Chapter 199 Star Stronghold
There was a sound of scraping leaves, and Li Fan and Ai Bo fell into the jungle together.

The bright sunlight obliquely shines on the ground from the gaps in the leaves, and the strong smell of grass and trees hits.

The melting mountain dragon that has landed in the rear is walking heavily towards an unknown direction.

"Huh~ This is the ancient tree forest."

Ai Bo got up with his buttocks on the ground, patted the dirt stained on his pants, opened the large book that was straddling his waist, and compared it to his surroundings.

"It should be, but the canopy here is too occluded, and it's impossible to recognize the direction. Let's find an open place first."

At Li Fan's suggestion, the two immediately started to move towards the area with sparse trees.

Not long after, a yellow triangular tent appeared on the side of the road.

Seeing the degree of ash on the tarpaulin and the messy and disorderly arrangement of items, the two speculated that this was an abandoned camp, so they looked for something useful.

"found it!"

Ai Bo held up a leather-covered book in front of the storage box, looking very excited.



As the map book was opened, Ai Bo began to watch it carefully.

"Leave the jungle from here, come to the coast, pass through the dense forest under the giant ancient trees, and you will be the stronghold of stars."

Ai Bo gave an analysis.

"Then you lead the way. I really can't understand the dense forest under the ancient tree."

Li Fan suggested.

The complex terrain of the ancient tree forest has always been Li Fan's nightmare.

In the real world without restrictions, the difficulty of finding the way must be increased by several levels.

"The leader is too modest, this is actually your test of me, right?"

Aibo asked confidently.

"It doesn't matter how you understand it. I'll be in charge of the battle. You just need to find the way."

"Okay, let's go!"

The two of them walked out of the jungle within a short time and came to the coastal area marked on the map.

Chi Chi
The transparent insect cage around Aibo's waist glowed with green fluorescence, and there was a dense sound of flapping wings.

"The guide worms have responded."

Ai Bo opened the insect cage, and a swarm of insects gathered by countless green light spots flew forward.

The cultivated guide insects will chase specific tastes and substances, and have a strong ability to track and explore, which is a must for almost everyone in the New World.

The guide insect swarm circled a small stream not far away for a moment, and attached to a tooth mark on the surface of the decayed log.

The flickering green light of the insect swarm can be seen very clearly even in daytime.

This kind of extremely obvious marking, called trace in the New World, is the main means of carrying out ecological investigation.

Ai Bo ran to check it, scraped a small amount of mucus from the tooth marks with a knife, and put it into the bone cylinder.

"Although it's not clear what monsters are active nearby, the mouth is large and the bite force is strong from the tooth marks. The research team in the stronghold should have relevant information."

After Ai Bo recorded the speculation, he installed the traces collected, and the two continued to move towards the location of the giant tree.

A dark jungle appeared in front of the two of them.

Walking into it, Li Fan found that the reason why the sunlight could not come in here was because of the disorderly growth of tree branches above, intertwined and twisted together, forming a multi-layered spiral structure that blocked it.

After a while, two rapid roars came.

The two of them searched for the sound and found that they were four vicious jackal dragons that looked like lizards and had bright yellow skin.

It was one of them that roared, and from what Li Fan heard, it was saying, brothers, look, this has meat.

"The leader is hiding!"

While speaking, Ai Bo pulled Li Fan, and hid in the bushes of leafy plants as tall as a person.

"The jackal dragon is not a little deaf and blind, so he must be able to detect it?"

Li Fan, who is concealed, feels that even if it is a non-leader monster, it is not too stupid, otherwise it would have been eliminated by the ecology.

"Uh, that's what it said in the fifth regiment training course."

Ai Bo looked at the jackal dragon gradually poking into the leaves, feeling more and more uncertain.

The fierce jackal dragon came to the root, raised its head and roared twice.

The meaning is that brothers, come quickly, these two idiots are hiding in the grass, and Li Fan is furious after hearing this.

The Minglei Divine Knife pierced through the leaves and pierced through the neck of the jackal dragon, and the blood beads were instantly gasified under the golden electric light.

A one-shot kill, clean and neat.

"Head, you are so strong!"

Ai Bo was stunned for a moment, then exclaimed.

"The main reason is that the equipment is still there. I will not take it off when I am near the New World, just to prevent such emergencies."

"The leader is really a meticulous person."

Li Fan got up and walked out, deliberately dragging the knife forward, causing the tip of the knife to scrape a lot of electric sparks on the ground.

