The Resurrection of the South Seas of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 765 Eggs cannot be placed in the same basket

Chapter 765 Eggs Cannot Be Put In The Same Basket

More importantly, the population is the labor force. If people go to school, they will definitely not be able to work in the fields.

The old man of the Li family didn't want his granddaughter to go to school, and his reluctance to bear such a labor is also an important reason!
Hearing this, Li Shengli also wavered in his mind that he wanted his daughter to go to school too.

However, when he turned his head and saw his daughter's pitiful eyes that looked like a frightened deer, the pity that belonged to an old father for his daughter surged up instantly.

he gritted his teeth.

"Father, I will go out to work in the next year, and I will find a way to spend the money Yaya spends on studying!"

Li Shengli's father couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

"You go out to work? If you go out to work, what will happen to the farm at home?"

After the Ming Dynasty fought back to the south of the Yangtze River and regained Nanjing, many landlords and gentry who were biased towards the Manchu Qing were liquidated.

It also confiscated a large number of banner fields occupied by the rich and powerful in the Manchu and Qing Dynasties.

Then there was a redistribution of wealth!

Many poor families were divided into fields.

Although the land is not their own for the time being, it is not a big problem. As long as the court pays an additional rent while paying taxes, and pays the rent for several years in a row, the land will be their own.

Therefore, the Li family now has a lot of fields.

The whole family went to farm, and it was very difficult to finish it.

If the two grandsons and one granddaughter go to school, and Li Shengli goes out to work, then part of their family's fields will be abandoned.

Li Shengli sipped his porridge, then spoke.

"Land that can't be planted, if it doesn't work, rent it out, let's learn from the landlord and collect rent!"

"Last winter, I worked part-time with the imperial court's construction team to repair the railway for the imperial court in Zhenjiang. During the road construction process, I learned some skills from those master craftsmen."

"Our foreman has news that the imperial court plans to build a railway along the canal, and he plans to organize a construction team to work for the imperial court."

"He invited me to join, and offered a monthly salary of five silver dollars!"

"I want to try it!"

Li Shengli didn't say a word. It may be safe to be tied to the land for a lifetime, but there is no future.

To live a lifetime of exhaustion, that is, to take care of food and clothing, and can't save much money!

Go out to work but earn more!
Anyway, he has this craft, why not give it a try?

Anyway, the worst is the worst, and it is just to come back and continue farming.

Hearing this, Li Shengli's father asked with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Really? Five silver dollars?"

Li Shengli nodded and said.

"Our foreman's elder brother is very rich and has a background in the court. He is going to set up a company specializing in railway construction. My foreman has been recruiting people recently, especially experienced workers. He wants as much as he can."

"Even inexperienced workers are needed..."


The current Daming adopts a supportive attitude towards the entrepreneurship of the common people.

Especially for those small and micro enterprises that have just been established, Daming has real tax policy incentives.

Because Zhu Hongyu knew that if he wanted Daming to run into the capitalist society, then relying on the power of the court alone would not be enough.

All forces at all levels of society must be mobilized!

When Li Shengli's father heard the words, he no longer objected, but still insisted.

"Forget it, I'm old, I can't control you young people anymore!"

"Go for whatever you want!"


Well, he has also thought about the addiction of the landlord master sitting and collecting rent!


The third year of the Ming Dynasty, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month!
Tagawa Qizaemon stuck to the end of this year's festival and led the team to Daming.

The fleet of Tian Chuan's family landed in Shanghai, and then turned from water to land and took people to Nanjing, planning to pay a visit to Zheng Chenggong, his brother.

On this day, Zheng Chenggong was studying in his study, a housekeeper trotted all the way to the outside of Zheng Chenggong's study, knocked on the door, and said.

"My lord, we have a visitor!"

Zheng Chenggong raised his head and frowned.

"who is it?"

It's New Year's Eve, it's normal for someone to visit him.

However, Zheng Chenggong refused most people's visits out of a low profile. At most, he left things behind and people could go to the concierge for a cup of tea.

Because now Zheng Chenggong is too conspicuous in the court, if he doesn't want to arouse the emperor's suspicion, it's better to keep a low profile.

Hearing that someone was visiting, Zheng Chenggong didn't want to meet him very much.

However, the housekeeper who came to report said with joy on his face.

"Reporting to my lord, Mr. Tagawa from Japan's Tagawa family is visiting!"

"Now the person is outside the gate of the mansion, waiting for your reception!"

