Zhu Hongyu nodded slightly as a response.

He pondered in his heart, Oboi leads the army himself, can Wu Sangui hold it?

Wu Sangui won't be flattened by a wave, right?

Zhu Hongyu had no doubts about Wu Sangui's military capabilities and the combat effectiveness of the Guan Ning Army.

But, Wu Sangui is a well-known terminal phobia patient!

If Wu Sangui knew that it was Oboi who personally took command to beat him up this time, it would not be impossible to just leave Guanzhong and flee back to Sichuan.

Old Wu himself was scared, how many people in Guan Ning's army can raise their fighting spirit?
The general is the courage of the soldiers. If the generals are timid, then there is no need to fight this battle!
"Closely observe and monitor the battle situation in the north, if there is any change, report at any time!"

Zhu Hongyu narrowed his eyes, and gave orders.

He was worried that if the war situation on Wu Sangui's side collapsed, it would affect the situation in Jiangnan.

He has to plan ahead!

Zhou Tianxu clasped his fists in agreement, and then withdrew.


Zhu Hongyu strode into the back house of Qian's mansion, and saw several researchers from the research institute busy around.

Install the generator, wire the wires, install light sockets on the walls, and get ready to install the light bulbs!
Li Lingxiu walked up to Zhu Hongyu with the child in her arms, and asked with a curious expression on her face.

"Your Highness, what are you doing?"

Zhu Hongyu said with a smile.

"Installing the lights!"

Li Lingxiu blinked and said in surprise.

"Electric light? Is it the research project of the institute?"

Before, the Institute had been placed in Luzon by Zhu Hongyu!
Li Lingxiu is also in Luzon!

As Zhu Hongyu's queen, she has very high authority.

A lot of seemingly confidential information will not be hidden from her.

She also knows something about the research project on electric lights.

Now that he finally saw the real thing, Li Lingxiu was really curious.

"Your Highness, can this electric light really make the room as bright as day at night?"

Zhu Hongyu said with a smile.

"Isn't it, won't we see the outcome later?"

Li Lingxiu said with a smile.

"If the electric light can really make the night as bright as the day, I won't have to worry so much when I study at night!"

Li Lingxiu was in Luzon, and Zhu Hongyu was not with her for a long time.

In the evening, to pass the time, she had the habit of reading, but now seeing the electric light, she couldn't help but say.

Zhu Hongyu also nodded and said.

"That's right, with electric lights, the efficiency can be faster when reading memorials at lonely nights!"

Zhu Hongyu's government affairs are too busy. In order to finish the government affairs every day, he hardly sleeps before twelve o'clock.

After staying up all night, Zhu Hongyu's eyes really couldn't bear it.

After all, even whale oil candles are not very bright, and it is really uncomfortable to deal with government affairs at night.

Now that electric lights are available, Zhu Hongyu is still very happy.

Li Qiuyue on the side also said with a smile.

"Although government affairs are important, Your Highness should also pay attention to rest!"

"Da Ming's country and country are all on His Highness's shoulders, and His Highness's body is the most important thing for my Ming!"

Zhu Hongyu just said with a smile. …

"At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the solitary supervision of the country cannot be relaxed!"

"The current solitary is not qualified to relax and rest!"

Not far away, Qian Yuwan came over with the arms of the pregnant Zheng Xuan,

The two asked Yanyan with a smile.

"Your Highness, what are you doing?"

Qian Qianyi and Zheng Chenggong have a very good relationship, Zheng Xuan and Qian Yuwan will naturally hug each other in Zhu Hongyu's harem, this is a normal thing.

The two hadn't been in contact for a long time, and they became so-called girlfriends.

With a smile on his face, Zhu Hongyu spoke.

"Install the lights!"

"It's more troublesome to explain. Let's see the results after dark tonight!"

Zhu Hongyu was going to invite people to come and see the effect of the light tonight, so he ordered casually.

"Let's prepare a dinner party and invite North Korean, Chinese and military officials to attend!"

Although Zhu Hongyu wanted to advertise the lamp, he would not condescend to invite a large group of merchants and landlords to a dinner party.

But it is possible for him to invite the civil and military dignitaries of the Ming Dynasty to the dinner party!
Then use the influence of civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty to advertise for electric lights, and the effect will not be bad.

To put it simply, Zhu Hongyu is planning to make electric lights as a luxury!

He will use various means to maintain the quality of the lamp, and then let those target users voluntarily pay for it.

For luxury goods, style is more important than the quality and value of the item itself.

If he wanted to sell the lamp at a price, he had to maintain a reasonable price.

That night, the electric light that appeared in front of the public for the first time shocked everyone.

Zheng Chenggong looked at the light bulb on the roof, felt his eyes hurt by the light, and said in disbelief.

"This... How can this light be so bright?"

Qian Qianyi on the side also exclaimed.

"Bright as day, really bright as day!"

"If I read at night when I was young, I could still have this light, and I'm afraid my eyes wouldn't be burnt out."

Qian Qianyi's eyes have some small problems, although it doesn't affect his life, but whether it is uncomfortable or not, only he knows.

Li Guangyuan couldn't help asking.

"Your Highness, is this the lamp studied by the research institute?"

He also knew something about electric lights, but he didn't expect that electric lights could be so bright.

Zhu Hongyu nodded slightly and spoke.

"Well, that's it!"

The rest felt that the lights were too bright, but Zhu Hongyu didn't feel anything.

He has seen many kinds of energy-saving lamps and LEDs in later generations, and now looking at the original tungsten lamps, he is really not surprised.

It's just average!
To be honest, he didn't think it was very bright.

During the entire banquet, almost everyone opened their mouths wide open, staring blankly at the light bulb suspended above their heads by wires.

"It's as bright as the day, it's like the sun!"

"It's too bright, too bright!"

"If this lamp can be popularized, it will be a blessing to my students all over the world!"


Everyone was excited, especially the civil servants.

Many of them have gone to the single-plank bridge for the imperial examination, which is quite a volume.

Reading until late at night is normal operation!

Many people's eyes are broken at night.

Now, when they see such an artifact of lighting as an electric light, how can they not feel emotional in their hearts.

Although many of them can no longer use it now, their children and grandchildren are still preparing for the imperial examination.

How could they not be interested in electric lights?
Finally, someone couldn't help standing up and asking.

"Your Highness, what should I do if I want to install electric lights?"

Zhu Hongyu smiled slightly and spoke.

"The production capacity of electric lights is limited, and the imperial court will give priority to supplying them to the official office for installation."

"Wait until the official installation is finished, then it's the private installation's turn!"

"But you also need to line up!"

"For the specific content, you can consult with the relevant personnel of the research institute!"

Zhu Hongyu's idea is that whoever gives the most money will be given priority to install!

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