Chapter 772

As soon as Tokugawa Yoshiki finished speaking, countless people stood up and expressed their agreement.

Finally, a battle was about to be fought, and the samurai who heard the news all over Japan were already agitated.

Now, it's no longer that Tokugawa Iezuna can stop fighting if he says he doesn't fight!
Seeing this scene, Tokugawa Ietsuna nodded slightly and said.

"What about the opinions of the rest?"

After hearing this, the retainers and officials of the Tokugawa Shogunate stood up and said.

"Your Excellency, General, please send troops to help Zongyi's family and resist the invading Qing invaders!"


Tokugawa Ietsuna got up from his seat, nodded and said.

"Pass down the order, use the general's order, and order the collection of troops under the command of the big names to gather in Edo and prepare for the war!"

As the Tokugawa shogunate ordered preparations for war, each of the daimyos who surrendered to the shogunate began to mobilize their troops.

A large number of weapons such as ganwan, long spears, samurai swords, bows and arrows, and iron cannons were taken out of the arsenal by the daimyos.

While recruiting samurai to prepare for battle, a large number of ashigaru were dispatched!

Faced with the invading Qing invaders, the whole of Japan attaches great importance to it.

For the history of the Qing Dynasty, Japan also has some understanding.

At the end of the Wanli period, the rise of Jiannu, the elite frontier soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who had just beaten their sons in North Korea taught the so-called elites of the Warring States Period in Japan.

In front of the Eight Banners of Manchuria who established slavery, they were beaten badly!

Then, the Qing army leveled the entire Central Plains and replaced the Ming Dynasty.

Today, although the Qing army was beaten by the regained Ming Dynasty, it could no longer hold a foothold in the Central Plains, and even the Manchu Qing's own Longxing land could not be kept.

But the fighting power they displayed during the conquest of North Korea is also quite impressive.

Counting from the time when the army was launched, it took less than half a year for the Qing army to level the entire North Korea like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

After repairing for half a year, they launched an attack on Japan non-stop.

Such a Qing army is undoubtedly terrifying!

Facing such an enemy, the Tokugawa shogunate was quite cautious.

Concentrate superior forces as much as possible, and prepare to fight a battle of prosperity.


Inside Busan Port!

Kangxi also received the battle report from Tsushima Island.

After Hetai and others took Tsushima Island, massacred the city and plundered it for three days, they reorganized their troops and marched towards the Hizen Domain across the sea.

Prepare to open the passage for the main force of the Qing Dynasty to land on the main island of Japan!

At the very least, before the main force of the Qing army sets off, the forwards of the Qing army must first gnaw down the Hizen domain, so that the main force of the Qing army has a place to land.

Kangxi immediately ordered to convene the generals of the Qing army to prepare for the discussion.

One is to discuss the main force of the army to cross the sea, and the other is because Kangxi received the news that the Ming army sent troops from Liaodong to attack North Korea.

In just a few days, the Ming army destroyed and captured several fortified cities one after another by virtue of their powerful artillery power, and the Qing court was shocked from top to bottom!
"Gentlemen, what should I do now?"

Kangxi sat at the top seat, and asked with an anxious expression on his face.

Ye Bilong stood up and said.

"My Majesty, the ships purchased by me from the Qing Dynasty and the merchants from the Ming Dynasty will be in place soon."

"After the ships are in place, our main force of the Qing Dynasty can cross the sea to conquer the Japanese. I believe that the Ming thieves will definitely not pursue them!"

The current attitude of the Ming Dynasty towards the Qing army's crossing of the sea to conquer the Japanese is basically a half-open secret.

Most people in the Qing court knew it well!
It can even be said that the reason why the Manchu Qing chose to cross the sea to conquer the Japanese was entirely a decision made under the influence of the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, Ye Bilong dared to say now that as long as they sent troops across the sea to conquer the Japanese, the Ming army would not pursue them.

Because, without the acquiescence of Ming Dynasty, it would be impossible for the vanguard of the Qing army to cross the Tsushima Strait.

Compared with the navies of the young days, the navies put together by the Qing Dynasty may have a good combat effectiveness.

But compared with the navy of the Ming army, the navy of the Qing court is vulnerable!

If Zhu Hongyu thinks, it is not impossible to beat the Qing army and not be able to go to sea.

Seeing this, Kangxi nodded slightly and said.

"That's good!"

"It's just that I don't know when I will be able to restore the glory of my ancestors after I crossed the sea to conquer the Japanese this time!"

