Chapter 309

Shen Yuexi and Su Mo kept cheering Li Wan and Xia Lan, but they were still a step behind.Under Mei Dai's guidance, the person on the other side completed the Qiqiao stitch first.

Whether it's a loss or not, Shen Yuexi is not depressed at all. She felt that she had a great time tonight, and rewarded all the oranges to everyone watching the battle.

Not only her, but everyone who participated in the competition had more to say.Li Wan was not convinced, and wanted to compete again, winning two out of three rounds.But Su Mo quit, she couldn't wait to take the hot air balloon ride.

Everyone flocked to the Wangfu Square, where the hot air balloon was swollen and swaying in the air, watched by more than ten servants.

According to the prior agreement, Mei Dai's side is the victor, and they will take the hot air balloon first.

Yang Cong wanted to sit with Feng Zhang, but there was no room for the five of them. Mei Dai, Ji Yunyan, and Shen Lan took the hot air balloon first.The moment the hot air balloon took off, Shen Lan screamed, making everyone present laugh out loud.

After the hot air balloon landed safely, everyone inside was extremely excited.

Mei Dai said to Shen Yuexi: "Sister, this is the first time for me to fly to such a high altitude. It is really like a dream to be able to see the entire city of Shengjing from the sky."

Ji Yunyan said: "It's amazing, it really feels like flying through the clouds."

Shen Lan put it another way: "My heart almost jumped out of my throat, wait until I'm not afraid anymore, the balloon has already landed."

After their description, the next group couldn't wait even more.Yang Cong and Feng Zhang, Li Wan and Qiang Lin got into the hot air balloon and flew up again.

This group was funnier than the previous group. After they came down, Feng Zhang and Shen Yuexi said: "I felt that the wind was quite strong, but I didn't see anything."

Yang Cong was not used to him, and revealed the reason: "A big man is too scared to stand up. Of course he can't see anything. Such a good opportunity was wasted."

Feng Zhang was not angry when Yang Cong scolded him, and said with a smile: "Sister Cong is indeed more courageous than me."

Qiang Lin and Li Wan took advantage of flying into the air and made a wish to Vega.Shen Yuexi didn't ask in detail, presumably the wish they made was about their marriage.

Finally, there are Shen Yuexi and Su Mo, plus Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Beiheng.

Su Mo had been waiting impatiently for a long time, and the two groups of people who sat first were all described as decent, she was the first to jump into the hanging basket as soon as it was emptied, poked her head out to greet Shen Yuexi and said: " Sister-in-law, come in quickly."

Shen Yuexi got into the hanging basket and sat down obediently.She is afraid of heights and dare not stand up and look out like Su Mo.

Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Beiheng also got into the hanging basket one after another.Xiao Beiheng held the edge of the hanging basket, looked at Su Mo nervously, and said, "Momo, you are firmly glued, will you not leak air?"

Su Mo smiled and said, "You have already flown two groups of people, you are still worried."

Xiao Beiheng smiled embarrassedly: "I've never sat down before, so it's normal to be worried." After speaking, he sat down leaning against the inside of the hanging basket.

Shen Yuexi said to Xiao Zhuo: "Husband, you can operate the balloon, I will sit here."

Xiao Zhuo knew what was wrong with her, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll come."

Xiao Zhuo had already learned how to operate a hot air balloon when the two escaped from the customs.Under his skillful control, the hot air balloon slowly left the ground and rose into the air amidst cheers from the yard.

The sound under the feet is getting smaller and smaller, and the wind in the ears is getting louder.The four of them bathed in the silvery moonlight, feeling as if they were far away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

Su Mo supported the edge of the hanging basket with both hands, her hair flying in the wind, and cheered, "Wow, it's so high, so high! It's like a fairy flying in the sky."

Hearing her description, Xiao Beiheng couldn't help standing up and looking down.

High in the air, the wind is strong, whining and blowing.Above the head is the starry night sky, and the brightly lit streets of the entire city of Shengjing are criss-crossing below, and the pedestrians on the streets are like little ants.He panicked and said, "I've already flown so high, if I fall, I'm sure I'll be smashed to pieces."

Shen Yuexi smiled and said: "Your brother, don't worry, nothing will happen, this hot air balloon is very strong."

Xiao Beiheng turned around, put his arms on the edge of the hanging basket and said to Xiao Zhuo: "Brother, did you all fly out of the customs on this thing?"

Xiao Zhuo nodded and said: "Yuexi did it, and that day was also Qixi Festival. I was a little scared when I sat down at first, and I was always worried that I would fall halfway."

Shen Yuexi looked up at Xiao Zhuo with a smile and said: "So you were also very scared at the time, I didn't see it."

At that time, she was dizzy because of fear of heights, Xiao Zhuo asked her to rest and let him operate.At that time, she still thought that Xiao Zhuo was very powerful, but she didn't expect that he was also very scared at that time.

Xiao Zhuo smiled and said, "I'm afraid, but I don't want to show it in front of you."

Su Mo turned her head and said, "Bei Heng, so you and the eldest brother are both afraid. I'm not afraid at all. I'm so happy. I've never flown so high before."

