Chapter 342
The rope that was lowered from the platform was so bad that it would break if it was pulled lightly, and it was impossible to withstand people.

Ji Yunyan went to the baskets piled up on the platform again, pulled out several coils of rope and checked them one by one, all of them were rotten without exception.Not to mention the rope, some baskets fell apart when they were mentioned.

After finding nothing for a long time, she threw the rope off the platform angrily.

Shen Yuexi didn't expect Ji Yunyan to find any good rope either.How many years have passed, and all the ropes are rotten.

Mei Dai looked up at the top of the cliff, as if she was estimating the height above.Then she shook her head, came to the edge of the platform, and dropped the torch in her hand.

Soon there was a popping sound from below.Mei Dai probed down and looked down, then turned back and said to the two of them: "I know how deep it is. Let's go back to the crypt, where there are many beddings that can be used. Connecting them is a rope."

Shen Yuexi also came to the edge of the platform, and saw a small red light shining on the weeds and rocks below, which was estimated to be as high as five or six floors.She was a little dizzy, and quickly turned back to the platform and said, "Let's do it now."

The three of them turned back to the passage and entered the crypt from under the stone wall.

Shen Yuexi came to a room and carefully rolled up the dusty quilt on the top of the bed. The sheets below were indeed well preserved.She pulled out the sheet and hung it on her arm, then searched in other rooms.

After working for a long time, both of her arms were covered with sheets, and she felt a full five or six catties.

Going out and looking over there, Mei Dai also hugged her arms full of sheets and clothes.Ji Yunyan carried a large bundle of chair legs and table legs, estimated to weigh tens of kilograms.For Ji Yunyan, who is practicing martial arts, this weight is not a problem at all.

Shen Yuexi came to the two of them and said, "Sister Ji, you got so many chair legs, what are you doing with the table legs?"

Ji Yunyan grasped the strap tightly with both hands, and pouted towards the platform: "The queen knows that my sister will faint at high places. Let's use these things to make a rope ladder, which is more stable and safe."

Shen Yuexi pondered for a while, figured out Mei Dai's method, and praised: "Sister Mei is really amazing."

This is why she admires Mei Dai.People are not like her who always rely on the universal manufacturing machine to save lives, but solve difficulties according to the actual situation. This is a person worthy of admiration.What is there to brag about always relying on plug-ins?That's because of cheating, not because of her.

She secretly murmured in her heart: relying on Big Bear all the time makes her mind go crazy, it's better to use it less.

But in retrospect, when she defended Shengjing, she used ice slopes to block Xirong's attack.Later, she fled with Xiao Zhuo, and she caught the mighty pheasant without the help of the big bear, which shows that she is not stupid.

One day, she will encounter difficulties that Big Bear can't help, and she must make her brain flexible in advance, just like Mei Dai.

The three sat on the ground at the intersection.Mei Dai piled up the clothes and sheets in her arms in front of Shen Yuexi, then handed her dagger to Shen Yuexi, and said: "Sister, Yunyan, you two come to choose sheets of the same length and cut them with the dagger. Sheets tied on sticks."

"Okay." Shen Yuexi picked up the dagger, pulled out a bed sheet, and cut it in half with the dagger.Sitting next to her, Ji Yunyan picked up the sheet and drew a gourd with a long sword in the same way.

Shen Yuexi handed the cut sheet to Mei Dai, and Mei Dai twisted half of the sheet into a rope, and tied one end to the chair leg.The other half of the sheet is bundled on the other side of the chair leg.This completes the first step of the rope ladder.

This thing looks simple, but it needs to be done very carefully.There was no sunlight in the crypt, and there was no timer. The three of them had been busy for some time. Shen Yuexi felt her stomach growling, so she made a rope ladder of more than ten meters.

"It should be enough." Mei Dai picked up one end of the rope ladder, "Let's move the rope ladder to the platform."

Ji Yunyan said: "Queen, it's probably already dark outside now. Why don't we rest here for the night and wait for dawn before going down."

Shen Yuexi also has this intention.After working for half a day, I was very hungry, didn't drink any water, and my mouth was dry.

Before Mei Dai could answer, there was a ding sound from the direction of the entrance, as if something had knocked on it.Then there was another sound, and a human voice could be heard faintly.

Shen Yuexi held back in the ground for so long, when she saw someone coming, she said happily, "Someone came to save us?"

Mei Dai frowned and said: "Only Doctor You knows about this place, I'm afraid the visitor is not friendly, quickly put out the torches in the corridor, let's leave quickly."

Shen Yuexi also reacted, quickly got up and picked up the rope ladder, turned to Ji Yunyan and said: "Sister Ji, let's go to the platform quickly."

The three of them were busy extinguishing the torches in the corridor, and only half of them were extinguished. A light shone in from the direction of the entrance, and their voices became louder: "Rush in, don't leave anyone alive!"

Shen Yuexi had heard this voice before, it was the county magistrate of Tongliao.Sure enough, Mei Dai was right, the magistrate of Tongliao brought people to chase them down.