The fierce jackal dragon, who roared to avenge his brother, looked at the fierce jackal dragon who gave the siege plan, and ran away without looking back.

There was only the smallest jackal dragon left, still yelling at Li Fan.

"You are very righteous."

"So it was you who made the child. Go back and practice again."

Li Fan admired the loyalty of this fierce jackal dragon, so he persuaded him not to come and die.

"Hehe, don't go if you have the guts, you go to the leader of the clan, the fierce jackal and dragon, go."

After Li Fan finished speaking, the loyal jackal dragon turned around and ran into the woods.


Turning around and seeing Ai Bo carrying the shaved jackal and dragon meat on his shoulders, Li Fan immediately showed a surprised expression.

"This is the leader. I want to write an encyclopedia of New World food, so I don't want to waste any ingredients. Of course, if this action will cause trouble, I will correct it immediately!"

Li Fan suddenly understood that Ai Bo was thinking that he was too strong and his combat power was too strong, so he came up with the idea of ​​carrying meat with him to the stronghold.

"Well, your partner Eudora also likes food very much, remember to share it."

"Really! I didn't expect that the chief hunter of Longli Academy also loves food."

Aibo's eyes lit up.

Passing through the oppressive and dark jungle, the terrain became more open and expanded.

In the distance, a huge ship straddling the tops of two adjacent peaks appeared in view.

Chi Chi
As if aware of the existence of traces, Aibo's guide worms reacted again, came out of the cage and flew forward.

This time it was a puddle of slime left on the surface.

Li Fan speculates that the guide insects may be able to absorb nutrients from the traces, which is why they have such a strong tracking characteristic.

In the plot, Ai Bo was attacked by a fierce jackal dragon here. In order to protect her, Li Fan stood aside while collecting traces.

"Looks like some kind of monster's urine."

Staring at the wet soil covered with green light, Ai Bo took out a small shovel and dug the soil for collection.

A series of dull stomping sounds came from far to near.


A giant yellow lizard with mane hanging down the sides of its head suddenly sprang out of the jungle.

Li Fan rubbed the tip of his knife against the ground and released an electric light deterrent, but it didn't work at all.

It's fine that the younger brother is not very knowledgeable, and the leader has never seen it. It seems that the ecological crisis caused by the Fengshenlong Leishenlong did not spread to the New World.

In other words, even if it spread, it was resolved by some kind of force.

The big fierce jackal dragon was not polite, and came quickly with its huge mouth open, as if it wanted to swallow Li Fan whole.

Taking two steps back, he adjusted his position with a cassock cut.

Several fangs on the upper jaw of the big fierce jackal dragon were smashed, but it still continued to bite ahead.

An unpretentious straight slash, coming head-on.


The epidermis split instantly, and the hard head came into contact with the forked blade for a moment, and there was a crisp bone cracking sound.

Shrouded in death, the great jackal dragon immediately lowered its head with a mane parted in the middle, following the direction of the knife.

Otherwise, if you continue to insist on it like this, your head may be chopped off.

The knife hit the ground smoothly.

A cloud of blood mixed with electric sparks erupted from the top of the big fierce jackal dragon whose neck was shrunken.

Li Fan was somewhat surprised by this result.

Because the seemingly fierce and brainless jackal dragon is much smarter than expected.

The fierce jackal dragon backed away amidst the roar, and finally, with the scar on his forehead, he entered the jungle with hatred.

"Awareness that can predict danger and unrivaled combat power, is this the chief hunter?"

Aibo sighed.

"Let's go."

After Li Fan finished speaking, he retracted the knife, and the two moved forward again.

Ten minutes later, at the junction of the coast and the mountains, a gate made of logs and huge animal bones appeared.

"Hello! Are you a member of the Fifth Group?"

A strong male hunter with a big bone sword on his back shouted to the other two on the rock above.

"Yes! I am the editor Aibo! This is the leader of the fifth group!"

Aibo immediately waved and shouted.

Li Fan knew this young male hunter with most of his chest muscles exposed.

He is the captain of the investigation team and the grandson of the commander-in-chief of the star base. He is a hunter born in the New World.

"My name is Di Yan, and I'm the monitor of the investigation team. The gate will open soon."

As Di Yan said, he jumped off the rock, came to the push wheel behind the gate, put his hands on the push handle, and pushed forward vigorously.

Cluck!The gate slowly rises.

After the two entered, Di Yan closed the gate and guided the two into the stronghold.

