The flames in the lower round valley were tumbling, and thick smoke could be seen in the flames, which was particularly eye-catching under the night.

Song Zhen and the generals of King Qi's army stood on the watchtower of the besieged camp, shaking feather fans, looking at the red western sky.

Everyone was sleeping, but a person rushing to the camp woke up the whole camp.After tossing until now, just in time to see the fire in Xia Yuangu, everyone went up to the watchtower to watch.

"Military Master, His Royal Highness really set fire to the enemy's granary," a lieutenant held on to the railing, and excitedly raised his hand to point in the direction of Xia Yuangu, "This fire is really big enough."

Song Zhen just nodded slightly, not as happy as everyone around her.

Why such a big fire?

He fought with Xiao Zhuo, and he also witnessed the scene of burning the enemy's rations, but he had never seen such a large fire.

"Military division, the damaged part in the northwest corner of the camp is too wide, and it may not be repaired until morning."

A general's report interrupted his thoughts.

"What's the matter?" Song Zhen turned around to look at the sergeant, "You missed the man who rushed to the camp. Now it takes you all night to repair a gap?"

Xiao Ming tore off another battle robe, poured water over his mouth and nose, and said to the soldiers: "Cover your mouth and nose with a wet cloth." After speaking, he chased after Xiao Beiheng.

Following Qiu Liming's yell, a thousand crossbows fired arrows at the same time, shooting the cavalry of King Qi's army who rushed to the vicinity of the valley mouth, turning their backs, and no one was spared.

"The wall... the last general didn't know," the general said with a sad face, "it disappeared for no reason."

There were more than a thousand Qi Wangjun present, they were all carrying wood and sawing planks, many of them dropped the wood on their shoulders, countless feathered arrows flew in the darkness, and shot nearly a hundred people down on the spot.

"King Qi!" A general rushed to Xiao Ming and Xiao Beiheng in disgrace, "Taniguchi Youlian... Liannu!"

Song Zhen and a group of generals went down from the watchtower and walked to the northwest corner of the camp.

"Sure enough, it hasn't been repaired," Song Zhen angrily pointed at the empty gap with his feather fan, "Where are the people in charge here? And the sergeants patrolling around here, all of them will come here immediately."

Song Zhendao: "After Xiao Zhuo rushed to the camp, didn't His Royal Highness strictly order to strengthen the female wall. I will go and see it myself."

"Fire arrows!"

Song Zhen turned pale with shock, and while backing up, he raised his fan and said, "Meet the enemy quickly, meet the enemy quickly."

Song Zhen became more and more annoyed: "How dare you lie in partnership, is it a child's play to be a military law?"

Prince Qi and his sons in Xiayuan Valley have successfully burned the army rations. Xiao Zhuo's army will be in chaos within two or three days without food and grass. Even the gods can't save them.He didn't need to think about it any more, he just waited for dawn and held a celebration banquet when Prince Qi and his son returned.

The Dingbei Army is an elite soldier under King Qi's command. Although they were attacked suddenly, they did not panic.Under the command of the general, the soldiers of the Dingbei Army who came to support from all over the camp formed a battle formation and fought with Xiao Zhuo's army.

"Enemy attack!" Someone pulled out the saber from his waist, someone held up a shield to protect Song Zhen, and someone pulled Song Zhen and ran back, "Military commander, go."

Xiao Beiheng had personally experienced the power of the Liannu, and now seeing that none of the people who rushed past survived, he was terrified, turned over and ran back.

The only place where there is no fire is the road into the valley. Now nearly a thousand cavalry are crowded on this road. Almost everyone has burns and is in a dilemma.If you move forward, there will be deadly crossbows guarding the entrance of the valley in front of you. If you retreat, the fire will grow bigger and bigger. Even if you are not burned to death by the fire, you will be choked to death by the thick smoke.

Fires were burning everywhere in the valley, the flames were blinding, the smoke filled the air, the air was so hot that the skin felt stinging, and the soldiers and war horses on fire were running around like headless chickens.

"Don't panic!" a general of King Qi's army shouted, "The enemy army is all recruits, they can't beat us. The Dingbei army will charge and kill with me."

Then don't blame him for making an example of others.

These generals and sergeants are all under Xiao Beiheng's command. Could it be that they see themselves as surrendered generals, flattering on the surface, but contemptuous in their hearts, and want to act together for him?

