Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 1045 Flowers along the way

Chapter 1045 Flowers along the way

Hua Zhuyue was not resisting, but she was worried that if she couldn't control herself and screamed in public, then her arrogant and powerful chairman persona would collapse tonight. After all, she had personally experienced how powerful Xu Chunliang's foot massage was. His ten fingers were definitely capable of making her lose control of her emotions on the spot.

Sensing Xu Chunliang's fingers rubbing and applying pressure on her soles, Hua Zhuyue almost prayed: "Don't..."

Xu Chunliang smiled slightly and stopped teasing Hua Zhuyue. He gently pinched the soles of her feet, then picked up the high heels and helped her put them on.

Hua Zhuyue bit her cherry lips, her starry eyes half-opened and half-closed, and said softly: "Now you are obedient, my sister loves you."

"Words don't stand up, let's be practical."

Hua Zhuyue winked: "What was I just about to say?"

Xu Chunliang said: "You said you have something to do with me."

Only then did Hua Zhuyue remember the purpose of coming here. The confused and infatuated man who was being teased by Xu Chunliang actually forgot about the main thing. He adjusted his sitting position and said, "I mentioned it to you last time. There is a book here that is very suitable for Amelia Su, let’s see if she is interested.”

"Why don't you go to her directly? You guys know her too."

Hua Zhuyue said: "She told me that she has no intention of getting involved in the film and television industry. I don't want to get into trouble again. This script is really good. How about you forward it to her for me? Maybe she will be interested."

Xu Chunliang nodded, Hua Zhuyue passed the electronic version of the script to him, and he immediately forwarded it to Su Qing, who said she would reply to him after reading it.

Hua Zhuyue asked if the contract for Kangjian Investment's new hospital had been finalized, and Xu Chunliang briefly told her about tonight's experience.

Hua Zhuyue also felt that Zhai Pingqing must have other intentions, and whispered: "Have you ever heard of the story of buying a coffin and returning a pearl?"

Xu Chunliang nodded.

Hua Zhuyue said: "Perhaps the real value is the casket."

Xu Chunliang said: "I think so too. Whether it is Le Xing or Kang Jian, they are interested in that piece of land. This is the key to the whole thing."

Hua Zhuyue said: "I just can't figure it out. Is there a golden mountain hidden under the new hospital?"

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "Maybe you were right." Thinking of what Bai Lan had said before, he became more and more convinced that there were secrets hidden in the old mining area, and these people came here to target the secrets underground.

Hua Zhuyue stood up and said, "I'm leaving first. I have to go to Dongzhou with you tomorrow. I have to be energetic."

Xu Chunliang said: "Are you leaving now?"

Hua Zhuyue bit her lips and said with a smile: "It's too dangerous not to leave." She picked up her handbag and waved to Xu Chunliang. She admitted that she liked Xu Chunliang, but she wasn't ready to take the final step yet. For the next step, the emotional distance between men and women is very important. She feels very good now. She can't make any promises to Xu Chunliang. She also knows that Xu Chunliang is the same.

Xu Chunliang complained: "I've never seen you like this. You just leave after flirting. It's irresponsible."

After finishing the glass of wine in front of him, he was about to go back to the room. When he passed the bar, a girl with red hair and exaggerated makeup said to him: "Let's have a drink together."

Xu Chunliang looked her over, touched his nose, and took a breath. The perfume she sprayed was very strong, but it still couldn't hide the familiar scent.

Xu Chunliang sat down on the bar chair next to her, and the girl ordered a whiskey. Xu Chunliang looked at her curvaceous profile through the light, and said meaningfully: "I have always stayed in the capital." He learned from the girl's body. Judging from her similar aura, she was Bai Lan.

Bai Lan said, "You strike up a conversation like this with everyone?" She also ordered a drink for Xu Chunliang.

Xu Chunliang said: "It's obvious that I was being accosted." If it weren't for his keen sense of smell, it would be difficult to recognize Bai Lan from her appearance.

Bai Lan said: "You and the boss lady here don't know each other. It seems that you have completely figured it out and don't want to work hard anymore."

Xu Chunliang laughed, raised his glass and touched her: "There's nothing to figure out, I don't like to eat soft food."

Bai Lan said: "Thank you."

Xu Chunliang understood that she was referring to the matter of helping her sisters Jin Xinhui and Cha Shixiong get out of trouble. He smiled calmly and said: "You and I use each other to get what we need. What I want is not a thank you."

