Only promises in this life

Chapter 665 Out of Control

Chapter 665 Out of Control

"Yeah." Mu Xin was dizzy for two whole days because of the little sleep left, and just wanted to catch up on sleep.

"I'll feed you something." Mr. Ning's extremely gentle voice came from his ear.

"I don't want to eat." She really didn't feel emotional, but she felt tired and didn't want to get up at all.

At this time, Mu Xin was wearing a cute version of pajamas. From the bottom of her heart, a certain young master helped her take care of her very well. Her body was refreshed and she had washed her body many times. Except for the unspeakable discomfort, she was fine in everything.

"Hey, I'll let you take a good rest after eating." Young Master Ning coaxed and lied. As for whether she should really let her have a good rest, everyone's opinion is different, but you have to say something nice.

Mu Xin had experienced these two days of inhuman torture, she was half-believing in certain aspects of his promises, she pursed her lips, and stared at someone quietly with her translucent beautiful eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, you know the consequences."

Hearing what he said, Mu Xin looked away abruptly, she really didn't dare to bet.

She didn't believe it before, saying that a man would turn into a beast when he met the woman he wanted, but now she really believed it, she couldn't believe it.

Mu Xin poked her eyes out to look at the dishes on the tray, and unexpectedly found that she was looking at the exquisite crystal dumplings with two glasses of milk on the side, which could easily arouse her appetite.

"Want to eat?"

Looking at her micro-expressions, Ning Mo knew that he liked her, and he was the one who knew her best.


The man leaned over and sucked her pink lips, then turned around and picked up the small bowl, picked up a crystal dumpling and calmly handed it to her mouth.

Mu Xin was not hypocritical, and quickly ate up a plate of crystal dumplings just as he was feeding.

"What are you eating?" The girl who had finally filled her stomach asked curiously.

"I wanted to eat crystal dumplings, but you ate them all by yourself." Mr. Ning replied regretfully.

Seeing her astonished face, she added leisurely, "I didn't expect my Xinxin's appetite to be so good now, and I have to prepare more in the future."

Mu Xin
"If you don't tell me earlier, I'll give half of it."

"Do you want to get up after eating? Do some outdoor activities." Mr. Ning asked nonchalantly.

A certain woman looked at him with a sad face, she really wanted to get up, but the reality was very embarrassing, she felt that she needed a lot of rest.

Naturally, there is no need to say these words to a certain young master, but it is always necessary to give him a few glances.

Ning Mo also seemed to realize something, took the finished milk glass from the girl, and let her continue to lie halfway on the bed, while he went downstairs in a bit of dejection.

He cherished her in his heart but he didn't have any regrets about it. It would be better to happen sooner than later, and it would be better to give her some time to adapt.

The man simply made a fruit, vegetable and egg sandwich, and finished his breakfast with milk. Thinking that she should continue to catch up on sleep, he walked along the lakeshore alone.

It was very chaotic from yesterday to today. Not only did she think so, but she also thought so. Many things got out of control in an instant.

My heart is always full of all kinds of desires, and I don't know if it's because it's late to eat meat, so I pay more attention to it.

As for whether she could bear this kind of favor, it was out of consideration. He even hoped that the two of them would give birth to their own baby as soon as possible, maybe it was already in someone's womb, who could say for sure.On the other hand, he hoped that the world of the two could last for a few more years. From this point of view, it was also very contradictory.

In the end, I don't care about it, let it be, anyway, his and her baby must be my favorite, and also the baby that everyone in the Ning family and Mu family loves the most.

A crescent moon hung in the air, looking very close to the water surface from a distance, but it was clear that it was just an illusion.

I want her to have a good rest tonight, so I am not in a hurry to go back to the room at this time. Every time I look at her, I tend to have thoughts, which is still out of control.

Maybe when I go back to the room later, I can let her go when I see her sweet sleeping face, Mr. Ning thought so, but the desire in his chest couldn't be relieved no matter what.

The lake, as deep as a mirror, looks unremarkable. If you can take a dip in the water, you may be able to suppress some thoughts, but Mr. Ning, who is always thinking about taking care of a certain little woman, puts aside such thoughts in an instant.

When he ate a certain little white rabbit, he seemed to feel that the burden on his shoulders was even heavier. At this moment, he didn't even dare to catch a cold and have a fever, as if he would feel guilty for not taking good care of her, which Mr. Ning would never allow. .

Confused, he was talking about Ning Mo at this time.

In this respect, would Mu Xin be better than him?Obviously not.

Miss Mu lay tossing and turning, wondering why he didn't come back for a while, and worried that he would come back too soon.

She couldn't tell whether she wanted him to come in or whether she didn't want to, and Mu Xin was also speechless for such a self.

Now she fully understands the things between men and women, uh, so shy.

I patted myself on the forehead feeling a little hopeless, it was very hard to believe how this weekend could be like this.


She couldn't think of a reason at all, but it seemed that she was only willing to be so close to Brother Momo, no matter now or in the future, it was clear to think about it this way.

The thin quilt was suddenly covered by her. For a certain woman, she felt a sense of seeing people without a face, and she really wanted to run to an empty space and shout a few times to vent to the sky.

After careful calculation, she didn't have much dissatisfaction, but it happened so fast that she was overwhelmed.

A flash of inspiration flashed in the girl's mind, and she suddenly thought of someone who might be in a similar situation as herself, and immediately slid the phone and dialed the call.

The person in a similar situation is of course Miss Shi.

Mu Xin thought, since Young Master Liu has already proposed, the relationship between them should not be too pure.

Ms. Mu may not be able to understand her own affairs clearly, but her reflex arc is very accurate for what happened to her friend.

It seemed that the timing of her phone call was not right, because no one answered for a long time.

The girl suddenly realized something, looked down at the time, ten o'clock in the evening, it seems a bit late, but it shouldn't be too late.

Mu Xin made up some possibilities in her mind, until the third call, the call was finally connected.

However, the voice on the other end of the phone was not Xiao Yu's. She quickly realized that it was Young Master Liu answering Xiao Yu's call.

A wave of enthusiasm for gossip arose spontaneously, Miss Mu seemed to have forgotten her original intention of calling.

"Miss Mu, I'm Liu Xu, it's not convenient for Xiao Yu."

"Oh, it's inconvenient?" Mu Xin's tone of voice made the old elders grow up, which means that a fool can understand it.

Liu Xu choked, but added, "She's taking a bath, why don't I ask her to call back later?"

"Oh, what a coincidence." Mu Xin replied meaningfully, but after thinking about it, she agreed, "Then let her call me back later, please."

"Okay, no trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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