The little ancestor of the big brother's family is wild and fierce

Chapter 723 Don't play cards well, who made you think you shouldn't have

Chapter 723 Don't play cards well, who made you think you shouldn't have

Mu Chengxi looked at Wen Xin's expression, smiled dotingly and tenderly, lay on Wen Xin's neck, and said in a soft voice, "It's okay to play, but don't cause trouble, after all, we have other important things to do." Do."

"Well, don't worry, I have my own limits..." Wen Xin just wanted to take a gamble, and had no intention of causing trouble. Winning or losing was not important to her, after all, she was rich.

Mu Chengxi looked at Wen Xin's excited face, let go of her hand, patted her waist from behind Wen Xin, and said softly: "Go and play, have fun Just fine."

With Mu Chengxi's permission, Wen Xin happily walked to the exchange desk to exchange chips. Mu Chengxi followed behind Wen Xin, took out a black gold card from his pocket, and paid.

Wen Xin originally wanted to use her own bank card, but when she saw the bank card thrown by Mu Chengxi, she tactfully put her bank card into her pocket. She had to admit that Mu Chengxi She is indeed richer than her. She doesn't have that bank card.

Mu Chengxi followed behind Wen Xin, holding a box of chips for Wen Xin, wherever Wen Xin went, Mu Chengxi would follow.

All of Wen Xin's skills are very powerful, but only in gambling, she seems to lack a kind of talent. She loses no matter what she plays. In 10 minutes, only tens of thousands of chips are left with 1000 million chips.

Wen Xin looked at Mu Chengxi aggrievedly, Mu Chengxi just smiled dotingly, raised his hand and gently rubbed the top of Wen Xin's hair.

"I'll help you win it back."

After finishing speaking, Mu Chengxi pulled Wen Xin and exchanged places with Wen Xin. He sat in Wen Xin's position just now, took the banker's sign on the side and put it in front of him, and he started to sit in the banker.

Several foreigners watched Wen Xin's movements, looked at each other, and smiled mockingly. They felt that no matter who Wen Xin and Mu Chengxi were, they could only sit here and lose.

At this time, Mu Chengxi was not self-sufficient, and the final result might be to make his chips lose faster. They were looking forward to seeing how this pair of Chinese finally lost everything and left.

They have seen too many losers and bankrupt people here, and this is not the first time they have met a novice like them. Those people have already expected how miserable their final result will be...

Mu Chengxi sat on the spot calmly, looking at the mocking eyes from around, he just smiled back faintly.

At the beginning of the first game, Mu Chengxi threw all the remaining chips left by Wen Xin on the gambling table. He is not a person who likes to leave a way for himself. winner.

It seems that they have already tasted the taste of victory. Those people looked at Mu Chengxi's actions, and their strong smiles became more obvious. They began to bet, and they also placed the same bet as Mu Chengxi. They just didn't want to give Mu Chengxi leaving no way out...

The card shuffler saw that everyone had finished betting and started to deal the cards. Everyone began to rub their hands secretly. They were so happy to meet these two unlucky guys today. It has been a long time since they won so comfortably.

After Mu Chengxi took a look at his own cards from the table, a mysterious and confident smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Wait..." Mu Chengxi is the banker, and he has thrown all the bets down, so he can only wait for others to triple open him...

Seeing Mu Chengxi's arrogant and confident appearance, the other four people looked at each other and silently exchanged glances. Three of them threw down their cards, expressing abstention, and let one of them, one with the best chance of winning, come to the table. Card.

The remaining person glanced at the cards in his hand. He held the Tianhu card in his hand. He didn't believe that the cards in Mu Chengxi's hand could beat him. This time, he could directly send these two people home!

"Five times... no..." The blue-eyed man's eyes fell on Wen Xin who was lazily leaning on Mu Chengxi's body, his eyes were lewd and arrogant.

"Hey, do you want to raise? For example...the little beauty next to you, I can pay you 1000 million..."

The men have already put their thoughts on Wen Xin. When they saw Wen Xin and Mu Chengxi appearing, they couldn't help drooling at Wen Xin.

Just looking at Mu Chengxi's rich appearance, they were really embarrassed to make a move, but now, they felt that Mu Chengxi should have no money, otherwise they could not change the bet, and wanted to turn the tables here.

"I'll give 2000 million..."

"I am 3000 million..."

"I have 5000 million, as long as the little girl follows me, I can guarantee that the little girl..."

Before the man finished speaking, a bloodstain appeared on his cheek, and no one knew what caused it.

The few people who spoke stood up abruptly to look for dangers around them, but they didn't find any abnormalities around them.

At this time, Mu Chengxi was still standing there calmly, with one arm around Wen Xin's waist, letting Wen Xin sit on his lap, with a bloodthirsty smile on his lips.

"Little Ancestor, I just want to take a gamble with you. I didn't expect that there would be someone who should have thought about it. I don't know if they were killed or... eunuched? How do you like to deal with it?"

Mu Chengxi's voice was not loud, but the surrounding people could hear it clearly. They looked at each other and laughed contemptuously.

"What kind of place do you think this is? It would be nice if you could get out of this place alive, but you're still delusional..."

One of the men looked at Mu Chengxi contemptuously. He touched the weapon on his waist and started to attack Mu Chengxi, but he didn't finish his words, and he didn't take out the weapon, so he just stood there stiffly and didn't move. Do not move.

Seeing this scene, the other three people were all surprised and stepped forward to check. They saw three shining silver needles on the man's arm, neck, and head. They didn't know what they were at all...

"This... what is this?"

"It's something that can kill you invisibly!" Wen Xin sat in Mu Chengxi's arms, glanced at the men arrogantly, smiled coldly, and unconsciously knocked edge of the table.

"Gambling is good gambling. It's meaningless if you have to have some thoughts that you shouldn't have... Why, do you still want to play? If you don't, even if you admit defeat, I will collect money!"

Wen Xin looked at the few people who stood still and did not dare to act rashly, smiled lightly, and spoke in an arrogant and reckless tone.

"Of course I want to play..."

In the end, the person holding the card saw that the person was just standing still, and his life was not in danger. His sense of security came back. Since he couldn't get a beauty, he couldn't let the money he got go away. Is it empty to fetch water from the bamboo basket?

After finishing speaking, the man returned to his seat, counted his chips, and pushed them directly into the betting board, "Five times..."

(End of this chapter)

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