The Angle of Resentment transfer plan was terminated, and the monster team settled down.

Two days later at night, several green flares exploded over the three outpost observation stations at the same time.

On the top of the city wall at the first pass, Puxian put down the binoculars in his hand and gave a loud order: "The first wave of impact is about to arrive! Prepare to fight!"

"hold fast!"

More than a hundred village defense members shouted in unison, and then entered the state of preparation for battle, and sat down for the final inspection and debugging of artillery, rapid-fire guns, machine crossbows and other weapons.

"Green flare. That is the impact with the lowest threat."

Li Fan looked at the notepad in his hand and said.

"It's just that we don't need to make a move?"

Eudora asked.

"Among the low-threat monsters, unless they are small enough to easily avoid artillery fire, it will be difficult to break through the first pass, so we won't be needed for the time being."

Li Fan confirmed.

"Meow! It's the weasel dragon clan, and the leader is a weasel dragon king!"

After staying in Feiye Fortress for so long, Di Lu was quite excited to finally see the opening of Bailong Night Walk.

With the appearance of the weasel dragon group, soon the blue bear beast, the kappa frog, the sleeping dog dragon king, the white rabbit beast, and the big water beast all led a large number of groups, continuously gushing out from the mountains and forests, towards the gate of Feiye Fortress gather.

"There are so many monsters marching together, it's quite impressive."

Eudora said with some surprise.

She thought this would be a battle to be crushed and won, but seeing the oppressive feeling brought by the monster swarm approaching, she actually felt a little pressure.

"If you fall into an area with dense monster queues, your life may be in danger. No wonder the members of the village defense team are forced to be equipped with flying insects."

Li Fan commented.

As the monsters crossed the marking line in large numbers, the four decoys placed at the front suddenly blew their horns.

The monster slowed down and gathered around the four decoys to attack.

Little did they know that there were already several artillery pieces aimed at that direction.

Amidst the fire and smoke, a large number of monsters were either killed on the spot or fell to the ground and howled, the scene was particularly tragic.

The rapid-fire guns and crossbows on the top edge of the city wall launch precise strikes.

The booming sound of firing was dense, and the strong smell of gunpowder mixed with green smoke permeated everywhere.

About ten minutes later, a staggering blue bear beast became the first monster to touch the gate of the gate.

Stab it!Stab it!Seeing the sharp claws scratching, only a few shallow marks were left on the heavy gate.

The Blue Bear Beast changed its Bear Fist and smashed towards the tall gate.

Soon a kappa frog rushed under the city wall, raised a pair of giant palms, and joined the attack with a palm slap.

Hearing the muffled sound of the gate being attacked, the village defense captain waited and watched for a moment, then vigorously turned the push handle of the mechanism at his feet.

The four fixed Longyan Forts placed on both sides of the pass emit streaks of flames at the same time.

The front of the gate was quickly engulfed by flames, and a burning smell wafted up.

Seeing countless lives dying out in the smoke and flames below, Di Lu had an indescribably strange feeling.

"Li Fan, can you hear what they are saying, meow?"

Dilu asked tentatively.

"They said we were going to finish the mission and it was too late."

Li Fan expressed his understanding.

Yanhuo Village Shrine, in front of the statue in the main hall of the temple, Huo Ya is reciting scriptures alone, and performing a blessing ceremony for the Bailong Night Walk.

In order to pray to the gods to bless the villagers and the hunters to return safely.

The rumble of shelling from the Feiye Fortress outside the village continued to echo in my ears.

After insisting on chanting for a while, Huo Ya suddenly covered his ears.

Not only did she not perceive the gods responding to the blessing, but she heard the miserable roar of countless monsters.

"Mission. It's too late. What do these mean?"

Huo Ya finished chanting alone, wiped off the sweat from her forehead, got up and went to the shrine courtyard to breathe.

Shui Yun, who was peeping at the gate of the courtyard, quickly pulled away and left.

"No wonder my sister doesn't let me participate in the blessing ceremony until now. It turned out to be so hard."

Shui Yun said thoughtfully.

"I have to find a way to help her share it."

Shui Yun's eyes are firm.

The shelling that lasted for more than two hours ended, and Huo Bud's blessing ceremony still made no progress.

Although the witch is only a symbolic existence to Yanhuo Village, no one expects the pair of dragon-born sisters to help resist Bailong Yexing.

But Shui Yun, who was in charge of the blessing ceremony, still felt guilty about it.

But this kind of thing can't be forced, Shui Yun can only extinguish the candle and exit from the hall.

Not long after, Huo Ya came to the main hall with a candlestick in his hand.

