Chapter 447

"A decisive battle?" Chongzhen shook his head.

"I'm afraid there will be no decisive battle."

"Jiannu only came to the Eight Banners Manchuria, and the Eight Banners Han Army, Eight Banners Mongolia, and the Green Camp did not come. Duoduo will not be stupid enough to fight us, but there will definitely be one or two large-scale attacks."

"Dodo won't give up if he doesn't fall into a serious fight."

"You cavalry battalion must be ready for this."

"Yes." Hu Guozhu said solemnly, "I will make serious preparations."

Chongzhen turned his eyes to the northeast again, and said quietly: "I don't know how Dagukou and Gaizhouwei are doing now? Counting the time, they should have been attacked by Jiannu."


"Pu Heng? Po Heng!"

Yan Yingyuan, who was familiar with him, was shaken awake.

He hurriedly opened his eyes to see, but it was Chen Mingyu.

"Gongchen, what's the matter?" Yan Yingyuan yawned and asked.

Chen Mingyu said helplessly: "It's already the time of Chouchu, it's your turn to be on duty at night."

"Oh, look at my memory, I forgot about being on duty at night." Yan Yingyuan got up immediately, put on a cotton armor, put on a waist knife, and went to patrol outside Dagukou Town.

Dagukou Town has been built into a gun platform.

However, because the north and east sides are close to the sea, there is no way to dig trenches, let alone slope protection. Fortunately, there was originally a rammed earth protection wall, which was reinforced with wooden fences after the new army moved in.

Yan Yingyuan returned to the spot after making a round of inspection, and found that Chen Mingyu was leaning against the parapet and smoking wild rice.

Tamba wild rice was introduced to Fujian from Nanyang after the opening and closing of Longqing. It can refresh the mind and relieve fatigue, so it quickly became popular among the people. Around the year of Tianqi, some people in Nanzhili also began to plant Tamba wild rice, but not many.

But in the 19th year of Chongzhen, that is, last year, Nanzhili began to plant a large number of Tamba wild rice.

There are even hand-crafted workshops specializing in the processing of Tamba wild rice, which is to cut Tamba wild rice into thin shreds, and then use the finest rice paper to roll the shredded tobacco into slender sticks, and pack every twenty sticks into a pack.

Packaged Tamba wild mushrooms quickly became popular in the Shizi camp.

The popularity of the scholar camp soon attracted the imitation of Jiangnan gentry.

Up to now, almost all the gentry and merchants in the south of the Yangtze River smoked wild rice.

Even the prostitutes in the old courtyard began to smoke, because it can relieve stress.

By the way, the handicraft workshop that produces and sells Tamba wild rice is not a joint-stock system, but a wholly-owned holding by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it has jointly issued a ban with the cabinet to prohibit any private merchants from selling Tamba wild rice privately.

Seeing Yan Yingyuan approaching, Chen Mingyu took out one from the cardboard box: "Have you a Tamba wild rice?"

"I'm not used to this stuff." Yan Yingyuan waved his hand and said angrily, "The taste is too strong."

"This is a new one, with mint in it." Chen Mingyu said, "It's not as strong as before."

"I don't smoke even if I add mint, I don't like this tune." Yan Yingyuan said, "It's better to buy wine if you have this money."

However, Chen Mingyu shook his head and said, "Tanba wild rice can refresh your mind, but drinking alcohol can easily cause you to get drunk. You really should change this habit..."

"I'm afraid I can't change this habit."

Yan Yingyuan sat beside Chen Mingyu: "Why don't you sleep?"

"Can't sleep." Chen Mingyu shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm sleepy, but I just can't sleep."

While the two were talking, a continuous scream suddenly sounded from the dark ice in front of them.

"There is a night attack by Jiannu!" A new army commander in charge of guarding the guard immediately shouted, "Get ready for the rocket!"

One sentry quickly picked up the prepared oil tank, and dropped it on the ground with a bang, splashing the kerosene onto the ground, while the other sentry quickly hit the flint, sparks fell on the kerosene on the ground, and it burst into flames.

Another strong sentinel held a large bow, and put the heavy arrow wrapped in sackcloth and soaked in kerosene on the fire ball with a flick, and the arrow also burst into flames, and then, according to memory, headed in the predetermined direction Shoot an arrow.

The burning rocket drew a dazzling trajectory in the night sky and landed on the ice a hundred paces away.

Immediately afterwards, the ice surface also burst into flames, and the Ming army had already prepared a pile of hay there.

Almost at the same time, the sentries of several other checkpoints also shot rockets towards the ice surface, igniting the haystacks prepared in advance, and the ice surface outside Dagukou was instantly illuminated.

In the light of the fire, the ice surface was covered with dark green camps.

