Exile opening: I won with the Universal Maker

Chapter 183 The Surprise Attack of the Jingzhou Army

Chapter 183 The Surprise Attack of the Jingzhou Army
Hearing General Jia's words, Li Wan rolled her eyes and passed out quickly.

Shen Yuexi saw that General Jia's words were so vicious, and he sold sick armadillos to harm people, so he didn't seem like a kind person at all, worried that he would really do such a thing, and said:

"Don't do anything, Xiao Zhuo is my husband."

Ever since Li Wan followed Madam Li to the outside of the pass, although she has also experienced the fierce battle at the Langya Pass, she has never really faced the enemy.Faced with this situation, Li Wan must be hopeless, she must stand up.

"Haha, it's such a good thing. I didn't expect to send it to my door." General Jia was overjoyed, and looked at Shen Yuexi up and down carefully, got up and picked up the sword from the table, "Dedicate Shen Yuexi to the general, the general will definitely will give me a promotion."

"Who is your general?" Shen Yuexi asked.

Compared with General Jia's promotion, she is more concerned about the real identity of the general.

General Jia chuckled and held the saber in his hand: "The battle between the two armies is imminent. It's okay to tell you, our general is Prince Jing's son Xiao Kai."

Shen Yuexi let out a cry of surprise.

Unexpectedly, it was Prince Jing who had been using such insidious tactics against Xiliang.They had already planned for Xiliang.But what does General Jia mean by "the big battle is imminent", is there going to be a war?

She was about to ask a question when General Jia waved to a man and said, "Get your horses ready, let's set off immediately."

The man guarding Li Wan asked, "General, what about the fainted one?"

General Jia said impatiently: "Ask me what to do, just kill me."

Shen Yuexi hurriedly said: "Don't kill her, she is the fiancee of Mei Pu, the prince of Xiliang."

"Don't worry about her." General Jia pushed Shen Yuexi's back impatiently, "We will wipe out the Xiliang Mei family soon, and there will be no Xiliang king by then, and there is no need for this woman to live."

After speaking, General Jia took the lead to open the door and walked to the yard.

"No, you can't hurt her."

Seeing the man in front of Li Wan raise the steel knife, Shen Yuexi didn't know where the strength came from, she suddenly broke free from the man who was holding her, rushed over and pushed the man away from Li Wan, squatted down to protect Li Wan, shouted:

"Qiang Lin!"

Suddenly there was the sound of a door being broken, and the sound of a sharp object entering the body.Swords collided, tables and chairs overturned.The screams and shouts rang sharply in her eardrums.

Shen Yuexi knelt on the ground, hugged Li Wan's shoulders, and tightly closed her eyes.Until Qiang Lin's voice sounded:

"Master, get up quickly. We must leave here immediately!"

Shen Yuexi opened her eyes, the room was in a mess, bloody and pungent.On the ground were the corpses of five enemies, exactly the five people just now, and they had all been killed by the hidden guards led by Qiang Lin.Only that General Jia was missing.

"Qiang Lin, where is that General Jia!" Shen Yuexi raised her head and shouted, "Hurry up and chase him, we have to catch him."

This General Jia is the chief culprit in the murder of Meipu, he must be captured and brought back to Meipu.

"The subordinates failed to kill him, he escaped," Qiang Lin stretched out the scabbard with shame on his face, and let Shen Yuexi get up, "I just checked, and the villagers in this village are all fake, all of them are Jing. Sergeant of the State Army. We must run before it is too late."

The villagers in the whole village are all Jingzhou soldiers?

Qiang Lin was not Xiao Zhuo after all, and that General Jia had no choice but to escape, he would definitely call the sergeant to arrest them.At that time, hundreds of thousands of enemies will come, but these dozen or so hidden guards cannot stop them.

I can't chase that General Jia anymore, it's important to escape.

Shen Yuexi knew that the situation was critical, so she quickly stretched out her hand to pat Li Wan awake, and didn't care about explaining, she dragged Li Wan directly to the yard.He said while walking, "We have to leave quickly, this village is the camp of the Jingzhou Army."

Li Wan didn't fully wake up for a while, and said in a daze, "Jingzhou Army... what Jingzhou Army?"

The hidden guards in the yard had already prepared their horses, and Li Wan understood after seeing the horses.She refused to get on the horse desperately, and cried to Shen Yuexi: "I...I don't know how to ride a horse."

Shen Yuexi had no choice but to help Li Wan onto the horse first, and then she sat behind Li Wan, and the two of them shared the same horse.

The horse went out of the yard.The village was already in chaos. Soldiers armed with weapons poured out from various farmhouses. More than a hundred people, led by General Jia, rushed towards them.

The soldiers rushed and shouted: "Catch Shen Yuexi alive, General Jia ordered him to be caught alive."

