Catch that system

Chapter 44 Only treat yourself as a person, others will treat you as a person 43

Chapter 44 Only treat yourself as a person, others will treat you as a person 43
Chapter 44
Mrs. Lin sighed inwardly: Oh, it's hard to control the clansmen now.

If it was 20 years ago, if he, the patriarch, said a word, as long as it was the Lin family, who would dare to disrespect it?If you are disobedient, you will be dealt with according to the family rules!
However, in today's new society, national laws are always talked about. You tell him the family rules, and they talk to you about the law, saying that your family rules are feudal dross. No one listens to his patriarch.What can be used now is to eliminate the clan, or separate the public, which is out of the country's control.

If it was someone else, he could still get rid of his family, but Lin Fugui is a teacher, and he is also a teacher with a stubborn temper. If he dares to get rid of his family, he can sue him and lose his pants.

Not to mention, Lin Qingluan's child is still the first in the village in terms of talent for reading, and he went to a big city to meet the big world. I heard that he is still a leader in some factory. The money she earned from working.

He can't suppress it at all.

He glanced at Li's father and Li's mother, expressing a helpless expression.

Li's father and Li's mother were a little upset when they heard what Lin's father said.They naturally know that love is free and marriage is independent, and they also know that forced marriage is against the law, but they took a look at Lin Qingying and agreed that she would persuade the clan to use clan rules to accomplish this matter?

Looking at Mrs. Lin's expression, it seems that he can't suppress Lin Fugui. Is this family rule still useful?

If Qingluan is really willing to let go, even if the child is really born by Qingluan, they can't force Qingluan to marry their own son.

Since Lin Qingluan won't marry no matter what, what's the use of them holding the child to force her to marry?
Mother Li glanced at her dull-eyed son, and felt pain in her heart. Originally, her son heard that he could force Lin Qingluan to marry him by holding the child, and his spirit has improved a lot. Now there is no hope of marrying Qingluan. His spirits have all gone down.

She was sad in her heart, and she didn't know how long her son could last.

"However, we really have evidence that this child was born to Qingluan and Weicheng, and it is true that Qingluan gave birth to a family child. You are patronizing and supporting Qingluan to let her decide on her own. Aren't you afraid that the whole village will be punished?" The whole brigade, the whole town will be drowned in saliva?" Mother Li was not reconciled.

Her words were already threatening.If Qingluan doesn't marry her family Li Weicheng, she will go around talking bad things about Qingluan.

So, when she said this, everyone in the Lin family was angry.

However, he dared not speak out.Even if the child brought by Li's mother was not Lin Qingluan and Li Weicheng, they had all seen the evidence provided by the Li family, proving that Lin Qingluan really gave birth to a son in Ren'ai Hospital.

If the Li family spread the news, the Lin family's reputation would be ruined.

However, let them marry Tang Qingluan to the Li family because of this promise, they would never agree anyway.

Seeing that both sides froze, Lin Qingying immediately jumped out again: "Hey, everyone eats melon seeds, eat melon seeds."

She pulled Father Lin aside: "I said uncle, Qingluan's cousin is not at home now, and you don't know what Qingluan means. What if Qingluan is actually willing to marry Li Weicheng, then if you fall out with them , Not only will Qingluan not be a good person in the future, but now, if they spread the news, our Lin family will really stink. Why don't we stabilize them first."

Father Lin looked at the niece who was helping the Li family jump up and down, and asked indifferently, "Then tell me, how do you keep them steady?"

(End of this chapter)

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