Wang Ruxian clasped his fists in response, and then asked again.

"Your Highness, what if there is a jade plate and genealogy that can prove the identity of your clan?"

"How should these people be dealt with?"

Zhu Hongyu pondered for a while, then spoke.

"Let's follow the original rules and divide the fields for them, and let them farm for self-reliance!"

"Twenty acres per person, let's divide the land around Xiaoling!"

"Let these clan sons guard the mausoleum of Emperor Taizu!"

"By the way, the Xiaoling Mausoleum is a very important place. No one is allowed to enter. Without my order, no one is allowed to enter and leave at will. Can you understand what I mean?"

Although Zhu Hongyu was very annoying to these people, but for the sake of his own reputation, he really couldn't ignore them.

But, as the emperor, Zhu Hongyu wanted to teach these downcast clans a lesson, that was very simple.

He can use any means at will to make these people unable to eat!
For example, now, Zhu Hongyu gave them land near Xiaoling, and asked them to farm the land to make a living.

On the back foot, he ordered Xiaoling to be heavily grounded, and no one was allowed to come in and out at will.

On the surface, Zhu Hongyu is taking care of these poor relatives, no one can tell the slightest mistake!
After all, Xiaoling can be a treasure land of geomantic omen, let them farm and live near the treasure land of geomantic omen, who can tell the slightest mistake?

But in fact, what Zhu Hongyu did was no different from imprisoning them all in Xiaoling.

This is Zhu Hongyu's method!

Who dares to disgust him, revenge never happens overnight!

The corner of Wang Ruxian's mouth twitched, and he could only praise His Majesty as he was before.

This method is absolutely perfect.

After saying all this, he cupped his fists and retreated, and went to do things according to Zhu Hongyu's orders.


The palace test went on for a whole day!

It starts in the morning and doesn't end until nightfall.

The students just handed in the papers and left the dilapidated but majestic palace behind them.

Afterwards, a large stack of papers was sent to Zhu Hongyu, who was reviewed by Zhu Hongyu himself.

Zhu Hongyu flipped through the examination papers with a relaxed expression on his face, and the smile on the corner of his mouth showed that he was very satisfied with the students' answer papers.

These answer sheets are basically all vernacular, with paragraphs and sentence readings also marked out.

Although most people use traditional Chinese characters, the fonts are very correct and standard.

It looks very pleasing to the eye!
Obviously, these students have inherited the traditional artistic skills of Confucian students, and they know that they should do what they like to the ruler.

Can't be tough!
Suddenly Zhu Hongyu's eyes lit up, and he was amazed by the answer sheet in his hand. ..
Regarding the three policy questions in the palace examination, Zhu Hongyu gave answers that made Zhu Hongyu's eyes shine.

The first is to count down the reasons for the difficulty of applying for Jiajia.

In his words, he believed that the main reason for the Jiashen disaster was the financial collapse of the Ming court.

From the financial problems of the imperial court to the clan problems, to the tax problems of the Ming Dynasty, and to the land annexation.

Straight to the root!

In his view, if the imperial court has ample finances, there will be enough money and food to help the localities. Even if there is a natural disaster, the local refugees will not cause chaos and the vagrants will not be cured.

There is enough money and food to make up for the frontier army's owed wages to ensure the combat effectiveness of the army, and it is also possible for the owed frontier army to join the bandits and ask the imperial court for salary.

With enough money and food, the imperial court would not abolish the post station, making it impossible to convey official documents from top to bottom, and causing local civil unrest to escalate.

The problems at the end of the Ming Dynasty, to put it bluntly, are ultimately financial problems!

As for other things, they are just minor issues.

The collapse of Daming's finances was ultimately due to land mergers.

Most of the land was concentrated and annexed in the hands of a few people, such as vassal kings, nobles, and big gentry.

As we all know, these people do not pay taxes!

And for the court to function normally, someone has to pay taxes!

The homesteaders were forced to take on the annexed land

Taxes that were originally required to be paid.

These forced to pay taxes have caused a large number of self-cultivated farmers who could barely be self-sufficient to go bankrupt.

In order to survive, these bankrupt self-cultivating farmers also began to package and sell themselves and their land to landlords and gentry, and happily became tenants.

Under the vicious circle, fewer and fewer people need to pay taxes, but taxes are increasing year by year due to the levy of three rates.

There will only be more and more bankrupt yeoman!

A snowball effect has formed!

It eventually led to the financial collapse of Daming!

So much so that the difficulty of Jiashen broke out!
What Zhu Hongyu admired most about him was that he dared to raise the issue of land annexation.

Instead of just staying on the surface of clan issues, official corruption, party struggles, etc. like everyone else.

After reading the theory of the first question, Zhu Hongyu turned to the second question.

Count down the many disadvantages of party struggle.

Although his answer to this question is also in place, it is somewhat satisfactory.

I just briefly talked about the disadvantages of party struggle, including opposing because of opposition, only caring about party struggle and ignoring work, putting party struggle ahead of everything, etc...

But they were all clichés and did not catch Zhu Hongyu's eyes!

But this is enough, at least Zhu Hongyu can't find fault.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hongyu opened the answer sheet for the third policy theory.

Discuss the next development direction of Ming Dynasty.

This person's answer also caught Zhu Hongyu's eyes.

In addition to his proposal to enter the grasslands, develop Liaodong, and open up the Western Regions.

It is also proposed that Ming Dynasty should also focus its development on the ocean, with equal emphasis on land and sea.

What's more, he also proposed that Ming Dynasty should abolish the sea ban and encourage the development of industry and commerce.

These arguments of his are in line with Zhu Hongyu's wishes.

After reading his theory, Zhu Hongyu casually put the answer sheet aside to distinguish it from others'.

If there is no accident, this person will be the number one scholar in this imperial examination in Daming!
The following answer sheets gave Zhu Hongyu the feeling that they were quite satisfactory, nothing too outstanding, but there was nothing really unsightly.

But occasionally there are one or two people whose answer sheets can make Zhu Hongyu's eyes shine.

After reviewing all the examination papers, Zhu Hongyu was most satisfied with the one at the beginning.

Uncovering the vague name, Zhu Hongyu saw a very familiar name - Fang Yizhi!


As one of the famous four princes in the late Ming Dynasty, Fang Yizhi's first half of his life was smooth sailing.

Clothes are thick and thin, decorated with Zou riding, Ming Jia stacked blowing, very leisurely and elegant!
It can be said that he is the son of a wealthy family, and he has enjoyed half his life's glory and wealth.

It must be much more comfortable than that unlucky Chongzhen!
Relying on the shadow of his ancestors, he successfully sneaked into the court and became an official.

Knowing that the Jiashen national disaster happened, he was forced to escape along with a large number of officials, and his life changed drastically.

All the original wealth and glory disappeared, and all that was left was tossing and falling and wind and rain!
When the Qing army went south, he traveled to Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi, insisting on resisting the Qing.

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