Chapter 31
Lin Qingyue walked in for about ten steps, and vaguely saw something on the ground in front of her.

She took two quick steps, and then she saw that the thing on the ground was a white cloth bag. The bag fell on the ground, and the contents inside leaked out from the closed mouth and scattered all over the floor. It was the cassava flour that Xiaotao mentioned earlier.

Lin Qingyue would not find it strange if there was only cassava flour on the ground, but the strange thing was that there were several footprints clearly printed on the scattered cassava flour.

Lin Qingyue knelt down slowly and examined the footprints carefully.

"This footprint is one and a half palms long. It should be the footprint of a man."

Lin Qingyue got up and checked around again, and found that the footprints stained with cassava flour appeared one after another behind the trees around the path, and the footprints became fainter and disappeared at the edge of the forest.

"Now you should know, there are no ghosts following Xiaotao at all, and the ones following her are always people."

Accompanied by Xiao Linze's cold voice, Lin Qingyue walked out of the woods and returned to the house.

"You saw it early in the morning?"

"It's just some speculation."

Xiao Linze pondered for a moment, then expressed his inference.

"From the very beginning, I've confirmed that the ghost that Xiaotao said is a human being." Xiao Linze chuckled lightly, with a hint of ridicule in his tone, "When did you hear that ghosts walk with voices?"

Lin Qingyue's cheeks were slightly flushed, and when she heard Xiaotao say that there were ghosts, she was a little confused. Whoever made her a ghost, naturally believed in the existence of "comrades" more than others.

Knowing that she had lost someone, Lin Qingyue knew that she was not righteous or strong, so it was rare for her to ask modestly, "Did that person deliberately follow Xiaotao?"

Xiao Linze's voice softened unconsciously, and he gave a soft 'hmm'.

"It's just that his purpose may not be to follow Xiao Tao, but to find out your whereabouts by following Xiao Tao."

During this period of time, Lin Qingyue lived very comfortably, hiding in her room every day, and occasionally going out only to walk around the yard.

Lin Qingyue on the other side of the Rouge Building has already negotiated with the other party in the form of a letter. After two days of delivery of the silver, the Rouge Building will belong to Lin Qingyue.

So Lin Qingyue is rushing to work these two days, and wants to do a few more tricks to test the preferences of women in this era.

After a long time of comfortable life, the disadvantages will automatically appear.

Lin Qingyue didn't realize at all that during the time she was away from the grievances of the world, the grievances of the world never left her.

"You cheated Xue Ji and bought so many things in one lump sum. It's only a matter of time before the people in the house realize it. The farmers know that the wool must be divided up. It's good for you. You not only grab one but also once. After all, those people outside are not fools, they must have noticed this before sending someone to follow Xiaotao."

Lin Qingyue's expression froze, and the tense atmosphere that had been silent for many days was awakened to linger around her again.

"What do they want? Will Xiaotao be in danger?"

"No." Xiao Linze said firmly.

With Xiao Linze's guarantee, Lin Qingyue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"They are so patient to monitor Xiaotao, they must be holding back some big moves, I must take precautions early, the women in this yard are all cannibalistic, I can't just sit and wait for death."

Hearing what Lin Qingyue said, Xiao Linze sighed in relief.

It was not in vain that he kept instilling conspiracy theory in Lin Qingyue during this period of time, and it seemed to be quite fruitful after seeing her today.

"Xue Ji didn't show up that day. If Xue Ji was involved in this matter, they probably wouldn't be so restrained. Most likely, they saw that you bought so many things and secretly asked where your money came from. .”

Before Xiao Linze contributed his small treasury, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Lin Qingyue was penniless.

It can be seen how poor Lin Qingyue was at that time.

Lin Qingyue's poverty is different from other people's poverty. Other people's poverty is quietly poor, but her poverty is known to everyone.

It's Lin Qingyue who is so poor that everyone knows, how can she not arouse suspicion when she suddenly comes back with money to buy a lot of things?
Realizing this, Lin Qingyue was very annoyed. She was also forced to buy things with Xue Ji's money at the time. She couldn't make a turn halfway and put them somewhere else. Let her put it.

It is said that the cunning rabbit has three holes, Lin Qingyue is obviously not a qualified rabbit.

With Xiao Linze's suggestion, Lin Qingyue quickly thought of the crux of the matter.

"Do they want to find ironclad evidence from me in such a restrained life? So that I can never stand up?"

Xiao Linze gave a light 'hmm', and said with a smile: "Young children can be taught."

Xiao Linze is very strict, which is reflected in himself and also in his attitude towards others.

If it were normal times, Xiao Linze would not hesitate to praise her, Lin Qingyue wished she could fly to the sky with a pair of wings.

But now, she is obviously not in the mood.

Thinking of the box of money hidden under her bed, Lin Qingyue was as restless as the ant on the stove.

"If they found these silver coins, wouldn't I be dead?"

Lin Shuangyue's mother and daughter left such a deep shadow on Lin Qingyue that Lin Qingyue could always dream of Lin Shuangyue's mother and daughter for more than ten days after that.

"They won't do it so quickly. You should go to the old lady's place more recently, so that they don't dare to act rashly. Then you take this opportunity to buy the Rouzhi Building with your money to avoid future troubles."

Lin Qingyue nodded deeply. It is the safest way to deal with the money as soon as possible for the present.

Lin Qingyue felt pain in her heart when she thought that the money she had just obtained would soon be sent to someone else...

According to Xiao Linze's speculation, the most likely time for those who want to harm Lin Qingyue to do it is during the Lantern Festival.

The female family members of the Lin family are not allowed to go out on weekdays, and they can only go out to relax with the company of their servants during such festivals.

Lin Qingyue felt that Xiao Linze's speculation was reasonable, so she decided to finalize the matter of the Rouge Building before the Lantern Festival.

Xiaotao has already been followed, and the people who let her continue to contact Rouge Building may expose their plan.

Lin Qingyue decided to let her go through it herself for the last time. People living in this high-rise mansion have long been accustomed to relying on others for everything. This kind of fixed thinking makes them take it for granted that others will do what they want Things will definitely be the same as they instruct the people around them to do.

Lin Qingyue can take advantage of this to achieve the effect of deception.

Lin Qingyue decided to go out of the mansion that night.

This time, Xiao Tao did not stop Lin Qingyue, and let Lin Qingyue dress her up like her. Looking at the faces in the mirror that were [-]% to [-]% similar, Xiao Tao couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Young lady's craftsmanship is really ingenious. It's exactly the same!"

Lin Qingyue tapped Xiaotao's nose, and said with a light smile, "Have you been stealing candy again recently? Why is your mouth so sweet?"

Xiaotao lowered her head in embarrassment, and said with a smirk, "Xiaotao is telling the truth, it's not because she eats too much sweets."

Seeing that the sky outside was completely dark, Lin Qingyue said with a slightly serious face: "After I go out in a while, you will turn off the lights and go to sleep, you know?"

Xiaotao restrained her smile and looked at Lin Qingyue worriedly.

"Girl, do you really want to go by yourself? It's so dangerous outside, girl, you go by yourself, what if something happens?"

(End of this chapter)

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