The Resurrection of the South Seas of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 705 Cutting off the Haihe River

Chapter 705 Cutting off the Haihe River
Attack after attack, the Ming army's bravery, well-trained, well-equipped and other advantages are fully revealed.

The Ming army's offensive was so fierce that the Qing army in front of them was almost at a loss!

They have never faced such an enemy before!

It is terrible!

The fierce artillery fire, sharp bayonets, and piercing charge horns almost broke down the emotions of the Qing defenders at Dagukou.

It will almost become a nightmare for all Qing troops!

Wu Ming put down the binoculars in his hand, his face was full of joy.

"According to the current trend, at the most tomorrow, I, Ming, will be able to win the Dagu Port, and the fleet will sail into the Haihe River and approach Tianjin City!"

The lieutenant beside him nodded and said.

"Yes, General!"

"This Jian slave is really vulnerable!"

Wu Ming nodded and said.

"Ha ha!"

"It's not because Jiannu is vulnerable, it's because my Master Daming is too strong."

When he said this, a trace of pride visible to the naked eye flashed across Wu Ming's face.

He, Wu Ming, can also be regarded as Zhu Hongyu's old minister from Yuan Cong. He has been in the army since the establishment of the Restoration Army.

After all these years, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he watched the Ming army grow little by little until it became the behemoth it is today.

Now that the Ming army has become so powerful, it is needless to say that they are proud.


In Tianjin City!

The man in charge of the war in Tianjin was Ming Fu, a heavy general of the Qing court.

The Eight Banners were born, but not the Eight Banners of Manchuria, but the Eight Banners of Mongolia.

But his loyalty to the Manchu Qing was not less than that of the Eight Banners of Manchuria, and it was completely different from the second-five sons like Wu Tuo who surrendered to Ming Dynasty.

Ming Fu was born in the Horqin tribe, and his family had been married to the Manchu and Qing royal families for generations.

His mother was the imperial concubine of Shunzhi, and one of his younger sisters also married Kangxi as his concubine.

In other words, he is Man Qing's diehard!

That's why Obai appointed him to be in charge of Tianjin's defense.

As for why Oboi appointed Zhao Liangdong to be in charge of Baoding, it was entirely because Zhao Liangdong was so good at licking.

Zhao Liangdong licked Aobai very comfortably, and Aobai naturally regarded Zhao Liangdong as his confidant.

Even when Aobai was beaten to death, Zhao Liangdong was a damn good Zhongliang!
Ming Fu looked at the number of casualties reported from the direction of Dagukou, and the expression on his face kept changing.

That shocking number made Ming Fu feel his head buzzing!
"That's horrible!"

"The casualties are too miserable!"

"Isn't Dagukou equipped with fortifications? How could the number of casualties in my Qing Dynasty be so large?"

How long is this!
In less than a day, the number of casualties of the Qing army exceeded [-], and it was running to [-]!

If the Ming army continues to attack with such an offensive intensity for a few more days, the defenders in Tianjin will probably die!
"Master, why don't our army shrink the line of defense from the direction of Dagukou!"

Captain Ghoshha, Mingfu's personal soldier, suggested.

"The mouth of Dagu is close to the sea, and the attack of the Ming army is covered by naval guns. My artillery from the Qing Dynasty is no match for the naval guns of the Ming army. Naturally, we will suffer a disadvantage in fighting the Ming army at the mouth of Dagu."

"However, if the Qing Dynasty shrinks its defenses and withdraws to the vicinity of Tianjin to fight the Ming army, the Ming army will lose the firepower of the naval guns, and its combat power will definitely be greatly reduced."

"At that time, it will be time for my army to counterattack!"

Hearing this, Ming Fu got up from his seat amidst the faintly audible sound of gunfire, walked to the map money hanging in his room,
Looking at the topographic map of Tianjin on the wall, Ming Fu frowned and asked.

"What will happen if the Ming army fleet comes to the city of Tianjin along the Haihe River?"

Mingfu pointed his finger at the Haihe River, with a dignified expression on his face.

The flow of the Haihe River is not low, and its river surface is wide enough to accommodate sailing battleships of the Ming army.

If the Ming army sailed the warship outside the city of Tianjin, then the method mentioned by this Goshha would not be feasible.

The truly powerful artillery power of the Ming army is their naval guns!

The personal soldier Ghoshha gritted his teeth and said.

"Master, my Qing Dynasty can sink a ship and block the channel of the Haihe River, or set up dams in the Haihe River, and set up iron locks to block the river!"

"This is all possible!"

"As long as you can stop the Ming army fleet from entering the Haihe River, there is nothing you can't do!"

This meant that it was too late for the Qing army to prepare in advance, otherwise, he would have suggested that Mingfu build a dam to hold back the water, artificially drying up the downstream of the Haihe River.

Ming Fu nodded and said.

"Okay, I'll leave this up to you!"

"After your side has finished blocking the Haihe River, the master will order the direction of Dagukou and tell them to withdraw their troops!"

This Geshha Daqianer responded with a chirp and retreated to prepare for work.


Zhu Hongyu did not stay in Baoding for long.

In Baoding City, on the one hand, he met the big gentry families in Baoding City, gave them some comfort, and accepted the silver donated by these big gentry families to Daming.

On the one hand, the order finalized the disposal of the surrendered Qing army and dispersed them.

First of all, according to the head, each person was paid one month's arrears to stabilize the morale of the army.

Then, the Qing army that surrendered was screened, and those who were willing to continue joining the army were dispersed and reorganized, and then trained.

Those who do not want to continue to join the army will be paid travel expenses and sent back home!

If they are homeless, the imperial court will arrange them in a centralized manner, and let them concentrate on farming or arrange work.

Even if these people don't want to continue to serve as soldiers, they are still good strong laborers!
There are so many places to put them!

In addition, it is to finalize the arrangement of the generals who surrendered.

Those who were unwilling to continue to lead the army, Zhu Hongyu rewarded them with a lot of gold, silver and land, and gave them a place to recommend their own reserve to the Jiangwutang Military Academy.

Those who are willing to continue to lead the army, including Zhao Liangdong, need to enter the Daming Royal Lecture Hall Military Academy for further studies!
Of course, Zhu Hongyu will not be stingy about the rewards that should be given to these people, such as gold, silver and land.

Politics is about making fewer enemies and making more of one's own people.

For those who are willing to rely on themselves, when it is time to be generous, they must not be stingy.

After dealing with these matters, Zhu Hongyu led his troops to continue northward and headed for the capital.

The mighty Ming army marched along the canal, and the surface of the canal was almost blocked!
Although the Qing army did not dare to confront the Ming army in field battles and blocked the Ming army by head-to-head methods, they still had the courage to make trouble for the Ming army on the canal.

The Qing army frequently sent manpower to make a fuss on the canal!

Either send people to sink ships to block the river, or send people to blow up the embankment of the canal, or do something on the dam of the canal to reduce the water flow of the canal, so as to slow down the marching speed of the Ming army.

The method was despicable, but Zhu Hongyu had to admit that the Qing army's move was effective.

Under the various small methods of the Qing army, the marching speed of the Ming army was indeed much slower!
Zhu Hongyu looked at the report in hand, couldn't help frowning, and asked.

"Jiannu is despicable, knowing that the field battle is no match for my Ming Dynasty, so he made a fuss on the canal to hinder my Ming Dynasty's advance!"

"It has caused a lot of trouble to my army!"

"Is there any good way for you guys to do this?"

(End of this chapter)

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