty.

Although she didn't want to admit it, in terms of winning people's hearts, Daqing was indeed much worse than Daming.

Whether it's shaving hair and changing clothes, or urging local governments to pay taxes, these policies of the Qing Dynasty are all pushing people's hearts to Ming Dynasty.

Bumbutai asked for advice, just because he wanted a way to save people's hearts.

Suksaha also stood up and said.

"My Qing Dynasty has its own national conditions, and it should be based on the Eight Banners!"

"The landlords and gentry of the Han people are all cheap. The reason why they still dare to collude with Ming thieves is that I haven't killed enough people!"

"If you kill too much, they will naturally accept it!"

Sukesaha's old face was full of viciousness and rebelliousness.

Today's Qing court has not figured out that if it wants to rule the world for a long time and stably, relying on the force of the army will not work.

It is necessary to collude with the vested interest class and share the rights with the vested interest class!

Well, not only to share power, but also benefits!
Historically, it was only after the San Francisco Rebellion that the Manchu Qing began to deeply collude with the Han landlords and gentry.

Prior to this, the main contradiction faced by the Manchu Qing Dynasty had always been the sharp ethnic contradiction.

To be more straightforward, it is the contradiction between the Eight Banners interest groups and the original vested interests!

As for the ordinary civilians below, it doesn't really matter!
Neither the Manchus nor the Han landlords and gentry took them seriously.

In this era, Zhu Hongyu is the only one who can clearly understand how terrifying power the people at the bottom possess.

Sony stepped up and retorted.

"Suksaha, how short-sighted are you?!"

"Without the cooperation of those landlords and gentry, how would the Qing Dynasty rule the world? I'm afraid we won't even be able to find the local officials!"

Suksaha's face turned ugly after being stunned, but he still spoke.

"Why can't I, Baqierlang, be an official and govern the local area?!"

Sony said bluntly.

"Be a fart!"

"It's not a problem for me to ride and shoot, but how many of them can read and write?"

"How many of them can hold a brush? How many of them know about criminal names and taxes?"

Bumbutai interrupted.

"Sony's words are right, you can take over the world immediately, but you can't rule the world immediately!"

"If you want to govern the world, you still need those sour literati!"

"So, I have to think of a way to win the hearts of the Ming thieves!"

Ye Bilong, who had been silent at the side, spoke.

"Maybe my Qing Dynasty can make concessions to the local landlords and gentry on the matter of shaving hair and changing clothes..."

The Manchu policy of offending the Han landlords and gentry mainly consisted of shaving their hair and making clothes easier and pressing taxes.

In fact, literary prisons, land enclosure orders, and house occupation orders are also the same.

However, the current literary inquisition is still in its infancy, and only those in Jiangnan have suffered from the literal inquisition.

As for the land enclosure order and the house occupation order, the area near the capital was the one that suffered the most.

Literary inquisition, land enclosure orders, and house occupation orders are all regional in nature at present, so they are not counted.

In this way, if the Manchu Qing wanted to ease the relationship with the Han landlords and gentry, they could only start with shaving their hair and changing clothes and pressing taxes.

And of the two, one is for practical benefits, and the other is for saving face.

Especially now that the Qing Dynasty wants to use troops in the south and urgently needs a large amount of money and food for military resources, it can only be said that fools know how to choose.

Compared with face and face, the face is more important after all!
However, Ye Bilong had just finished speaking halfway, and Fei Yanggu, who had been standing in the court, stood up and objected clearly.

"Definitely not!"

"Shaving hair and changing clothes is my ancestor's rule in the Qing Dynasty. It will not change forever. How can it be easily changed!"

Fei Yanggu is the patriarch of the Eight Banners, the owner of one banner, the leader of the imperial court, a real important official of the court, with grand prestige.

Even to a certain extent, the four ministers of Gu Ming were introduced by Shunzhi to balance the group of people represented by Fei Yanggu.

However, all these years, Fei Yanggu has always lived in seclusion, so he appears to be very low-key.

However, when he really stood up and opposed something with a clear attitude.

There is a high probability that this matter will not be done!

This is the prestige and strength of the owner of one banner under the Eight Banners system.

After Fei Yang's ancient words fell, Aixinjueluo Jieshu, the grandson of Daishan, the leader of Manzhouzhenghong Banner, also stood up to express his support.

Afterwards, the flag owners of each flag also expressed their views one after another.

Now, with the strength of the two yellow flags, the owners of other flags are subconsciously grouping together.

In many things, they have the same attitude and advance and retreat together!

Not that they are going to rebel.

It's just to keep the power in my hands, and I don't want to completely become a vassal of the imperial power.

Seeing so many people objecting, Bumbutai, who was a little moved, couldn't help frowning.

Had the idea to kill this idea!

However, this idea just appeared before it was stifled by Bumbutai.

What about trouble? !
The more these people objected, the more she had to insist.

Now the young master of the Qing Dynasty is facing the court and cannot take charge.

It was the time when the imperial power was at its weakest!
And every move of Bumbutai, the empress dowager who listened to politics behind the curtain, represented the imperial power of the Qing Dynasty.

She must not back down in the slightest!
Otherwise, it will give the other party a hint that they can make progress.

This is partisanship!
Unlike politics, there are no concessions, no compromises.

Only the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind!
There are many things that I know are right, but as long as the other party agrees, I have to oppose it.

"What kind of ancestral system is it to shave your hair and change your clothes?"

"Trouble Fei Yanggu, tell Aijia that this ancestral system of shaving hair and making clothes easy to wear is a decree promulgated by my late emperor of the Qing Dynasty?"

Bumbutai refuted with reason and evidence.

Who issued the decree to shave hair and change clothes?
It's Dorgon!
Who is Dorgon?
She is Bumbutai's old lover, the owner of the Zhengbai Banner, and... Shunzhi's father and regent!
Many identities!

But it is not the emperor!
If it is not a decree issued by the emperor, can it be called the ancestral system?
(End of this chapter)

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