Seeing this, the corner of Yan Yingyuan's mouth immediately burst into a sinister smile: "It's really here."

The next moment, the Green Battalion soldiers whose whereabouts were exposed immediately came over screaming and killing them.

"Ignite!" Chen Mingyu immediately yelled, "Ignite quickly, and the ice will collapse!"

"Wait." Yan Yingyuan stretched out his hand to stop him, "Don't worry, it won't be too late when they all enter the valley."

Yan Yingyuan pulled Chen Mingyu back behind the parapet, and after a while, the green battalion soldiers rushed to the edge of the ice layer, less than twenty steps away from the parapet, and the faces of the green battalion soldiers could almost be seen in the firelight.

"Light it up!" Yan Yingyuan was waiting for this moment, "Fire the gun!"

The two scholars who were in charge of detonating the mine struck flint and lit the fuse.

The new army, which had gathered behind the parapet for a long time, advanced again and again, firing their guns in turn.

The Green Battalion rushing to the front immediately fell down row by row, and the wailing sounded together.

A moment later, there were continuous explosions on the ice surface, but hundreds of landmines buried in the ice layer exploded, and the ice layer that had become much more brittle due to the warmer weather immediately collapsed.

A battalion of two thousand green battalion soldiers who stepped on the ice to attack fell into the water one after another.

Fortunately, the water here is not too deep to prevent drowning.

The green battalion soldiers who fell into the water no longer cared about attacking, and fled from both sides stepping on the waist-deep sea water. However, the sea water hindered their actions, and now they became a living target for the new army.

The gunfire sounded row after row, and the green battalion soldiers fell down row after row.

Good fellow, this is not a war at all, it is a massacre, a massacre without any suspense.

About half an hour later, the sea gradually calmed down, only the dozens of green battalion wounded soldiers near the parapet were still wailing miserably, and the wounded soldiers soaked in the sea water were silent.

Only then did Yan Yingyuan send someone to clean up the battlefield and take in the wounded soldiers.


Ten miles away, on the towering Jinglan.

Seeing that the sea gradually returned to calm and the fire was extinguished, Dorgon sighed softly.

Even though he had guessed that it would be this result, Dorgon still couldn't hide his disappointment when it really happened, Yan Yingyuan, right?This guy is really hard to deal with.

Dagukou had no danger at all.

But under the management of Yan Yingyuan,
But he was stunned to give Dorgon the illusion of a first-class natural danger.

After going down the well and returning to the big tent of the Chinese army, I saw Jierhalang walking over with the help of Tunqi and another Gu Shanezhen, his shirt was already soaked.

Obviously, Jierhalang also fell into the water just now.

After a while, Luo Yangxing, the admiral of Tianjin, reported the casualties.

Jierhalang's attack used the Tianjin green battalion.

"Master, more than [-] people were killed and more than [-] people were seriously injured."

"Prince Zheng, tell me, how should I punish you now?"

"Just follow the rules set by Lao Khan, and punish him as he wants."

"Okay, it's refreshing enough, then take away the title of Regent from my uncle, take five cattle records from Xianglan Banner and give them to Zhenglan Banner, and then pay half a year plus a fine of [-] silver, do the kings Baylor think it is appropriate?"

"Sure!" Gu'er Mahui echoed loudly, "This is the most fair punishment."

Although Daishan, Jierhalang and others were dissatisfied, they were helpless.

Because what Dorgon is now following is precisely the system they maintain.

If they object, they are slapping themselves in the face and digging their own roots.

But Jierhalang was still unwilling, and said angrily: "Prince Rui, you failed to attack Dagukou before, and you were no better than this king in losing troops and generals, so what should you do?"

"Then follow the rules set by Old Khan." Dorgon said with a smile.

"Release the title of my Prince Rui to Duoluo County King, seize the Zhengbai Banner and give five bull records to Xiangbai Banner, and then pay half a year plus a fine of 100 taels of gold and 1000 taels of silver. Do the kings Baylor think it is appropriate?"

"Sure." Gulmahun was the first to support Dorgon.

Jierhalang said angrily: "Why do you only take the title of prince? Why don't you take the title of prince regent? No matter how bad it is, you will demote the prince regent to uncle regent."

"The emperor's father and the regent belong to the emperor, and I have no right to deprive him of it."

As soon as Dorgon's words came out, Ji Erhalang was speechless.

But in his heart, Jierhalang already hated Bumbutai very much.

Fulin was young, how could he have any ideas?It must be Bumbutai's idea to give Dorgon the title of regent to the father of the emperor, and allow him to call me the emperor. This whore has really lost the dignity of the Qing Dynasty.

