Bing Bingzi, a solitary monster, can get along well with other members and is willing to help, which is really unexpected.

Li Fan turned on the handheld to check, and found that Bing Bingzi had an extra vanity state.

Understood, the monster team has been with me for so long, and has mastered a lot of communication skills, and its emotional intelligence is far superior to ordinary monsters.

During this period of time, there must have been a lot of praise for Bing Bingzi, which is why the cooperation was facilitated.

In addition, by checking the handheld, Li Fan found that Yaya and Piao Piao had an additional state called [Cold Coil] at the same time, and because of this, they both entered the mutation stage.

He felt that if the speculation was correct, the direction of mutation must be Frostblade Icetooth Dragon and Frostwing Wind Drifter.

Bing Bingzi didn't fool the two groups at the beginning, and his own [cold air training] ability can indeed help them mutate.

This cold energy is trained to be similar to the stimulating ability of the ice dragon armor in the game, right? No, this is released by the ice dragon itself, so the effect should be stronger.

After thinking about it, Li Fan pulled out the Thunder-Ming Sword, inserted the blade into the ice, and stood it upright on the snow.

"Bing Bingzi, can you train the cold air to release it at this weapon?"

Bing Bingzi waited and watched for a while, then leaned in and said yes.

"The whole one."

Li Fan pointed to Minglei Shendao and said.

Bing Bingzi stood up on his front paws and waved his wings.

The blue breath diffused from the surface of the body, and after a short period of condensation, it turned into a blue light band and surrounded the surface of Minglei Shendao.

There was no ice crystal layer condensed on the double-edged knife, but a faint blue light attached to it.

Li Fan stretched out his hand towards the handle of the knife, and while holding it, a chill rushed into his body and went straight to his mind.

After getting used to it for a while, he raised his knife and slashed straight ahead.

The faint cold light followed the strike, drawing a blue half-arc with the sharp edge.

After stopping the hand, the cold air that swayed seemed to be conscious, re-adsorbed on the surface of the blade, and gradually condensed.

"This enchantment is a bit strong, Yudora, come and try it."

Li Fan said excitedly.

"No, I felt the chill when I swung the knife just now. Attaching to the dragon heat mechanism will cause the temperature of the sword body to drop significantly."

Eudora said no.

"Will the drop in temperature have an adverse effect on the Dragon's thermal shutdown?"

Li Fan asked.

"Yes, it will reduce the operating efficiency of the red Dragon Qi Jade and make the jet weak. If the temperature of the sword body rises to a certain level, the jet of the Dragon Qi Jade will be more powerful."

For this very different kind of great sword, Yudora has figured out a lot of points that need to be paid attention to after using it for a period of time.

"It turns out that the combination skill that Zhan Zhan talked about is this. Well, I'll go to Che Che to try the effect."

The car teeth fluttered. Although he was not selected for the battle lineup, it was not a problem to find a safe corner to avoid the battle in the permafrost, so Patch was not allowed to evacuate and take away.

As soon as Che Che heard that Li Fan was going to compete with him, he immediately became interested.

"Dilu, play the disc!"

"It's over, meow."

"Be careful of Cheche, this is a cold Taidao."

After speaking, one man and one dragon fought on the snow.

bang~ bang~
Li Fan slashed his cassock and moved away, the blade slashed across the front paws of Che Che.

Splashing ice crystals and golden lightning appeared at the same time, which surprised Che Che for a moment.

"It's amazing."

Che Che's eyes sank, he raised his left paw and swung back, while the muscles of his forearm tightened, a raised network of blood vessels instantly emerged from under the skin.

After accumulating power for a short time, the leaping Che Che swung its claws and smashed down.

Li Fan, who was rolling backwards, landed on his feet, and his legs sank into the cracks in the ground that were cracked like spider webs.

"After comprehending the new trick, he didn't say it, so cunning. I lost."

Che Che didn't expect that the discussion would end so soon, and angrily slapped the snow to protest.

"I can't help it, Che Che, the battle is too fierce now, we should try our best to avoid it."

While soothing Li Fan, he pulled his leg out from the crack in the rock.

What he didn't expect was that not only was it pulled out with a light force, but the massive rock formation that was cracked on one side also slipped and collapsed.

"Is the permafrost so fragile?"

Li Fan couldn't help being curious.

A week passed quickly. In addition to training during the period, Li Fan also found a hot spring for Puff as a habitat.

Take Huihui, take Lei Ge to the land of dragon crystallization, and receive the swarm of dragon-eating dragons raised in the land of convergence.

