Only promises in this life

Chapter 485 A Peach Blossom Competing for Favor

Chapter 485 A Peach Blossom Competing for Favor
When Ning Mo returned to the office, nearly two hours had passed, and seeing someone dozing with his head drooping, the man couldn't help laughing.

She should have studied hard last night, and she can fall asleep soundly when she relaxes. The temperature in the room is just right, so it won't freeze her.

The man walked up to the girl's side without haste, touched her little hand, and walked back to the seat without feeling cold, letting her continue to fall asleep.

Nuo Da's office was extremely quiet until the phone rang suddenly and loudly, and it was too late for the man to stop it. After answering the phone, he asked indifferently, "What's the matter?" His tone was really not very good.

Anyone who is disturbed will not give a good face, let alone wake up a sleepy beauty.

The secretary-general on the other end of the phone was also obviously silent, and replied tremblingly: "Mr. Ning, Miss Jiang Jiasan has come and said that she wants to have an interview with you about the investment in Lingnan Villa. How do you think about it?"

"Who is she?"

"It is said that Mr. Jiang thinks highly of this third lady, and she will be fully responsible for the joint development project of Lingnan Villa."

"Take her to see the director of the investment department, and someone will always welcome her."

"Mr. Ning, this has already been mentioned, but the third lady insists on having an interview with you, I'm afraid it's because she's a drunkard."

The handsome man frowned, looking at it this way is not so easy to dismiss, and then glanced at a confused little slob, he suddenly smiled, and then ordered, "Take it to meeting room No. 10, and arrange for relevant personnel from the investment department to go there first. I'll be there in [-] minutes."

The secretary-general accepted the order very respectfully, "Okay, Mr. Ning, I'll arrange it now."

Miss Mu had been sleeping in a daze before, and she was completely awakened by the ringing of the phone. Seeing him frowning now, and listening to the content, it seemed that she was going to work again.

She really felt that it was not easy to be in charge of a group, as if there was no rest time.

"Why are you in a daze? You seem to be drooling just now." The man looked at her quietly and said.

It's not counting as playing with her. I glanced at it earlier, and it probably happened.

Miss Mu was startled, and rushed into the bathroom like an arrow. After flushing her face with water properly, she realized that she had lost face.

The girl's pretty face was slightly red, probably no matter how familiar they are with each other, they can't pretend that the drooling incident didn't happen after being exposed. After all, they are all green girls. Mu Xin sighed secretly, it was Brother Momo who said this, At this time, even if I want to refute it, I feel powerless.

The girl tried her best to calm herself down before asking him, "Are you going to a meeting? I'll just wait, and then I can study the materials."

Speaking of this, she was a little bit ashamed, but she was caught for her virtue just now, but fortunately she can still speak boldly, presumably Brother Momo will not believe her again.

Mr. Ning smiled gently and unpredictablely, "No, you go to the meeting with me."

"Huh? Is this okay?"

"Don't you want to integrate into the Ning family as soon as possible?"

"Uh, that's what I thought." The girl said with certainty, she came here to learn, and it's really not a problem if she always shakes a bit.

"Bring your notebook and just stay with me."

"Then what is my identity?" Miss Mu rarely asked a reliable question.

Now she can be said to be one of the three no-persons in Ning's, to be precise, there is no such person.

Due to the privacy of Mr. Ning's entrance and exit passage, there are only a handful of people who know her presence, but once they go to the meeting, the nature is different.

Mu Xin is naturally not a young lady who doesn't know anything. She knows a thing or two about the world in this regard, but it's really very simple.

"What identity do you think is that identity? In Ning's, you are always the most free." The man looked at her dotingly and said bluntly.

"Okay, I got it." The childish girl agreed without hesitation. She obviously couldn't understand the meaning behind it. She just thought it was good, and that was enough.

A few minutes later, the two walked into meeting room No. [-] as scheduled. There were two rows of people sitting opposite each other. Ning's employees could easily identify them because they were all wearing uniforms.

When the other two saw Mr. Ning enter the door, they got up eagerly, and among them, the pretty young woman walked over with great strides.

"Mr. Ning, I'm Jiang Yu, nice to meet you!" The woman gracefully stretched out her right hand, and she was very polite.

Several staff members of Ning's investment department were very eye-catching when they saw this situation, and they just ignored them. The completely different posture at this moment only shows one problem, that is, a peach blossom is vying for favor.

As for whose favor to fight for, do I need to say more?

As if he didn't see the woman's outstretched hand, Ning Mo said lightly, "Sorry, I don't like to be in contact with women."

As soon as these words came out, Mu Xin, who followed closely behind, couldn't help coughing. She didn't expect Brother Momo to block peach blossoms like this usually, and she didn't even want to touch her hands.

In fact, in her opinion, shaking hands is nothing more than normal social etiquette?
Anyway, she didn't quite understand why she kept such a distance from other women, and he didn't have a girlfriend, so he wouldn't lose anything if he got in touch.

The man turned around, glanced at her coolly, told the girl to stop her cough instantly, cleared her throat, and continued to follow behind him solemnly.

Jiang Yu withdrew his hand resentfully, although he was a little embarrassed, it couldn't match the joy that Mr. Ning was in front of him, and he still looked obsessively at the man who was close at hand.

The admiration in the woman's eyes is hard to ignore.All the employees of Ning's once again silently sighed that their own president is a big disaster, and he has made all the good daughters of other people into such a stupid picture.

Ning Mo walked around the infatuated lady and sat on the main seat, glanced at Xin Xin who was still standing there, and gently reminded, "Why are you still standing? Come here."

Miss Mu glanced at Jiang Yu, quickly trotted to the man's side, sat down on the chair he had pulled out, and at the same time showed an extremely bright smile to the Ning colleagues present.

Women's intuition is always the most sensitive, Mr. Ning is no one, he has never taken care of women like this, needless to say, Jiang Yu's eyes were fixed on Mu Xin.

After looking at it for a while, he asked hesitantly, "Are you Miss Mu?"

Before the girl could speak, the man answered for her, "She is. I heard that Miss Jiang wants to talk about Lingnan Villa?"

Hearing the favorite male god talking to him, Jiang Yu hurriedly returned to his original position, nodding his head hastily, fearing that the excuse he found so easily would disappear in a blink of an eye.

Strictly speaking, it was the Jiang family who wanted to seek cooperation with the Ning family, and her posture should be corrected first.

The topic was turned back to the right track by the man in twos and twos, and everyone began to formally discuss the details.

If it wasn't for this Miss Jiang Jiasan who ran to Ning's in a hurry, no one would have known that this cooperation project could have been carried out so smoothly.

Sure enough, Mr. Ning's gold-lettered signboard is still easy to use, and it saves everyone a lot of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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