Chapter 235 Burning Purgatory

[Note: The perspective of building slaves in this chapter]

Badahai returned to the guntai barracks with a tired face.

Badahai is an ordinary bannerman in Zhengbai Banner. He has just turned eighteen this year, but he is already the father of two children. He encloses more than [-] mu of land in October last year.

If there is too much land, the only two coats at home are not enough.

So this time going south, Badahai thought about grabbing more coats and going back.

Seeing Badahai coming in, Baoyi Huang Deheng, who was following the expedition, immediately came up to meet him, and said flatteringly: "Master, you can be regarded as returning, and the slaves are about to starve to death."

"Here you are." Badahai casually tossed Huang Deheng half of the leftover wheat cake.

The Qing government would only manage the rations of the bannermen, and the rations for the coats that went out with the army were borne by the bannermen themselves. Therefore, Huang Deheng was Badahai's coat, and his rations had to be figured out by Badahai himself.

Badahai is actually quite good at coating, and Huang Deheng can at least get half full.

Like the coating of other banners, people have basically lost a lot of weight since the expedition until now, and this is all because of hunger.

Because the vast majority of Eight Banners soldiers just treat the coats as animals, and give them a bite when they have something to eat, and starve if they don't have one.

After eating half a piece of wheat cake, Huang Deheng finally felt better.

"Master, is it our Niu Lu's turn to demolish tomorrow?" Huang Deheng asked cautiously.

Thinking back to the last demolition, Huang Deheng really had lingering fears. The fierce fire oil was poured from the top of the city, and the raw cowhide covered on the wagon was scalded and smoking.

As soon as the torches of the Ming army fell, the entire area turned into a sea of ​​flames.

At that time, if they ran more slowly, the two of them would have been burned to ashes.

It's just that the other dozen or so bannermen in the same team as Badahai were not so lucky, and they were all buried in the fire in the end.

After that, only their master and servant remained in this barracks.

Badahai hummed lightly, and said again: "But don't worry, Minggou's fire fuel has been exhausted, and the turret that we Niulu is in charge of is about to collapse."

"Really?" Huang Deheng said happily.

"Really." Badahai nodded and said, "So according to the previous agreement, after Shanyang City is broken, we Zhengbaiqi people should be the first to enter the city, and let's loot for a day first!"

"Master, can this slave make a request." Huang Deheng said wryly.

"You are so brave, you dog slave." Badahai kicked Huang Deheng, and then said with a smile, "But for the sake of your loyalty, I can promise you, tell me, what do you want? "

Huang Deheng whispered: "Master, this slave wants to take a woman back."

"You mean this?" Badahai said with a smile, "Sure, I agree."

"Thank you master, I will give you a kowtow from this slave." Huang Deheng was overjoyed.

"Okay, go to bed early." Badahai said with a smile, "I've got enough energy tonight, and I'll go to the city tomorrow to grab women!"

"Yes, go to bed early." Huang Deheng responded repeatedly, and immediately fell asleep. Before falling asleep, he even took off the cotton coat he was wearing and covered Badahai.

As for Huang Deheng himself, he tried his best to sleep by the campfire.

At ambiguous time the next day, the master and the servant were awakened by the sound of the horn.

Badahai turned over and sat up, Huang Deheng hurried over to put on his armor.

Badahai has two sets of armor, a chain mail and a cotton armor.

Badahai's chain mail was passed on from his grandfather to his father and then to him. This pair of cotton armor was captured from a bandit during the Shanhaiguan War. It was also in that battle that Badahai was promoted to waistcoat.

Helping Badahai put on the chain mail, Huang Deheng took the cotton armor and put it on Badahai's body again.

But Badahai said: "Forget it, I already have chain mail. It doesn't make any difference if I have one more coat or one less coat. You should wear this coat."

"Thank you, master, slave." Huang Deheng exchanged tears immediately.

To be honest, it is really rare to meet a master like Badahai, so Huang Deheng cherishes it very much.

After the master and servant put on their clothes, they first meet up with the other flags and coats of this Niulu, and then meet with another Niulu, and then push the cart repaired overnight to the turret in the northeast corner. Along the way, The guns from the tiger crouching guns kept coming, most of the guns were blocked by the carts, but a few of the guns fell in the crowd.

Therefore, from time to time, Bao Yi would scream and fall to the ground, bleeding profusely.

But the bannermen are basically fine, and the conditions of the bannermen in Zhengbaiqi are still good. Almost everyone has armor, so long as they have armor, they are not afraid of such a long distance.

Huang Deheng was also very unlucky to get a lead.

Fortunately, he was wearing cotton armor this time, so there was nothing serious about it.

Soon, the two Niu Lu arrived outside the turret in the northeast corner.

At this time, the other two bannermen of Niulu had already guarded the earth platforms on both sides of the turret, and started shooting at the Ming army on the top of the city. From time to time, some Ming soldiers were shot down by the bannermen with heavy arrows.

At a distance of about [-] steps, Dashao Gongzu can crush the Ming army's blunderbuss.

Twenty steps away from the turret, Badahai and the others also stopped.

