Qi Muyan, who had a panoramic view of all this, let out a snort, and walked over with arms folded and a smile.

"Su Yan, you don't even trust your own sister? You still cheat, and think bad of others if you can't do it yourself? You tell me how to cheat by reciting ancient poems, who will help her cheat?"

Su Yan stopped talking.


It is true that no one will help her cheat.

After all, she didn't know anyone in this grade except him and Qi Muyan.

There is Su Wei in the preschool class, but he doesn't feel that Su Wei will help the little koi to cheat.

Because it is impossible for him to memorize this poem.

Su Yan scratched his head in embarrassment, and smiled at the little koi.

"Little koi, it's my brother who misunderstood you, but my brother... I'm really surprised. You can memorize ancient poems without even a book. No one can believe it..."

After pestering the little koi to coax her for a while, the class resumed.

Although the last class was said to be taught by Teacher Jiang Shu Huaijiang, it should actually be taught by Teacher Luan Jingjingluan.

Luan Jing Jingluan teacher had something to do in the last class, so she asked Jiang Shu Huaijiang to help her with the class.

During the 10 minutes between classes, she heard what Jiang Shuhuai told her about the little koi memorizing two ancient poems.

In fact, she didn't believe it.

Only when Jiang Shuhuai is exaggerating.

After all, the little koi is only so big, how could it be possible to memorize two ancient poems!

"Okay students, let's go to class. The teacher left a little homework for the week and asked everyone to do a few math problems. Have you done it?"


Someone answered, but the answering voice was sparse, neither neat nor loud.

On the contrary, he looked sickly and listless.

It is precisely because of this that the loud milking sound of the small koi is particularly obvious.

Luan Jingjing Luan teacher noticed the little koi almost immediately.

"Oh, did the little koi do the questions too?"

The little koi who was questioned quickly nodded, stood up and answered Luan Jingjing's words with a smile.

"That's right, teacher, the little koi saw it when my brother was doing the questions, and the little koi can do it too!"

Seeing her polite and well-behaved appearance, Luan Jingjing suddenly became interested.

"That's it, then let's invite the little koi to come up and do these few questions, shall we? Let's see whether Brother Su Yan is right or not..."

Su Yan who was trembling in the audience: ...

In fact, he really wanted to say it.

If you want to see if what he is doing is right, is it better to just watch him do it?
Let the little koi do it...

She is just a three-year-old milk doll!

How could it be possible to count by addition and subtraction? It's amazing to know a few numbers in the days of getting along with them.

In his heart, he subconsciously concluded that the little koi could recite those two ancient poems.

After listening to his endorsement, the little koi didn't know which words corresponded to those lines, but just memorized a general tone and recited the tone.

But what the truth is, probably only the little koi knows it!

After the little koi came to the stage, he took the chalk from Teacher Luan Jingjingluan's hand and walked to the front of the first question.

But the topic was too high, and she couldn't reach it even on tiptoe.

As caring as Luan Jingjing, she immediately signaled to Xiao Jinyu to let her write below.

The little koi thanked obediently, and then began to write on the blackboard with chalk.

The place where she wrote happened to be completely blocked by her body. Su Yan looked from left to right, tried all kinds of angles, but couldn't see what she wrote.

And Luan Jingjing stood by her side, so she could take everything she wrote into her eyes.

After watching the smile on her face gradually fade, and gradually become serious.

Su Yan gave up struggling in an instant.

If there is no accident, the little koi must have done something wrong, right?

Teacher Luan Jingjing Luan is the same kind of teacher as Jiang Shu Huaijiang. When did she show such a serious expression?
I can't help but sigh, since the little koi can't do it, let her come down quickly, why does it take so long for a question...

Su Yan, who was on pins and needles and anxiously scratching his head, didn't notice the shocked expressions of the group of students sitting on the same side as Teacher Luan Jingjing.

After writing the last number of the little koi, more than ten minutes have passed.

Just when Su Yan wanted to say something about Luan Jingjing Luan's patience, she could wait more than ten minutes for a problem...

He saw the place where the little koi moved away from the blackboard.

All the dense numbers in there.

Isn't it just that all the questions have been solved?
Even the last difficult question that teacher Luan Jingjing didn't ask them to do but asked them to think about it was also done.

Is this reasonable?

He clearly remembered that he didn't do this question when he did it at the beginning!


Is it written indiscriminately?
"Well, these few questions that Little Koi did are very correct. You can take a look at the last question. This problem-solving idea is very correct and very simple. It can be seen that Su Yan has put in a lot of effort. It's not bad. Do the questions by yourself and then tell your sister again, this will really make you remember more firmly..."

Su Yan, who was praised a lot for no reason:! ! !
Feeling the envious eyes from all around on him, Su Yan didn't know whether he should cry or laugh for a while.

He is very happy to be praised and envied by others, but the key point is that he did not teach these questions of Little Koi!
He could only smile brightly, and decided to wait until after class to ask Xiao Jin about the cause and effect.

Returning the chalk to Teacher Luan Jingjing, the little koi who just sat back in her seat frowned.


Brother Su Yan didn't teach her the last question.

It was a question similar to this one on the test paper that brother Qi Muyan did before school.

It's just changing the numbers.

The way she calculates now is just to solve the problem with the method that brother Qi Muyan used at that time.

The little jin carp, who wanted to explain something, met Qi Muyan's gaze as soon as he opened his mouth.

After looking at him and shaking his head slightly to signal him not to explain, the little koi obediently sat back in his seat.

Brother Qi Muyan and Brother Su Yan, what do you mean by this?
Each received the other's credit for exchange and compensation?

Life is not easy, Koi sighed.

After class was over, Su Yan surrounded the little koi again.

"Tell me! What's the matter with the math problem this time? You can believe me in the previous problem, but I didn't do the last problem!"

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