Shen Yuexi held the reins tightly with both hands, lowered her body, and squinted her eyes to look ahead.Xiaobai's horse's hooves sounded on the road, and the dead trees on the side of the road came towards him, and he was left behind in the blink of an eye.

The Maxima ran like the wind, it was really fast, but the cold wind blowing her face made her panic, but she couldn't care about it now.

Liannu couldn't pierce Tiefutu's armor, she was the most nervous person.While Xiao Zhuo, Mei Dai and others were discussing countermeasures, she secretly rode on her horse and left the coalition army camp.

Qiu Liming's crossbowman fired crossbow arrows at the oncoming Tiefutu, but it had no effect. Tiefutu rushed into the formation and slashed wantonly, blood flowing like a river... She panicked when she thought of this scene.The army was defeated like a mountain, and Zhao Mu was defeated for a while, and his morale was low. If the Liannu who went to support was also defeated by Tiefutu, would the border army surrender directly?
If that is the case, it will be over, everything that she and Xiao Zhuo worked so hard on will be over.After going through so many hardships to come to this day, we must not fall in the last battle.

People were neighing in the distance, and dozens of cavalrymen appeared running towards her.Although they were also wearing the armor of the Yan Army, the swords they held high showed their identities, and they should be small groups of enemy scouts.

Shen Yuexi didn't have any guards by her side, but she didn't panic at all, she pulled the rein to the left, Xiaobai turned a corner, left the main road and ran into the wilderness.

"Little Bai, get rid of them."

Xiaobai seemed to understand her words, hissed in response, and galloped like an arrow leaving the string.

The speed of those cavalrymen couldn't catch up with Xiaobai at all, let alone her riding skills had reached the pinnacle.Xiaobai flew with all four hooves, sweeping away the dust all the way, and in a short while the pursuers disappeared without a trace.

Only after confirming that there were no shouts of chasing soldiers behind him did Shen Yuexi let Xiaobai slow down.Even Shenjun would be tired if he kept going at full speed. She liked this white horse and didn't want it to work too hard, so she asked Xiaobai to jog up a hill in front of her so that she could find the location of the border army camp.

However, when Xiaobai climbed to the top of the mountain, what unfolded in front of her eyes was a tragic scene that she had never seen before, which left her dumbstruck.

She had seen thousands of enemy troops smashed to death by logs at the Wolf Fang Pass, and she had also seen the long slope where hundreds of corpses were piled up, so she thought she had seen enough.But only after seeing the scene in front of him did he understand what the real corpses were all over the field.

"Princess An!" A familiar voice came from afar.

Shen Yuexi looked back and saw a cavalry of more than a hundred Xirong cavalry running behind him, led by Qiang Lin, who was waving to her.

When she went down the hill, Qiang Lin had already led the cavalry to approach.

"Princess An, it's hard to catch up with you," Qiang Lin reined in his mount and said, "We chased all the way... just now we encountered a small group of enemy troops. This is a battlefield, and their scouts may call the army to chase us down , hurry to the frontier camp."

Shen Yuexi was delighted to see Qiang Lin coming in person.He had saved himself from danger several times, but this time he was on his way with a feverish head, and it was he who caught up with him and escorted him. Feeling guilty, he said, "Aren't you there to command the army to fight?"

Qiang Lin walked with her and said: "King An saw that you had disappeared, so he asked me to find you... He said that you must have come to the border army. King An also said that if even the gods can't stop Tiefutu, let you Hurry back to the coalition camp, and he will think of other ways. Is the god he mentioned the god of the Great Yan Dynasty? I have never heard him mention it."

Shen Yuexi knew what Xiao Zhuo meant, if even the universal manufacturing machine couldn't stop the Tiefutu, then the priority was to save his life.

In fact, she was also a little apprehensive. Although the big bear is powerful, it cannot harm life, not even a pheasant.The opponent Tiefutu is a living person, and the horse is also a living thing, how should we deal with it?
There is no way to change their armor, but the collection range of the big bear is only five meters.Not to mention five meters, when she stood there, the opponent's bow and arrow would shoot her into an arrow stack from afar.When she and Xiao Zhuo were surrounded by King Doma, it had already been proved that the big bear could not completely stop the arrow rain.

The cannon is so powerful that it can definitely blow up the iron pagoda.But even if it is made, there is no gunpowder at hand, and it is impossible to make shells.

Sandstorms, heavy fog, etc. are all controlled by the weather. Once they are self-defeating, they will give the enemy an opportunity...

She was thinking about countermeasures all the way until Qiang Lin's reminder sounded in her ears.

"Princess An, the border army camp has arrived."

Shen Yuexi came back to her senses, and the gate of Daying opened slowly in front of her eyes.She just glanced at it, and immediately felt the gloomy and pessimistic atmosphere in the whole camp.