With a cold snort, Dorgon went on to say: "Prince Zheng, since you have also made great contributions to the Qing Dynasty, I can give you a chance to redeem your sins, as long as you rectify the green camp and take back Dagu before tomorrow evening." If you don’t take back Dagukou before evening, you will be punished for both crimes.”

"You!" Jierhalang said angrily, "Dorgon, don't deceive others too much."

"Prince Zheng, I'm not bullying others." Dorgon said coldly, "I just abide by the rules set by Old Khan, and this is what you want, isn't it?"

"But you can't catch me alone!" Jining Halang said angrily.

"What's the matter?" Dorgon retorted, "You mean, you can't find hard bones, but only soft persimmons that are easy to pinch? That's what my uncle taught you?"

The old uncle in Dorgon's mouth is the younger brother of the old slave, and Shuerhaqi, Jierhalang's father.

Now even Dai Shan couldn't listen anymore, and said smugly: "Prince Zheng, isn't it just a Dagukou? My Qing soldiers have red barbarian cannons and tens of thousands of green battalions and Han troops, so I don't believe that we can't take it down. "

"It's the second brother, it's reasonable." Dorgon smiled and said,
"Prince Zheng, you should go back and think about how to fight Dagu."

Jierhalang left dejectedly, and Daishan and others also left one after another.

In the big tent, there are only a few confidants such as Dorgon and Hong Chengchou left.

Then there is Hou Fangyu, the dog slave, who was also deliberately kept by Dorgon.

Hong Chengchou gave Hou Fangyu a thumbs up: "Hou Xiaoyou's move used the trick of inviting the king into the urn and killing people with a borrowed knife out of the 36 tricks, which is really admirable, admirable."

Fan Wencheng also said with a smile: "Prince Zheng is really suffering now."

Ning Wan and I also praised Hou Fangyu and said: "This is really something that young people can fear."

"Don't dare to do it." Hou Fangyu said quickly after hearing the words, "This junior is just a fluke."

Dorgon also smiled and said: "Now I actually hope that Yan Yingyuan can stay in Dagukou for a few more days, so that I can use his knife to clean up Prince Zheng and Dai Shan."

"The only ones who dare to stand up and make trouble now are the old Daishan of Jierhalang Road."

"As long as these two old things are cleaned up, the remaining Luoluohun, Leketehun, Wakda, Boluo, Shuosai, and Guermahun will not be able to make any waves anymore."


On the other side, Jierharang, Daishan, Azig, Luo Luohun, and Luck Dehun have already gathered to discuss how to win Dagukou.

Jiannu has accumulated a lot of general talents in the past 50 years since the old slaves started their army.

Although Luo Luohun and Luck Dehun are still very young, they are already experienced veterans on the battlefield. Needless to say, Azig once led hundreds of thousands of Manchu and Han troops to conquer Pseudo-shun, although he returned without success in the end, this does not prove that he is incompetent, because his opponent is Li Yan.

So a few people put together a little, and there was a countermeasure.

"Prince Zheng, you must not attack by force."

Azig said: "If there are Eight Banners Manchuria here, you can try to attack by force, but it is definitely not enough to rely on the Green Battalion or the Eight Banners Han Army, so you can only use the trench attack method."

"Yes, we can only dig trenches." Dai Shan also deeply agrees.

"Fortunately, Dagukou is a plain, and the soil is soft and easy to dig."

"Let's mobilize four battalions of green battalions to dig in from four directions at the same time."

"As long as the trenches are dug outside the fence fortifications of the Ming army, the rest will be simple."

"No, it's not enough to dig outside the fence fortifications." Azig said, "You have to dig directly under the Ming army's blunderbuss platform, and then bury gunpowder in the tunnel to directly blow up the Ming army's blunderbuss platform!"

Luo Luohun said: "In this case, I'm afraid there is not enough time."

Dai Shan said: "There is enough time, just take it before Zi Shi."

Azige said: "To ensure everything is safe, Prince Zheng, you'd better use the green battalion of Datong Town, especially Jiang Yu's general Wang Fuchen. This man is indeed a mighty general, and the green battalion under his command is also quite daring to fight."

Azig had been stationed in Datong for quite a long time, and knew quite a lot about the surrendered troops in Datong Town.

"Wang Fuchen?" Ji Erhalang asked thoughtfully, "Is it the one nicknamed Huo Lu Bu?"

"It turns out that Prince Zheng has also heard of this man's name." Azig slapped his thigh and said with a smile, "That's right, this man's nickname is Huo Lu Bu, also known as Ma Yaozi, and he is very good at riding and shooting. Is the Baya Latiao Zhang Jing Etuhui of the Zhengbai Banner enough? As a result, this man could not walk ten times under the gun! If the two armies really fought, the grass on Etuhui's grave would be three feet high."

(End of this chapter)

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