When Zheng Chenggong heard the words, a look of astonishment was evident on his face, followed by ecstasy.

Zheng Chenggong put down the book in his hand, strode out, and spoke while walking.

"Quick, quick! Take me to see him!"

Zheng Chenggong and Tagawa Qizaemon have not seen each other for some years, but the relationship between the two brothers is also true.

When Zheng Chenggong was young, he lived with his mother Tagawa in Japan. At that time, Tagawa Qizaemon was also there.

It was only when Zheng Chenggong grew up a little that Zheng Zhilong brought their mother and son back to him.

And Tagawa Qizaemon was adopted to the Tagawa family as his stepson, and then inherited the Tagawa family's foundation in Japan.

Later, although the two brothers of the first-milk compatriots rarely met, they kept writing letters.

In the years of fighting against the Qing Dynasty, the trade between the Zheng family and Japan was the main source of finance for the Zheng family. In this process, the Tagawa family also contributed.

Now, Zheng Chenggong is naturally delighted to hear Tagawa Qizaemon's visit all of a sudden.

Even, regardless of the thin clothes on his body, he wanted to take the initiative to go out to meet Tagawa Qizaemon.

Outside Yanping Prince's Mansion, Tagawa Shichizaemon handed the invitation to the porter, and then stood there and waited.

He didn't make him wait long, when he saw the door of Yanping Palace opened wide, and his brother Zheng Chenggong came out quickly.

"Ta Chuan, long time no see, how are you doing? How are you doing?"

Zheng Chenggong couldn't help asking.

Tagawa Shichizaemon also cupped his fists and said.

"I've seen my brother!"

After all, the two brothers hugged each other, very emotional.

Zheng Chenggong said in a hurry.

"Come on, follow me into the palace, we brothers haven't seen each other for a long time, today we must not get drunk..."


Zheng Chenggong took Tagawa Qizaemon through the middle gate of the palace and entered the palace.

Then he immediately ordered someone to prepare a banquet, and the two brothers sat together, hugging, and drank the mellow wine in big gulps.

Sometimes I laughed out loud, sometimes I cried, talking about my experiences over the years.

That night, the drunken brothers fell asleep and slept together.


On the second day, in the study of Yanping Palace!
Zheng Chenggong rubbed his brows, which were a little swollen and sore. This was the sequelae of last night's hangover.

The servants brought sober tea, and Zheng Chenggong and Tagawa Qizaemon each had a cup.

After entering the strong tea, a slightly bitter taste filled the mouth, but it also lifted Zheng Chenggong's spirits.

Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Zheng Chenggong asked Tagawa Shichizaemon about his doorway.

"Ta Chuan, is there anything you want to do when you come to Daming?"

"If you need help, just talk to me!"

Tagawa Shichizaemon is in charge of the Tagawa family, and he is also a busy man. If he didn't have some serious business, he would not have traveled across the ocean to Daming.

From Japan to Daming, if you take the sea route, it will take more than ten days if the wind is smooth!
Back and forth is a month or two gone!

If he had nothing to do, Tagawa Shichizaemon wouldn't waste his time like this.

Hearing this, Tagawa Shichizaemon didn't hold back anymore, and spoke directly.

"Brother, I want to take the imperial examination in Daming next time, and then pass the imperial examination of Daming to become an official!"

Tagawa Qizaemon's eldest son is called Tagawa Heiji.

It was the one who was left by Zhu Zhiyu's side to study by Tagawa Qizaemon.

Hearing this, Zheng Chenggong had a thoughtful look on his face.

After a while, he asked.

"Tachuan, do you want the Tianchuan family to come to Daming to develop in the future?"

Tagawa Shichizaemon also nodded when he heard that.

"Yes brother!"

"The class in Japan is too closed now. Although the Tagawa family is strong, there is no room for further advancement."

When Zheng Chenggong heard the words, he didn't say whether it was okay, but just spoke.

"I can help with taking part in the imperial examination every other time!"

"After the imperial examination is passed, Heiji will be arranged to work in Fujian, and it is not difficult to operate Heiji to be promoted in the future."

"My Zheng family is in Fujian, so I still have some influence!"

Tagawa Shichizaemon heard this, and said in a somewhat excited tone.

"More brothers!"

"When I come back to Daming next time, I will ask him to kowtow to my elder brother to meet my uncle!"

Zheng Chenggong smiled and nodded.

"Although you and I have two surnames, we are brothers of the same father and mother, so there is no need to see each other!"

