Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 1029 A knife in the back

Chapter 1029 A knife in the back

The hospital currently only has one three-wheeled sidecar motorcycle. Within ten minutes of receiving the rescue notification, the three people were ready to go. All the medical staff realized that something big might have happened, but Chang Baoqing remained tight-lipped about the matter and asked the three executioners to carry out the rescue. Team members on special missions must pay attention to their own safety and report any situation as soon as possible.

Xu Chunliang was furious and urged Wang Wenxiang to leave quickly. Although Ye Changyuan was his godfather, there was no deep relationship between them. Xu Chunliang first met Ye Qingya and then recognized Mr. Ye as his godfather, and finally he had a godfather. Mom, it should be said that his relationship with his godmother Lin Sijin is stronger than that of his godfather Ye Changyuan.

But when he heard the news that the plane was missing, Xu Chunliang was still worried. If Ye Changyuan died, what kind of blow would the Ye family suffer? Mr. Ye, Lin Sijin, and Ye Qingya were all people he cared about, and Xu Chunliang didn't want them to be sad.

Xu Chunliang understood that if the helicopter crashed, the possibility of survival of the people on board was slim, but he still longed for a miracle in his heart.

The motorcycles were traveling on uneven roads, and raindrops the size of soybeans hit their faces and bodies. Although they were well-equipped, their clothes still inevitably got wet under such conditions.

Xu Chunliang took out his mobile phone, but there was no signal at all. He took out the outdoor Beidou handheld device. Before setting off, he specifically went to the treatment center of Changshan Hospital to tell him that this handheld locator was given to him by Tang Mingliang as a spare, which could provide accurate positioning when the mobile phone signal lost.

Xu Chunliang discovered that they were not going directly to the rescue location, and was a little surprised and said: "Master Wang, did we go to the wrong place?"

Wang Wenxiang said loudly: "Yes, the nearest route bridge is broken. We can only take a detour. We may have to walk an extra seven or eight kilometers, but we can get there within half an hour."

Fang Cheng, who was sitting behind Wang Wenxiang, was chewing gum with his mouth moving.

Fang Cheng complained: "Who on earth wants to mobilize everyone to search? The rescue force is not enough in the first place, and so many people have to be mobilized."

Wang Wenxiang said: "He must be an important person."

Xu Chunliang reminded him to look at the road. There was a fallen tree on the road ahead, blocking the road. If the three-wheeled motorcycle wanted to pass, the obstacle must be cleared first.

Wang Wenxiang braked quickly and sighed: "You two go and move the tree, otherwise we won't be able to leave."

Fang Cheng sighed: "What a bad luck."

Xu Chunliang had already got off the motorcycle and bent down to lift the tree. Time was of the essence. The sooner he arrived at the scene of the accident, the higher the chance of Ye Changyuan's survival. He was more anxious to get on than others.

At this time, Wang Wenxiang and Fang Cheng exchanged glances. Fang Cheng pulled out a cold dagger from behind and slowly moved closer to Xu Chunliang's back.

Xu Chunliang said: "What are you doing standing still? Help me!"

Fang Cheng suddenly started, and stabbed Xu Chunliang's back with the dagger in his hand. Xu Chunliang held the tree trunk with both hands and was bending to exert force. It can be said that Fang Cheng's timing was extremely precise. The dagger advanced from slowly to suddenly. Speeding up, everything shows that he is a well-trained killer.

A ferocious smile appeared on Fang Cheng's face. He seemed to have seen the dagger pierce Xu Chunliang's skin, penetrate his intercostal space and pierce his heart. In fact, as long as Xu Chunliang's skin was scratched, he would have no chance of survival. , this dagger is poisonous.

When the dagger was only half an inch away from Xu Chunliang's heart, a hand grabbed Fang Cheng's wrist. Fang Cheng was stunned. There was no one else but Xu Chunliang in front of him. Whose hand did it belong to?

The hand was naturally Xu Chunliang's. He held up the big tree with only his left hand. His right hand moved behind him like a boneless spiritual snake. Although he didn't look back, the back of his head seemed to have two eyes. He grasped the direction accurately. into the wrist.

Xu Chunliang squeezed with his right hand, and Fang Cheng's wrist bone broke with a snap. The severe pain made Fang Cheng let out a soundless wail.

Xu Chunliang dropped the tree with his left hand, turned around, and looked at Fang Cheng coldly. Fang Cheng could not hold the dagger in his hand. He didn't understand how Xu Chunliang realized that he was going to sneak attack him?

Xu Chunliang snatched the dagger from his hand with his left hand, took a breath and said: "Gui Wangsan, whose throat is sealed with blood, idiot, don't you know this thing has a fishy smell?"

Fang Cheng's face was distorted, not from anger but from fear and pain.

Wang Wenxiang originally thought that Fang Cheng was determined to win, but he didn't expect that Xu Chunliang would see through it.

Xu Chunliang locked eyes with Wang Wenxiang with murderous intent, raised the dagger in his hand and plunged it into Fang Cheng's throat.

Wang Wenxiang had already pulled out the crossbow from his travel bag and pulled the trigger on Xu Chunliang. Xu Chunliang's right arm shook and Fang Cheng's body was thrown towards Wang Wenxiang. All the crossbow arrows fired by Wang Wenxiang were pinned to Fang Cheng's body.

Fang Cheng's body, which had not yet expired, was twitching violently.

