Chapter 138

The fleeing figure gradually disappeared.

The breeze gently rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground, and the atmosphere in the dark alley suddenly became quiet.

The old street lamps shone brightly.


The short-haired girl kicked the handle of the knife standing on the ground as if nothing had happened, and the two-meter-long sword swirled around her side, then covered it with the original linen cloth and tied it firmly.

In this process.

The naginata, which seemed to weigh no more than twenty or thirty catties, was light in the girl's hands, just like a wooden stick in the hands of a child, and she didn't blush or breathe when she played it.

The impact on Minamoto Raikou is still very strong.

When the slender girl with short hair took out a two-meter machete and swat the yellow hair away like a fly, Minamoto Raimitsu knew that things were about to change.

Although it is difficult to accept this kind of force on a girl, Minamoto Raimitsu accepted it after being shocked for a moment-there are men in the world who can lead more than 60 times a day, what is missing from a girl with great strength?

It wasn't until the girl who rewrapped the naginata and carried it behind her back slowly walked over that Minamoto Raimitsu put down the phone she was holding.

Of course he had a video just now.

Moreover, he had already prepared for the worst. If it really came to the point of bloodshed, he also communicated with the simulator to extract the firearm at any time.

It didn't mean to show off.

It’s just that when encountering such a thing, it’s inevitable that he wants to shine, and before the video was recorded, he had already called the police and asked several passers-by to help.

But the patrol police haven't come yet.

Those passers-by who heard it were all afraid to avoid it, and continued to walk with indifference, ignoring Yuan Laiguang's offer of help.

Minamoto Raikou didn't say anything.

Indifference is a layer of clothing to protect oneself.

Like this kind of social concept, it is easy to be biased when evaluating one's own morality. Some people may choose to be indifferent or refuse unnecessary trouble.

Minamoto Raikou restrained his messy thoughts.

He looked at the short-haired girl who had already stepped forward.

"Just now, you shouldn't have appeared."

The short-haired girl's voice was flat to the extreme, and it didn't make people feel indifferent, as if it should be like this without any other tone.

This sentence made Yuan Laiguang stunned.


He raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Because you are too weak."

The short-haired girl said in a flat tone.

I have to say that when people talk face to face, the tone and demeanor are more important than the actual meaning of the words, at least in terms of the senses.

Just like sometimes being scolded in a flat tone without ups and downs, you won't get angry easily.

And sometimes three words can spark anger.

At least Minamoto Raimitsu didn't mean to be angry when he heard the girl say that you are too weak with a serious look on her face, but took it seriously.

Because he remembered the scene where the yellow-haired gangster was swat away like a fly.

The short-haired girl also seemed to feel that the sentence just now was biased. She stood there for a few seconds, thought about it carefully, and then added an explanation:

"When the weak are unable to protect themselves, they still want to help others. This is a very stupid choice."

This sentence is a bit too much.

It's obviously an emphatic sentence.

More unabashedly emphasized his weakness.

"Miss." Yuan Laiguang said as calmly as possible: "Do you think it's polite to say this to someone who has reached out to you?"

Now the distance between the two is very close.

He could see the girl's face clearly.

He looked up and down at this weird girl.

I found that the height of the other party was almost catching up with me, and the minimum visual inspection was about 1.7 meters [-]. This kind of height is almost rare in Japan.

Moreover, the smooth short black hair covered the ears, and a slender bang on the front of the forehead hung on the tip of the nose, which gave a particularly lazy feeling if it did not cover the face.

The facial features are not too delicate.

But it is very attractive.

The single eyelid does make the eyes thinner, the lips are thin and not painted, and the whole face looks thin.

The upper body is wearing a short sleeve, and it is also a cotton short sleeve embroidered with a brown bear pattern. It looks very cute, but it is very inconsistent with the big knife on the back. The lower body is wearing a pair of normal trousers, which makes it look taller slim.

Minamoto Raimitsu looked at her exposed slender wrist, and it was hard to imagine what kind of power was in it, so that she could easily swing the heavy-looking knife just now.

"But I don't need your help."

Just when Minamoto Larimitsu looked at her, the girl replied in a flat to stiff tone.

Minamoto Larimitsu asked with a strange expression: "But before I knew you had the power to protect yourself, seeing a girl being chased and intercepted, at least I should stand up?"

He's not taking credit.

She was just deducing it with a normal person's logical thinking, even if she didn't help much just now, she wouldn't be called weak by her in such a serious manner.

However, the short-haired girl thought for a while when she heard this, with a puzzled expression on her clean face, she raised her head after thinking for a while and asked:

"Do you want a reward? You didn't help me just now, so I shouldn't need to pay you, right?"


Seeing this, Minamoto Raimitsu's eyelids twitched slightly, and he was sure that the girl in front of him had a eccentric personality, and he no longer expected to communicate with her normally, but nothing bad happened, so he waved his hand and said:

"It's okay, please leave."

The short-haired girl nodded.

Then just turned around and left.

There is no muddy water at all.

Seeing the figure of the short-haired girl leaving with a naginata on her back, the already quiet street became empty again in an instant. Minamoto Raimitsu also took out his mobile phone and prepared to call a taxi to go back.

But when he was about to dial, he stopped.

Then raised his head and looked forward.

He was surprised to find that the girl with short hair appeared again.