On the watchtower of the camp, the soldiers held their spears listlessly and looked into the distance, as if they were absent-minded.The flags in the camp were limp like a sick patient, and occasionally a corner was lifted by the wind, making them look lifeless.Looking inside through the open camp gate, many sergeants looked worried, and even walked with their heads down.Perhaps it was only because of strict military discipline that this border army remained intact.

Wei Liang led several generals to welcome him out, cupped his hands and said, "Princess An, I never thought you would come here."

Shen Yuexi was thinking about Qiu Liming and the five thousand Liannumen, and quickly asked: "Is General Qiu here? Has the enemy's Iron Buddha attacked?"

Seeing her eagerness, Wei Liang hurriedly said: "Princess An, don't worry, the enemy Tiefutu didn't go out to fight today. After General Qiu came with the crossbowmen, he was discussing with the general in the tent."

"It's okay, okay, take me to see them." Shen Yuexi let out a sigh of relief and jumped off the horse.

She followed Wei Liang to the big tent of the Chinese army, and Zhao Mu's loud voice came from inside: "No, no, this is definitely not possible."

Wei Liang lifted the curtain for Shen Yuexi, poked his head inside and shouted: "General, Concubine An is here."

Zhao Mu, Qi Shengjue, and Qiu Liming who were in the tent turned their heads to look at her almost at the same time, all showing surprised expressions.

Shen Yuexi walked quickly into the tent, met with Zhao Mu and Qi Shengjue, and then said to Qiu Liming: "Our Liannu is ineffective against the enemy's Iron Buddha, so don't fight the Iron Buddha."

Qiu Liming was grateful when she saw her risky coming to inform the news, and said, "Don't worry, mistress, the general has tried it with us just now, and the crossbow arrows really can't penetrate the iron Buddha's armor. Now we are discussing other countermeasures."

When Shen Yuexi thought about it, she was too anxious and underestimated Zhao Mu's brain.How can a person who can be a great general be so reckless as to pull out to confront Tiefutu without even trying the crossbow?

But it's all here, just here to help Zhao Mu deal with Tiefutu.

Zhao Mu laughed: "Princess An, after General Qiu came to support us, we tried it with the iron armor we captured. This armor is really hard, and the crossbow arrow hits it just a small hole."

Shen Yuexi wanted to know how the Tiefutu fought, and asked, "General, what does the Tiefutu's battle look like?"

Zhao Mu clicked his tongue and said, "Zhao has been fighting for most of his life, and this is the first time he has encountered such a cavalry in full armor. It really has a certain momentum, and it is like a dark cloud rushing towards us. When we shot past with bows and arrows, they didn't react at all. No. When he rushed to the front, Zhao formed a formation of spears to intercept him, but he couldn't stop him."

Wei Liang nodded frequently beside him, seeing Zhao Mu looking back for water, he took up the conversation:

"They wear heavy armor, so they don't use shields, but hold halberds under their ribs, which can be stabbed or chopped. Princess An may not be aware that the halberds are charged by the momentum of the horses... many of our soldiers directly It flew out backwards, even a shield couldn't stop it."

Shen Yuexi found that although Zhao Mu, Wei Liang and others praised Tiefutu, they did not show any fear.It seems that at least the generals of the border army still maintain their morale, that's good, the border army still has the strength to fight.

"So that's how it is," she turned to Qi Shengjue, "Then what countermeasures do we have now?"

Qi Shengjue said: "I just suggested laying a lot of tripping ropes in front of the formation. If the enemy Tiefutu attacks, they will be tripped. The general said no."

Zhao Mu put down the tea bowl and said, "This plan doesn't work. The opponent attaches great importance to their Iron Buddha, and there will be a small group of light cavalry exploring the way ahead. Even if there is a tripping rope, it won't work."

"In that case, I'm afraid the method of digging a trap won't work either," Qiu Liming said.

Everyone continued to discuss countermeasures, Shen Yuexi stood there in a daze, her eyes fell on Qiang Lin's saber, and her heart moved.

Can the weapons forged by Big Bear penetrate the armor of the Iron Buddha?

She interrupted everyone's discussion, and said to Qiang Lin: "Use your knife to try to chop off the iron stupa's armor."

Zhao Mu slapped his thigh and said happily: "By the way, the sword of King Qianglin was made by Princess An. He cut off the shackles on Zhao's hand back then. Let's go out and see."

When everyone arrived at the open space outside the tent, Zhao Mu asked people to set up the Iron Buddha armor.Qiang Lin drew out his saber, aimed at the armor's chest and slashed at it. With a "dang", the blade embedded itself in the chest of Tiefutu's armor.After pulling it out, I checked, only a knife mark was cut, and the armor was not cut through.

Zhao Mu clapped his hands and said, "The knife is a good knife, but unfortunately it can't penetrate the armor and can't hurt the people inside."

Wei Liang stood up and said, "General, Princess An gave the general a spear back then. The piercing power of a spear is much stronger than a knife. Let the general try."

