Only promises in this life

Chapter 491 An inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time

Chapter 491 An inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time

"Mu's father and mother-in-law both hope that you can get started as soon as possible. But you can rest assured that they are more reliable than my two, and will not completely leave you alone." Mr. Ning said with infinite melancholy.

Mu Xin felt like laughing, "Don't say it, you're really miserable. Fortunately, my parents didn't cheat their daughter like that."

"Well, ordinary people are not as lucky as me." Ning Mo also teased himself.

His luck is unique in the world.

Others can't even look forward to it, and they can't bear this blessing even more.

"Brother Momo, could it be a blessing in disguise? It is precisely because of Uncle Ning's tough methods that he has trained you so well." The girl had a pure heart, and she really thought so.

Ning Mo looked at the road ahead, continued to drive steadily, and only sneered at her words in his heart.

Born to be extremely motivated, he can grow up very well without his father giving him such a training opportunity. If the word "blessing in disguise" is applied to him, it is indeed a joke.

However, it is understandable for Xinxin to think this way, because she is always the kindest person and never thinks of the real reason.

The reason why the Ning family was handed over to him so early was that some people were bored with the old life and just let go of their picks. It's really not as great as Miss Mu said.

The man didn't explain directly to her, but only lightly said, "Papa Mu envies them very much, do you want to become like me and be thrown to manage the entire company?"

"Uh, it's still early, right?" the girl hesitated and asked him in a low voice.

"Since you start training, it's not too early."

"This is not possible. It's not a university exam, but it can be taken again. If the Mu family entrusts it to me, I will make a lot of mistakes. It's terrible."

"They think you and I are one, and I won't ignore you." Mr. Ning analyzed concisely with her.

"Then you don't have so much energy, I don't think Mom and Dad will ignore us so quickly." The girl still insisted.

"Probably." Ning Mo didn't answer in the affirmative, presumably because of his own support, Mu's father was not too worried about Mu's future performance.

"Don't scare me. I don't understand anything now. I'll go crazy when I'm in that situation." The girl said very frankly. The reason why she wants to work hard is because she doesn't know much.

"Xinxin, although you are very young, I have already provoked the Ning family alone at this age, so your next progress will not be too slow. This is the basic requirement, understand?"

"I understand that."

"Because the two of my family have set a wrong example, now not only Mu's father, but even Shi's mother wants to live as freely as them. Who wouldn't like it? You have to be aware of this."

"So?" The girl felt that he hadn't finished speaking, and looked back at the man's extremely handsome profile, her breath was stagnant, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

"So, in the future, the two of us are destined to support the Ning family and the Mu family, and let Mu's father and mother-in-law live a leisurely life. At the same time, it is also filial piety. You should understand that."

"Oh my god, why don't we make this kind of day come later?" The girl also knew that it was inevitable to come to this point, but she still hoped that she could have a more relaxed time.

"Originally, there was no need to rush, but my family's two wonderful things came out. Everyone is too optimistic about our ability now, understand? I guess I won't give you too much time."

Mu Xin
After a while, the girl said quietly, "We can only accept it?"

At this time, he had arrived at the parking lot. After the man got out of the car, he opened the passenger door, leaned over to help the dazed girl unbuckle her seat belt, and led her to get off the car before he said leisurely, "If you have a choice, you think I will do it like that?" Quickly take over Ning's?"

Miss Mu was silent again, and leaned on the man, "That's right, looking at it this way, our lives are pretty miserable."

"Silly girl, put this out there and see how many people poke the bridge of your nose."

"Is it okay to say it's bitter?"

"There are tens of millions of people in the world who are more miserable than us. People can't live in blessings and not know their blessings." The man took advantage of the situation to hold her tightly, and the habit of being so close between the two was formed since childhood, so he didn't mind it.

It's just that in recent years, Mr. Ning has many more ideas, but it's just that he hasn't implemented them.

As for the girl, she hasn't changed much from her past, she is still pure and flawless.

When he was about to enter the gate, the man stopped, asked her to look into his eyes, and said earnestly, "Xinxin, since there is a natural mission, avoiding it will not solve the problem, we can only face it. Every step of the way will be followed by me." , so you can rest assured?"

The girl looked at You Qi's perfect face, her breathing became more stagnant, and she nodded her head, "Don't worry, I can't worry anymore! As long as I have brother Momo, I won't worry."

"Well, good boy!" The man kissed her forehead dotingly, then turned around and led her into the gate.

Mu's father and mother-in-law should have been waiting, the time is still 09:30 as usual.

He never made a mistake on the issue of time, which is the first element worth taking seriously in the eyes of Mr. Ning.

An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time.

Everything in the world is moderately reversible, only time, the past will pass without leaving a trace.

How many people really realize the preciousness of time?This is still limited.

The two stepped into the main hall again, and sure enough, they saw Mu Qing and Xiao You sitting on the sofa, chatting about something.

"Where are you coming back?" Xiaoyou walked over quickly when he saw his precious daughter and future son-in-law.

"Mother-in-law is good!" Ning Mo had that youthful feeling of meeting his mother-in-law again, really like a childish young man.

Mu Qing was not too polite, and asked after seeing the two of them, "Start formal training today?"

"Yes, Papa Mu." Mr. Ning replied respectfully. This was also a habit he had developed since he was a child. He respected Mu Qing even more than some unscrupulous father.

"You have always done things safely. If you need our cooperation, please let us know in advance. They are all your own children. There is not so much to say."

"Dad, since you said this, you can't take the burden off. I can't let brother Momo work too hard for me. You and mom really need to help more."

Mu Qing glanced at her, "You also know that it will drag him down, but now you are more sensible than when you were a child."

Xinxinqiao blushed, "Dad, my childhood is over. At that time, you and my mother didn't force me to endure hardships. Brother Momo didn't take care of everything in the past."

"As long as you know clearly, don't cause trouble for him in Ning's during this time, and always be smart, you know."

Miss Mu thought for a while, "I can only say my best, I can't say too much, after all, ability is there. You also know that your brain is not as good as yours and mother, did you make a mistake when you gave birth to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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