Chapter 477 Assassination

Seeing the arrogant attitude of those imperial doctors, Huang MaGua felt that what they said might be true.

He didn't dare to continue to hinder him.

You can only choose to bring someone to follow, as a warning.

Thus, such a strange scene appeared in the Qing court's ban in the middle of the night.

There was a group of imperial doctors in front, trotting all the way to Qianqing Palace.

Not far behind these imperial doctors, a group of imperial guards followed closely, but these imperial guards did not draw their swords.

In the eyes of Huang MaGua and his group, this is closely following surveillance.

But in the eyes of others, that is accompanying protection.

A group of people passed several guard posts, but the guards at the guard posts saw Wu Tong and his party followed by yellow jackets.

No one came forward to ask questions without winking!
Wu Tong kept walking, looking at the Qianqing Palace lying on the ground like a giant beast in the dark night not far away, the expression on his face was rather complicated.

He thought that he had to force his way in, that he had to fight through the siege to reach the Qianqing Palace.

Unexpectedly, things can be so simple!
It is said that my palace ban in Ming Dynasty is as leaky as a sieve. It seems that my palace ban in Qing Dynasty is not so good now!
Wu Tong cryptically made a gesture to his subordinates, and everyone nodded to express their understanding.

The next moment, Wu Tong staggered and fell to the ground with a thud.

Several imperial guards who followed hurriedly stepped forward to check, and the leader in the yellow mantle asked.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with this?"

Wu Tong's subordinates also surrounded themselves, surrounded several guards, and quietly took out a dagger from his arms.

Huang MaGua didn't notice this, so he stepped forward and turned Wu Tong who was lying on the ground so that he was face up.

I was going to check why the imperial doctor suddenly fell down.

At this moment, there was a pop!
A dagger pierced the heart of this Huang MaGua. Huang MaGua felt that the Zhou family's strength was drained instantly, and the look in his eyes quickly disappeared.

Opening his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, he fell heavily on Wu Tong's body!

Seeing this scene, the remaining guards roared angrily and drew their swords.

However, before the knife was pulled out, and even the screams were just issued, they were wiped on the neck by the sharp dagger.


The flesh and blood vessels on the neck were all severed, and the main artery was cut open.

Blood is sprayed like money is not needed!

Wu Tong pushed away the corpse in the yellow jacket that was pressing on him, got up from the ground, nodded and ordered.

"All make up!"

"Then hide the body."


Everyone clasped their fists together, but they didn't speak and kept quiet.

After disposing of the corpses of the guards, the group continued to go to Qianqing Palace.

The atmosphere in the air is gradually depressing!

Everyone, including Wu Tong, knew that if he went, there was a high probability that he would leave his life in the palace.

But no one is timid, or wants to run away!
It's just that the atmosphere is depressing.

Seeing this scene, Wu Tong looked around, and then spoke in relief.

"Be more happy!"

"We all came voluntarily, but no one forced us to do anything."

"After this task is completed, everyone will enter the Hall of Valor."

"Parents, wives and children are supported by the imperial court, and all the children in the family can go to the schools run by the imperial court to read and write."

"From now on, we, Qiuba, can also enjoy the same standard of incense sacrifices offered by the imperial court to worship the ancestors of heaven and earth. Glory to our ancestors!"


When everyone heard this, the atmosphere instantly became a little higher.

After all, who can resist the temptation to be C on the family tree? !

As they got closer and closer to the Qianqing Palace, the guards gradually became stricter.

A eunuch, maid of honor, or imperial guards stood all over the royal road.

Seeing a group of imperial doctors trotting towards him, several imperial guards stepped forward to interrogate them.

Wu Tong knew that he couldn't hide anymore, so he shouted loudly.


While speaking, he took out the hand crossbow from the medicine box on his back.

Pull, load, and pull the trigger, all in one motion.

In an instant, a guard with a knife was pierced through the throat by an arrow and fell to the ground.

More than a dozen Jinyiwei masters act together!

While firing arrows, they rushed forward to Qianqing Palace.

This scene finally alarmed the guards of Qianqing Palace.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"There are assassins!"



Amid the shouts one after another, there was chaos inside and outside the Qianqing Palace.

But the dozen or so Jinyiwei masters were still rushing forward, the bows and crossbows in their hands were firing continuously, and the arrows were flying.


The imperial guards quickly surrounded and killed them, wanting to wipe out these assassins.

The bright knife light flickered!
However, what greeted these imperial guards next was lit grenades one after another.

In the rumbling explosion!

Countless limbs and broken arms were flying everywhere, and blood was sprayed everywhere.

The smell of gunpowder smoke!
Groups of flames exploded.

The movement almost alarmed the entire palace.

The imperial guards who rushed up were stunned by the grenade, and the masters of Jin Yiwei quickly broke out.

In the next moment, the teams split!
Wu Tong led a few people to continue to fight towards the Qianqing Palace, and the rest were going to stop the guards on the spot.

The maids and servants outside the Qianqing palace rushed away!

Facing the ferocious Jinyiwei masters, most of these palace maids turned around and ran away.

Those who were a little more loyal ran towards the Qianqing Palace, ready to be escorted.

Some court ladies and eunuchs warned loudly!

"Help, the assassin is coming!"

"Protect the emperor, protect the empress dowager!"



Bumbutai fell asleep with his grandson in his arms!
Kangxi was already asleep, with a sweet smile on his face.

Bumbutai gently hugged his grandson and fell asleep.

It is clearly summer now, but the air is not hot at all, instead it is cool like an air-conditioned room.

The maid under the bed fanned the two of them, and the gentle wind blew across the ice basin, bringing wisps of cool breeze and taking away the heat in the air.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside, followed by bursts of explosions one after another.

The rumbling explosion woke up both Bumbutai and Kangxi!
The young Kangxi was startled by the sudden loud noise, his face was full of confusion.

Bumbutai didn't panic, but asked quickly.

"What happened outside?"

A plate of maids and servants all expressed their ignorance.

At this moment, a dusty servant rushed into the Qianqing Palace and shouted loudly.


"There are assassins coming towards Qianqing Palace!"

"Hurry up and protect the emperor and empress dowager to evacuate!"


Bumbutai got up and got out of bed, picked up Kangxi who was obviously still in a state of shock, and walked towards the apse surrounded by a group of people.

Regardless of whether there are real assassins outside or not, just to be on the safe side, she'd better take Kangxi to avoid him.

Just when a group of people were about to retreat into the apse, there was a loud bang.

The gate of Qianqing Palace was blasted open by a grenade, and several servants who were blocking the gate were instantly blown out and fell to the ground.

Turned into a broken corpse!
Blood dripped from the wound, and the exposed skin was scorched black.

Wu Tong took the lead in entering the Qianqing Palace, but Bumbutai had already hugged Kangxi and fled to the apse.

A group of people continue to chase!

Behind them, the comrade-in-arms Pao Ze who was left behind to block the attack had almost all died.

He was overwhelmed by the imperial guards who came for reinforcements continuously, and his corpse was cut into pieces by random knives and chopped into a pulp.

After the imperial guards dealt with the Jin Yiwei blocking the way, they continued to chase Wu Tong and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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