After suffering several losses before, Banner Ding easily stopped reaching the base of the city wall, but stayed at a distance of twenty steps, using a large bow to suppress the Ming army on the top of the city.

As for the demolition, it was handed over to Huang Deheng for the coating.

Huang Deheng and more than [-] other Baoyi pushed the heavy cart to the bottom of the turret.

The Ming army at the top of the city brought down straw bundles, wheat straw bundles, dry firewood bundles and other burning materials, but the vault of the cart was pointed and arched, and other burning materials could not be caught except for fierce fire oil.

Therefore, the coating hiding in the car was unscathed.

Anyway, it was the Ming army on the top of the city who was shot and killed by the Eight Banners soldiers because they leaned out.

Immediately there was a bang bang bang sound from the top of the city, but it was the musketeers of the Ming army who stepped forward to suppress the banner archers outside the city.

Taking advantage of the time when the Ming army had no time to pay attention, more than [-] coatings quickly entered the gap. Some coatings used iron drills and hammers to pry off the hard rammed earth piece by piece, and some coatings used shovels and picks to shovel. earth.

Sweat quickly soaked Huang Deheng's clothes, and even the cotton armor was soaked.

"Click!" There was a sudden cracking sound, and dust fell down.

"If it's going to collapse, the turret is going to collapse!" An experienced Bao Yi roared, "Go back!"

Hearing this, Huang Deheng turned around and ran out. He didn't even throw away the shovel in his hand in his haste. If he lost the shovel, he would be beaten.

Just as Huang Deheng escaped a few steps away, there was a loud bang behind him. Looking back anxiously, he saw a cloud of dust flying towards him, enveloping him in it.

"Oh no!" Dominated by a strong desire to survive, Huang Deheng felt as if there was a wind blowing under his feet, and in the end he actually managed to escape more than ten steps away before the rammed earth fell to avoid being buried alive.

But most of the [-] or so coats that accompanied him were buried alive.

Only Huang Deheng and the other experienced coat escaped.

"Dog slave, continue!" Bardahai's roar sounded in his ears.

Huang Deheng looked intently, and saw that more than [-] banner men, including Badahai, had rushed towards him, and Badahai even threw the saber at his waist over.

Huang Deheng quickly reached out to catch it.

"Let's go, follow me into the city and snatch the woman!" Bardahai roared excitedly.

"Snatch a woman?" Huang Deheng was stunned for a moment, and then shouted excitedly, "Snatch a woman, grab a woman!"

Immediately, Huang Deheng brandished the saber, followed Badahai's buttocks and rushed into the gap in the turret filled with smoke.

However, due to the dense smoke and dust blocking the line of sight, he couldn't see the ground under his feet clearly, Badahhai fell to the ground, and Huang Deheng rushed forward to help his master up.

With this delay, Badahhai fell to the end of the whole Niulu.

"Damn it." Badahai growled with some annoyance, "You dog slave, hurry up!"

Immediately, the master and servant supported each other and climbed up the gap. The collapsed rammed earth formed a dirt slope about ten feet high, and it was still a bit strenuous to climb over this dirt slope.

The two climbed up the dirt slope with difficulty, and were about to rush down, but they suddenly stopped their steps.

Because the two masters and servants who rushed to the top of the slope were horrified to find that the gap was not densely packed houses, nor row upon row of shops, but... a monstrous fire!

The red flames filled the vision of the two of them.

As far as the eye can see, apart from the flying flames, it is still flying flames.

What surprised the two of them even more was that straw, wheat straw and even dry firewood continued to be thrown down from the city walls on both sides of the gap, as well as from the city walls inside the gap. Wait, inside the gap?

Only then did the two find out in horror that there was actually a city wall inside the gap!
Just when the two were in a daze, a large bundle of dry firewood was thrown heavily from above.

Caught off guard, Badahai was knocked down to the ground in an instant, and then pressed down by scattered dry firewood.

Immediately, a large amount of hay and straw were thrown from the top of the city, and finally torches, and the entire gap was quickly swallowed up by the fire.

"Master!" Huang Deheng roared angrily, and quickly got down on his hands and feet, desperately pushed aside the hay and straw, and finally dragged Badahai out from the pile of dry wood.

In order to save Badahai, Huang Deheng's hands were scalded and blistered.

But just at this moment, Badahai was already fainted from the smoke.

Huang Deheng carried Badahai on his back without any hesitation and rushed out of the gap.

In the end, it miraculously rushed down the gap and recovered the dog's life.

Looking back, I saw that the flames rising from the gap were higher than the city walls.

With such a big fire, the two bulls and more than two hundred bannermen who rushed into the gap before must have been burned to fly ash, right?It's much easier now, and there's no need for restraint and burial.

[Note: These two Niu Lu battles were seriously damaged, only two hundred bannermen remained]

"What's going on? What happened?" A furious voice suddenly came.

Huang Deheng looked back and saw that it was Jiala Erzhen of Jiala where Niulu was, but he couldn't name him.

A big man like Jia Laerzhen will never have any intersection with Huang Deheng, so Huang Deheng has no way of knowing what Jialaerzhen's real name is?
(End of this chapter)

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