Chapter 217

A wooden javelin was thrown from the beacon tower ahead.

Niyaha blocked the javelin with his left arm, and then swung the zip line with the iron claws onto the beacon tower with a flick of his right hand. With another pull, the iron claws hooked the parapet of the beacon tower.

After Wa Xing'a was seriously injured, Niyaha temporarily took the post of Ba Ya La Tiao Zhang Jing.

The new official took office three fires, and Niyaha made up his mind to make as many military exploits as possible in this campaign of going south to loot Jiangnan, and completely secure the position of Baga Latuzhangjing.

At that moment, Niyahara took the zip line and stepped on the rammed earth wall to climb up to the beacon tower.

The three Xiangyong guarding the beacon tower became anxious immediately, leaned out from behind the parapet and threw stones down.

However, the other two Yebushuai who were guarding both sides of the beacon tower had been waiting for this for a long time. Even if they drew their bows and set up arrows, they shot two heavy arrows at the brave men on the beacon tower.

A Xiangyong was shot dead on the spot.

The other two Xiangyong saw the opportunity early and quickly retreated.

But after such a delay, Niyaha had already climbed up.

The height of the beacon tower is only more than two feet, and there is no difficulty in climbing it.

Niyaha climbed over the protective wall and jumped into the beacon tower, then took out the saber from his waist, laid it across his chest, and slowly approached the two Xiangyongs who had retreated to the corner.

The two Xiangyongs gritted their teeth and charged forward side by side with their bamboo spears.

This reaction made Niyaha a little surprised, it's just a brave man, how dare he have such courage?
If it were the frontier army of the Ming Dynasty, they would have turned around and fled when they encountered their Ba Yala soldiers, and then they would have been shot and killed by them like they were shooting rabbits on the way to escape.

Even Niyaha changed his mind.

After cutting off the tips of the two bamboo spears with a backhand, Niyaha said again: "Kneel down and beg, I can spare you from death, and I can also accept you as a coat!"

The accent is a bit heavy, but understandable.

The two Xiangyong looked at each other and cursed at the same time.

"Your mother, how can a good man like your grandfather be a barbarian slave!"

While cursing, the two Xiangyong stabbed towards Niyaha's face with pointed bamboo poles.

However, this was not a fair battle at all, Niyaha just tilted his head slightly, two bamboo poles brushed against his face, and with a flick of the saber in his hand, he disemboweled a villager.

In the end, that Xiangyong was finally scared, and jumped off the beacon tower to run away.

But as soon as he landed, a heavy arrow hit him, nailing him to the rammed earth wall of the beacon tower.

The archery Ba Yala soldier stepped forward and pulled the arrow back, and said to Niyaha who was stalking down, "Master Zhang Jing, these Ming dogs are better than those frontier soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, they can be regarded as men."

"Where is all this nonsense coming from? Let's go!"

Niyaha turned over and got on the horse.

The other two Bayalas also got on their horses.

Soon, the three Jian slaves left without taking them overnight.

And behind them, the beacon fire on the beacon tower had already been extinguished.


At this time in Suining County, one of the gun platforms.

Huaxia has gathered the ninety brave men from the gun platform to the gun platform square.

Looking around the team for a week, Huaxia sternly shouted: "Recite the concise terms of the order again!"

"Yes!" Ninety township braves promised loudly, and then began to recite the terms, "Fan Er, only listen to the trumpets and drums; all eyes, only look at the lamps and flags; if the trumpets, drums, lamps and flags don't move, don't move even if the sky falls!"

"If you should enter with the drum beating, you must also enter the mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead!"

"If the assembly call sounds, even the gold and silver mountains ahead will have to retreat!"

After several months of hard training and collective reciting, the townspeople have already memorized the new performance book after Chongzhen's deletion and modification, especially the most important concise terms of orders.

After the township warriors had finished reciting, Hua Xia said again: "Today I will tell you about the meaning of war. Do you think that this battle is fought for the sake of the Holy Majesty, or for the sake of Daming?"

"I'm telling you now, no, this is for your own sake!"

"The county seat of Suining is lost. To the Holy Majesty, to Daming, it is just a small county lost."

"But for you, what is lost is your home, the land that you have lived on for generations and your ancestors, and your parents will die tragically under the butcher's knife of Jiannu, and your wives and daughters will also be killed. To Jiannu’s adultery, your children and grandchildren will become Jiannu’s slaves, and you will never stand up for generations!”

"So think about it, if you don't stay here,"

"If you escape, what will happen?"

The expressions of the village braves gradually became dignified, because Huaxia painted a terrifying scene.

In a daze, the operas sung by the National Disaster Troupe appeared before their eyes again, Kaiyuan Santu, Liaodong Ten Days, and Jiannu Tujing, this is too scary.