And started turning left and right in the street back and forth.

Sometimes I ran to the left alley, and sometimes I ran to the right alley. It was like walking a grid maze. I kept trying and making mistakes, trying to find the right route and solve the problem in the most stupid way.

Finally turned back again.

"Did you just see that they were still around?"

Putting down the phone, Minamoto Raimiko asked aloud.

The short-haired girl stood in front of him again, confusion appeared in her single-lidded eyes, she pursed her thin lips, watched his eyes gradually firm up, and gave a definite answer.

"No, I'm lost."

This tone is extremely firm.

It seems to be a matter of course.

Minamoto Laiguang took a deep breath when he heard the words, and after a while, tried to provide her with a solution, and said: "Then use your mobile phone to navigate, you will always know the location of your home, so it's not difficult, right?"

"I don't bring my phone with me when I go out."

The short-haired girl shook her head.

"Then what do you want to do now?"

Minato Raikou asked aloud.

"I need your help."

The girl said without hesitation.

Minamoto Larimitsu smiled and asked, "Didn't you just say that the strong don't need the help of the weak?"

"I am weak when it comes to knowing the way."

What a frank temper!

To be honest, I can't even lose my temper!

Minamoto Raiko's eyelids twitched.

"So you want me to take you home?"


The short-haired girl replied.

There was a smile on Minamoto Raimiko's face again, and he threw out the question just now: "It's fine with what happened just now, but now that you ask me to take you home, it's considered a help, right?"

"Thank u."

The short-haired girl hesitated and said.

Minamoto Raimitsu couldn't help laughing.

Although it is tasteless to say this kind of thing, the more people can't get it, the more they want it. Even though I don't lack her thanks at first, I can't help but have a sense of victory and defeat afterwards. This is unavoidable as a human being.

Just when Minamoto Raimiko took out his phone again and was about to ask the other party's home address, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of something hanging from the girl's top.

It just hangs down from the bottom of the short sleeve, which looks like a white cloth strip, and it is slightly bent, like a loose shape after being tied for a long time.

Minamoto then looked up.

I found that the short-haired girl's bear and short sleeves seemed to be a little more undulating than before, especially when I moved my gaze upwards, I saw protrusions that shouldn't have appeared.

"your clothes.?"

Minamoto Raikou subconsciously spoke out.

But he didn't finish his sentence, because this kind of thing is very sensitive, and it's not good to say it frankly, so he planned to keep silent, which is also a kind of respect.

But when Minamoto Raikou just raised his head, he found that there were hands quickly appearing below, and pulled out the cloth strip that had just fallen down.

The white cloth strips are very long.

Folds up in a slender wrist.

Floating unscrupulously with the evening wind.

Minamoto Raikou twitched his nose.

It feels like there is a strange mellow fragrance coming from it.

how to say
Probably some body wash smell, plus some not unpleasant sweat smell, and then the strange scent that has been covered in the skin for a long time.

The smell is not bad at all.

It can be said that it smells good or bad.

When Minamoto Yorimitsu was still in college, because there were more girls in comprehensive schools, the corridors were very crowded when changing classrooms between classes, especially in summer when the air was filled with this smell.

It's quite familiar.

Messy thoughts kept drifting, Minamoto Raimitsu quickly regained his senses, and his eyes moved up to a normal level.

And then.
He met a pair of slightly cold eyes.

There was even a murderous intent in it.

It was as if there was an ethereal blood-red aura, and the tyranny was hidden under the calm eyes, as well as the killing intent that could clearly clear the heart.

Minamoto Raikou's eyelids twitched wildly.

at the same time.

A reminder of the simulator suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

[Mu Chuanquan's dislike has increased slightly! 】

[The degree of dislike has been reversed into a reward! 】

[Please pay attention to check the inventory! 】

He turned on the mysterious and simple roulette wheel.

To divert attention to avoid the girl's eyes.

The roulette locked by the dark chains gradually revived, and the border of the cherry blossoms also glowed pink, and Minamoto Yorimitsu's mind was immediately absorbed in it.

[The crime of rage: rage stems from excessive discrimination against others, injury and vigilance]

[Note: You can conduct a lucky draw in the Sin of Rage micro roulette reward area]

[The roulette rotation is over, please find the corresponding rewards]

[Congratulations on getting the item: Glock 22 pistol (with [-] rounds of bullets)]

[Rewards have been loaded]

Yuan Laiguang gradually settled down in his heart.

But looking at the reward, he still frowned.

Isn't this a weapon for using American Iaido?
He was not surprised by the girl's anger.

After all, it was a relatively private issue, and the other party seemed to have a flat personality, but it didn't mean he didn't understand these things.

Any decent girl would get angry at such a thing, let alone being seen by a stranger, the shame in her heart would explode immediately.

But what does it mean to be rewarded with a gun.

Let yourself compare with her, is her knife faster or your gun faster within ten meters?

 Thank you Di Hongyuan for your reward

  Thank you, Lao Lao Lao Lao Pei, for your reward

  Thanks to Sichuan Wu Yanzu for the reward
  Thanks to the wait and see under the night sky for the reward

  Thank you book friend 20170802230356490 for your reward

  Thank you for the sword, does it look good on me?

  Thank you Watermelon Mode for your reward

  Thank you, Yuqingyanwan, for your reward

  Thanks to iamzion boss for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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