The young Kangxi hadn't yet correctly realized the strength gap between the Manchus and the Ming Dynasty, and he still had wishful thinking in his heart that he wanted to fight back to the Central Plains.

However, the young Kangxi had no compulsion in his heart, and other veteran officials in the court did not think so.

After hearing Kangxi's words, all the veteran officials in the court, including the Queen Mother Borzigit, fell into silence.

Seeing this scene, Kangxi couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and opened his mouth to smooth things over.

"Since that's the case, let's discuss the military strategy for conquering the Japanese!"

"According to the news sent back from the front, Hetai is already trying to land on the mainland of Wa Kingdom and launched an attack on the Hizen Domain."

"However, under the order of the Tokugawa shogunate, the various daimyos in the country of Wa began to gather troops and prepare for reinforcements..."


The dull and powerful sound of war drums resounded throughout the barracks!

After the three drums, teams of Ming army soldiers assembled on the school field.

They stand in arrays according to their respective establishments.

The straight military uniform, the polished leather boots, horizontal and vertical, no matter which direction you look at, they are just the same array of people...

A wave of mighty military prestige is coming!

On a high platform in the camp, a loudspeaker was placed in advance, and a group of military police surrounded a Ming army commander and boarded the high platform.

He glanced around and looked at the faces below, which were dark but energetic.

Tang Aren took a deep breath, and said solemnly.

"Everyone has it, stand at attention!"

"Take a break!"


Tang Aren's voice spread throughout the school grounds through the loudspeaker.

The Ming army in the school grounds moved neatly according to the password and made corresponding movements. The sound of cloth rubbing was very obvious, and there was no confusion in the array.

When everyone's eyes were on Tang Aren, Tang Aren spoke.

"Clarify, the military order of the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies!"

"Order the First Cavalry Regiment under the Third Plateau Combat Division to immediately pack up, head west, advance to the plateau, and use the advantage of the cavalry to move forward to wipe out the plateau tribes near the Daming border..."

"This battle should be to promote kingship, demonstrate the majesty of Ming Dynasty, and rescue the serfs who were wantonly enslaved by noble monks on the plateau as the top priority!"

"If anyone resists, kill them all!"

Following Tang Aren's order, the Third Plateau Combat Division and the First Cavalry Regiment were all ready for the expedition.

A famous soldier quickly packed up his luggage, prepared armor and ordnance, and fed the horses...

The local government also received an order from the imperial court and began to transfer the food and grass needed for the army to operate.

As time went by, teams of elite cavalry began to advance towards the plateau.

Most of these fine cavalry and plateau combat troops of the Ming army attacked based on battalion-level combat sequences.

Because, Da Ming wants to take advantage of the opportunity of sporadic attacks to train the army!
If the number of troops attacking is large, it will not be a sporadic attack, but a strategic decisive battle.

And if the number is small, there is a risk of a stumble!

A battalion of 300 people is the best choice for attacking as a basic unit.

Teams of Ming troops galloped on the plateau led by Tibetan soldiers in the army.

As the cavalry roared, one by one the small tribes near the Daming border were destroyed.

The nobles who resisted were wiped out under the butcher knife of the Ming army, and the remaining serfs were gathered and moved to the Han area for scattered resettlement.

Daming is currently unable to develop the plateau. Instead of investing resources to fight against the natural environment on the plateau, it is better to move the Tibetans on the plateau to the Han land and restore the people's livelihood in Sichuan, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou as soon as possible.


"Battalion Commander, not far ahead is the camp of the Gasang Department."

Tashi, a Tibetan soldier from the Gasang tribe, pointed to a valley not far away, and said with a joyful expression.

He was a Tibetan of serf origin, and was used and squeezed by those nobles and monks as livestock since he was a child.

Even when he was a child, he once saw his mother starve to death, and his father was whipped to death by the dog legs of the nobles.

To say that he has a sense of belonging to his tribe is something that no dog would believe.

Now that the Ming Dynasty is about to send troops to the plateau, these Tibetan soldiers in the Ming army are even more fanatical and excited than the Han soldiers.

Because, for Han soldiers, when the imperial court sent troops to the plateau, they could gain some military merit!
But for Tibetan soldiers, in addition to gaining military merit, they can also avenge the oppression they suffered in the first half of their lives.

Who wouldn't be excited about this?

Especially when leading people to kill their former tribe, these Tibetan soldiers were shaking with excitement.

