Chapter 197

"Who came up with such an unlucky reason?"

Li Fan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then muttered.

"Where is the source of the news?"

"I don't know the source yet, but that's what everyone says."

Shireen answered.

"Everyone knows that I'm going to perform the guild's secret mission, but I'm the only one who doesn't know. Don't you feel a bit contradictory?"

"Well, it seems to be oh."

Shireen suddenly noticed something unusual.

Since it's a secret mission, how could everyone know about it, but Li Fan himself didn't know.

"Is there any urgent contract for Ice Sea or Ancient Forest recently?"

Li Fan started to ask.

"There is no Ancient Forest. In the Ice Sea area, the guild headquarters issued a six-star large-scale continuous hunting contract called Thugs Above the Ice Sea, but it cannot be received at the branch."

Shireen said.

"The target monsters are Thunder Wolf Dragon, Resentment Tiger Dragon, and Boom Dragon, right?"

Li Fan asked.

"how do you know?"

Shireen said in surprise.

"I overheard someone talking about it. Thank you for letting me know. I have to leave now."

"Hey! When will you go back to Kara Village?"

Shireen said eagerly.

"When I return from the New World, say hello to everyone for me"

"Okay! The Kara Village Guild Branch will wait for your return! It really hasn't changed at all."

Looking at Li Fan's back, Xilin said with emotion.

The reason for carrying out the guild's secret mission was obviously fabricated.

The purpose is also very simple. After the group of 500 people is formed, there is always a reason to delay the departure.

No one can be contacted, this kind of absurd statement, certainly no one can accept it.

It would be much more reasonable to talk about secret missions instead.

But this reason is completely consistent with Canglan Xing's late arrival.

Thinking of this, Li Fan didn't know how to face it.

However, seeing the Poke Ball mounted on the shoulder strap, a burst of confidence quickly emerged in my heart.

The monster squad is already growing, so it shouldn't be a problem to go to the New World, and after reuniting with Udora, I can still test it with the Heaven-Defying Stone.

While Li Fan was thinking, the Taimei truck had already arrived in front of the investigation agency.

After a hasty farewell to the monsters, the Flame set off again.

Four hours later, at dusk, the ancient forest.

The Yanhuo didn't hover for too long, and a vague transparent silhouette flew to the deck accompanied by the sound of the wind.

"You are. Yeye?"

Li Fan looked at the blurred outline and asked tentatively.


Yeye screamed, and then quickly flapped its wings, shaking off a large amount of crystal dust on its body.

"The invisibility of the night bird is indeed achieved by optical camouflage dust. Speaking of Yeye, if you leave like this, will your partner mind?"

Li Fan asked.

goo goo!
"Would you like to wait for someone so infatuated?"

Li Fan also did not expect that Yeye is so attractive.

In the Ice Sea area, on the highest platform of the Frozen Mountains, Lei Ge, Resentment, and Che Che lay on the edge together, looking at the ice layer blown by the cold wind below.

Sanlong is currently a little anxious, because the monsters that can be eaten in the ice sea area are almost eaten up.

Aw. Aw!
Lei Ge, who looked up at the sky, saw the familiar airship, and immediately got up and howled.

Immediately afterwards, multiple huge pieces of meat fell onto the ice.

"No wonder the name of the guild's contract is called Thugs Above the Ice Sea. The surrounding creatures have been eaten to extinction."

Li Fan put down the binoculars and said with emotion.

"Li Fan, I've eaten up all the pieces of meat I put in meow."

Dilu told.

"They're all hungry and thin, so keep feeding them."

"Okay meow!"

After a big meal, Li Fan took Lei Ge, Resentment Jiao, Che Che, and Ya Ya who arrived late.

The next step is to fly directly to East Doruma.

Four days later, when the silver Flame entered the sky above the city, a large number of airships dispersed immediately on the congested access channel.

"Why are you paying attention to Yanhuo Meow?"

Ferry said incredulously.

Since the Yanhuo has become the symbol of the chief hunter team of the Longli Academy, it always attracts some attention.

But the current feeling of attention has never been felt before.

"It's not that secret mission, it's full of topicality."

Li Fan was a little helpless.

This kind of super topical reason will definitely arouse large-scale discussions.

Soon, a guild airship came to guide and took the Yanhuo to the old hall of the headquarters.

The president, Zuda, Vegasha, the envoy of King Xixiu Leide, representatives of the chamber of commerce, and the leader of the Dragon Sect all rushed over.

