Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 1033 Refuse to threaten

Chapter 1033 Refuse to threaten

A deep voice came from the distance: "The surname is Xu."

Xu Chunliang looked up and saw a man in gray clothes appearing in the ruins holding Su Qing hostage. Su Qing's face was as pale as snow, and her pink neck was pressed against the dagger in the other man's hand.

Xu Chunliang did not look at Su Qing, but stared at the killer and said disdainfully: "When did the Suomingmen fall to this point? They actually have to take hostages to save their lives."

"Stop talking nonsense, exchange one life for another, trade her life for the person inside."

Xu Chunliang said: "You don't want to die?"

The man in gray said: "You have no choice. Let her go first. After we are safe, we will naturally let her go."

Xu Chunliang laughed: "It's a good plan. You set up a trap to harm me twice, and now you are kidnapping my friend."

The man in gray clothes thought he had grasped Xu Chunliang's vital point, and confidently ordered: "Let him go! I'll count to five, five! Four! Three!"

Xu Chunliang walked towards him step by step. The man in gray pressed the blade down on Su Qing's neck. The sharp blade cut her delicate skin, and a wisp of blood slid down her snow-white neck, white and red. shocking.

The man in gray clothes said: "Two..." He suddenly couldn't hold on for a breath, his vision went dark, and he fell straight down with a plop.

Xu Chunliang's heart was full of disdain. If it weren't for Su Qing's safety, he wouldn't bother to use poison.

Su Qing was stunned, not knowing what happened. After getting out of trouble, she ran desperately towards Xu Chunliang, threw herself into Xu Chunliang's arms, and hugged him tightly.

Xu Chunliang said softly: "Are you okay?"

Su Qing shook her head: "We were rescuing people just now, but..." Her vision went dark, and she suddenly lost consciousness, as if she was in a dream, but it was Xu Chunliang who tapped her sleeping point.

"It's okay."

Xu Chunliang cast his eyes on the unconscious man in gray. He hated others threatening him the most. He really thought that catching Su Qing would make him surrender. What a dream!

Xu Chunliang temporarily put Su Qing aside, grabbed the man in gray, and touched his soft numb hole, and then woke him up again. The man in gray saw Xu Chunliang, and then saw the half-lying figure not far away. Su Qing suddenly realized that the situation was over, and he said in a trembling voice: "Do you know who we are?"

Xu Chunliang said calmly: "You must be the killer of Suomingmen. He does the job of licking blood with the tip of a knife for a few taels of silver."

"If you know it, don't let me go."

Xu Chunliang said with a smile: "Since you are doing this kind of thing that takes people's lives, you should be prepared to lose your life at any time. You seem a little scared?"

The man in gray said: "Do you know that the man inside is our young sect leader? If you kill him, you, your family and friends will never have a moment of peace for the rest of your life."

Xu Chunliang sighed and said: "If you say that, I should eradicate the roots and destroy the corpses and traces. This earthquake came at the right time, don't you think?"


"You originally planned to use this earthquake to murder me, and then make it look like I accidentally died during disaster relief, right?"

The man in gray realized that something was wrong and hurriedly turned the helm and said, "I admit, we are blind. As long as you let us both go, I can guarantee that the Mingming Sect will never trouble you again in the future."

Xu Chunliang said: "I still know the rules of the Life-Calling Sect, so the best way to end this matter is God's will."


Xu Chunliang picked up the body of the man in gray and stuffed him into the hole just like throwing garbage. The desperate wailing of the young killer could be heard from inside. The bodies of his two companions had completely blocked his way of escape.

Before Xu Chunliang could seal the cave entrance, a wave of aftershocks occurred. The violent shaking caused the ruins to collapse again. The space where the three killers were hiding completely collapsed, and the young killer's cry for help could no longer be heard.

Xu Chunliang sighed: "God's will cannot be violated." He picked up Su Qing and walked towards the open space. The female killer watched Xu Chunliang pass by, her eyes filled with fear and unwillingness. Her vitality was finally destroyed. After the heavy floor slab on his body was exhausted, Xu Chunliang picked up the murder weapons one by one and threw them into the river next to the school.

When Su Qing woke up, she found herself lying in Xu Chunliang's arms and the others had disappeared. She reached out and touched Xu Chunliang's face to make sure that she was not dreaming. She hugged Xu Chunliang's neck and nestled in his arms. In the middle, she cried with joy: "Chunliang, I know you will definitely come to me, and you will never leave me alone." Xu Chunliang wiped the tears on her face: "Silly girl, you can't escape, even if you go to the end of the world. I want to find you too."

Su Qing said with tears: "I have never thought about running away. I have identified with you in this life, and I will not leave even if you drive me away." She thought of everything that had happened before, and said in shock: "That person, the person who threatened me is here Where?"

The reason why Xu Chunliang tapped her acupuncture point just now was because he didn't want her to see him take action, so he said calmly: "Escape."

With Xu Chunliang by her side, Su Qing's fearful and helpless heart instantly calmed down. She told Xu Chunliang that there were four people in their interview team. They just heard that there were children at Fushan Primary School who failed to escape in time, so they came over. They helped with the rescue, but when they got there, they split up and searched, but they didn't see any children. Instead, they encountered an aftershock.