Huaxia said again: "On the other hand, if you don't run away, if you show your determination to fight the enemy to the death on the battlefield, Jiannu may not fight to the death in Suining County. In any case, this is just a small city. Once the price to be paid is far away If it exceeds the benefits that can be obtained, Jiannu will retreat."

"If the slaves retreat, this land will be preserved."

"Your parents, wives and children can also be preserved."

"Even if you die in battle, the imperial court will pay compensation according to the standards of frontier soldiers. Not only can your names be engraved on the Hall of Martyrs in front of Taizu's Mausoleum, but your parents, wives and children will also receive fifty taels of silver." In addition to these two, there is an even more important point!"

After this pause, Hua Xia said again: "Your sons will be recommended to enter the Imperial College to study! If you don't have a son, you can also enroll your son or nephew in the Imperial College. After graduation from the Imperial College, you can enter the Shiziying as a royal scholar!"

Hearing this, even if the ninety Xiang Yongdang who lined up on the blunderbuss platform were not calm, could they be princes?

During the past half a year of spending time with Huaxia, these Xiangyongs are already very clear about the title of Qin Wang Shizi.

Because Huaxia is the son of King Qin, the county lord has to be respectful when he sees him. The yamen servants and subordinate officials in the county are usually domineering, but since Huaxia came, these yamen servants and subordinate officials have all put their tails together , because if he accidentally commits a crime in Huaxia's hands, he will be punished with a stick if he is light, and will be executed directly if he is serious.

Moreover, the money and food passed by Qin Wang Shizi are measured by tank boats!
So in the eyes of these Xiangyongs, Prince Qin is a great official!
Thinking that his son would have the opportunity to study in the Imperial College, and after graduation he would be able to serve as a royal scholar, these Xiangyong could no longer calm down, and death suddenly wasn't so scary!
Looking at the light in these Xiangyong's eyes, you know that the encouragement is in place.

Huaxia then went to the next gun platform and continued to summon [-] village braves to give lectures.

Later, Huaxia felt that this speed was too slow, so he asked Wang Pohu to lead his own soldiers to gather [-] local braves from every ten blunderbuss platforms to one blunderbuss platform for unified training, which would be much faster.

Busy until noon, finally finished the lecture to Xiangyong.

However, as to whether Suining can be held, Huaxia still has no idea.

As the old saying goes, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. For Xiangyong, a pension of fifty taels after his death in battle, plus a son of Yin or his son going to the Imperial College to study, is definitely a big reward in the true sense.

However, the courage inspired by heavy rewards is not as good as the confidence of fighting on the battlefield.

The confidence in fighting on the battlefield is based on strong self-confidence. Soldiers are often full of firm belief in their own victory, so they have a greater ability to bear casualties.

It is said that some elite troops can even fight to the last.

But Huaxia knew that Suining's Xiangyong absolutely did not have such a strong bearing capacity.

If only a few dozen or a hundred township braves were slaughtered by Jiannu, these township braves might still be able to persist, but when more than five hundred or even a thousand township braves were killed, they would definitely collapse.

An army that has not been tested in battle cannot have a tough will.

This was said by Chongzhen, and Huaxia and other scholars believed in it.

It seems that the only gamble is that Jiannu won't fight them to the death in Suining.

At that moment, Huaxia ordered Wang Pohu to say: "Pohu, go and gather for me all those poor families who have given birth to many children, and at the same time are honest and honest!"

These township braves have a heavy burden and the strongest endurance.

"Yes." According to Huaxia's instructions, Wang Pohu quickly called together qualified Xiangyongs. There were more than nine hundred in total, a ratio of one-tenth.

Huaxia organized the more than [-] township braves into nine teams.

And let the nine teams of Xiangyong switch defenses to the nine outermost gun platforms in the west.

Before changing defenses, Huaxia summoned Jiubai Xiangyong again to give a lecture: "You must have heard what I said just now. If Jiannu is allowed to enter Suining, your parents, wives and children will not even want to live."

"Don't expect others to work hard for you, you can only count on yourself."

"If you stand up, Suining City will be saved, and your parents, wives and children will be saved."

"If you dare to run away, even if you are lucky enough to save your life, I, China, will never let you go. Not only you will die, but your parents, wives and children will also die!"

"And if you fight to the death and don't retreat, I can guarantee that Jiannu will never be wasted in Suining."

"Without one or two attacks from Jiannu at most, I can guarantee that Jiannu will retreat."

"When the time comes, not only your parents, wives and children will be saved, but you will also be able to survive and get a big reward!"

Huaxia actually doesn't want to do this, but for these honest country men, intimidation is sometimes more useful than heavy rewards. They must understand that if they flee the battle, the whole family will die. If they do not retreat, they can at least save their parents. Wife and children, if they are lucky, they will survive.

At this point, all the work Huaxia can do has been done.

But whether Suining can be held in the end will have to wait for the actual combat test.

In the early afternoon, several slave cavalry appeared in the western suburbs of Suining.

Fortunately, the people outside the city had already withdrawn into the county in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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