Exile at the beginning: farming with power space

Chapter 456 Sending to Dragon City

Chapter 456 Sending to Dragon City
Who wants to die if they can live? The girls nodded in agreement as they had no other choice.

One of the women surnamed Li bravely asked, "Miss Fu, shall we go there now?"

"Well, let's go now."

Fu Xinci was also afraid that the night would be long and dreamy, so she confessed to Fang, saying that she would not be back until tomorrow at the earliest, and she was going to take a few girls on the road.

"Ci'er, you should bring food with you."

"Yeah." Grandpa didn't remind her, she almost forgot that she was not alone, and immediately went to the kitchen to pack some steamed buns and meat sauce into the backpack, and then set off with a few girls.

"Ah." Fang Shi sent them out of the yard, sighing secretly, good girl's house, why don't those god damn Japanese pirates die.

On the mountain road, Fu Xinci was walking on flat ground, but those women were not so relaxed, all of them were tired and hobbled like old women, and no one complained about being tired.

It wasn't until there was an open field ahead that Fu Xinci took them to stop and rest.

"Sisters, are you tired?"

"Not tired." The oldest woman among them took the lead in answering.

"Drink some water, let's rest for a while and hurry."

"Thank you, Miss Fu."

Fu Xinci discovered that there were no outsiders here, and they spoke louder.

After they rested for a stick of incense, Fu Xinci took them on the road again.

After finally turning over a mountain, the sun was about to set.

"There is a cave ahead. We will rest in the cave tonight. My sisters are collecting some branches and firewood near here. I will go and see if there are any wild animals."

"Miss Fu, be careful."


It didn't take long for Fu Xinci to go. When the last setting sun in the western sky disappeared on the other side of the mountain, she came back with two rabbits.

With the Huodezi, a fire was quickly lit in the dark cave.

Fu Xinci let the fire burn vigorously, illuminating everyone's faces.

The few women were all able to work, and they didn't talk much, so they cleaned up the two rabbits in a short while.

"Miss Fu, how do you eat this rabbit?" The woman surnamed Li is the best cook among them.

"Bake and eat." After Fu Xinci finished speaking, she took out some steamed buns from her backpack and asked them to bake them on the fire.

Not long after, the smell of meat came out of the cave, and the stomachs of several people also heard gurgling sounds.

Fu Xinci pretended not to hear, she sat at the entrance of the cave, looking out quietly.

It was pitch black outside, and she took advantage of the twilight to build a solid fence around the cave, so ordinary beasts and people couldn't get in at all.

"Girl, this rabbit meat is cooked." The woman surnamed Li delivered the first piece of roasted rabbit meat to Fu Xinci.

"Thank you, Sister Li."

The woman surnamed Li said shyly, "You're welcome." She continued to turn over the roasted rabbit meat.

Everyone ate the steamed buns and shared the rabbit meat.


When dawn came to this land again, Fu Xinci had already taken several girls on the road.

Maybe it was because they had a good rest last night, or maybe they had the courage to live on. The mood of the women was obviously better than the previous few days, and their walking speed was much faster than yesterday.

Today's two mountains seem to be easier than yesterday.

Finally, I saw the familiar valley, hidden in a delicate greenery.

"Did you see it? That's Dragon Town."

At Miss Fu's words, several women stood on tiptoe and looked over.Not far ahead, a huge valley appeared in front of them.

The houses in the valley are in order, the streets are tidy, and there are people busy in the spring plowing fields.

They stood on the hill, and the small town in the valley was beautiful and quiet, just like the paradise that the old people said.

Several people were silent, and Fu Xinci didn't speak, until several women secretly looked at Miss Fu, the most in their eyes was fear, fear of being hurt, followed by cowardice, there was still a lot of uncertainty, and finally there was a little bit of uncertainty. hope.

It's just that there are too few stars of hope, and if you don't look carefully, you can't see them at all.

Alas, Fu Xinci also wanted to sigh. She is a straight-tempered person, she doesn't know how to beat around the bush, and she is not very good at persuading others.

But these women were all rescued by her. They were all young, and she just wanted them to live a good life.

Fu Xinci didn't know how to speak, when she heard someone calling her name in the distance: "Xinci."


"Haha, Xinci, you are here."

Looking at the men and women who rushed over enthusiastically, all of them have outstanding looks, even the fat man is not bad-looking, his thick body is like a stalwart mountain.

The few women who were standing next to Miss Fu just now leaned back feeling ashamed, afraid that they would tarnish the godlike figures in front of them.

The captain was the last one to come over. He glanced at the young women behind Xinci, and without asking, he understood Fu Xiaoniu's intention with just one look.

"Let's go, let's go home and talk."

"Hey." Fu Xinci agreed, and asked her sisters to follow.

The women lowered their heads, as if they were about to make up their minds, and then slowly followed.

The captain glanced at Xinci again, Xinci followed closely, and said in a low voice: "We rounded up the Japanese pirates a few days ago."

Just as the captain was about to say, why didn’t he call us, he glanced at the women and only asked, “You saved it.”

"Well. Captain, help me arrange them, or I will save them in vain."

"Okay, don't worry. Just two days ago, Xiang Tong said that we are short of manpower to work here."

"That's great, Sister Li and the others are all good at work." Fu Xinci's voice was a bit loud, and she purposely said it to the women who followed her.

Sure enough, she heard them let out a long sigh of relief.

Before Pang Duner could react, he pushed Xiao Ai aside, and whispered the news to Xinci.

"Let me tell you, Xiang Tong is looking for you these days. If you don't come, he will ask us to find you."

"What are you looking for me for?"

"That little pig, calf, lamb, etc., you forgot?"

"I didn't forget."

"It's fine if you don't forget, Xiang Tong will let you buy these things now."

"It's easy to handle. Ten or eight will be fine."

"Xinci, don't forget that there is still Qilin Town."

"I didn't forget, and I prepared them for them."

"That's okay, otherwise Lan Tianyao would cry for you."

"No way." Seeing what Xiao Ai said was scary, Fu Xinci looked around, hoping that what Xiao Ai said was not true.

"Don't you believe it, Big Brother Lan is becoming more and more difficult, and he can play well at any time."

"No way, he is the lord of the city no matter what."

 Thank you lyq1971 for your tip.

  Thank you to all the little fairies who voted.

(End of this chapter)

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