After listening to the brief presentation, there was only one reason why many leaders gathered here, and that was to confirm whether Li Fan would go to the New World.

Some of them are concerned, not without reason.

Because the tasks to be undertaken by the fifth phase of the survey team are not mainly to build and expand strongholds, but to continue to explore unknown areas through hunting while investigating the whereabouts of the melting mountain dragon, and to replicate the current ecological survey mode. to dig deeper for more information.

Combat power is a key factor that cannot be avoided.

An absolutely strong man is needed to lead the fifth group to resolve the crisis.

"Who came up with the reason why I want to carry out a secret mission?"

Li Fan asked.

Everyone who was looking forward to it was a little surprised, and didn't expect to ask this.

"Sorry, I came up with it, and it's true that I didn't get your consent, but please rest assured, even if you decide not to go to the New World, I will definitely come forward to clarify."

The white-clothed dragon man Zu Da raised his hand and said.

"That's a good reason, don't think about it in the future."

Li Fan sighed helplessly.

"Okay, I will go to the New World, but I have two requirements."

When everyone heard this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Please say, we will do our best to assist."

Zuda gives assurances.

"The first point is that all ships heading to the New World must be equipped with lifeboats and life buoys in excess."

Li Fan informed.

"no problem."

Zuda gives assurances.

"Second, I'm going to take the Yanhuo."

"This is not good. The distance of this long-distance voyage is beyond imagination. When encountering extreme weather, the fleet is likely to be separated from the airship. The guild does not have an accurate route map. Once lost in the depths of the sea, it is impossible to rescue them." Very difficult."

Zuda said in embarrassment.

"This problem is easy to handle, and it can be pulled by a cable."

Li Fan gave a solution.

Vegasha dissuaded and said: "Li Fan, the current safe and unimpeded airspace is maintained by combat airships. The New World is unable to make similar arrangements, so even if the Yanhuo is brought there, it cannot be used normally. At the beginning, the head of the third regiment wanted to expand the scope of investigation with the modified hot air balloon airship, but he was trapped in an unknown area and failed to return to the star stronghold for 20 years."

"Please rest assured Dean, I have enough confidence to make this decision."

Li Fan said seriously.

Zuda Wigatha glanced at each other and could only nod in acquiescence.

In the end, everyone agreed that the departure could not be postponed any longer, so the time was set at [-] pm.

When they returned to the Flame, Yudora had already appeared on the deck in an upside-down floating posture.

"Li Fan! Di Lu!"

Seeing Li Fan and Di Lu, Yudora was pleasantly surprised and immediately returned to normal.

"It's been a while."

Li Fan waved his hand and said.

"You got a tan."

Eudora commented.

"Yeah, I've been in the Shayuan area for a while, how is your special training going?"

"It's very effective. I won't be in a hurry to draw the sword now. I wanted to give you a surprise, but..."

Eudora sighed, shoulders drooping.

"Did the hunting mission fail?"

Li Fan asked tentatively.

"Yes, I was supposed to hunt the golden lion, but it ran away, but the good thing is that I have regained a lot of traditional hunting skills."

Eudora turned optimistic.

"That's right, hunting with a team for a long time will weaken the key skills of many hunters."

"One more thing, I have reconciled with Gu Xing. Dad."

Eudora told.

"You chose to forgive him?"

"Not really, but because he lost his ability to resent tigers and dragons, he has already considered retiring. That's how I found out. It's actually related to me."


The loss of the armor's ability to stimulate is very bizarre, and it is related to other people, and I have never heard of it.

"His explanation is that in order to activate the resentment tiger dragon armor ability, you must have extreme resentment in your heart, but when you see me often, the resentment in your heart disappears, leaving only deep love Don't look at me like this, That's what Dad said."

Eudora said a little uncomfortable.

"Perhaps his resentment is just a tool to punish himself. When you return to your side, you will find that you can let go."

Li Fan speculated.

"But...he started to dissuade me again, not wanting me to go to the New World."

Eudora said helplessly.

"It's normal, what's your opinion?"

"Of course I really want to go. My grievances with the steel dragon are still unbroken. There is also the legendary fierce jackal dragon. I have been preparing for it for a long time. In addition, there are many new ingredients in the New World, and I really want to try it. For example, the meat of the great jackal dragon!"

Eudora said very excitedly.

