Although Taifu Wu made some sense, it was not suitable for Sheng Wenhuai.

He has gone through many things to save Chen Yaxiang, "Chen Yaxiang" has already become his obsession, how easy is it to give up?

But in this life, Chi Yang, who is lively, cheerful, optimistic, confident, generous, funny, and outspoken, is not Chen Yaxiang...

People who look exactly the same, but have completely different personalities.

Sheng Wenhuai suddenly had a bold idea.

Since he can be reborn for many lives, can he also make Chen Yaxiang reborn?
Shocked by his own thought, Sheng Wenhuai stood up abruptly and left the Chi family private school in a hurry.

Taifu Wu looked at Sheng Wenhuai who was walking away, and secretly envied the young man who wanted to leave as soon as he wanted to, and leave as soon as he said.

Thinking that Sheng Wenhuai was enlightened by his own words and suddenly became enlightened. Now that he is looking for a beautiful girl, Taifu Wu is still a little happy.

He even fantasized about teaching Sheng Wen to conceive a child in the future.

That's great, Taifu Wu smiled and stroked his white beard.


However, Taifu Wu was wrong. Sheng Wenhuai did not go to find the little girl to talk about love, but came to the famous Qingyun Taoist Temple in Kyoto.Qingyun Temple is located in the mountains, the mountains are filled with mist, and it looks like a dream from a distance, very unreal.

This Qingyun Temple is not well-known in Kyoto, and few people will come here.

Sheng Wenhuai knew this Taoist temple because in the first life, Emperor Wu Juan was obsessed with the art of longevity and resurrection, arrested almost all the Taoist priests in the entire Eastern Qi, and found the Qingyun Temple with real skills.

Although Shen Juan still died in the end, his body did not rot after death, and it can be seen that Qingyun Temple has some skills.

This Taoist temple was probably the only way for him to meet Chen Yaxiang.

In order to show his sincerity, Sheng Wenhuai came to the foot of Taoist Mountain, knelt down step by step, and when he came to the gate of the museum, Sheng Wenhuai's forehead was already dripping with blood.

Xiaodaotong, who was guarding the gate, was moved by Sheng Wenhuai's sincerity, and quickly helped Sheng Wenhuai, who was a little shaky when walking.

"Master! A good man is here to find you!" Xiao Daotong shouted loudly while walking into the Taoist temple with Sheng Wenhuai on his arm.

After a while, a man in his 30s walked out. Sheng Wenhuai glanced at the man, closed his eyes, and passed out.

When Sheng Wenhuai woke up again, it was already pitch black outside, only a candle burning in the room revealed a little bit of light.

"Are you awake?" the Daoist asked.

Sheng Wenhuai looked at the Taoist priest, he knew this person, even though it was many years before Shen Juan ascended to the throne of God and became obsessed with the art of longevity, the Taoist priest Qingyun Guan he saw at that time was the same as he is now, without any change.

This made Sheng Wenhuai more confident that the priest is capable.

"Daoist, please help me..."

Before Sheng Wenhuai finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Taoist priest.

"Good man, do you want me to help you, or to help the people around you?"

"How to say?"

Sheng Wenhuai didn't think that he would live a bad life after reliving so many lives, he just wanted to see Chen Yaxiang and protect Chen Yaxiang.

But listening to the words of the priest, it seems that he is also in trouble.

Daoist touched Fuchen in his arms, and looked at Sheng Wenhuai, "A good person has lived so many lives again, and he still thinks that he can't live well in this life, and he can live in the next life, right?"

"There are so many good things in this world that have happened to you alone. This cycle of life and death has its own destiny. Good man, this is your last life..."

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