The soldiers sent a long spear, Wei Liang picked it up, and worried that he was not strong enough, so he left for a while, then ran up a few steps, pierced it with all his strength, and pierced into the Tiefutu's armor with a bang.

Everyone was happy when they saw it, and a sergeant came forward to inspect it carefully, and came back to report: "General, the spear did penetrate the armor, but the inner lining of the armor was not broken."

Those present are all warriors. Knowing that the lining of the armor is not broken, it means that no one has been hurt. If it is placed on the battlefield, the opponent can continue to fight back.All the joy that had been revealed just now disappeared.

Shen Yuexi also felt a headache.Unexpectedly, the iron stupa's armor is so strong that even the weapons forged by the big bear can't penetrate it completely.

While worrying, a contemptuous laugh sounded from the side.She looked up and saw several sergeants escorting a man passing by.The man was tall and strong, with disheveled hair, tied with ropes, and gave them a mocking look.

Qi Shengjue waved to the soldiers and said, "Hurry up and take this prisoner away." Shen Yuexi quickly stopped her and said, "Wait a minute, who is this person?"

"Iron Buddha Soldiers," Wei Liang said, "During the confrontation, some Iron Buddha Soldiers fell to the ground with their horseshoe injured, their armor was heavy and they couldn't get up, so we caught them."

Shen Yuexi said: "Wait a minute, I have something to ask him."

She came up to the man and said, "What were you laughing at?"

The man said: "I'm laughing because you actually want to pierce our armor. Do you know the origin of this armor?"

Shen Yuexi became interested, and said to the man, "What's the history of this armor?"

"This armor is famous, it's called the Black Light Armor," the man said, "it's definitely not the kind of random armor you think. Forty blacksmiths crafted it at the same time, and each of them only made one piece of armor. It took two months to make it through repeated quenching and forging." Make a pair. Our master summoned [-] skilled blacksmiths to work day and night..."

Qi Shengjue interrupted in disbelief: "It takes two months to make one pair, so wouldn't it take a hundred months for five thousand black light armors!"

The man glanced at Qi Shengjue: "That's right, it took eight years and three months."

Shen Yuexi was secretly startled.

When she and Mei Dai went to watch the black light armor, Mei Dai said that these people were Pei Jingyun's private army.It took eight years to build five thousand black light armors.From this point of view, Pei Jingyun formed the Tiefutu army eight years ago, no wonder they are invincible, this Pei Jingyun is really a troublesome opponent.

"Since your master spent eight years building this armor," she asked, "what is her purpose for building the Iron Buddha?"

The man shook his head and said: "I have nothing to say. But you don't want to pierce this armor with weapons. The chief engineer who forged this armor is a descendant of Master Xu who forged the Yan Que sword. Among the weapons, only the Yanque Sword can split this armor, I advise you to give up your heart and surrender early is the best policy."

Qiang Lin walked over, raised his hand without saying a word, and slapped the man twice, which made the man stop.

Shen Yuexi didn't stop her, because Li Wan died at the hands of Pei Jingyun, Qiang Lin couldn't hold back his hatred when he heard the news about Pei Jingyun, let him vent it, so as not to lose his mind like he was in Bai Xiushan .Secondly, the man boasted about the black light armor so much, what Qiang Lin did could also boost his own morale.

As for why Pei Jingyun set up the Tiefutu Army, she could guess without the man saying, most likely it was to help Qi Wang Xiao Ming attack Emperor Yongde.However, Emperor Yongde's subsequent series of self-destruct operations did not have time to use this army.

The sergeant took the man away, and everyone returned to the camp to continue discussing countermeasures until the sun went down.

Shen Yuexi came to her sleeping tent, drank two sips of water, fell on the bed, looked at the top of the tent that was constantly vibrating by the wind, and thought hard.

Even the weapons forged by Big Bear can't penetrate the black light armor, so what should we do?

What if we use fire?No matter how hard the black light armor is, once the flames burn, the people inside will never be able to withstand it.In this case, the alcohol incendiary bomb she made back then in Xiayuangu would be useful.

Zhao Mu loves to drink, and the barracks must be able to refine enough alcohol.The only trouble is that the thing can't be thrown like a Molotov cocktail, and the other party is not stupid enough to rush straight into the fire.If you can design a small incendiary bomb, let the soldiers hold it in their hands and throw it... This is a good idea, and it should work.

After discussing for a whole day, her mind was also tired, and she gradually became sleepy.

While I was in a daze, suddenly shouts and neighing came from outside the tent, it was very chaotic.Shen Yuexi sat up in shock, and immediately saw the raging flames reddening the tent, and countless black shadows reflected on the tent, running around.

She just woke up from the dream, didn't know what happened for a while, and was about to get out of bed, when Qiang Lin's voice sounded hurriedly outside.

"Princess An, get up quickly, Tiefutu has stolen the camp and has already entered!"

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