Chapter 44 Pass the test
Han Mu took the three little ones and Han Jun to learn for a day, and Han Jun finally knew who Confucius was. Although he was still not confident, at least he could resist asking basic questions.

The children have all gone to bed, and everyone has returned to their respective positions. Xu Fengjiao quietly came to Han Mu's room. After all, it is not a trivial matter to spend money to build a house today. At that time, the situation was urgent and there was no time to discuss it.

Xu Fengjiao knew that with Han Mu's temperament, no matter how late it was today, he would definitely wait for her.

"Sorry, I made a decision today without discussing it with you."

Han Mu was really upset at first, but now Xu Fengjiao has more ideas. Although this matter is a good thing for the benefit of the village and he supports it, she actually decided on her own.

Unexpectedly, Xu Fengjiao took the initiative to speak up, but she didn't know how to blame her.

"You don't need to apologize. I said that as long as it benefits the village, I agree with it."

Xu Fengjiao breathed a sigh of relief as she did not expect to pass the test so easily.

"However, you have been very thoughtful recently, and you are not like the original you."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Fengjiao was covered in cold sweat again. She was so busy doing things that she forgot to maintain her personality.

"You know that I and I were homeless before, and I didn't suffer from such things as being beaten and scolded. I can't bear to see people being beaten."

"When you beat someone up, I didn't see that you would love someone so much."

Xu Fengjiao knew that whenever this Han Mu had a chance, he would make fun of herself.

"The past is the past, haven't I changed now?"

Han Mu's deep eyes became brighter in the dark night. He can now be sure that the Xu Fengjiao in front of him is no longer the former Xu Fengjiao.

But this kind of Xu Fengjiao is pretty good, has brains, has a compassionate heart, and is good to children. Whether it is false or sincere, it is always useful now.

"Oh, I see."

After saying something lightly, Han Mu closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Seeing Han Mu close his eyes, Xu Fengjiao knew that today's incident was over, and it was hard to fool this black-bellied big boss, but as long as she made her position clear and let him know that she was not a threat to him, she would be safe.

The day was finally over, Xu Fengjiao dragged her exhausted body back to the Westinghouse, and fell asleep almost instantly.

For the next two days, Han Jun still hunted in the morning as usual. When he was free during the day, he came to find the key points of Han Mu's paintings. Han Mu's lectures were indeed interesting, and gradually more people attended the lectures.

Huzi next door is one of them.

Gradually, Xu Fengjiao's home turned into a small school, but it was a pity that Han Mu's spirit was weak, and his body couldn't stand it after class for a long time. When Han Jun's matter was settled, the small school would be disbanded.

Widow Zhang, Li Juan and Wang Feng also started to learn cooking skills. What made Widow Zhang most unconvinced was that everyone called Li Juan her own name.

"My name is Zhang Shuqin. Don't call me a widow anymore!"

Everyone quickly accepted the proposal, and Xu Fengjiao was very happy about it. Isn't this what the rise of women looks like at the beginning?Don't cling to others, live happily with your own name.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for Han Jun to go to the acceptance inspection. He didn't go up the mountain early in the morning, and went directly to Xu Fengjiao's house.

"Brother, what should I do? I'm still very nervous."

Han Mu didn't comfort him either, but just looked at Han Jun calmly.

"Teacher Tang admires Confucianism the most. Although you haven't learned everything in the past three days, as long as Teacher Tang doesn't make things difficult on purpose, it won't be a big problem."

"Yes, second brother, you have tried your best, what you have to do now is to go all out."

After dawdling for a while, Han Jun followed Xu Fengjiao out of the house and went to the inn where Banyan Tree was located.

When entering the door, Teacher Tang was drinking tea leisurely, and Banyan Tree was standing behind Teacher Tang.

"Good boy, you really dare to come, how about it, in three days, can you recognize all the words?"

"You don't need to take the test, I will do my best."

Perhaps this is the power of love, which makes Han Jun, who is not confident, dare to say a hard word.

Teacher Tang took a sip of tea, since he was convinced that he wanted to lose, he would give it a try.

"I don't make things difficult for you either. You just need to tell me why I want to marry my daughter to you. If you can convince me, I will agree to this marriage."

This is an open question given by Mr. Tang. It is definitely useless to use the ability to make money before. What Mr. Tang cares most is that Han Jun is not educated. He can’t memorize all the things he learned these days to prove that he is studying. Alright.

The atmosphere in the room became tense, and the sweat on Han Jun's forehead gradually came out.

"If you can't figure it out, admit defeat. The gap between you and Banyan Tree is objective, even if you don't admit it."

Before Teacher Tang finished speaking, Han Jun interrupted Teacher Tang with a heroic expression on his face.

"Uncle Tang, don't you advocate Confucianism the most? Confucius said that a gentleman is in the world, and there is nothing suitable for him. There is nothing to compare with righteousness. Does your current behavior contradict Confucius' argument?"

This time the silence in the room was due to the surprise that Han Jun could really say anything.

Teacher Tang paused for a moment with the hand holding the teacup, but he didn't expect Han Jun to be angry when he came up.

"This sentence means that Confucius believes that a gentleman does not deliberately insist on right or wrong, and does not object without reason to the affairs of the world. He acts in accordance with morality. Your background is very different from that of the Banyan Tree family. It is not unreasonable for me to object. How can it be contrary to it? ?”

"You do have reasons to object, but I think Confucius's words emphasize morality, and the so-called morality is human nature. Banyan Tree and I are in love with each other, but you insist on putting the so-called good family relationship before the happiness of your daughter. Is your behavior considered moral? A gentleman does not insist on right and wrong, but you regard the matter of me and Banyan Tree as wrong, can you be called a gentleman?"

Xu Fengjiao silently broke into a cold sweat for Han Jun. Although the debate was good, such a rhetorical question was too radical, and it would be difficult to end if Teacher Tang was angered.

Sure enough, Teacher Tang slammed the teacup on the table. Just as Xu Fengjiao was about to smooth things over, she heard Teacher Tang's hearty laughter.

"Hahahaha, good boy, I have many students, and none of them dare to talk to me like this. You are the first!"

"Teacher Tang, my second brother."

"He's a good seedling. He can grasp my key points in three days. He can apply the knowledge he has learned. He dares to argue with me like this. He has the courage, willingness to work hard and brains. Not bad!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience breathed a sigh of relief, Banyan Tree hugged Teacher Tang.

"Father, do you agree with us being together?"

"Don't be complacent, it's still early for divorce. I just agree with you to get along first. If this kid treats you badly, I'll take you away!"

(End of this chapter)

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