After saying this, Zheng Chenggong turned around and spoke again.

"However, I don't suggest that the Tianchuan family want to transfer to Daming for development!"

"Now Zheng's status in Daming is too high!"

"I'm a little scared when I'm tall!"

"Every time I think about it, I can't sleep peacefully at night!"

"Although Da Tianzi has a broad mind and sees the world as a tiger, in the future..."

"You can't put all your eggs in one basket!"

Zheng Chenggong said earnestly.

Although Zhu Hongyu's heart is indeed broad-minded now, it is true that he will not kill heroes.

But who can say what will happen in the future?

The current emperor is young and strong, with great achievements in battle, and has enough prestige to overwhelm the world, so naturally he doesn't need to wave a butcher knife to cleanse the heroes.

But in case the new king takes the throne, even Zheng Chenggong has already died before the emperor.

But Zheng's strength lies there, if Zheng's is not cleaned up, will Xinjun be able to sleep at night?
If there is not another Li Dingguo to share the share, then Zheng Chenggong is the only king with a different surname, and that is a dazzling one.

But even so, Zheng Chenggong usually acts as low-key as possible!
I'm afraid that if he is too high-profile, he will bring disaster for himself and for the Zheng family!
Hearing this, Tagawa Shichizaemon showed a thoughtful expression on his face, and finally nodded and said.

"What brother said is right!"

"Brother understands!"

Zheng Chenggong nodded.

"It's good to understand, it's good to understand..."

Of course, Zheng Chenggong didn't want Tian Chuan to come to Daming for development, and there was also a reason why he needed the presence of Tian Chuan to protect Zheng's interests in Japan.


Imperial Palace, Royal Study Room!

Zhu Hongyu closed the memorial, signed it with his seal, and approved the report on the railway construction project along the canal submitted by the Ministry of Construction.

This includes the construction process of the railway, project quotations, and technical parameters, etc.!

From the current point of view, the biggest cost for Daming to build a railway is not manpower or land acquisition, but the rails.

The price of steel in this era is very expensive!
Especially for rails, there are still certain performance requirements, and it is not enough to just cast iron.

Fortunately, now Daming has developed several large iron and steel factories all over the country, and the technology of iron and steel smelting is constantly making breakthroughs.

Even now, the Ming Dynasty has begun to use the alkaline open-hearth steelmaking method that was invented in the [-]th century.

The output and performance of steel have also been greatly improved, and they are rising almost every year.

Otherwise, it will not be able to withstand the cost of repairing the railway.

When the railway was being built, the paving on the ground was made of high-quality iron!

If it were placed in other countries, it would be too late for these iron materials to be used to make weapons. Who would be willing to make such weapons?

With the opening of various large iron and steel plants and the advancement of iron and steel smelting technology, Zhu Hongyu believes that the construction cost of the Daming Railway will only get lower and lower in the future.

"The stock sale of the Canal Shipping Company really solved the big trouble for Daming!"

Zhu Hongyu couldn't help sighing.

If there is no stock sale of the Canal Shipping Company, the construction of the north-south railway along the canal will not be started.

Zhu Hongyu let out a deep breath, at this moment, a young eunuch ran in and delivered a telegram to Zhu Hongyu's desk.

"Your Majesty forwarded the North Korean urgent report from Liaodong!"

As time went by, Daming's telegraph network became more and more perfect.

Even Liaodong, which had just been recovered, was laid with telegraphs.

It may take several days for what happened in North Korea to spread from North Korea to Liaodong, but it only takes half an hour from Liaodong to Nanjing.

This is still due to insufficient technology, telegrams need to be forwarded, otherwise, it will only be faster.

Zhu Hongyu picked up the urgent report on the desk, with a slightly dignified expression on his face.

Nothing will happen to North Korea, right?

Could it be that the fact that Daming ordered Man Qing to do dirty work was exposed?

Thinking about these messy things, Zhu Hongyu picked up the emergency newspaper and opened it.

The beginning of the emergency report is straight to the point!
"The Qing army conquered the Japanese!"

In the third year of the Ming Dynasty, just after the Lunar New Year, the Qing army set out from Busan, headed towards Tsushima Island, and dispatched a vanguard army to conquer the Japanese...

What is even more noteworthy is that this conquest of the Japanese was the personal conquest of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty.

At the same time as the forward army set off, Kangxi had already arrived in Busan with his soldiers and horses.

Just waiting for the forward army to open up the situation, his side will be ready to set off across the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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