The general who was reprimanded touched the back of his head and said: "Military Officer, there is no barracks in the northwest corner at all. The last general probably destroyed it when Xiao Zhuo led the cavalry to rush into the camp. The lieutenant general who was in charge of building the camp was lazy and never repaired it, so he was taken advantage of by that person. .”

"His Royal Highness ordered me to guard the camp. I can't be careless," Song Zhen said to the general beside him as he walked, "If the general who built the barracks is lazy, he must be dealt with according to military law."

The sergeants around the general also nodded one after another: "Military Master, what the general said is true. The female wall here was originally fine, but the man rushed over and disappeared for no reason. When we realized it, the man had already rushed through The camp is gone."

Xiao Beiheng grabbed the wet cloth to cover his mouth and nose, ignored Xiao Ming, and ran back on his own.

He was very annoyed in his heart, such a small flaw was immediately caught by Xiao Zhuo.

He was shouting, and there was a "whoosh" sound in the darkness, and a feathered arrow was stuck on his shoulder.

When we came to the northwest corner of the camp, under the reflection of the bonfire, the sergeants were carrying and sawing, people were coming and going, and it was very busy.

Song Zhen asked, "You treacherous and lazy people, what else do you have to say?"

Everyone echoed: "Military commander, don't be upset, the lieutenant general in charge and the sergeant who patrolled that night have been detained, waiting for your interrogation."

A general at the front of the crowd called out to Qu: "Master, I swear to God, the barracks here are definitely complete!"

Xiao Ming gritted his teeth and raised his head to look around.

The general yelled, and just as he turned his head to look at the dark place outside the camp, dozens of feathered arrows flew towards him, shooting him from head to toe into an arrow stack, and he fell straight to the ground.

"You still dare to argue," Song Zhen raised his feather fan and pointed at the gap, "Where is the wall?"

"Liannu!" Xiao Ming and Xiao Beiheng exclaimed at the same time.

The most important thing now is to quickly repair the gap in the camp.It's the middle of the night now, and there's no moonlight. It would be a big deal if there was an enemy attack.

"Xiao Zhuo is so ruthless. Would you rather burn your own food and grass than kill this king?"

Seeing that King Qi still thought of them in such a critical time, all the soldiers were moved and followed behind Xiao Ming.

They had heard of Liannu's reputation before, and they had experienced the suffering of Liannu in this battle, and they knew that it was impossible for Liannu to rush out if it was guarding the entrance of the valley.


Some generals did not believe in evil, and led more than a hundred cavalry to rush over, but none of them rushed out.

"Beiheng, wait!" Xiao Ming caught up with Xiao Beiheng, tore off a battle robe, poured the water from the water bag around his waist on the cloth, and handed it to Xiao Beiheng, "Cover your mouth and nose quickly, don't inhale the smoke .”

Hearing Song Zhen's mention of military law, the general stood up and walked quickly to the gap, patted his chest and shouted: "The last general has been with His Royal Highness for many years, and the last general is responsible for building the camp. Although the position is low, there is hard work without merit. Today This matter, even if His Royal Highness came in person, the last general would dare to say..."

When the fire ignited, they withdrew the whole army to Taniguchi. Unexpectedly, Taniguchi arranged for Liannu to serve them.

The other generals did not dare to neglect, and immediately brought the relevant people to Song Zhen.

There was a sound of killing everywhere, Xiao Zhuo's soldiers rushed out from the darkness, flooding into the Qi Wangjun's camp along the gap like a tide, killing everyone they saw.

Xiao Beiheng rushed into the valley until a wall of fire blocked his way.The thick smoke pierced his tears, he forced his eyes wide open to look around, and found himself as if he was in a huge furnace, all he could see was the flames, and even the Yan Que sword on his waist began to become hot.

There is a wall of fire in front, and a crossbow in the back. There is no way to go to the sky, and there is no way to go to the earth.

He turned his head back in despair, knelt on the ground, and cried to Xiao Ming who rushed over: "Father, we are finished, we are finished."

Xiao Ming also saw the surrounding fire, and knew that the death of father and son was at this moment.

It's dead anyway, so he simply threw away the wet cloth, hugged Xiao Beiheng and cried loudly: "My father and son will die here today."

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