Chapter 173 The Mystery of Life Experience
"I was discovered by you later. You seemed to take me as a confidant and told me some things, your past and present. But suddenly one day, you suddenly started talking to me in a childish tone, Please forgive me for calling you naive, after all, you have always been a young adult in our Chifu before. You said that you want to go to the street, and you want to eat candied haws. "

When hearing the words "novel" and "plot", Chi Yang can almost conclude that the person before "Chi Yang" disappeared was herself.

"And then?" Chi Yang asked again.

She desperately wanted to know why she got lost back then, and what happened in it.

Wan Niang continued: "I find it strange, because you don't like candied haws, and you wouldn't beg me in that tone. I refused, and then you returned to normal and told me calmly that you might have to go back. Let me not forget the plots you told me, and help them. After you finished speaking, you suddenly disappeared, and I hurried back to Chifu, but what I said turned out to be that you were abducted by human traffickers."

"I'm scared in my heart, and I know something about the plot. I can't seem to say it. I'm waiting for the news at home, but in the blink of an eye, I arrived at this house."

"Haven't you ever thought of leaving here to tell my parents the truth?" Chi Yang asked.

Wanniang shook her head, her expression a little depressed, "I can't get out..."

"can not go out!"

"Why can't you get out?"

Both Chi Yang and Tu Yueqing were shocked by this sentence. How could they not get out?

Originally, I thought Wanniang's previous "sudden disappearance" and "can't speak" were unbelievable enough, but this "can't get out" is even more strange.

It's just outrageous to fucking open the door for outrageous!
Wan Niang looked at the two of them and explained: "The only area I can move around is this courtyard and the small street outside the courtyard gate. This small street has everything, enough for my daily life, but I can't go far."

"I set up a stall here every day, thinking that one day I can meet people from Chifu, and even if I can't tell the truth, I can tell Mrs. Master that I didn't hurt Miss, I didn't run away, and I'm waiting for them."

"Fortunately, I met Miss today, so I can tell Miss the truth."

Wanniang was afraid that Chi Yang and Tu Yueqing would not believe her, so she dragged them out the door. She didn't take a few steps in the alley outside the door, and she didn't go too far. As if pinched, Wanniang left her feet off the ground and was pushed back again.

The two of them believed it completely.

The world is so big that there are no surprises.

Chi Yang originally wanted to take Wanniang away, but after he led Wanniang away and was still blocked, Chi Yang had to give up.

Knowing such a big secret, Chi Yang and Tu Yueqing hurried back to Chi Mansion in a carriage after saying goodbye to Wan Niang.

The carriage swayed on the road, making Chi Yang a little sleepy. He closed his eyes and tilted his head to lean on Tu Yueqing's shoulder.

Tu Yueqing is the only daughter in her family. She has always wanted to have a younger sister since she was a child.

So Tu Yueqing likes the feeling of being relied on by Chi Yang. He dared not move his body for fear of disturbing Chi Yang along the way.

When the carriage arrived at Chi Mansion, Tu Yueqing gently pushed Chi Yang who was sleeping soundly.

Chi Yang's whole body fell down without warning.

"Yang Yang!" Tu Yueqing screamed, quickly helped Chi Yang up, and called servants to invite Chi Yi, Xiao Lianyi, and the doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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