When the body disappeared from Wang Wenxiang's sight, he raised his crossbow and prepared for the second round of shooting, but his expression changed. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Xu Chunliang holding up the big tree with both hands. It swept towards his body with the momentum of sweeping thousands of armies.

Wang Wenxiang still shot the crossbow arrow. The crossbow arrow was nailed to the tree trunk. The big tree hit Wang Wenxiang's body. Wang Wenxiang flew out like a paper kite with its string broken. It flew nearly twenty meters away and fell to the ground with his mouth in his mouth. Blood spurted out wildly, and all the bones around him were shattered by Xu Chunliang's domineering blow, and the broken bones pierced into his internal organs. Xu Chunliang threw down the tree, came to Wang Wenxiang, stepped on Wang Wenxiang's face, stepped his head deeply into the muddy ground, pulled open Wang Wenxiang's clothes, and saw his chest There is a blue eye dripping with red blood tears tattooed on it.

Death Gate!

This is the sign of the Mingmenmen. The Mingmenmen make a living by killing people and taking lives. It is one of the oldest professions.

Xu Chunliang could conclude that these two were not the only ones to ambush him tonight. Wang Wenxiang deliberately took the wrong route to bring him here. The fallen tree on the way was not accidental. Someone must have arranged everything in advance to lure him. Go down and move the big tree away, and Fang Cheng waits for an opportunity to strike.

Wang Wenxiang probably thought that Fang Cheng would definitely succeed, but it was a pity that they underestimated the enemy.

Xu Chunliang looked around and believed that they still had accomplices hiding nearby. They might have been frightened by his actions and did not launch a new attack.

Xu Chunliang came to the sidecar motorcycle, started the motorcycle, and drove towards the accident site. He had no time to delay here.

Not long after Xu Chunliang left, the bodies of Wang Wenxiang and Fang Cheng slowly melted, and finally turned into a pool of black water. After being washed away by heavy rain, it seeped into the ground. Except for a few scattered crossbow arrows, it seemed as if nothing had happened.

Four men in black emerged from the grass on the river embankment and came to the place where the battle had just occurred. They looked at the big tree with a row of crossbow arrows nailed to it. Their eyes showed fear. They were accomplices. They were ready. The Bureau wanted to kill Xu Chunliang here, but before they could take action, Xu Chunliang had already killed Wang Wenxiang and Fang Cheng. Seeing Xu Chunliang's tyrannical attack, how could they dare to show up? Everyone knew that even if Taking action will also lead to death.

One of them pulled out a three-sided thorn and stabbed it into the mud. When he pulled it out, the top of the three-sided thorn picked up a head covered with mud.

"Second brother, what should I do?"

"If there is a change in the plan, please report it to the hall master first."

Twenty minutes later, Xu Chunliang finally arrived at the site of the incident, which was near Fushan. The motorcycle could no longer move up. Xu Chunliang met other rescue teams at the foot of the mountain and learned from them that the helicopter should have crashed in the mountainous area. Now all the rescue teams have begun to search into the mountains, hoping to find something.

Several rescue teams have already entered the mountain. The other rescue teams have at least three people, but Xu Chunliang is the only one here. Xu Chunliang is too lazy to explain. He can't tell others that two of his teammates have been killed by him.

The altitude of Fushan is only 300 meters, but the grass is deep and the forest is wide. Nine rescue teams came after hearing the news, with a total of less than 40 people. It is impossible to launch a blanket search with just these people.

Everyone has a walkie-talkie, and after adjusting the frequency, they disperse and search.

Xu Chunliang was walking alone. At this time, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, making the already difficult search even more difficult.

An hour later, news came from one of the search teams that there was a situation in the Rock Valley, and a nearby team was asked to go around to the Rock Valley to have a look.

After a while, news came that the entrance to the Rock Valley was blocked due to a landslide. They could not enter and could only descend from the Baizhang Cliff above.

When Xu Chunliang arrived at Baizhang Cliff, two rescue teams had already rushed there. It was about 70 meters from here to the bottom of the valley. The cliff was steep and smooth, with few places to climb. They do not have professional rock climbing equipment, and it would be very dangerous to climb down with bare hands to check the situation in this situation.

One of the teams was equipped with a satellite phone. They asked their superiors for instructions and learned that their superiors would soon send a professional rescue team to tell them not to act rashly to avoid causing greater losses.

When I was asking for instructions and reporting, I suddenly heard someone exclaiming: "Someone is going down."

Everyone was stunned and approached the edge of the cliff one after another, only to see a person climbing down the rock with bare hands. This person was Xu Chunliang.

The Baizhang Cliff that others thought was unconquerable was like walking on flat ground for Xu Chunliang. The rain kept falling and he smelled the smell of kerosene in the air. Although the heavy rain affected his vision, he could still see the rocks. There is the outline of a helicopter in the trench.

Xu Chunliang was filled with an ominous feeling in his heart, and he only hoped that God would bless Ye Changyuan, auspicious people and heavenly beings, to escape this disaster.

When Xu Chunliang was halfway down, another wave of aftershocks struck, a cry of surprise came from above, and gravel kept rolling down the cliff.

A stone as big as a millstone hit Xu Chunliang's head. Xu Chunliang jumped into the air and moved his body about two meters sideways on the cliff. He grabbed the cracks in the rock with his hands to avoid the attack of the falling rocks.

(End of this chapter)

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