Shen Yuexi wondered when she would become a fugitive again... At this time, if she didn't run away, she would wait for a while, pulling the reins and galloping her horse towards the outside of the village. Qiang Lin led the dark guards to follow, and rushed out of the village all the way.

Stopping the horse on the road, Shen Yuexi said to Qiang Lin who was catching up: "Qiang Lin, our road is wrong, the carriage is still over there."

In order to escape the village, they took a road farther and farther away from the position of the carriage.

Qiang Lin said: "Master, we can't go back to the carriage now. The Jingzhou army has already set their sights on us, and the carriage cannot outrun their horses. Everyone will be caught by then."

"But my mother is over there," Li Wan grabbed Shen Yuexi's arm and said, "Let's go and save my mother."

Shen Yuexi weighed it up, and said to Li Wan: "Miss Li, what Qiang Lin said is correct, a carriage cannot outrun a war horse, so we will all be caught."

"Then what about my mother?" Li Wan cried, "Will they kill her?"

Everyone was hesitating on the spot, when a group of people shouted and neighed in the distant village, hundreds of cavalry rushed out of the village and chased after them.

"Master, let's go quickly." Qiang Lin swung his whip on Shen Yuexi's mount without hesitation.The war horse was in pain, and rushed out with a neigh.

The crowd rode their horses and galloped along the road, followed by hundreds of cavalry from the Jingzhou Army in pursuit.

Shen Yuexi and Li Wan rode the same horse, Shen Yuexi's riding skills were not as proficient as the Xirong dark guards led by Qiang Lin, another Li Wan stood in front of her and gradually fell behind.

Li Wan turned her head and saw that the cavalry was getting closer and closer, so she patted the horse's head vigorously and shouted, "Mrs. Shen, run quickly. They are catching up!"

If it weren't for Shen Yuexi holding the rein with both hands, she wouldn't be able to free her hand.Li Wan's mouth was blocked.

The more anxious she became, the more chaotic she became.

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken by the Jingzhou cavalry, Qiang Lin looked back, stopped the horse, lifted his leg and took off the bow on the side of the saddle, drew an arrow and put it on the string, Shen Yuexi, who was approaching by the counter-horse, shouted: " The master goes first, and the subordinates stop the enemy for you."

Shen Yuexi didn't dare to stop her horse, now was not the time for her to be brave, she galloped past Qiang Lin and shouted back:

"Qiang Lin, you still have to protect me, and you must catch up."

Qiang Lin nodded, stopped his horse on the spot, and shouted to the Jingzhou cavalry behind, "Don't chase after me any more, or I will be rude."

The Jingzhou cavalry didn't care about his threats at all, and just rode their horses to approach.Qiang Lin opened his bow and fired an arrow, and with one arrow, the cavalry who rushed to the front were shot off their horses.

As the commander of a thousand commanders, Qiang Lin's riding and archery skills far surpassed that of ordinary soldiers.

The rest of the Jingzhou cavalry didn't see their chance yet and continued to chase.

Qiang Lin fired five arrows in a row, all the arrows were shot in succession, and shot five people off their horses in a row.This time the Jingzhou cavalry was finally restrained, and they stopped their horses one after another.Qiang Lin saw that they did not dare to chase any more, so Fang turned his horse and went after Shen Yuexi.

After catching up with Shen Yuexi, Qiang Lin talked about the situation just now.

Both Shen Yuexi and Li Wan admired it very much, and Li Wan admired it even more: "Qiang Lin, you are so amazing!"

"Where is this place?" Shen Yuexi looked at the barren and steep mountains not far away.

After galloping on horseback for so long, he has come to a completely deserted wilderness.There was bare ground everywhere, covered with patches of white snow, there were no roads for people to walk on, only a dead tree trembling in the wind.Everyone seemed to have come to a deserted place.

"Master, it's getting late," Qiang Lin said, pointing to the mountain peak, "there is no shelter from the wind and snow on the flat ground, we have to go to the mountain to find a place to rest."

Shen Yuexi agreed, and everyone got off their horses and walked up the mountain along the mountain path that can be walked.Several hidden guards walked in the front to explore the way.

"What kind of place is this? Why is there no one here?" Li Wan held Shen Yuexi's arm tightly, and looked around in fear as she walked, "Are we going to spend the night in this kind of place? There is no quilt, no charcoal fire... "

Shen Yuexi smiled and patted the back of her hand, indicating that she was fine.

She vaguely saw her own shadow back then, and she was holding Xiao Zhuo's arm tightly like this.

Now she has become someone else to rely on.

"Leader, come and see!" A secret guard hurried down from the top of the mountain and shouted to Qiang Lin.

Both Shen Yuexi and Qiang Lin saw the disbelief in the eyes of the dark guard, and quickly stepped up to the top of the mountain.

The scene in front of them stunned everyone.

The endless army moved slowly like a winding black snake, heading towards the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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