Chongzhen Daming: Starting from Coal Mountain

Chapter 629 Hong Chengchou's Heart Is Cold

Chapter 629 Hong Chengchou's Heart Is Cold

The sudden change stunned the green battalion artillery at once.

Obviously, the green battalion artillery did not expect that the Ming army also brought artillery.

At least 30 camels were beaten to pieces, and the other camels were also frightened. They instinctively got up and tried to escape. Thanks to the well-trained artillerymen of the Green Battalion, they tried their best to hold them back.

"Hold on, hold on to me, no one is allowed to run."

"Don't be afraid of Minggou's shelling, the second round will not be so accurate."

The leader of the green battalion who led the team raised his waist knife and roared hoarsely.

Under the reprimand of the leader, the camel artillery quickly stabilized their position again.

Ever since, the camel got up and lay down on the ground again under the control of the hunchback.

While the artillery of the Green Battalion was busy, the Mongolian Eight Banners instinctively opened the distance to the two wings, keeping as far away from the camel artillery positions in the middle as possible, so as not to suffer disaster.

Cannons are mainly used to bombard large-scale fortifications, such as city walls, such as castles, such as strong fortifications. There is only one case where they can be used to attack infantry, that is, the infantry has rushed to the front. At this time, the cannon It will be loaded with hundreds of bullets, that is, shotguns, which will directly face the infantry.

Therefore, the 2nd Brigade of the Ming Army Mountain Artillery can still hit even if they fight with their eyes closed.

After Xie Yuancai received Hu Guozhu's order, he immediately re-measured the parameters, calculated the trajectory, and then turned the muzzle to lock on the Mongolian cavalry on the left and right sides.

Fortunately, there were red cannons, and the Ming cavalry dared not approach.

Because the shells passed by, the scene of limb fragmentation was too scary.

Hu Guozhu immediately sent another Guozi student to inform Xie Yuancai to attack the two wings instead.

The disparity in the results is due to the fact that the Ming army's mountain artillery has better performance and is more accurate.

God, what is this playing?That's not how cannons are used!

Because the first round of shelling just now had already blown away the parameters.

The Ming army on the opposite side also seized this opportunity, and Zhu Cijiong and Hu Guozhu lost no time in urging the cavalry to cover up the kill.

As a result, the artillery of the Ming army and the artillery of the Qing army fought a "fierce" artillery battle.

Almost at the same time, a row of dazzling red lights burst out from the artillery position of the Ming army on the opposite side.

At a distance of [-] steps, will the shell hit more than [-] steps?Certainly not.

If Chongzhen stood here, he would definitely be so angry that he would scold his mother.

The artillery of the Ming army has reloaded the ammunition in this short gap of less than 1 minute, and fired the second row of shells towards the camel artillery position of the Qing army.

More often shells can only fall in open spaces or gaps.

Hitting the wheel is useless.

The Eight Banners Mongolia was caught off guard, and was beaten by the Ming army again.

But when I saw the landing point, hey, I am grass, flying to the son of Java.

Just these two rows of shelling caused more than 1000 casualties to the Mongolian cavalry on both wings, and those Mongolian cavalry who were not hit by the shells were also greatly frightened.

Moreover, after the chaos just now, Jiannu's artillery has been separated.

According to historical records, solid iron bullets can penetrate up to 26 infantry formations.

At first it was just retreating, but retreating at this time is dangerous and it is easy to be defeated.

As long as the error of the landing point does not exceed [-] steps, it can still hit.

More than a hundred gunners unanimously lit the fuse of the camel cannon.

This time, they couldn't even see the figures of the two sides, and they fought entirely by feeling.

"Chasing! Don't let go of a Mongolian cavalry!" Zhu Cijiong raised his head to the sky and howled.

Seeing the cavalry of the Ming army rushing over, the Mongolian cavalry, who were already panicked, collapsed instantly, and no longer ignored the scolding of the leader or the leader, turned their horses around and galloped back and forth.

There is only one iron lump, let alone whether it can fall into the enemy's infantry formation, even if it falls within the formation, at best it can only penetrate a line.

After a while, the camel artillery loaded the ammunition.

Only when the gun control retractor and re-entry device are invented, the accuracy of the cannon will be improved qualitatively, and when supplemented with flowering ammunition, the lethality will be completely improved.

In fact, no one could hear his roar at this time, but they could see his movements.

But fighting infantry at a distance of a thousand or even two thousand steps is really a fool's fight.

The Ming army brought spare wheels.

The Ming army chased them all the way to the outside of Jinghai County.

Cannonballs continued to pass through the air, leaving a long series of screams that seemed to tear the sky apart, and then fell to the ground with a bang, plowing a long groove on the ground.

"Hit the Mongolian cavalry?" Hu Guozhu couldn't turn his mind.

The 90 mountain guns blasted fiercely for half an hour, hitting five camels.

There is actually another reason for the low hit rate of both sides, and that is the smoke covering the positions. The continuous shelling produced a lot of smoke, completely covering the artillery positions of both sides.

At this time, in the Eight Banners Mongolia, more than 3 cavalry were divided into two groups, guarding the left and right wings respectively.

In short, the operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is actually zero bar five.

That is to say, the interval between the 200 camel artillery units of the Green Battalion was too small, and they were arranged in a dislocation from front to back, so that the hit rate of the Ming army's mountain artillery has been improved a lot, otherwise it will be heard.

"Fire!" The leader of the green battalion pressed down his waist knife vigorously.