It is not an exaggeration to say that everyone strives to be the first!

Hearing this, the battalion commander picked up the binoculars and looked at the Gasang camp in the distance.

After a while, he put down the binoculars in his hand and asked.

"Tashi, how many people and troops does the Gasang Department have?"

The soldier Tashi who spoke just now stood up and said.

"If you go back to the battalion commander, the population of the Gasang Department is about 3000, but most of them are serfs."

"As far as the army is concerned, there are only about 300 people. They are the dogs selected by the tribal leaders from the serfs."

"Most of them can ride horses, but their fighting power is incomparable to my Ming cavalry!"

The battalion commander nodded and said.

"Pass down the order, the whole army raids and breaks the enemy!"

With a whistling sound, a battalion of 300 Ming army elite rode their horses to kill the tribe in the distance.

The ground trampled by the hooves of the war horses kept shaking, and the cavalry on horseback drew their lances and scimitars, ready to meet the enemy at any time.

Although the Ming army who attacked the plateau this time did not have any armored cavalry, they all wore armor.

Teams of armored cavalry galloped on the ground, and the sand and gravel on the ground were raised, which was very conspicuous.

The Gasang Department in the distance also noticed the movement here.

The cavalry who was in charge of guarding outside saw the smoke and dust rising from the far end of the earth, and his expression changed suddenly.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"


As the iron cavalry of the Ming army got closer and closer to the camp of the Gasang Department, the rumble of horseshoes continued to sound.

The sun shone on the soldiers of the Ming army, and pieces of polished armor reflected cold light.

The scene of Jiaguang opening to Rijinlin was very vividly displayed in front of many people.

There was a riot in the Gasang tribe. The serfs dropped their farm tools and ran around in a panic.

The tribal leader stood up and wanted to organize an army to fight against the roaring fine cavalry of the Ming army.

But it can't be done at all!

The Ming army's elite cavalry roared forward, and they rammed their horses directly into the camp of the Gasang tribe.

The spear stabbed, the saber fluttered, and the horse passed by. A tribal cavalryman fell off his horse and died tragically.

The tribal cavalry wanted to fight back, but their attacks, no matter whether they were bows and arrows or sabers, could not break through armor.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the battle was declared over!
The leader of the Gasang tribe was beheaded, most of the cavalry under his command were wiped out, and a small part fled the battlefield on horseback.

After all, the Ming army came in a rush, and the physical strength of the horses was exhausted!
After the battle, if it is not repaired, it will be powerless to pursue!
In addition, the cavalry of the Ming army are all well-armored cavalry, while the cavalry of the Gasang tribe has no armor at all.

The horses of the two sides have different loads, so the running speeds are naturally different!
Battalion Commander Le Ma came to the tribal camp, glanced at a group of serfs who were surrounded by fear and fear, and said.

"Tashi, you are in charge of appeasing these serfs!"

"Give them a certain amount of food and let them go in the direction of Handi."

The elite cavalry of the Ming army were scattered on the plateau to conduct sabotage operations.

Try to fight the war potential on the plateau as much as possible in the shortest time before other tribes on the plateau react.

It is impossible to say that every time a tribe is defeated, the serfs who have been rescued must be personally escorted back to Han!

These fine cavalry of the Ming army don't have so much time to waste!

The only thing to do is to distribute some food to these serfs and let them go on their own way.

As for these serfs traveling by themselves, would they encounter danger on the road?
Who knows?
The Ming army came to the plateau to fight, and it would be nice to rescue these serfs by the way, it is impossible to be their nanny.

After finishing off the enemies of this tribe, the Ming army rested on the spot for a long time, recovered their physical strength and horsepower, and then rushed towards the next tribe without stopping.

Teams of Ming army cavalry with the battalion as the unit quickly swept across the plateau tribes near the Han area.

The cavalry galloped and drove, and no one could stop the red Ming army battle flag wherever it went!

The battle flag of the Ming army is flying on the plateau!
Tribes were broken one by one, and the tribal leaders and nobles who were the ruling class were wiped out.

After a large number of serfs were rescued, they migrated to Han!

As the Ming army's offensive continued to advance, the large and powerful tribes on the plateau also reacted and prepared to organize troops to counterattack the invading Ming army.

Teams of plateau cavalry were constantly gathering towards one place. Although those nobles didn't know what happened, why did Ming suddenly attack the plateau?

But in the face of the murderous soldiers of the Ming army, no one would sit still!
(End of this chapter)

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