"Then go home and say goodbye, the fifth group is about to leave tonight."

Li Fan informed.

"Huh? So fast?"

"The resolution just made by the Great Old Hall."

Li Fan informed.

"That's right, you're all back, and it's time to go, see you at the port tonight."

Yudora floated up into the air, and when she was about to leave, she suddenly turned around and asked, "By the way, don't you need to test the inauspiciousness of the guard stone against the sky, and then start?"

"No need, some things cannot be avoided."

Li Fan said frankly.

At night, the sea port of East Doruma is brightly lit.

Seven large transport ships are docking at the center of the harbor.

On the top of each ship's mast, a flag shaped like a white ribbon is hung.

That is the white wind that symbolizes the New World, and it is exclusive to the fifth investigation team.

The inner arc-shaped shore is full of crowds who come to see off.

"Don't force yourself when things happen."

Gu Xing, who had deep claw marks on his face, asked.

"When you get there, don't begrudge your money. You must eat well and dress warmly. This is the jerky I made. Take it with you."

Eudora's mother said with tears in her eyes.

"Mom, this truck"

Looking at the boxes stacked high on the truck behind her parents, Yudora tentatively said.

"Yes, it's all your favorite jerky. I've inquired about it. You are a specially invited member, and you have plenty of storage space on board."

"Mom, these can't be loaded on board."

Eudora said helplessly.


"Li Fan said that these boats are not very stable."

Gu Xing became curious when he heard about it, and asked, "These seven transport ships were manufactured by the guild in conjunction with various forces and using the current state-of-the-art technology. It stands to reason that there will be no problems."

"Anyway, Li Fan is right."

Eudora said firmly.

"This is my painstaking effort for two months"

Eudora's mother sighed.

"Don't worry, Li Fan and Di Lu both love to eat. I'll go up and see if there is any space in Yanhuo's warehouse. If there is, I will fill it up."

As Yudora said, she grabbed a cargo box with one hand and flew towards the sky.

At a boarding point in the harbor, Aiden, a member of the recommendation team, bid farewell to the top hunter team.

"Aiden! The New World is an extremely dangerous place, you must upgrade your armor and weapons in time!"

Deus cautioned.

"Don't worry, master, follow the teachings carefully!"

Aiden smiled heartily, picked up his bags, waved to everyone, and boarded the deck of the long-distance transport ship like many hunters.

Li Fan put his hands on the bulwarks, looking at the flickering lights of the harbor and the dense flow of people, he felt as if he had been separated from another world.

"A lot of people meow! We are finally leaving."

As Dilu said, he climbed up the bulwark and looked at the spectacular scene below.

"It's almost time. The White Wind has a sailing ceremony. As the captain, I have to attend it."

Such scenes could have been avoided if possible, but if the head of the sailing ceremony did not participate, it would be unreasonable.

Standing on the bulwark and just about to pull the worm silk, I found that Yudora was flying upwards with two cargo boxes.

Li Fan couldn't remember how many times this was the first time he had moved, so he reminded: "Yudora, the storage space is limited, too many piles will affect the retrieval of goods."

"This is jerky made by my mother!"

"That's all right, take more, if you can't do it, tidy up the warehouse, and throw away all the extra things."

The reason is that this kind of jerky, which is similar to barbecued pork, is really delicious.

Boom!When they landed on the deck of the White Wind, there was applause.

After Li Fan waved his hand to greet the members of the fifth-stage regiment, he walked to the mast and stood with Zu Da who presided over the sailing ceremony.

The white signal flare that heralded the start of the sailing ceremony exploded in the sky. Whether it was the farewell crowd or the hunters on the deck, they all fell silent in a tacit understanding.

Zuda cleared his throat and began to preach.

"Members of the fifth phase of the investigation, the time is almost up. Let's say goodbye. Once you get on this ship, you can't turn back. If you lose your consciousness, I advise you to turn back here."

There was a brief silence, and every member of the fifth group showed a firm face.

Zuda waved his hands and shouted: "Then, let's set sail for the New World now!"

At the same time, the low-pitched horn that symbolized the hunting expedition and the gong that warned of the monster's attack sounded at the same time.

"Li Fan, do you have anything to say to all the members of the fifth group?"

Zuda approached and asked.


Just as Li Fan was thinking, he saw a blue meteor streaking across the night sky.

He froze for a moment, then took two steps forward.

"May the blue star that illuminates the way shine for you."

(End of this chapter)

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