At this time, the cannons were all rigidly connected, and the parameters were easily shaken off after firing.

Once the Mongolian cavalry collapsed, wouldn't the Jiannu artillery in the middle become the Ming army's dish?
"Success!" Hu Guozhu finally came to his senses, "Hit the Mongolian cavalry on both wings."

The thieves of the mother, the Ming army doesn't talk about martial arts, you don't fight the artillery of the green battalion, what are you doing to us?
The Mongolian cavalry was a little confused. They didn't know whether they should continue to maintain their formation, disperse, or retreat?
Just as the Mongolian cavalry was stunned, the second row of artillery shells from the Ming army roared in again, plowing out ninety blood grooves in the cavalry formation on the left and right wings in an instant.

Zhu Cijiong immediately turned his head and said to Hu Guozhu: "Mr. Hu, even if this continues until dark, we won't be able to win. How about letting the 2nd Mountain Artillery Brigade change its target and fight the Mongolian cavalry?"

Zhu Cijiong was the first to realize that this would not work. Isn't this a fool's fight?
It was not easy for Zhu Cijiong to think of this without Chongzhen's guidance.

Seeing that the majestic princes were able to take the lead and charge forward, the soldiers of the Ming army were encouraged, and immediately launched an overwhelming pursuit of the fleeing Mongolian cavalry.

"Yes, let's fight the Mongolian cavalry on the two wings." Zhu Cijiong pointed to the two wings and said, "Do you see how dense the formation of the Mongolian cavalry is? The effect of the artillery against the Mongolian cavalry is definitely much better than that of the Jiannu artillery. The most important thing is that the Mongolian cavalry suffers. The first few rows of guns will collapse, and when we charge again, we may be able to crush the Mongolian cavalry in one fell swoop!"

It's even more nonsense to fight cannons with cannons. As long as the enemy spreads out the artillery positions and increases the distance between the two cannons to twenty or even fifty steps, how much hit rate can you have with a solid iron bullet?What a waste!

Therefore, as long as the 2nd Brigade of the Ming Army Mountain Artillery aimed at the center of the two large groups of cavalry, the hit rate was almost 100%, and even after firing a shot, the problem of deviation in parameters was not a big problem.

If Hong Chengchou hadn't ordered the green battalion soldiers to set up red cannons at the head of Jinghai City early, the Ming army cavalry would have dared to chase down to the base of the city wall of Jinghai County, and then kill the Eight Banners Mongols.

But the current cannon does not have a retreat machine or a recoil machine.

If the enemy army is a three-stage attack, there are only three people in one line.

Only then did the Eight Banners Mongolia retain some vitality.

I saw where the solid iron bullets passed, people turned their backs on their backs and flew with flesh and blood.

This is equivalent to the first ant to set its sights on the three-dimensional world.

The so-called deterrence is used to weaken the morale of the enemy and improve the morale of one's own.

The fact is exactly the same, the first row of artillery shells "accurately" landed in the center of the two big lumps on the left and right wings, plowing out ninety blood grooves in the cavalry formation in an instant.

As a result, the Mongolian cavalry on the left and right wings retreated uncontrollably.

The iron bullet with a diameter of 2.5 inches and a weight of 4 catties roared towards it with huge kinetic energy. The lethality it produced was undoubtedly extremely astonishing, and it could penetrate more than ten horsemen and horses in an instant.

I saw the artillerymen on both sides constantly firing, reloading, firing again, and reloading, very busy.

It is true that the Eight Banners Manchuria can suddenly switch to defense or even attack when retreating, but facing the Ming cavalry who are like tigers descending at this time, I am afraid they can only catch them blind.

The bigger reason is that as long as Jiannu's camel cannon is killed or injured, it means destruction, because without the cannon mount, it can't be used anymore, but the mountain cannon of the Ming army is even if it is hit The gun mount doesn't matter either, because the main body of the gun mount is made of iron and cannot be broken.

Furthermore, the mountain cannons of the Ming army had a small area of ​​impact, while the camel artillery of Jiannu had a huge cross-section, so the chances of being hit by shells were greatly increased.

That's right, the artillerymen of the Ming army destroyed five more camel cannons during the artillery battle for about half an hour, but the artillerymen of the Jiannu army failed to destroy even one mountain cannon of the Ming army.

But even so, the Eight Banners Mongolia was crippled this time.

At this time, even if the Eight Banners Mongolia is replaced by the Eight Banners Manchuria, it will be useless.

The 2.5-inch mountain artillery of the Ming army is not as powerful, but it has no pressure to penetrate more than a dozen people.

But the results of the Ming army were just like that.

It's not that it didn't hit, but it failed to destroy.

The camel cannon is actually an oversized flintlock gun, but such a big flintlock gun certainly cannot be used as an ignition mechanism, and even if it is, it cannot be pulled, so it can only be ignited with a fuse.

Therefore, using cannons to fight infantry at a long distance is more of a deterrent.

But the second round of shelling by the artillery of the Ming army did not have such a good thing.

Of the more than 35000 cavalry who attacked, less than 2 escaped.

What made Hong Chengchou even more heartbroken was that none of the 200 camel cannons sent out to help in the battle escaped, and the Ming army beat the entire army to annihilation.

Looking at the cavalry of the Ming army showing off their power outside the range of the cannon in red, Hong Chengchou felt cold.

This is troublesome, the Eight Banners and Mongolia have basically been defeated, and it is wishful thinking to cut off the Ming army's supply road, but if the Ming army's supply line cannot be cut off, the Qing will not be able to consume the Ming anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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