The preparations for the battle are proceeding in an orderly manner, the only thing that is not going well is that the shiny undersea tunnel has not yet been completed.

From the status bar of the handheld, nothing abnormal can be seen, but Li Fan is somewhat worried because he is at the bottom of the sea and cannot contact him.

On the dark endless ocean, the guild fleet sailed in formation.

The brilliant orange light rising from the sea level is erasing the faint night covering the sky.

Seeing the dawn through the porthole, Aibo rubbed his eyes and got up. After washing and dressing, he walked quickly to the deck.

Looking up at the Flame being towed above the stern for a moment, Aibo lowered his head and sighed.

"It seems that being forced to evacuate from the New World has indeed brought them a lot of shock."

Five days ago, the Yanhuo, which was chasing along the route, was merged into the fleet. After the towing, Patch told everyone that the chief team was very depressed and didn't want to see anyone.

Aibo has not bothered.

But she still hoped that when she looked at the Yanhuo one day early in the morning, she would see those two familiar figures, smiling and waving at her.

"We can't relax during this period of time. Let's do today's ocean climate observation first."

After refueling himself, Ai Bo quickly walked to the bulwark in the middle of the hull.

Pull down the variable head-mounted binoculars to your eyes, turn the knob to adjust the focus, and the rising sun above the sea level will gradually become clearer.

"Well, the sea breeze is so strong today, what is that?"

Just when Aibo sighed, she noticed a very blurry area at the junction of dawn and night.

The presentation of light and darkness is distorted in it, and no matter how the focus is adjusted, it is impossible to see clearly.

Retracting most of his protruding body into the bulwark, Aibo opened the large book obliquely across his waist, and searched for records of similar weather phenomena, but found nothing.

"It would be great if Li Fan was here, at least he can give some hints."

Aibo said helplessly.

But she didn't intend to give up at this point, because the abnormality was constantly expanding, and there was obviously a trend of approaching.

The captain's room leading the sailing ship.

"Hold on, you can change shifts after a while, and you can have a good rest."

The helmsman who was on duty last night was muttering, while holding the steering wheel with one hand, he poured a bottle of refreshing drink.

puff~ puff~
Hanging from the top of the cabin, in the insect cage that swayed with the hull, dragon-eating insects made strange noises.

"Captain. Dragon Eater reacted,"

The helmsman observed for a moment and gave a reminder.

The old bearded captain who was sitting on the armchair pulled off the captain's cap that was on his face, and rubbed his face vigorously with his hands for a few times to wake himself up quickly.

"Lookout, I am the captain, reporting the surrounding situation."

After the captain spoke to the brass horn for a while, he received a report from the watchman. It turned out that except for the strong sea breeze, he did not find any abnormalities.

"It shouldn't be an ancient dragon. Otherwise, with the wide view of the sea, it should be noticed by the watchman before it gets close to the perception range of the dragon worm. Did it take too long to forget to feed?"

After the experienced captain finished his analysis, he looked up at the insect cage.

The captain froze immediately when he saw the dragon-eater worm emitting red and black lightning all over its body, gnawing on the iron net of the insect cage like crazy.

On the deck, the strange shape that distorts the boundary between dawn and night is continuously expanding in a ring.

The more Ai Bo watched this, the more he felt palpitations.

During this trip to the New World, she also experienced many dangers, but she had never been so anxious.

just rang~huh~
The giant ship turned sharply at this time, and Ai Bo, who was knocked down, quickly grabbed the swimming ring beside him, so as not to be thrown out.

Boom! Boom! Boom!
The gong sounded with the siren of the horn.

The eight guild ships turned sharply on the sea surface and changed their course.

what happened?
Everyone who was awakened by the violent turbulence was thinking about the same question at this moment.

People flocked to the deck, but found no signs of attack.

This obviously does not match the highest level of warning currently issued.

The strong sea wind intensified again, and a hazy sphere flew across the sky in the distance.

Under the squeeze of some invisible force, the seawater under the sphere concaved downwards in a circular arc.

As the ball travels, tall waves rush to both sides.

Under the sunlight, the blurry sphere becomes clear and transparent.

Ai Bo, who kept watching, finally saw clearly that there was a flying dragon flapping its wings in the center of the huge sphere.

Through the silhouette-like black outline, she saw the pair of horns growing towards the sky on the top of her head, and the wings that flashed two kinds of light and darkness.

"Taboo, above all life..."

Ai Bo really wanted to open the book to record, but his mind was blank, and he didn't know what to write.

An extremely absurd idea popped up, and she felt that at least part of the ideas promoted by the Dragon Worship Cult were correct.

That is never to offend them.