When Su Qing was planning to meet up with her colleagues, she met the man in gray, who recognized her at a glance. Su Qing thought that the man in gray was also a trapped victim, but she didn't expect that he was targeting her. .

Xu Chunliang has now figured out the context of the whole incident. It should be that people from Suo Mingmen deliberately released false news and led Su Qing's news reporting team here.

They first set up a trap to assassinate Xu Chunliang by three assassins. They held Su Qing hostage as a precaution. Mainly because they witnessed Xu Chunliang using absolute strength to kill two masters Wang Wenxiang and Fang Cheng, so they were so cautious. .

It can be said that the assassination plan of this group of assassins from the Death Gate was almost perfect. Unfortunately, they met Xu Chunliang. The four of them thought that the assassination was impeccable, but in the end they were easily counterattacked by Xu Chunliang.

Xu Chunliang pointed to the distance, where was the body of Su Qing's colleague. Because the death was so tragic, he didn't mind if Su Qing came closer to identify it.

The rain stopped, but Su Qing's tears couldn't stop flowing. One of the four people who came with her was confirmed to have been killed, and the whereabouts of two others were unknown. These were the colleagues and partners she had met all day long. Thinking of the past, everyone had a great time together. The scene made Su Qing feel more and more sad. For the first time, Su Qing was shaken by the work she was doing.

Xu Chunliang observed the hillside behind the elementary school. The aftershock just now caused part of the mountain to collapse, and some rocks fell into the yard of the elementary school. The possibility of subsequent landslides could not be ruled out.

Xu Chunliang suggested leaving here as soon as possible. During the time when Su Qing fainted, he had moved a big tree to temporarily build a bridge over the river.

Su Qing's balance ability is very strong, and she walked across this temporary single-plank bridge without relying on Xu Chunliang's help.

Returning to the small square in the center of the town, I met another female colleague of Su Qing there. The two people, who were reborn after the disaster, hugged each other and cried after meeting.

At this time, good news came one after another. The rescue center learned about the situation in Fushan Town and mobilized a team of soldiers to build a bridge in a short time to move the victims trapped here as soon as possible.

As the rescue force strengthened, more and more facilities began to be repaired and communications began to return to normal. Xu Chunliang received a call from Dean Chang Baoqing asking about his current situation.

The news that Xu Chunliang went to rescue Ye Changyuan has reached Chang Baoqing. Everyone knows that Xu Chunliang climbed down the Baizhang Cliff and carried Ye Changyuan's body out before the debris flow broke out. However, Xu Chunliang did not return to the rescue base later. , but went to Fushan Town on his own.

Chang Baoqing had two purposes for making this call. One was to make sure that Xu Chunliang was safe and sound, and the other was to tell him that Director Ye's family had arrived in Juzhou and asked to see him.

Xu Chunliang explained to Su Qing and asked her to leave the earthquake area as soon as possible. Su Qing also received a notice from the Taiwan leaders. Because some of them died in the line of duty this time, the Taiwan leaders were also facing great pressure and required all of them to remain in the earthquake area. Staff in the earthquake area should return to a safe place as soon as possible. This is also a requirement of superior departments. Follow-up reports on the earthquake area will be jointly conducted by local TV stations and CCTV.

Xu Chunliang personally escorted Su Qing to the army's rescue truck. Su Qing stood on the truck and waved to him while crying. When she could hardly see Xu Chunliang clearly, she mustered up the courage to shout loudly: "Chunliang, you must If you want to come back safely, I'm waiting for you."

After discussing with Ye Changquan, Lin Sijin decided not to report the bad news to their families for the time being. Lin Sijin and the families of other members of the inspection team rushed to Juzhou first. When they arrived, they learned that except for Ye Changyuan's body, which was carried out by Xu Chunliang, the others The body was still in the crashed helicopter and could not be removed in time due to a mudslide.

At present, the rescue team has determined the location of the helicopter. As for whether the remains of the remaining members can be found, it is difficult to say how many remains can be found.

Lin Sijin faced Ye Changyuan's body alone without shedding tears. Her tears had dried up on the way there. Only when you lose can you appreciate it. What she thought was vulgar in the past has now come true for her.

When sorting out Ye Changyuan's body, she discovered that his hair roots were completely white. Lin Sijin remembered that before they branched out, Ye Changyuan's hair was still black. Unexpectedly, in just a few years, his hair has become completely white. Looking at Ye Changyuan, he was so close. But the distant face, recalling his voice and smile in the past, Lin Sijin's heart was repeatedly tormented by bitterness and regret: "Changyuan, you just want to save face and suffer..." Her nose was a little sore, wasn't she the same?

She knew that part of Ye Changyuan's white hair must be for herself, so she reached out and gently stroked Ye Changyuan's cold face, and said softly: "You can let go of everything now. Go in peace, I will take care of your daughter. I will also do my best on my father's side..." She seemed to hear what Ye Changyuan was saying.

She bent down, put her ear close to his lips, and listened hard. After a while, she nodded, grabbed Ye Changyuan's hand, and held it so hard that her voice trembled: "Don't worry, we won't divorce..."

(End of this chapter)

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