Only promises in this life

Chapter 603 Timely Stop Loss

Chapter 603 Timely Stop Loss
A simple young woman is easily seduced by a man's sweet words. As for character, family background, or talent, they are often not the first considerations, and problems cannot be discovered in the first place.

The reason why there are always people in this world who are unkind is that there are too many scumbags.

And the reason why bad men are invincible has a lot to do with that eloquent mouth, but even a talented person is a piece of rubbish if they are not used in the right way.

The young woman hesitated and said nothing, it was indeed just her own thoughts.With a boyfriend's temperament, he must be aiming at the angle of maximizing the problem.

"We are not the ones you should discuss with." Mr. Ning said indifferently.

"I will persuade him." The woman replied in a low voice, but she was not sure at all in her heart.

"Stopping losses in time is the right way, and character will affect a person's life." Mr. Ning told the other party in a bit of a mother-in-law, which made Mu Xin look at him repeatedly in surprise.

When do you like to meddle in other people's business?For unknown reasons, Miss Mu suddenly didn't want Brother Momo to talk to this delicate woman.

"He seems to be telling you to come over." The girl pointed to the one on the ground in the distance, reminding him.

"Oh, thank you. I'll go there first. I'll find a way to explain to the police. Please forgive me and make the big thing smaller."

Ning Mo didn't speak, and neither did Mu Xin, because it's still unknown whether the woman's words will be effective, so they can only be noncommittal.

Not long after, I saw several police officers coming to the gazebo accompanied by two elite men in suits and leather shoes. There was a tacit understanding, and everyone ignored the man lying on the ground and walked straight in the direction of Mr. Ning.

The two elite men took the lead in greeting Ning Mo very respectfully, "President Ning, what do we need to do?"

The middle-aged man with the highest rank among the police officers obviously also attached great importance to Mr. Ning's attitude, and hurriedly asked, "Yes, Mr. Ning, we are all waiting for your order."

Ning Mo also politely replied to the middle-aged police officer, "It's too polite, actually there is no big problem. The man tried to do something indecent in the gazebo, and after being dissuaded, he became angry and wanted to do it. Unfortunately, his skills are too poor. It's as simple as that." .”

Everyone turned their heads to look at the ignorant guy, but the woman lowered her head in embarrassment when she saw everyone's eyes on her, trying to say it was a misunderstanding, but she couldn't even figure out what her boyfriend was thinking.

"Okay, Mr. Ning will take the first step, and we will handle the rest." One of Ning's legal counselors said respectfully after he had a general understanding of the situation.

Ning Mo nodded in agreement, glanced at the man who was still lying down, and said, "Don't be embarrassing, but if someone wants to die, you don't have to be polite."

"Okay, Mr. Ning!" After taking the order, the two legal officers walked towards the couple together with the police officers, and began to question them carefully.
Mr. Ning looked at Xinxin and smiled, he tidied up the lunch box, and the two of them wiped off the oil stains on the corners of their mouths in an orderly manner before walking back.

When passing by those two people, I saw that the man who was going to blackmail a sum of money had become dejected, and after thinking about it, he knew who the other party was, and now he lost his temper at all.The attitude of admitting mistakes is good, but, in general, it is the woman's credit.

And Ning's legal affairs also follow Mr. Ning's opinion, seeing that they know their mistakes and correct them, there is really no embarrassment, they only give a simple warning, and for that superficial trauma, they will give a nutritional subsidy of several hundred yuan, and the matter is like this It's over.

The police officers would not take this kind of innocuous little dispute to the fore, and completely followed the Ning's legal handling method, and let them go soon.

Making mistakes is an experience that everyone will have. If there are still people who are willing to persuade you repeatedly, it is a kind of luck, and correcting after knowing the mistakes is the next thing to do well.

As we all know, the prodigal son is not exchanged for money, although most of them are still prodigal sons in the end.But when you are willing to give a chance, you might as well give it, just be prepared to be disappointed again.Of course, this is only for the indispensable people around you, if it is a dispensable element, it is better to lose it.

Life is short, why waste time on scumbags, it would be better to keep it to yourself.

Back in the car again, Ning Mo and Xin Xin looked at each other speechlessly, and the three words that flashed in their hearts were "wonderful."

A good riverside dinner turned into this scene, the girl leaned her head against the window of the car with some strength, "Let's not go to the cinema, otherwise something will happen."

Ning Mo stared at her, it was obvious that the little girl's interest had been completely ruined, so there was no need to force her to do anything at this time.

"According to your."

Through the half-lowered car windows, there is a gentle breeze. Sitting comfortably in the car, you can also look at the river in the distance. "Let's just stay here for a while."

The atmosphere was slightly sluggish, and when the summer wind hit again, the temperature inside the car dropped a bit, making people more relaxed.

Mr. Ning was not surprised that the original plan was broken.There were only two people here, and it was quiet, no worse than the noisy atmosphere in the theater. To some extent, he felt that it was a blessing in disguise.

Life is actually simple and simple, no sense of ceremony is required.Staying in a well-designed auditorium is actually no different from a simple log cabin. The key lies in whether the people around you are right, right, and you should be satisfied.

"Xinxin, when will you be my bride?"

Miss Mu.
The man's question was so sudden that she was really confused.

"I don't know how to answer?" Mr. Ning seemed to be talking to himself, seeing how frightened she looked, he only smiled dotingly.

In fact, I didn't expect to get any effective answers now, so I mentioned it suddenly, probably because I wanted to know someone's attitude.

Now it can be seen that she never thought about it, a standard little ostrich.She can hide if she can, she is leisurely.

"En." Mu Xin responded obediently.

However, it would be too much for her to think about these things, and she had no concept of love before.As for the recent ones, I may feel a little bit, but I still have a long way to go before getting married.

"I suggest you imagine that scene once in a while." The man said quietly.

"How do you imagine?"

"We all grew up eating our parents' dog food, and imagined what kind of life we ​​would live when we already had a husband. Of course, that person can only be me."

"No, they're so tired." Miss Mu couldn't help shivering when she thought of her parents' love for many years. Fortunately, she grew up so carelessly and was not fed to death by dog ​​food.

"That's called affection, and we will do it in the future." Mr. Ning said with certainty, and took the little hand of the girl casually, kneading it in his palm.

Mu Xin has long been used to it, letting him do what he does will not stop him.

There are countless intimate behaviors between the two, if you really care about it, don't live.

(End of this chapter)

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