Chapter 437 Fraud
It is a pity that although the new trend of thought has sprouted, there has not yet been a master who has summarized it into a systematic philosophical argument.

However, the social ethos of studying practical studies finally has some signs.

Many people no longer regard the imperial examination as the only way out. If you study medicine, you can be awarded an official. If you win the first prize in the mathematics competition, you can be an official as long as you take the exam. If you have made a lot of achievements in agriculture, you can go to the Academy of Sciences After inspection, they can also be directly awarded the official title of Doctor of Agriculture.

Regardless of how much the official salary is for a year, it is a status symbol after all. If you improve your social status, you can avoid a lot of unfair treatment. It is not the same class as the flat-head boss. There is no need to kneel down!

The scope of the imperial examination was expanded again, and the examinees who were preparing for the examination complained, but no one did the stupid thing of rebellion. When they met, they talked loudly and criticized the frequent reform measures of the imperial court. Essential Techniques".

There are many geniuses who can pass the exam at a young age.

Poor performance does not exist in this person's life dictionary!

There is a Juren surnamed Lai who is like this. His family is a border military household. Because of his ability to remember him from childhood, the whole family went all out to support his education. Even the youngest sister went to work in the field. His parents wanted him to study at home.

As a military household, each household must have a man to serve in the military. His grandfather died in battle early, and his father went to the battlefield at the age of 17.My father fought bravely, but because he was not a member of the family, he could no longer rise up to the small flag. 35 was injured all over his body and needed a walking stick to walk, so his elder brother was asked to serve in the military camp instead of his father.

Lai Juren is [-] years old this year, and he was selected in the middle of last autumn.

He wanted to protect his family, and he didn't want to pull his brother's dead body one day, or watch his wounded brother limping along.

Therefore, he had to come forward this morning. As long as he was admitted to Jinshi, his family could change his household registration.

No matter how the imperial examination is changed, Lai Juren's creed is that as long as he can remember the most content and get the highest score in this session, that's all.

Besides, he watched his family do farm work since he was a child, and secretly helped his younger brothers and sisters do a lot of work. He still knows the common sense about farming.

There are those who work hard, and there are those who want to be opportunistic.

Since there are so many questions in the agronomy test paper, it must be printed in advance.Even if the workers were kept in a tightly sealed small courtyard when they were printing the test papers, there would always be a chance that someone would come to deliver food, water, and night incense every day if they wanted to leak the questions.

Nine days before the exam, a stereotype teacher approached Lin Wanfu in the middle of the night, saying that he wanted to report. He saw a fellow stereotype teacher go to the latrine in the middle of the night, and seemed to throw something into the night incense barrel.

"You have a problem with him?" Lin Wanfu looked suspiciously at the scrupulous master.

The stereotype master shook his head, and said in a low voice: "I'm afraid that things will be found out, just like the shipyard. In the end, we will all be caught by Jin Yiwei and sent to prison!"

As he said that, he raised his head and looked at Lin Wanfu pitifully: "Eunuch Wanfu, you are a celebrity around His Royal Highness, so naturally you are not afraid of being caught by Jin Yiwei, but you are so afraid! When did the imperial examination have a fraud case? It's no small matter!"

Lin Wanfu laughed: "Well said! What's your name?"

"The young one is Zhao Gengjin."

"If this matter is really found out, Your Highness will credit you for your merit, and you will be rewarded heavily!"

The stereotype master begged pitifully again: "The young ones dare not claim credit! They also dare not ask for any rewards, for fear that if the rewards are handed out, the young ones will not be able to survive in the future! Reporting colleagues will be looked down upon."

Lin Wanfu smiled and nodded at him: "Look at you, since you don't want a reward, then let me arrange another good job for you? Tell me, what do you want?"

The stereotyped teacher's eyes suddenly burst into light, and he barely suppressed the joy on his face, and said: "If it is possible, I will arrange one for you. After all, working with His Highness is more promising than doing things elsewhere."