"The old abbot said when he was alive that my inspiration is stronger than that of my sister. After practicing the blessing ceremony for so long, I will definitely be able to do it."

"that's not allowed."

"It's too late, sister!"

Huo Ya turned her head, and found that Shui Yun was holding a candlestick behind her, smiling kindly at herself, and immediately let out a cry.

"Huoya, your inspiration is too strong. If you use the ritual rashly, you will be possessed by bad things. The old abbot has reminded you many times."

Shui Yun persuaded and explained.

"Sister, you are not the same. You are often possessed recently. You ask me where you are in the middle of the night. I want to help share it because I see you are working so hard."

Huo Ya said helplessly.

"I have been possessed?"

Shui Yun asked in disbelief.

"Yes, and more and more recently."

"Hey, the next time you encounter something similar, you must remember not to answer."

Shui Yun touched her forehead, said with a helpless sigh.

The metal gate at the first pass was devastated.

The corpses of monsters close to the door have piled up into a hill.

From time to time, single crossbow bolts would shoot out, precisely killing monsters that crawled out of the pile of corpses and tried to escape.

"It's the first time to participate in a city defense battle. It feels awkward, doesn't it?"

Fuxian, who was carrying a big sword, came to the team and asked.

"is a bit."

Li Fan nodded in confirmation.

"No way, this is the natural choice"

When Puxian spoke, countless yellow signals bounced off and exploded in the distant sky.

"Is the second wave of impact so fast?"

Looking at the reminder given by the outpost ahead, Pu Xian was surprised.

"Did it come too fast?"

Li Fan asked tentatively.

"Well, the interval is rarely so short. I have to go to command and prepare for the battle. Please go to the second pass to stand by."

After Puxian finished speaking, he shouted instructions and ran away.

The team immediately went to the second pass, which had a narrower terrain and stronger resistance.

Li Fan speculated that due to time constraints, a large number of defense organs before the first pass had not had time to reset and repair.

So the center of defense was shifted towards the rear pass.

"The yellow flare is a medium-level threat impact. Although there are no overlord monsters, the team should warm up."

Under Li Fan's reminder, the team moved on top of the city wall.

Half an hour later, although the first gate had not been lost, three poisonous demon birds had already attacked from high altitude.

At this time, about [-] hunter teams recruited by Yanhuo Village cooperated with the organ crossbow to intercept it.

The venom mass spewed out from the poisonous demon bird's mouth hit the top of the city wall, scattered and splashed, and traces of purple poisonous gas surged up.

"It would be great if the little idiot and naughty could join the battle."

Eudora said helplessly.

"No, even if we don't care, little idiots and naughty ones will also be targeted. Let's wait until there are more monsters."

Li Fan reminded.

"If you fly a little higher, won't you be able to pass Feiye Fortress?"

Dilu looked at the sky and asked suspiciously.

"The poisonous demon birds did not do that, which means that they consider themselves part of the coordinated operation, and their duty is to help the land line members attack the top of the city wall, limit the firepower output of the city defense, and provide conditions for attacking the gate gate."

Li Fan gave an explanation.

Soon, two poisonous demon birds fell to the ground, and one escaped with serious injuries.

After a while, two more parachutes flew over and spewed bouncing fireballs towards the city wall.

This kind of attack with the risk of igniting the ammunition was naturally taken seriously, and the top of the city wall responded violently with completely disproportionate firepower.

Two umbrella birds fell to the ground and died.

Boom!The deformed gate at the first pass fell backwards.

The piled monster corpses poured out, and a roaring rock dragon stepped on the mountain of corpses, and was the first to rush out.

Strange dragons, tengu beasts, savage-jawed dragons, and flying thunder dragons emerged one after another.

In the sky, not only the poisonous demon bird, the umbrella bird, but also the group of female fire dragons also participated.

Under the leadership of Puxian, the village defense team stationed at the first pass has completed the transfer, and came to the second pass to continue fighting.

The artillery roared, the crossbow bolts shot, and the ground mechanism was continuously opened and triggered.

The city defense battle has entered its most intense moment.

On the rocky slope, a bright purple light suddenly appeared.

The resentful horn on the forearm, which was ignited by the ghost fire, slowly came to the edge of the cliff, looked at the tide of monsters rushing forward below, and let out a sharp roar.

The frightened monsters immediately fled in all directions, as if seeing a fierce ghost.

"As expected, you are here. Resentment Horn immediately mobilized two five-star hunter teams. Here it is!"

Pu Xian, with a dignified face, was about to issue an order to target, but before he could finish speaking, a prison wolf dragon with dragon worms floating all over his body walked in from behind the resentful horn, and stood still on the left.

"Mobilize four five-star hunter teams immediately?"