Unexpectedly, this Dr. You is very ruthless, it is not enough to lock them up, and he even brings people to kill them all.

The three of them ran to the half-opened stone gate with the rope ladder in their arms. Over there, the yamen servants and officials with swords were already shouting and rushing down the steps. There were more than 20 people searching around with torches, and half of the crypt was searched. Lit up.

Ji Yunyan stood in front of the stone gate, drew out her long sword and said, "Queen, hurry up, I'll stop the pursuers."

Mei Dai grabbed her arm and pulled her back, "Don't be brave, you can't handle so many people."

Shen Yuexi had already passed the Shimen, and waved from below: "Come here quickly, I just want to stop the pursuers, isn't it easier to stop here at the Shimen."

Mei Dai and Ji Yunyan passed through the stone gate one after another, and then pulled the rope ladder over.

At this time, the flames at the lower edge of the stone gate were getting brighter and brighter. In the light on the ground, black shadows twisted around and voices were noisy, clearly coming this way.

"They're on the side of the balcony passage, hurry over!" A man's voice shouted.

Ji Yunyan shook the long sword in her hand, and said: "Queen, sister, you two quickly go to the platform and put the rope ladder, I will break it."

The door was only half opened, and the other party had to crawl over from below if he wanted to pass through. She could handle it calmly.

Mei Dai nodded and said: "Be careful," then she picked up the rope ladder and greeted Shen Yuexi: "Sister, let's go."

Shen Yuexi looked back while running, only to hear yelling from the opposite side of the Shimen, and then a few heads poked out from under the Shimen, and before she could look up, Ji Yunyan had moved her sword like the wind, and each head tapped a sword, and the few who crawled over first The individual died on the spot.

There was a loud commotion at the Shimen, the dead body was blocking the door, and the living could not pass through, and had to drag the body back first, then dozens of spears and short knives stretched out and scratched blindly, trying to hurt Ji Yunyan.

Ji Yunyan took two steps back, stood within the reach of the spear, and said with a smile: "If you are sensible, then stop chasing. Otherwise, come here and die, and come here and die."

The county magistrate of Tongliao on the other side of the door said angrily: "You bastards, you eat and drink on weekdays, and you just fatten up. Now you are used, and you can't even deal with a woman."

"My lord, the door is so open, we can't get through." Someone complained.

Doctor You's voice sounded: "Get out of the way, let me see what's wrong with the mechanism."

Seeing that Ji Yunyan's husband is the only one who can't be opened by anyone, Shen Yuexi felt relieved and ran to the platform with Mei Dai.

The sky was full of stars outside, and the mountain wind was icy cold, which made her shiver, she shrugged her shoulders and raised the torch to illuminate Mei Dai.

Mei Dai tied the rope ladder to the crooked neck tree, threw the whole rope ladder off the cliff, picked up the torch and said to Shen Yuexi: "Sister, sister, go down first, you follow behind."

Standing by the platform, Shen Yuexi saw Mei Dai grabbing the crossbar of the rope ladder, her figure disappearing on the platform, and the light went down little by little.

She was afraid of heights and dared not go down, so she stood still and hesitated.Mei Dai shouted: "Sister, the rope ladder is very strong, come down quickly."

"I... I'm a little afraid." Shen Yuexi shouted.

If you get dizzy in the middle, it won't be smashed into a meatloaf, or Mei Dai will also be smashed down.

Still hesitating, Ji Yunyan shouted from the passage: "Hurry up, they fixed the door!"

This sentence worked, Shen Yuexi didn't hesitate immediately, squatted down and grabbed the rung of the ladder with both hands, stretched one foot down, stepped on it, and then went down step by step.

There was the faint sound of swords clashing in the passage above, and Ji Yunyan had already fought the opponent.

She didn't dare to open her eyes, and climbed all the way down, the rope ladder was swaying, and the wind made her hair and clothes flutter, making her feel like a small boat in a huge wave.

I don't know how many levels she has gone down, but when she stretched her feet down enough, she couldn't step on the crossbar.She didn't dare to open her eyes again, so she just stretched her feet to point everywhere, and shouted, "Sister Mei, I...I can't step on the ladder anymore."

"Sister, you've reached the ground," Mei Dai's voice sounded from below her, "You're only three feet above the ground, just jump off."

Hearing what Mei Dai said, Shen Yuexi finally opened her eyes and looked down. Sure enough, it was only one meter above the ground, and Mei Dai was holding a torch and looking up at her.

She let go and jumped down with confidence, but she couldn't stand firmly when she landed, and fell down with an ouch.I don't know what to sit on, it's hard and round, and it hurts.

"What is it?" She squatted up and looked back down, trembling with fright.

She was actually sitting on a skull just now, and as a result, half of the skull was pressed into the soil.Now only half of it is exposed, facing her eeriely.

Fortunately, I was frightened by a large group of skeletons before, and there was Mei Dai beside me, otherwise I would have been terrified when I saw it at night.

