"Jifu, your aesthetic sense is one of the best in the Great Zhou Dynasty. In the future, you will be the fashion vane of our Great Zhou Dynasty. If you say in the newspaper that green is beautiful, I guarantee that the streets will be full of green! The owners of ready-made clothing stores will line up to visit you. I’m giving you a gift just to ask what the popular colors will be this year.”

After Song Qingyue finished speaking, she stared at little Eunuch Qin and smiled quietly.

Qin Jifu had long seen the bewitching ability of his mistress. In the past, as a bystander, he always sneered at those people whose eyes looked as if they were drunk after being bewitched by the princess' few words.

Now that he was being stared at by her fairy-like eyes, blood rushed to his head, his heart was beating so hard, and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

At this time, Song Qingyue added another piece of cake at the right time: "When the time comes, we will also open a clothing store. I guarantee that when you retire, you will have a big house covering half a street! What do you think, Jifu, do you want to do it? ?”

"Do it!" Qin Jifu swallowed his saliva, "This slave will definitely die of exhaustion!"

Song Qingyue smiled sweetly: "Three days later, I will come to the Flower Hall on Middle Road for a meeting at the beginning of the morning."

Now that the talk was about this, Song Qingyue simply invited the boss of Longxing Cloth Store. The premium for selling clothes must be higher than selling fabrics.

It's just that it's hard to sell ready-made clothes these days. The main reason is that the class divide is too serious. The rich are extremely rich, and the poor are extremely poor. The number of middle-class citizens is not only small, but they are basically struggling to have enough food and clothing. .

Rich people have their own sewing rooms in their homes, and the owners of the cloth shops will come to their homes regularly to provide services and bring them the valuable and good materials in the stores. These rich households choose the materials and ask their own sewing rooms to make clothes, especially for the poor. Now that I can buy ready-made clothes, I cut the fabric and take it home to make it myself.

However, after Song Qingyue's efforts over the years, coupled with the strong support of the emperor and Li Zhao, and also benefiting from the establishment of many factories around the capital, as well as the construction of large tracts of low-rent housing outside the city, the development and changes of the capital and Taiyuan are indescribable. Not big. The number of residents in Taiyuan has almost doubled, and the number of citizens in the capital has tripled. Most of the residents in the capital have savings. As a result, the garment business has gradually gained a market. Song Qingyue decided to try it. Let’s try to develop the ready-made clothing market.

Before convening the first official meeting of the "Dazhou Life and Entertainment News", Song Qingyue first drew three costume design drawings and had them sent to the sewing room of the palace.

The first is the imperial style dress that appeared in Europe in the [-]th century.Of course, these days, it is impossible for Chinese people to accept clothing that exposes arms and a large white chest, so Song Qingyue added a Chinese-style shirt with a stand-up collar and pipa sleeves.

It's neither fish nor fowl, but surprisingly good-looking, especially the high waistline that makes your legs look particularly long.

Considering that this era is approximately equal to the late fifteenth century in the previous life, Europe was still in the Middle Ages, and the clothing style of the nobles was still extremely cumbersome, bloated, with a group of inexplicable Elizabethan rings around the neck, so Song Qingyue shamelessly introduced the imperial skirt The style is said to be my own design.

The second type is a more simple suspender dress. The waistline is in a normal position compared to the high waistline of the imperial skirt. The lining is still a Chinese shirt with a stand-up collar and pipa sleeves.Another difference was the length of the skirt, which only reached below the knees. Song Qingyue planned to wear a pair of lace-up long cowhide boots with a slight heel under the skirt.The style of lace-up leather boots was sent to the leather processing factory in Baoding. Now the leather processing factory not only processes sheepskin, but also processes cowhide and donkey skin.

How else can it be said that things always follow one another?

In the third year after the establishment of the Academy of Science, General Liu came to the capital from Liaodong, a military household. He was about 45 years old and looked honest, but he was called a miracle doctor by the local people.This man doesn't know a word and has no other skills. He is very good at raising cows. He can tell how pregnant a cow is by putting his hand into the cow's butt and touching it. He is also good at "pulling calves", which he is particularly good at. When delivering a cow, if the calf is in an abnormal position in the cow's belly, or if it chokes on the amniotic fluid, he has a way to save the calf.
He would put his ear on the cow's belly and listen to tell what the cow had eaten that he shouldn't have eaten. He even had a few folk remedies to treat several common diseases of the cow.

After being sent to the capital, he learned writing and arithmetic, and was sent to the Imperial Hospital and the Medical College of Gynecology to attend courses. Now he has also invented his own caesarean section surgery and recovery surgery after uterine prolapse.

Now he has been promoted from a doctor of veterinary medicine to an associate professor in the College of Science. He also brings more than 50 students from all over the country and exchanges technical experience with two other associate professors in the College of Science who specialize in horse breeding every day.

With the existence of this cattle master, the number of new cattle in Song Qingyue's cattle farm increased several times in a few years. Under the leadership of this cattle master, the surrounding areas of the capital also began to sell cattle to other places.

Therefore, Song Qingyue can now ask the leather factory to make cowhide boots for herself without any burden.

If it weren't for the master cattle breeder, Song Qingyue would never have thought of cowhide.

Talking about the clothing design drawings, the third design drawing is a four-piece men's suit consisting of a shirt, vest, tuxedo suit jacket, and a pair of suit pants.

The sizes given are all Li Zhao's sizes, but Song Qingyue is not in a hurry to get this suit. After all, it is not easy to make a suit that fits the figure. The tailors in the palace have never made that style. Song Qingyue Give them time to think about it slowly, and I am afraid that this kind of short men's clothing will not be easy to promote in the Zhou Dynasty, because in the traditional Chinese concept, the higher the status, the longer the clothes, and short-sleeved clothes are just like mud legs for farming. Wear it.

Song Qingyue asked the sewing room to make a tuxedo because she wanted to see what Li Zhao would look like in it.

But for the imperial style dress, Song Qingyue asked the sewing room to make it within three days, that is, before the tabloid meeting.

She wanted to personally pass it on to the shopkeeper of Longxing Cloth Shop and Mr. Qin, so that they could evaluate whether there was a market for this style of dress. (End of chapter)

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