Only promises in this life

Chapter 536 Should I be happy?

Chapter 536 Should I be happy?

"No, Ning Shao is a gentleman among people, and his heart is young, so they are still innocent. Even if they often stay together alone."

When Qin Yu said this, he was a little uncertain about his own state of mind, whether it was too good or what was going on, and he felt a little confused for a while.

A certain general manager immediately had a high opinion of his own Qin Shaogao. It is very rare to be able to comment on a rival in love with a broad mind.

However, it sounds reasonable. With the high-minded and upright style of the Ning family, he really believes that there will be no villainous behavior.

"Young Master Qin, you really found yourself the most difficult opponent to deal with, and you chose to fight with that one. I heard that he must be a ruthless character who cannibalize people in the mall."

"In terms of business and business, this is his outstanding feature, but in my opinion, Ning Mo only uses full sincerity in Xinxin, and does not have calculations. Otherwise, even I admire him."

Thinking of the girl's expression when talking about Ning Mo, Qin Yu couldn't help sighing, "On the surface I am her idol, but the fact is that only Mr. Ning is the one she really admires in her heart."

"It's not bad for you to be an idol. At least Miss Mu didn't reject you at the beginning. People in their circle are not easy to get close to."

"You can see clearly that Ning Mo didn't completely drive me out of sight because Xinxin didn't reject me. He could only accompany me personally, staring at me so that I couldn't get close to Xinxin."

After hearing what the man said, a certain general manager was speechless for a while. He didn't expect that the world of these sons and sisters is so complicated, and it seems that they can't do whatever they want as rumored.

"Then you do have a chance, but since the target is Young Master Ning, I really dare not persuade you to burn the boat. Maybe too much thought will be counterproductive."

"Don't try to play tricks in front of Ning Mo. His city will definitely see through. It's really ugly, and I will lose the chance to face Xinxin."

"Then what are you going to do next? Just because you live close together doesn't mean you can cross the remaining physical distance."

Qin Yu smiled, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his head, "If he can stare, so can I. One can't be in the first grade of junior high school, and the other can't be in the fifteenth grade."

"You want to stalk?" A certain general manager couldn't help but wondered. With such a busy schedule as Qin Shao's actor, how could the young master have time to keep an eye on people.

"Ning Mo can spare time, I will never be busier than him. Do you understand? The important thing is sincerity."

A certain general manager suddenly said, "Young Master Qin, I understand what you mean. If there is anything that can help, please let me know in advance, and I will do my best to help you."

"Well, I will let you know if necessary. Did you ask Uncle Xu anything useful today?"

"Uncle Xu is an old employee of the Mu family. He has watched Miss Mu grow up since he was a child. From the content of our chat just now, the relationship between Young Master Ning and Miss Mu can be traced back to 17 years ago. That is to say, since Miss Mu was born, Young Master Ning Accompanied by the side, the two elders are also aware of it."

"I have known this for a long time. They are married by their stomachs, and the relationship between the two families is naturally unusual."

"Young Master Qin, if you have this kind of relationship, your chances of winning will be greatly reduced."

"It's not high in the first place. Are you afraid that it will be lower? I can't see through it at all. I don't have to chase my heart. I should go home and rest as soon as possible."

"That's my short-sightedness. Young Master Qin naturally understands."

"That can't be called, where is my car?" The man felt that the girl had left, so he lost the interest to stay any longer.

"I'll get someone to drive over quickly, will you stay longer in Tahoe?"

"No, if you see Xinxin coming with friends in the future, please let me know."

"Understood, I will definitely pay attention."

"Well, I don't know about Tahoe in other places. Under your management, this one in Nancheng is running very well. The new year is starting, and I hope it can reach a higher level."

"Thank you, Young Master Qin, although you don't care too much about the family business, I still hope to get your advice in the future."

"It's all from my family. Since I have something I want to do in Nancheng, I will come here often."

"As long as there is anything, please order directly." A certain general manager hurriedly expressed his firm position.

Qin Yu smiled, took the key from the parking boy's hand, got into the car by himself, and said lightly, "Okay, see you next time."

"I wish you all the best, see you next time!" A certain general manager was very clever and stepped aside with the parking boy.

After watching the Rolls Royce leave, Fang breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that it would not be too easy to talk to the most favored young master of the Qin family.

Although Qin Yingdi is not involved in the family business, everyone knows that he is loved by thousands of people in the Qin family. Not only the old man, but even his brothers and sisters dote on him to the limit. Similar, I heard that that person is also loved by several families.

He can only listen to the gossip of these young masters and ladies, and he will never pass it on.

After sending the parking boy to continue working, a certain general manager arranged for his confidants to keep an eye on Miss Mu and Mr. Ning in the future. If these two come, it is better to report it.

He admired Young Master Qin very much. With only one person's strength, he managed to become popular in the entertainment industry, and he really has impressive abilities.

After all, the public doesn't know his real background, but he can do such a good job in a short period of time, which is beyond human ability.

At this time, Ning Mo and Xin Xin, who had already returned to the CEO's office in Ning's Building, looked at each other for a few seconds, and saw the girl walking towards her green desk and chair familiarly.

After using it for a while, Ms. Mu also found that such a light green color is especially suitable for her, at least it is not as dull as black and white, and it is indeed moist with a little anger.

"Xinxin, what would you like to drink?" The man asked her in a deep voice. It seemed that he was not in a happy mood, but it was reflected in his voice.

Miss Mu stayed with him since she was a child, and she could still make out something when she heard someone's voice.

"Brother Momo, are you in a bad mood? Why is your voice so weird?"

"Did you see it?"

"I'm not really stupid." The girl replied inexplicably.

"But do you know why I'm in a bad mood?" The man asked her with an unpredictable expression.

"It has something to do with noon? Or Qin Yingdi?" Miss Mu guessed what was on the mind of a certain young master, so she could be sure of it.

"It is indeed related, so do you think I should be happy?"

"Brother Momo, it seems that there is nothing worth making you unhappy. Isn't it just a meal, can it cause bigger problems?"

The girl suddenly remembered the title of a certain book she had read, a tragedy caused by a steamed bun, she shook her body, it was all a mess, after forcing herself to stop thinking about it, she looked at the man again.

(End of this chapter)

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