"Fortunately, none of the members of the fifth regiment on the White Wind were killed."

Di Yan said with emotion.

"Where are the other four transport ships?"

Li Fan started to ask.

"All arrived safely. This is a miracle for the fleet that came to the New World in the past. It is a bit difficult to recover the White Wind, but the supplies of the fourth regiment should be able to handle it."

Di Yan informed enthusiastically.

"It turns out that even landing is so dangerous."

Ai Bo suddenly realized that Li Fan's escort all the way might not be accidental.

The three of them walked across a wide wooden bridge, located in the stronghold of the canyon near the sea, and the stars appeared in front of them.

From the fence by the sea to the attic on the canyon, almost all wooden buildings here have serious splicing traces, and the overall architectural style is messy and disorderly.

The only statistics are that most of the building materials come from dismantled ships.

The roof formed by the reverse buckle of the hull, and the sunshade cloth made of sails.

Small areas extending from half of the ship can be seen everywhere in the stronghold.

The stronghold is close to the port extending out to the sea, and four transport ships are lined up neatly.

Hundreds of hunters and members of the material squad are unloading the materials on the ship in an extremely orderly manner.

Aiden and Martha, who took care of the wounded in the fifth regiment, immediately exclaimed when they saw that Li Fan was safe and sound.

"Captain, you are all right!"

Aiden ran over.

"Well, you don't have to worry too much about me. I think the wounded still need to be transferred to the cable car. You should do your work first."

Li Fan informed.

"I'm going to help too."

As he spoke, Ai Bo put down the piece of meat of the fierce jackal dragon, and ran over quickly.

On the circular canyon, the multi-layer platform built along the mountain rock can only be reached by a cable car driven by a water wheel.

It seems feasible to use the domesticated pterosaur to go to the high platform, but it is impossible to carry the stretcher with the wounded.

Looking up at the sky, Li Fan quickly locked the position of the Yanhuo.

"Isn't the topmost floor in that direction a restaurant?"

Li Fan also did not expect that the Yanhuo would hover above the restaurant.

So I came to the constantly rotating cable car and took it to the top of the canyon.

Smelling the aroma of the food, Li Fan came to the open-air stronghold restaurant composed of several slate dining tables and a stove.

At this time, Udora, Dilu, and Patch were sitting around a table, looking at the table seriously.

"The ancient tree forest has so many layers, it looks so complicated."

Udora said anxiously.

"It's better to attack meow first. I heard that there are big jackal dragons active nearby, so I can't wait any longer."

Patch, who was wearing a backpack, said impatiently.

"Great jackal dragon."

Yudora's eyes were serious, and her fists were clenched.

"Although I am also worried about Li Fan, I have confidence in him meow."

Dilu gives advice.

What did I say, I just lost contact for a while so I won't be able to start the meeting, so I came to this restaurant to discuss the search and rescue countermeasures.

As for the Yanhuo, it must have rappelled from a high place in the stronghold.

"Cough cough."

Li Fan, who walked to the table, coughed twice.

"Ah! You are really fine, meow!"

Di Lu, who was still confident just now, burst into tears.

"How can something happen to this small scene, are you all okay?"

Li Fan stroked Di Lu's back and said.

"I was about to set off to search and rescue meow, I am relieved to see that you are fine."

When Patch saw Di Lu getting close to his master, he couldn't help showing disappointment in his eyes.

"You can jump in too, Patch."

As Li Fan said, he patted the other shoulder.

"Ah! I'm going to prepare meow."

As Patch said, he stroked his hair with his cat's paw, and started to burst into tears.

"Well, what do you think I am doing, Eudora, are you okay?"

Li Fan asked curiously when he saw Udora watching him all the time.


Yudora glanced down at the corner of her mouth, and responded indifferently.

"Did you get injured while protecting the Yanhuo?"

Li Fan touched his chin and speculated.

"No, the Yanhuo's landing went smoothly, I'm going to order food."

After finishing speaking, Yudora got up and walked towards the open stove in the open air.

The fire in the stone oven was booming, and a large Elle cat with a red banner as a hood was standing in front of the fire with arms crossed.

Seeing the opponent's right eye was pierced by a wound, and a large broken-edged sword was carried on his back, Yudora immediately felt that the aura cat was very unusual.

“Really nice team”

The large Ailu cat looked back at Li Fan's table, and said to Yudora: "I am the chief chef, welcome to the Bobcat Pavilion."

(End of this chapter)

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