The great sense of oppression brought by God's Domain is enough to make people forget it forever even if they watch it from afar.

There was silence on the deck full of hunters, not for concealment.

Instead, they fight against the natural ecology all day long, unwilling to admit the existence of insurmountable human beings.

But the facts were right in front of him, and nothing could be argued against.

"Fortunately, we also concealed the two strongholds. Now it seems that it is really unnecessary."

The group leader on the deck smiled helplessly.

Huang Heilong completely ignored the existence of the guild fleet, making many security deployments during the evacuation meaningless.

If the stronghold is really destroyed, it will only be affected by the other party's carelessness.

"Don't underestimate yourself. Human beings rely on this caution to get to where they are today. When we dismantled ships and built strongholds, we were not even more embarrassed."

Frye, who was watching with folded arms, felt that the significance of the investigation team's efforts could not be erased just because Huang Heilong was powerful.

"But relying on this prudence alone, can we really continue for a long time?"

The head of the group sighed slightly sadly.

The reason why the guild tries to understand the ecology in depth is to give an early warning for its own safety.

Take timely action to eliminate the threat before it takes shape.

The most indispensable landforms in Monster Hunting World are all kinds of ruins.

Every discovery of the ruins confirms the destruction of a line of civilization.

And some of these civilizations are far more advanced than the current ones in terms of technology.

The research and development of many hunter weapons is not a breakthrough in research results, but thanks to the improvement of the design drawings in the ruins.

"Don't be pessimistic, I believe someone will find a way."

For the future, Fry is still full of confidence.

At the same time, Li Fan led the team to search for Shining on the frozen sea covered with permafrost.

Che Che looked towards the shore, indicating that he could dig a hole to explore.

"Farewell, your pit has been dug deep, and the soil above it will collapse and be filled back. The team has to work together to save you."

Li Fan just experienced a similar situation yesterday, and he didn't want to swing the shovel wildly again.

Che Che said that there is a problem with the soil layer here, and it is not because of his poor digging skills.

"I can't think of a way at all, the bottom of the sea is too difficult to reach."

Di Lu, who had been flipping through the books, lay back on the ice and said helplessly.

"Perception. Perception!"

While talking, Li Fan turned his head to look at Bing Bingzi who was wearing earmuffs.

At present, Bing Bingzi is releasing [Cold Qi Training] on Yaya, further promoting the effect and degree of mutation.

Yaya's rich love experience is the first in the team, so she naturally knows what Bingbingzi is willing to listen to.

"Bing Bingzi, why are you so beautiful again!"

Li Fan walked up to him and said in surprise.

Bing Bingzi jumped back when he heard this, turned his body sideways, and growled to indicate that there was no more, don't talk nonsense.

"I want to ask you for a favor. Find the key member of the team, Shining. Shining is underground, but I don't know the current location."

Li Fan said, pointing to the earmuffs.

Bing Bingzi readily agreed, saying that there was no problem, and then bent his neck.

Li Fan gently took off the giant earmuffs, saw that the Moonstone decoration was stained with wind and frost, and helped to sweep it off with his hands.

Bing Bingzi listened quietly for a moment, his eyes sank, and he growled to indicate that there was another noise coming from the ground.

"That's it. That means Shining is still digging, but it's been digging for more than a week. Can you determine the location?"

Li Fan felt that the bottom shell movement noise caused by Tiandihuang's crowing dragon was almost driven crazy by Bing Bingzi, so it was naturally easy to recognize.

The remaining sound was naturally sparkling.

Call ~
Bing Bingzi took a deep breath, turned her head to listen again.

Not long after, waved its wings and took off to guide.

The team immediately rushed to catch up on the ice.

Before flying too far, Bing Bingzi landed on the shore, walked back and forth twice, and kept stepping on the ground with his feet.

Li Fan put the giant earmuffs back on, looked at the marking point of the paw prints, and said suspiciously: "The agreed landing area is nearby, which means that Shining hasn't lost its way, but why didn't it come up?"

"Let's dig down first."

Eudora picked up the shovel and gave advice.

"Excavation! Cars!"

Facing Li Fan's instructions, Che Che pouted and turned his head to the side.

"Uh, don't be angry, you were almost buried alive yesterday, and I didn't let you dig it because I was worried."

Under Li Fan's explanation, Che Che's head turned sideways quickly returned to normal, and jumped towards the paw print.

The two sharp front claws scratched alternately, and the shape of the car quickly sank.

"Resentment, Lei Ge, let's transfer the excavated earth and rock together, and we must prevent the occurrence of subsidence and backfill."

Under Li Fan's command, the team got busy.

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