Shen Yuexi looked at Su Mo, who was smiling all over her face, and Xiao Beiheng, who was full of surprise, and thought of the Qixi Festival that he spent with everyone today.Suddenly, I felt that it would be really good if it went on like this.Everyone is happy and doesn't have to think about war.

This is what life should be like.

While he was in a trance, the hanging basket shook with a "bang", and then slammed to one side.

Su Mo just left the hanging basket with her hands, and with a shake, she immediately lost her footing and fell sideways.Xiao Beiheng and Xiao Zhuo sat on the other side of the hanging basket, and when the hanging basket shook, they subconsciously held the edge of the hanging basket to stabilize their bodies, before reaching out to hold Su Mo.

Surprised, Shen Yuexi quickly stood up and opened her hands to meet Su Mo who was rushing towards her. The two rolled into a ball in the hanging basket, and finally saved the day.

"Are you all okay?" Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Beiheng asked in unison.

"It's okay, I was scared to death," Su Mo stood up while rubbing her chest, and looked out, "Why did you move so suddenly?"

Shen Yuexi also stood up, holding the edge of the hanging basket with both hands and looking out.

At this time, the hot air balloon has slowly floated back to its original position.

Shen Yuexi looked at the long rope under the hanging basket, turned her head to Su Mo and said, "It's the end of the rope. It was the vibration caused by the rope pulling the hanging basket..."

Before she finished speaking, she felt a nausea rushing up from her stomach.

Oops, I forgot about my fear of heights.

She quickly sat down with her back against the hanging basket, and looked around while suppressing the nausea.Although it is convenient to hold the hanging basket and vomit directly to the outside, but considering that the palace is below... She reached out and grabbed an empty alcohol jar, holding the jar and vomited it out with a "wow".

Su Mo knelt down and patted her on the back, and asked, "Did sister-in-law catch a cold from the wind?"

"Maybe...maybe it's cold from eating ice cream...vomit." Shen Yuexi bowed her head and vomited again. She hadn't digested the food that she ate at night, so she vomited it all out.

"Yuexi can't look down from a high place," Xiao Zhuo adjusted the burner of the alcohol stove, "Let's land first."

"It's okay, I feel comfortable after vomiting," Shen Yuexi panted, "I just need some clean water to rinse my mouth."

There are jars of alcohol in the hanging basket, and there is no water for gargling.

Xiao Beiheng said: "Sister-in-law is not feeling well, and there is no water here, let's land first."

Under the insistence of the three, the hot air balloon landed slowly.The servants who were waiting below gathered up the rope, allowing the hot air balloon to land smoothly on the Wangfu Square. Xiao Zhuo and Su Mo helped Shen Yuexi out of the basket.

Knowing that she was vomiting in the air, Mei Dai and others came to condolences.After knowing that Shen Yuexi was fine, everyone left with confidence.

Early the next morning, Mei Dai, Shen Lan, and Ji Yunyan led the army back to Xiliang, and Su Mo and Xiao Beiheng also returned to Anzhou.Two groups of people set off one after another, and Shen Yuexi reluctantly bid farewell.

After sending everyone away, she became hungry again.

Because of the vomiting last night, Xiao Zhuo ordered the kitchen to make stomach-nourishing millet porridge for her in the morning, which was far from enough for her.After sending everyone back to the mansion, she ordered Xia Lan to heat up half a roast chicken, intending to appease her empty stomach.

Unexpectedly, I just ate a chicken leg, and I felt nauseous again. I even vomited out the millet porridge I drank in the morning.

Xiao Zhuo frowned tightly after knowing it, and said to her: "It's been a night and you still vomit, I'm afraid it's some kind of sudden illness. I've ordered someone to call Dr. Hua to see you."

Shen Yuexi also felt strange, did she have acute gastroenteritis or something?

She wanted Big Bear to make some medicine for her stomach, but she was so sick with vomiting that she couldn't collect the medicine.

When Dr. Hua took his pulse, Shen Yuexi lay on the bed and said, "Doctor Hua, I must have eaten cold. It was the acute gastroenteritis caused by the ice cream ball being too cold. Just give me some medicine to treat the stomach..."

Xiao Zhuo sat on the side of the bed, held her other hand and said, "Listen to Doctor Hua's judgment, don't guess by yourself."

"No mistake, it's definitely stimulated by eating cold drinks."

After finishing speaking, Shen Yuexi felt Doctor Hua's fingers leave her wrist, and asked impatiently: "Doctor Hua, am I not suffering from any serious illness?"

She was also a little guilty, afraid that she would accidentally get some incurable disease.A good life has not officially begun to enjoy it.

"No, no," Doctor Hua repeatedly denied, stood up and tidied up his clothes, smiled and bowed to Xiao Zhuo, "I'm here to congratulate King An first."

Shen Yuexi blinked, and asked: "Doctor Hua, what are you laughing at, what is there to congratulate?"

Xiao Zhuo was turning around to get the millet porridge on the bedside table, when he heard Doctor Hua's words, he turned his head with the porridge bowl in his hand and asked, "What do you mean by what Doctor Hua said?"

"Princess An is happy."

The porridge bowl in Xiao Zhuo's hand fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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