Chapter 62 Could It Be Cannibals

"How about..." Looking at the prey in his hand, Xiao Ling seemed to have made some important decision.

"Let's roast them all, lest they suffer alive..."

Shi Nianyu: "..." If you are eaten, you will not be punished?

After a strenuous communication between Shi Nianyu and Xiao Ling, Xiao Ling finally decided to roast a rabbit first.

"Hey! You come to make a fire, I won't!" After deciding what to eat today, Xiao Ling began to direct Shi Nianyu to light the fire confidently.

Xiao Ling doesn't know how to light a fire, maybe Xiao Qing can, and that's only possible if she has a lighter.

Without fire like Shi Nianyu, it is absolutely impossible to be able to ignite the fire directly.

After speaking, she patted Shi Nianyu's shoulder meaningfully, and said seriously: "It's up to you!"


After a while of silence, Shi Nianyu still undertook the important task of lighting the fire.


This is the alluring sound that hare makes when it is roasted until golden and oily.

"It smells so good!" After Xiao Ling took a deep breath of the aroma, he was about to reach out and tear a rabbit leg to taste it.

But before his hand touched the rabbit's leg, Shi Nianyu hit him with a branch.

"Wait a minute, it's not ripe yet..." Shi Nianyu closed his eyes and said calmly.

Xiao Ling: "..." You didn't even read it, how do you know it's not familiar!
She glanced at Shi Nianyu, and found that she still hadn't opened her eyes, so she secretly stretched her hand towards the rabbit's leg again.

"Snap!" Shi Nianyu frowned, and quickly hit Xiao Ling's hand with the small wooden stick in his hand, "Didn't I say it before, I'm not familiar with it yet, just wait..."

Looking at the two bright red long imprints on his hands, Xiao Ling was about to speak, when Nianyu suddenly shouted.

"Who?! Come out!"

I saw her throwing a stone towards a small bush.

Not long after, there was a little boy about four or five years old, black, dirty, wearing animal skins with red eyes.

He walked out holding his head.

Shi Nianyu: "..." How could there be children?
Xiao Ling: "!!!" So cute!

"Come here!" Xiao Ling warmly waved towards the little boy.

"Oh!" The little boy's eyes were red, and he yelled at Shi Nianyu and Xiao Ling angrily.

But his eyes were fixed on the hare roasting on the fire, and he refused to take a step away!
"Do you want to eat?" Xiao Ling was not frightened at all, but thought this little boy was too cute!

Little boy: "&#&[email protected]#…”

Xiao Ling and Shi Nianyu looked at each other: "..." They didn't understand a single word.

Although she was a little puzzled as to why a little boy appeared here, she still pointed to the hare patiently, and compared the movements of eating.

The little boy nodded.



But after waiting for a long time, Shi Nianyu discovered that the little boy didn't move half a step forward.

He just bared his teeth, trying to scare them off.

Shi Nianyu frowned and walked over, picked up the little boy's animal skin clothes and walked towards the fire.

But unexpectedly, the closer he was to the fire, the more intense the little boy's reaction was.

He seems to be...afraid of fire...

"It's fire, it's okay..." Xiao Ling at this moment, like a little angel, explained to the little boy gently and patiently.

When Shi Nianyu looked at Xiao Ling's appearance, he couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.

Obviously this morning, she wanted to cut out other people's tongues and eyes, but now she is so gentle!
However, it was obvious that the little boy didn't understand Xiao Ling.

Under Xiao Ling's tireless explanation over and over again, the little boy finally calmed down, looked at the fire and nodded with a vague understanding.

The fear in his eyes also slowly faded away.

His eyes were fixed on the roasted hare tightly, not daring to relax for a moment.

He wanted to get it himself, but he was afraid of that bad woman who would catch him.

He thought that bad woman was terrible.

"Do you want to eat?" Shi Nianyu raised the rabbit leg in his hand, his face was full of complacency.

She could see that the little boy was afraid of her.

But what does that matter?

Little boy: "#@# & @$..."

Shi Nianyu: "..." I can't understand you talking so much!
"Are you going to eat it or not? If you don't, I'll eat it!" Shi Nianyu made a gesture to stuff those rabbit legs into his mouth.

Seeing that Shi Nianyu was about to eat the rabbit leg he was thinking about, the little boy couldn't care less about being afraid.

He rushed over and bit the rabbit's leg with one bite.

Seeing the "timid" little boy finally take action, Shi Nianyu patted his head in satisfaction.

Not bad, not bad, and know how to fight for it.

Together with Shi Nianyu and Xiao Ling, after eating a whole hare, the little boy gradually grew courageous.

"Children are easy to deceive, and a rabbit can conquer it..." Xiao Ling glanced at the curious little boy who was studying the fire with the last piece of rabbit meat.

Shi Nianyu nodded in agreement.

It's really easy to cheat.

"&#[email protected]&@…” After eating the last bite, the little boy boldly pointed at another hare, and chattered a lot of things they couldn’t understand.

After thinking for a while, Shi Nianyu looked at Xiao Ling seriously, and said, "It seems that one is not enough, we need two."

Xiao Ling also nodded seriously.

Seriously: "That's right."

So, under the watchful eyes of the little boy, Shi Nianyu and Xiao Ling roasted another hare.

"Tell me, who is he?" Xiao Ling changed his expression as soon as he talked to Shi Nianyu.

"The residents here?" Shi Nianyu looked around uncertainly.

However, it doesn't look like there are people living here...

"It's possible, do you think he is a cannibal..." Xiao Ling looked at the little boy with bright eyes.

The eyes are not afraid, but excited.

"Cannibal?" Shi Nianyu looked at the equally excited little boy guarding the fire and began to wonder.

In this lost forest, the possibility of him being a cannibal is not ruled out.

"" Shi Nianyu and Xiao Ling haven't finished talking yet.

I heard the little boy imitating their way of speaking, stumbling and asking.

Shocked at how quickly the little boy learned to speak.

It was the first time for them to see someone who learned to speak so fast!

However, they soon saw the little boy making strange gestures and chanting words.

Suddenly, they only felt that there was chaos in front of them.

Shi Nianyu nodded dully, then mechanically picked up the roasted hare, and handed it whole to the little boy.

Xiao Ling sat on the side alone and giggled.

However, within a few seconds, Shi Nianyu and Xiao Ling returned to normal.

When they came back to their senses, the little boy beside them had disappeared.

The roasted hare disappeared with him.

(End of this chapter)

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