Tsk tsk, I didn't expect him to be able to talk.

Lin Wanfu snorted and said with a wave: "You go and wait, there is a saying that is right, after all, following our Highness, there is a future."

The next day, the small courtyard was still calm and busy.

The stereotype masterwork has come to an end, and in the next few days, the paper printing officer will come in to print the papers.

In the evening, Xiao Huangmen, who carried the night incense, came in to collect the night incense barrels according to the usual time. While collecting, he put the clean toilet bowl into the hut.

After that, he dragged a cart full of excrement and urine out of the palace slowly.

Zeng Maozhi led Xiong Daneng and a few hidden guards followed behind him silently, and slowly walked out of the palace gate together.

The little yellow gate found a secluded place, took a stick and stirred it in a certain bucket, then took out a small thing from one of the buckets, and hid it in the sleeve without feeling disgusting.

Xiong Daneng was about to go up to arrest people, but Zeng Maozhi hugged him: "Don't worry, let's see who this news is for."

Xiong Daneng nodded hastily, the boss is still knowledgeable, it is really boring to catch a young man, he has to find money to buy the questions.

This little yellow gate was like a hot potato when he got the title, he went out to the palace gate the next day, he found an excuse early and asked for leave early.Everything is being carried out in an orderly manner according to the original plan.

He acted very cautiously, first went shopping in the market, bought some things, then walked to Yujie Street, walked into a very elegant tea house, sat down and ordered a pot of tea and two plates of snacks.

At this time, Zeng Maozhi saw the little eunuch throw something on the ground, and got up and left after a while.

After that, the shopkeeper came up to clean up the tea bowls himself, and picked up the broom to sweep the floor, which swept the lump into the dustpan.

Zeng Maozhi raised his eyebrows. Could it be that the shopkeeper wants to sell test questions?

This can't be done!

If it leaked out, wouldn't my mother's hard work be in vain?At that time, the exam papers will definitely need to be republished, and they will inevitably be involved in the leaked questions!
Really Zeng Maozhi guessed right, the shopkeeper originally only agreed to help a Jiangxi Juzi living in the store with the test questions, but this shrewd businessman listened to the old Juren living in the store complaining about the scientific examination every day, and thought it was a huge problem. business opportunities!

Maybe he can turn around this time and make a big pot of gold?

You must know that those Juren masters who live in the restaurant near the Gongyuan are all rich and wealthy.How much money they can afford!
The shopkeeper returned to the room, took out a small paper bag, peeled off the sealing wax on the outside, and saw a piece of paper the size of a tofu block, densely written with words.It really worked!

At this moment, the smile on his face could hardly be suppressed.

But this extreme joy didn't last long, suddenly two figures appeared on the ground, the shopkeeper was startled, before he could cry out, there was a sharp pain in the back of his neck, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

Zeng Maozhi put him in a sack, and unknowingly drove him into Beizhen Prefecture.

The Jinyi guards of Beizhen Prefecture saw a silent man walking in from outside the wall suddenly, with a sack on his shoulder, they all thought he was a thief, and they were just about to go forward to arrest him, but Zeng Maozhi suddenly changed his face from the palm of his hand. A golden circular card was given to hold.

This is... the token of His Royal Highness King Jin? !
Zeng Maozhi threw the sack to the ground, gasped for a few breaths, and said, "This man colluded with a small eunuch named Ma Liu who gave Yexiang to the palace, and wanted to steal the exam questions from the master. I tell you adults to hurry up." First trial!"

After all, he climbed up the wall very coolly and turned out.

Yu Weiliang was still checking the accounts of the shipyard, and his relatives came in to report, saying that a secret guard who looked like His Royal Highness sent a person, saying that he was selling exam questions!
Yu Weiliang's eyes, which had become a little blurred due to looking at the account books for a long time, immediately widened.

"What did you say? Selling test questions?"

(End of this chapter)

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