Chapter 114 I want to marry her

King Pingnan looked at Xiao Shilian who was behind Mrs. Xiao again, and his tone was beyond doubt, "This must be Shi Lian, his appearance is still the same as when he was a child, and he hasn't changed at all."

After that, he looked at the other two.

Mrs. Xiao said, "This is Shili, the third son. The prince saw him once when he was young. This is Shi Yu, the fourth son. He was born after the prince left Beijing."

King Pingnan looked at the three of them and said in his mouth, "Excellent, excellent, brother Xiao is a blessed person, and he will definitely be protected by heaven."

He came today not only to visit them, but also because he and Brother Xiao were slandered and rebelled.

"Siblings." He asked Mrs. Xiao, "Do you know who framed Brother Xiao and me?"

Mrs. Xiao shook her head, "Sheng Yuan has an upright personality and doesn't want to participate in factional disputes. He never talked to me about the officialdom, and I don't know who he offended, and he wants to accuse us of genocide."

Conspiracy is the crime of massacring the whole family, punishing the nine clans.

King Pingnan frowned, if his siblings didn't know, then he had to wait until he saw Brother Xiao.

"My lord, can you see my family Sheng Yuan?"

Since Xiao Shengyuan was summoned into the palace that day, he never came back. Although there was a letter sent back, Mrs. Xiao was still worried.

King Pingnan shook his head, "I entered the palace yesterday, but no one knows where brother Xiao is locked up."

"Does the lord know what the emperor means?" Mrs. Xiao asked again.

King Pingnan still shook his head, "I also don't understand what the emperor means."

If the emperor really believed what was written in those papers, he conspired with Xiao Shengyuan to rebel, but why didn't he take any action against him.

"Brothers and sisters, don't worry," King Pingnan comforted Mrs. Xiao, "This matter is all about spreading rumors and slander. Brother Xiao has his own destiny, and he will return safely."

Mrs. Xiao can only hope so much.

After King Pingnan left, the three of them also left the front hall.

"Brother." Xiao Shiyu stopped him.

"Shi Yu, what's the matter?"

Xiao Shili was one step ahead of them, and he could no longer see his back.

"That day I saw my elder brother and the fifth girl from the Qi family go to the tea house on West Street." Xiao Shiyu said directly.

West Street Tea House, Xiao Shilian knew what day it was, and he didn't intend to hide it.

"Fourth brother read that right."

"I don't know what is the relationship between the eldest brother and the fifth daughter of the Qi family?"

"I want to marry her."

"Brother, have you made a decision?"

Xiao Shilian looked at the thin bamboo in the corner and said "Mmm".

"Since the eldest brother has made a decision, the fourth brother will support the eldest brother."

Seeing that Xiao Shilian didn't speak, he said again, "Big brother thinks that I should be like the second brother and the third brother, and not allow the big brother to have any contact with the fifth girl of the Qi family?"

Xiao Shilian shook his head, his face was stained with worry, "It's just that I haven't told my mother yet, I'm afraid that she..."

"Mother will definitely agree." Xiao Shiyu's tone was affirmative, "Mother knows that elder brother is not a fool."

He added, "If elder brother really likes the fifth girl of the Qi family, then don't let yourself regret it."

Xiao Shiyu's words made Xiao Shilian make an immediate decision, and today he will explain it to his mother.


"Shi Lian?" Madam Xiao looked up at him, "What's wrong?"

"I want to talk to my mother." He originally wanted to wait until Chun Wei released the list before talking to his mother, but Shi Yu's words just now made him unable to wait until that day.

Mrs. Xiao put down the embroidery tape in her hand, and smiled at him, "What do you want to say to me?"

With his mother, he shouldn't have concealed it, so he said bluntly, "I fell in love with a girl, and I want to marry her."

Mrs. Xiao didn't seem surprised, she asked, "Is it the girl from the Qi family?"

Xiao Shilian was surprised, "Mother knows?"

"The last time I was with Shi Yu, I saw you walking with a girl from the Qi family."

Why didn't Xiao Shiyu tell him that his mother was with him just now?

"The fourth son of the Xiao family, you have always been the one with the most ideas. You rarely let your father and I worry about you." Mrs. Xiao said, "Since you really like that girl, mother will not make things difficult for you."


"Brother, what did mother say?"

"Shi Yu." Xiao Shilian asked him, "Why didn't you tell me that you were with your mother that day in West Street?"

Xiao Shiyu said, "Brother never asked me."

Xiao Shilian stopped arguing with him about this, he said, "Mother said that if I really like it, she won't make things difficult for me."

"Father will definitely be the same as mother." Xiao Shiyu said, "Brother don't need to worry anymore."

Xiao Shilian looked at him, his fourth younger brother usually looked cynical, but in fact he was the most careful, even though he never told him about his worries, he still asked him to watch carefully.

"Fourth brother, big brother thanked you here."

"Why do you need to thank me, brother?"

After the words fell, the two brothers looked at each other and smiled.

As for Xiao Shilian, he couldn't help but want to see her sooner.

"Qin Sa."


"Go and bring the carriage."

Outside the gate of Xiao Mansion, Xiao Shilian was waiting for Qin Sa to bring the carriage over.

After the carriage was brought, Qin Sa asked him, "Where are you going, my lord?"

"Qi Mansion."

Qin Sa stopped holding the rein, and then replied, "Yes, young master."

"My lord, the Qi residence has arrived." Qin Sa turned and shouted to the people in the carriage.

"Young master." He said again, "I'll call Miss Wu."

Qin Sa came to the door of Qi's residence and knocked on the door.

"I'm looking for Miss Wu." He said to the doorman.

The boy saw him and still remembered, so he said, "Wait a minute, I'll report."

Qin Sa didn't urge him to hurry up, but nodded, "It's troublesome."

Shen Tu was still upset about the robbers, and now that there was another Qin Sa, she couldn't go to Buzhuang.

"Fifth Miss, someone is looking for you outside the door."

The boy shouted from outside the house.

She asked the boy, "Who is it?"

The boy couldn't tell who it was, he just came back on the road.

been back last time?

Shen Tu wondered who could that be?
So she went outside the gate of Xiao's mansion.

"Qin Sa?" she said, "Why are you here?"

Haven't they met today?
She asked Qin Sa, "You need me for something?"

Qin Sa shook her head, "It's the young master." Qin Sa looked in the direction of the carriage, "Young master is in the carriage."

So she walked towards the stopped carriage and got into it.

"Brother Shi Lian." She asked, "Why are you here?"

"A Yi." Xiao Shilian took her hand and asked her to sit beside him.

Xiao Shilian said happily, "I talked to my mother today."

Shen Tu didn't understand, so he asked, "What did you say?"

"Today I told my mother that I want to marry A Yi."

It was this, she couldn't help her heart beat faster, she asked anxiously, "Your mother... how did she say it?"

"Mother agrees."

She was surprised, "Really?"

Xiao Shilian raised his hand, and gently scratched the tip of her nose, "When did I ever fool Aye?"

After she was overjoyed, she was a little curious, "How did you tell your mother?"

"I told my mother that I like you and I want to marry you."

Shen Cu couldn't believe it, "That's it?"

(End of this chapter)

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