Before she could ask Mei Dai, shouts came from her head, the fire was burning on the platform, and the pursuers had already reached the platform.

"Where's Sister Ji?" Shen Yuexi hurriedly looked at Mei Dai.

Mei Dai held up the torch and looked up, shouting: "Yunyan, come down quickly."

"Get out of the way!" Ji Yunyan's voice came from the air.

Shen Yuexi took two steps back and looked up, only then did she notice that Ji Yunyan jumped off the platform, and she rushed straight down from head to foot.

Didn't you just fall to your death by jumping like this?Shen Yuexi couldn't help shouting: "Dangerous!"

Ji Yunyan didn't panic, and after falling a few meters, she stretched out her hand to hold a section of the crossbar, drew a semicircle in the air with her body, and firmly stepped on the crossbar.After taking a breath, he hooked his feet on the crossbar, turned his body 180 degrees, and continued to fall.Do this three times in a row and land firmly on the ground.

With this show of skill, not only Shen Yuexi clapped her hands, but even Mei Dai applauded loudly: "Good work."

After Ji Yunyan stood up, a few heads poked out from the upper platform, holding torches, the county magistrate's voice sounded: "What are you still in a daze for, go down the ladder quickly."

After the voice fell, someone stepped on the rope ladder and climbed down.Shen Yuexi yelled: "Sister Mei, they chased her down."

"It's okay." Mei Dai smiled slightly, raised the torch and went forward to light the rope ladder.

The rope ladders are made of sheets, clothes and wood. When the torch is lit, a raging fire is ignited immediately, and it is directly burned into a fire belt.The person who was going to climb down saw the rope ladder on fire and hurried back up.

Seeing that the rope ladder was burnt and there was no way down, the people on the platform yelled and cursed helplessly, and the light on the platform disappeared.

Seeing that the danger was lifted, Shen Yuexi felt relieved.Now is the time to look around.

By the light of the fire, she saw skeletons in palace attire lying under the tree, women's dresses were exposed in the soil, and human bones were scattered in the weeds around her, she looked at Mei Dai and said, "Sister Mei, who are these people? "

"These women should also want to escape, but they failed." Mei Dai swept the ground with a torch. "After 20 years, we can still see some of the past events that happened that year."

Shen Yuexi looked at the scattered bones on the ground, and remembered that more than 20 years ago, a certain woman who looked like Pei Jingyun climbed a rope down the platform in order to escape from the dark dungeon.Maybe it was a lack of strength, or maybe the rope broke, and finally fell from the air and died.Not long after, another woman tried, but in the end they all turned into piles of corpses under her feet.

Ji Yunyan said from a distance: "Come and see, this is Mrs. Lin's husband, right?"

Shen Yuexi and Mei Dai came to Ji Yunyan and saw a corpse in male clothing lying in the grass, only a few meters away from where they came down.

All the prisoners in the crypt were women, and this was the only man, obviously Mu Zhongren.

"He still failed to escape," Mei Dai sighed, "His legs were broken and he couldn't leave."

Shen Yuexi's eyes fell on the bones on the ground.The two lower leg bones of the skeleton were completely broken, and the whiteness was exposed outside the trousers.

"No matter what, he didn't abandon his wife and son. We wronged him." Mei Dai squatted down, rummaged through the skeleton, and found a bag, which was already tattered, revealing dull silver inside.

Mei Dai put away the money and said to the skeleton: "I will bring the money to Mrs. Lin, we don't have the tools at hand, so we can't bury you. Say goodbye for now."

"Sister Mei, Sister Ji, let's go see Mrs. Lin first." Shen Yuexi said.

They escorted Doctor You back to Daliang Village and left all the horses with Lady Lin.

Now they have figured it out, Pei Jingyun is indeed alive, and Xiao Zhuo's mother is actually just the daughter of a poor family, namely Wen Yi.But no matter who Xiao Zhuo's mother is, the fact that Xiao Zhuo is Emperor Qi Ming's son is not false.

The three found a way out in the valley, Ji Yunyan led the way, walked and rested all the way, and returned to Daliang Village.

When we arrived at Daliang Village, it was already late at night, but the whole village was extremely noisy. Every household was lit with candles. Many villagers were standing in twos and threes talking on the street. There were also many soldiers on horseback in the village.

Seeing the familiar figure, Shen Yuexi was extremely surprised, and hurriedly ran over and shouted: "Feng Zhang, Yang Cong!"

Hearing the call, Feng Zhang and Yang Cong galloped over and stopped in front of the three of Shen Yuexi.

"Why are you here?" Shen Yuexi asked.

Feng Zhangdao: "Master, the military master is worried about you, so let me and sister Cong come to Daliang Village..."

"Idiot, what time is it, it's useless to say this!" Yang Cong slapped Feng Zhang on the shoulder and interrupted him, turning his head to look at Shen Yuexi,
"Mistress, Emperor Qi Ming has passed away!"

(End of this chapter)

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