Puxian's face froze, and an electric dragon with a crown of emerald green light came to the right side of the corner of resentment and stood still.

"Assemble six teams of five-star hunters immediately"

"Village Chief, we have recruited four teams of five-star hunters in total."

The village defense captain reminded.


The will-o'-the-wisp from Resentment Horn's forearm suddenly shook violently, and the wind pressure descended.

Seeing the male fire dragon flapping its wings, Pu Xian slowly descended to the top of the three dragons, closed his eyes in pain and thought for a moment, and said eagerly: "Go and invite the chief hunter team!"

"The actors are all in place! Where's the Overlord?"

On Li Fan's side, it was the exact opposite. He held up his binoculars and kept watching, as if he felt that the scene was not lively enough.

"Chief Hunter Squad!"

Seeing the village defense captain running towards him shouting, Li Fan was overjoyed and hurried over.

"Captain! Is there an overlord that needs to be dealt with!"

Li Fan shouted at the loudest due to the booming artillery fire on the top of the city wall.

"No! It's the resentful tiger and the resentful horn! Not only did it participate in the Bailong Night Walk, but it also brought three five-star monsters to join the battle! There is an urgent need for a hunter team to deal with it!"

The village defense captain shouted in response.

"Oh, I know."

"Your reaction is so flat!"

"We are the chief hunter team! If you panic, it will have a great negative impact on other hunters!"

Li Fan explained.

"I see! You are indeed the chief hunter! Even if you have to go to a dangerous situation! You have to deal with it calmly! I have learned!"

The village defense captain was very encouraged.

There is no other way now, so I can only try to capture it with the Infernal Affairs scheme.

But complaining that Hulong has such a small mind, he still holds grudges very much.

It is estimated that even if the capture is successful, they will definitely break up with these former brothers.

It's not that there is no way, Li Fan doesn't want to use the Infernal Affairs capture scheme either.

But if the key role of the overlord does not appear, other plans cannot be implemented at all.

Following the long roar of the resentful horn, the monster team attacked together and entered the tide of monsters like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

The tide of monsters was about to be attacked by artillery fire. Facing the attack of four five-star monsters, there was no room to fight back under the crowd.

Boom!The front paws of the resentful horn pressed the head of a strange dragon and controlled it to the ground.

Let his mouth let out a stern roar, and blue lightning flashed from his body, he still lowered his head and bit his retractable neck, tearing and gnawing on the spot.

The strange dragon struggled for a moment, and soon became silent.

Not far away, a savage dragon had just used brute force to fly Lei Ge away, and Xixi's pincer tail pierced into the back of the savage dragon in mid-air.

A ball of electric light was injected, and the Mangnathosaurus, which was shocked to the point of fainting, had just regained consciousness when it was horrified to realize that it was already in the sky.


Naughty pulled away the sharp claws, stepped down with both claws, and the Manjaw Dragon flew to the ground.

A sleeping dog dragon below noticed that it was shrouded in a shadow, and then looked up.

Paji!It was directly smashed into the ground by the flying Mangnathic Dragon.

"It's so brutal."

Li Fan, who was rushing over, couldn't help but say.

"Looking at it this way, isn't the monster team led by Resentment Jiao playing a positive role?"

Udora, who was running, asked curiously.

"That's right, but the Horn of Resentment dispelled the crowd of monsters that originally gathered, which will limit the ability to focus fire and kill. Moreover, the Horn of Resentment is completely out of control. No one knows that it is killing monsters to its heart's content. After finishing, will you go to the top of the city wall to start destroying?"

Li Fan explained.

"I read in the ecology books that introduce the resentful tiger dragon, there is no mention that it has the habit of eating living things, and it still eats on the battlefield."

Di Lu, hanging on Li Fan's back, asked curiously.

"That should be to improve the efficiency of eating. During the Bailong Night Walk, the Resentful Horn will take the opportunity to pursue eating unrestrainedly, so that he can reach his best state before participating in the mission."

Li Fan speculated.

He felt that Resentment Jiao had prepared so much, just waiting for this moment to come.

It is actually reasonable to say that this is an adaptive variation that has a relatively long period and does not highlight its characteristics.

It's just that it can satisfy the eating scene of resentful tiger and dragon, which is the only place in this continent.

In the chaotic battlefield shrouded in moonlight, fierce fighting and killing continued.

Suddenly, a thick layer of clouds that covered the sky came galloping at an extremely fast speed.

The advancing team saw that the entire Feiye Fortress was engulfed by the thick shadow passing behind them, and then looked up.

Gone is the night sky, replaced by fast-moving, dark clouds.

In the middle of the clouds, a hole is gradually appearing.

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