Catch that system

Chapter 38 Only treat yourself as a person, others will treat you as a person 37

Chapter 38 Only treat yourself as a person, others will treat you as a person 37
Chapter 38
However, how could Tang Qingluan let go of this respected female official who repeatedly slandered and poured dirty water on her?

She stretched out her hand and pointed at her: "This respectable female official just attacked and slandered me personally. Everyone here is a witness. I demand that her behavior of slandering me be dealt with seriously according to the law. If your handling makes me dissatisfied, I reserve the right to sue her at any time."

The person in charge gave the respected female officer a cold look: "Stop your job and reflect on yourself first. We will punish her behavior after the investigation, and deliver the punishment result to you. Now, please sincerely apologize to Mrs. Tang Bar."

All respected officials looked at the female respected official with sympathetic eyes.

The respected female official hated secretly: Didn't she just scold her because she couldn't understand how this woman looked like a vixen? Why would she be suspended for self-reflection?And make her apologize?

However, how arrogant she was before, how cowardly she is now, she dare not not apologize.

So, she could only walk up to Tang Qingluan cowardly, bowed and apologized to her: "I'm sorry, Mrs. Tang, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said that your son is a bastard, I shouldn't have said that you are uneducated and don't know how to love yourself Female hooligan. Please forgive me a lot, my lord."

Tang Qingluan said coldly: "I have received your apology, but if I do not accept it, I will not forgive you. Because today you just bowed your head and apologized to me because of my husband's status, but if I am not from the Xiangjiang Tang family, Will you still apologize to me?

No, no, because I saw the rebelliousness in your eyes, and you apologize to me for being unconvinced!Maybe, you are apologizing in your mouth, but you are scolding me in your heart, so that you will be suspended for self-reflection.Because you are used to standing high in front of these suspects and think you are superior to others.

In fact, even the people locked up here are nothing more than suspects. As long as they have not been sentenced, they are not criminals and should not be despised or insulted by you.Even criminals should be respected when they plead guilty and serve their sentence.

You can treat me like this today, I believe you usually treat those relatives who come to visit the suspect in the same way.So, you don't have any sincere apology, I don't accept it. "

All the respected officials were shocked when they heard Tang Qingluan's words, and even became thoughtful.

After coming out of the detention center, Mrs. Long said to Tang Qingluan: "Miss Lin, thank you today. Not only did I get off the crime, but I also won a nominal loss compensation of 1000 yuan."

Yes, Tang Qingluan offered to pay Granny Long a nominal loss of 1000 yuan, but in the end they only agreed to give 1000 yuan.This is because she is Tang Qingluan's godmother.In fact, ordinary people were wronged and sat in prison for a week, how could they possibly compensate [-] yuan?
But Mrs. Long knew her own family affairs, she and Tang Qingluan were not really married, she was really guilty of stealing the child.Of course, she didn't admit that she was stealing in her heart, but she really took Lin Qingluan as an unwed child and took away the child she didn't want.

She always thought that she had a clear conscience. After all, she was really kind to children.But after learning that the child was born out of wedlock, she felt a little guilty—she didn't take it for granted.

Bai raised the child for nearly four months and was imprisoned for another week. She actually has no complaints.

Although Mrs. Long didn't complain, Tang Qingluan couldn't feel at ease. After sending the old man home, she took out 2 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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