Chapter 42 Stomach Pain

Shen Yuexi sat in front of the window, resting her chin on her hands, looking at the gradually darkening sky outside.

Originally, I wanted to buy some things before going home, but now I have money in my arms, but I can only be forced to stay.

She was outwardly composed, but it would be deceiving to say she wasn't nervous.

Ever since Prince Qi's son Xiao Beiheng detained her, she had a vague premonition, as if she always felt that Xiao Zhuo would also be in danger.

Now I regret it, I shouldn't be tempted for 500 taels of silver.Get yourself into the predicament you are in today.

She must pay attention in the future, and don't make big mistakes again.

She stayed in a daze until it was completely dark before she cheered up.It's useless to just be in a daze, you have to think about what to do next.

Xiao Zhuo must have known that something happened to her, but will he come?

The wanted notices for arresting him were posted everywhere in the county, and Xiao Zhuo also knew about it, so he probably wouldn't really take such a big risk to find her.

But she held on to a glimmer of hope.After all, the two share weal and woe.

There is also the inexplicable feeling towards Xiao Zhuo in his heart.

But just waiting here for Xiao Zhuo is not a wise idea.A better way is to find a way to escape by himself, so that Xiao Zhuo doesn't have to take the risk of entering the county.

Apart from a door and a window, the house has no other exits.And the window is next to the door, so jumping out directly is obviously impossible.

She put her hands on the window frame, poked her head out a little, and glanced at the maid guarding the door.

The maid guarding the door was replaced with a new one.The newcomer has combed hair, wearing a green dress, round face, and a cold look, as if everyone owes her money, giving people the impression that she is a particularly difficult person to talk to.

It seems that this Prince Qi's son is quite delicate, so he specially sent a maid who is not easy to communicate with.

She was thinking about it when the maid in green turned her head and gave her a look.The direct gaze was like an ice pick.

Although he didn't speak, the meaning was very clear, don't try to escape.

Shen Yuexi retracted her head and slammed the window shut.Get up and walk around the room restlessly.

The layout in this room is actually very high-end, no matter the tables, chairs, bed cabinets, are all made of high-quality sandalwood.But at this moment, her mind is full of thoughts of escaping, and she has no intention of appreciating it at all.

When she gave the prescription to Prince Qi, the other party didn't pay much attention to it, and didn't even look at it.It can be seen that in his eyes, this prescription is not worth mentioning at all.He wanted to recruit her as a talent for his use.

That being the case, the prince of Qi will naturally not embarrass her.Otherwise, talk about recruiting talents.

Thinking of this, she had an idea.He walked quickly to the door and patted the doorway:
"Is there anything to eat, I'm hungry!"

The voice of the maidservant in green came from outside the door: "Understood, wait."

Shen Yuexi opened the window and took a look.The green-clothed maid did not leave her seat, but called a servant to give some instructions.

She didn't expect the maid in green to leave her post without authorization, so she returned to the table and sat down.

The first step in escaping is to understand this place first.To understand this, you have to talk to the maid who guards you first.

Not long after, the door opened.

The maidservant in green stood at the door, and a servant came in with a plate in one hand.Place the four palm-sized small plates on the plate in turn on the red lacquer Eight Immortals round table in the house.

Shen Yuexi took a look, there were four small dishes of cold dishes: honeydew lotus root, shredded cucumber, mixed bitter chrysanthemum, and shredded dried tofu.

"What is this?" She pretended to be angry, "This little food will be gone in two bites."

The servant carried the tray and said, "Miss Pei, calm down, the dishes are not finished yet."

Shen Yuexi's hand that was about to pat the table stopped in mid-air.

The servant exited the door, and another servant came in, also holding a plate, inside was a whole sweet and sour fish, steaming, and it looked like it weighed three catties.

As soon as the sweet and sour fish was placed in the center of the table, the next dish of steamed scallops with silver shreds came up again.

After the food was served, Shen Yuexi looked at the whole table of dishes and coughed dryly.I wanted to get angry and bring in the maid in green because I was dissatisfied with the food, but it seemed that I failed.

Anyway, she was indeed hungry, and she didn't treat herself badly.Stretch out your chopsticks to eat, pick up every dish and taste it.

If you want to escape, you have to be full, right?

As a result, she was full after a round of dishes.It's delicious, but she's not thinking about it now.

The green-clothed maid ordered the servant to remove the dishes, wipe the table, and close the door again.He still didn't speak a word to her the whole time.

After dinner, it's time to sing the next play.Shen Yuexi sat in front of the mirror, brewed up her emotions, reached out to mess up her hair, and put on a look of pain.Feeling that it was not enough, he pinched himself hard.

Tears came out in pain now, and it was possible to confuse the fake with the real.

"Ouch... ouch... yo." She threw herself on the bed, moaning as she rolled over, pretending to be in excruciating pain.

After calling a few times, there was still no movement outside the door.

Impossible, it's so miserable, why didn't the maid in green even ask, could it be that she didn't hear her because her voice was too soft?

My wife still doesn't believe it.

"Oh—!" She screamed with all her strength, "My stomach hurts to death!"

The door slammed open, and the maid in green walked in with a sullen face.

"Miss Pei, please keep your voice down. His Royal Highness has already rested. He is a light sleeper. If you wake him up, you and I will have nothing to eat."

Shen Yuexi was secretly happy.

It's a good thing that the maid in green didn't open her mouth, but she revealed important information when she opened her mouth.Do not call at this time to wait for more.

She took a deep breath, and was about to let out a higher-pitched scream.The maidservant in green walked up quickly, squatted beside the bed and said:

"Miss Pei, stop screaming. If the pain is really severe, I'll call the doctor for you."

The words were urgent, and he almost reached out to cover Shen Yuexi's mouth.

Shen Yuexi's heart moved, and she pretended to be in pain and said: "I don't know what inappropriate food I ate, and my stomach hurts badly. Please go and invite Dr. Hua from Yishengtang."

Please come to Dr. Hua and find a way for him to contact Xiao Zhuo.

"Miss Pei, now there is a good doctor, Dr. Lin, in the mansion, so there is no need to invite outsiders. Do you want to invite him over for treatment?"

What's the use of asking Lin Kui to come over? He is Xiao Beiheng's subordinate, so he can't help himself.Shen Yuexi had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, and said to the maid in green:
"It's suddenly relieved now. It might be better if you talk to me a few words."

Seeing that she stopped making noise, the green-clothed servant girl seemed relieved, stood up and said, "If that's the case, servant girl will accompany you to say a few words."

Shen Yuexi sat up clutching her stomach, wiped the corners of her eyes and said, "What's your name?"

"Cold Frost."

As the name suggests, people are indeed cold.

"Why did your master come here?"

King Qi's fiefdom was in the north of Dayan Dynasty, while Liangzhou was close to the east.As far as she knew, the emperor was very vigilant about every move of these vassals.If these vassals want to leave the fief, they will inevitably be monitored by the emperor, in case they collude to shake the throne under his ass.

"The slaves don't know about the master's affairs."

Lengshuang rejected her simply and clearly.

Well, if you want to inquire about something useful, you can't find it.

In desperation, she fell back on the bed as if she had no bones.

It seems that there is no useful news out of this maid's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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