The little ancestor of the big brother's family is wild and fierce

Chapter 574 Risking Yourself, Do You Think You Are Smart?

Chapter 574 Risking Yourself, Do You Think You Are Smart?
"What are you going to do? Haven't made up your mind yet, get out of the car to see Yuan Junye, and deal with them when you come back."

Wen Xin looked at the car behind her without any movement. She opened the door and got out of the car, slammed the door casually, and glanced in the direction of the commercial vehicle behind her with her cold eyes inadvertently.

The people in the car seemed to have noticed Wen Xin's gaze, and they made a dodging movement in the car.

Wen Xin's eyesight is very good. Under the reflection of the scenery on the side, she watched their actions, smiled inadvertently, then turned around, and walked towards the hospital with Mu Chengxi who was carrying a fruit basket.

After Wen Xin and Mu Chengxi left, the eight people in the business car sat up straight and relaxed unconsciously.

"Boss, these two people don't look easy to provoke, especially that woman, her eyes look fierce and fierce, and her arrogant attitude is really hard to provoke!"

The man sitting in the co-pilot's seat turned around to look at the man sitting in the back seat. The boss had accepted an order and was reluctant to do it for a long time. Instead, he took pleasure in following behind him.

"Wait a little longer, let's see, if it's just the two of them, it's not impossible to do something. If they find someone to come over... we will choose to do it next time."

The object they have been trying to attack is that woman, but now there is another man, it is indeed a bit difficult to attack, he has been looking for opportunities, but it seems that the opportunities are not very great.

After Wen Xin and Mu Chengxi walked into the hospital, Mu Chengxi held Wen Xin's hand and brought Wen Xin into his arms. He wrapped his arms around Wen Xin's slender waist tightly.

"Who do you think those people are?" Looking at Wen Xin's excited little expression, Mu Chengxi knew what Wen Xin was waiting for. If this wasn't a downtown area, he guessed that Wen Xin might have made a move here.

"A group of small party dishes, I guess there is someone who doesn't like me, please someone who wants to clean me up." Wen Xin resisted Mu Chengxi's hug, looked up at Mu Chengxi, smiled softly, It doesn't seem to take those people seriously.

Looking at Wen Xin's dark eyes, Mu Chengxi inadvertently raised his eyebrows, "Okay, let's see the patient first."

Mu Chengxi didn't say much, just put his arms around Wen Xin's waist, and led Wen Xin to the inpatient department.

Walking outside Yuan Junye's ward, there were two casually dressed men sitting on the bench outside the door, but one could tell at a glance that these two men were well-trained and not ordinary people.

One of them stood up abruptly when he saw Wen Xin again, hurried to the door, and politely helped Wen Xin open the door of the ward.

Wen Xin glanced lightly at the man who opened the door, she looked at Mu Chengxi with some embarrassment, Mu Chengxi just smiled at her, as if she had already gotten used to such a scene.

Seeing Mu Chengxi's see-through expression, Wen Xin's desire to explain disappeared in an instant. He didn't seem to want to hear it, so let's wait until he wants to know.

Wen Xin took Mu Chengxi's hand and walked into Yuan Junye's ward. At this moment, Chu Yunxuan was watching the doctor change Yuan Junye's dressing, and she just nodded slightly when she saw the two coming in.

After the doctor changed the dressing, he specially told the patient to take a good rest, and then left the ward.

Yuan Junye, who was lying on the hospital bed, had already heard from Chu Yunxuan that Wen Xin wanted to change him back to sit, and he looked at Wen Xin with some guilt.

"Sorry, I didn't expect to cause you trouble."

"It's not too much trouble, but there's no need to risk yourself next time."

Wen Xin looked at Yuan Junye indifferently, and there seemed to be a touch of anger in his tone, which made both Mu Chengxi and Chu Yunxuan look at Wen Xin who was talking in surprise, but Yuan Junye lowered his head in embarrassment.

"What's going on? Wen Xiaoxin, when you heard Yuan Junye was taken away, your attitude was not like this. Why did you suddenly become so indifferent now?"

Chu Yunxuan was a little surprised by Wen Xin's indifferent and indifferent attitude. She felt that there was something wrong with Wen Xin's attitude, but she didn't understand what was wrong.

"What kind of charades will you two play?"

Chu Yunxuan watched Wen Xin hook the chair beside her with her foot, and sat lazily on the chair, as if unwilling to speak, she was a little unpredictable, and eagerly wanted Wen Xin to give her an answer.

"There is no charade." Wen Xin retracted her legs, crossed them together, and made a movement of crossing her legs, which was completely like a boss.

Mu Chengxi looked at Wen Xin's aura in full swing, he knew that Wen Xin was a little angry, he took a step back, sat down on the sofa behind him, and waited for Wen Xin to vent his anger.

Chu Yunxuan also seemed to realize that Wen Xin's aura was not right, she shut her mouth in time and chose not to speak anymore, she was quite afraid that if she spoke, something bad would happen to her.

"When I received the news from Chu Yunxuan that you were captured by the Shadow Alliance, do you know what my first reaction was? I thought you would be like Tan Xingyue's father, and my body would be collected in the end."

"After watching the video, I realized that you were taken away on purpose, and even the injuries on your body were caused on purpose, just to relax those people's vigilance against you."

"You want to use this opportunity to get close to Independent Continent. Do you know how dangerous your thoughts are. If you are not exchanged conditionally, do you think you have a chance to come back?"

"Yuan Junye, can you use your pig's brains before doing things? Can the independent continent's affairs be solved by taking risks? Don't you think there are not enough dead people? Do you need to put your life in it to be satisfied?"

Wen Xin can lower her voice and speak angrily, she was already prepared not to lose her temper when she walked into the hospital.

But when she saw Yuan Junye's wound, she still couldn't help but get angry. If it wasn't for the good medical technology in Independence Island, Yuan Junye might really come back dead.

"Grandpa Xin, I... I know you have been investigating things in Independent Continent, and I thought that if I could implant a virus into my system, and then arrange that virus-infected system for Independent Continent, then you would be able to get your own wanted something."

When Yuan Junye was speaking, he raised his head and saw that Wen Xin's character didn't relax in any way. He closed his mouth wisely and lowered his head, "I'm sorry, I know I was wrong."

"What you can think of, do you think I can't do it? I just don't want to do it."

"You were lucky this time. Next time, if you do such a stupid thing again, there will be no one to collect your body."

Wen Xin stood up from the chair, kicked the chair beside her feet irritably, took out a small medicine bottle from her pocket and handed it to Chu Yunxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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