Bai Lan handed him a document bag that had been prepared a long time ago: "Go back and take a look at it slowly, so I can repay your favor."

Xu Chunliang patted the document bag and said, "I'm quite looking forward to it."

Bai Landao: "Do you know about the transfer of Jingfu Building?"

Xu Chunliang had not heard about this: "Are you saying that Mingde Group has withdrawn?"

Bai Lan took a sip of wine: "The main reason is that a lot of things have happened in Jingfu Building recently, and it has been targeted by the security department. Although Jingfu Building officially belongs to Huang Youlong, in the end the financial backer is still Lexing. Not long after Huang Youlong returned to the peninsula, The decision was made to transfer King Fook Building.”

Xu Chunliang nodded. Long before Chen Jianxin fell from the building, the security department headed by Liu Haiyu had focused on it. Huang Youlong must have smelled the danger, so he eliminated the hidden danger in time.

“Guess who took over King Fook Building?”

Xu Chunliang thought for a while. Wang Jiancheng had cooperated with Mingde Group before. Could it be the Wang family? He cautiously stated his guess: "Zhengdao Investment?"

Bai Lan smiled and shook her head: "You should be very familiar with him. Speaking of which, he is still an old friend of yours."

Xu Chunliang was stunned for a moment: "Mo Han?" This was the most likely thing he could think of, but there was a small trap hidden in Bai Lan's words. Whether he guessed right or wrong, it was equivalent to actively admitting Mo Han. It's his old friend.

Bai Lan nodded.

Xu Chunliang secretly thought that Mo Han had withdrawn from Equator Capital. She used to show her identity as a part-time worker, but now she directly captured Jingfu Building, which was enough to prove her strength.

Bai Lan said meaningfully: "This old friend of yours is not a simple person. Jingfu Building has also transformed into Mohan Oriental. The specific business direction is unknown. What? You don't have any news at all?"

Xu Chunliang said: "There is no relationship between me and her as you imagine."

Bai Lan laughed: "I still know more or less who you Xu Chunliang is. I'm leaving, so you can treat me tonight."

Xu Chunliang smiled and nodded: "Who do you think I am?"

Bai Lan said: "He is not a good person anyway."

Xu Chunliang packed his luggage and came outside the hotel early in the morning. He saw Hua Zhuyue waiting by the car. She sent the car for maintenance yesterday and drove it here today.

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "Good morning, Sister Hua." Hua Zhuyue said, "It's not too early, so hurry up and try to get to Dongzhou in the afternoon."

Xu Chunliang put the luggage in the trunk.

Hua Zhuyue offered to drive, mainly because Xu Chunliang was not familiar with the roads in the capital.

They had entered Lu Di at noon, and the two of them went to the service area for a simple meal. Hua Zhuyue kept calling her. After all, she was the president of the company. Even if she was on a business trip, people would come to her one after another for instructions.

By the time she finished the phone call, her face was lumpy.

Xu Chunliang said: "How about I order you another bowl?"

Hua Zhuyue said: "No, just make do with it. It's not like I haven't lived a hard life."

She was immersed in eating noodles. Xu Chunliang was full and sat across from her and watched her eat. Hua Zhuyue felt a little embarrassed: "Don't look at me, just take a stroll."

Xu Chunliang said: "You look really good when you eat."

Hua Zhuyue almost stopped laughing: "Get lost! It's really annoying."

Xu Chunliang said: "Okay, I'll wait in the car."

Xu Chunliang came outside, and Mo Han just called.

Xu Chunliang answered the phone: "Hey, Mr. Mo."

Mo Han said: "I heard you came to the capital."

Xu Chunliang said: "Your news is a bit delayed. I have already left and will be in Dongzhou soon."

Mo Han said: "I just came back from a business trip, and I just heard about Director Ye. You should express your condolences."

"Thank you."

Mo Han said: "How is the cooperation with Kang Jian going?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I thought you no longer care about this matter."

Mo Han said: "Even if I don't care about your hospital, I still have to care about your friend."

Xu Chunliang said that you have some plans for me, and you don’t just regard me as a friend: "It really touches me."

Mo Han said: "I know what you are thinking. If I really treat you as a friend, I will not let you go."

Xu Chunliang said: "It seems that you don't understand my structure at all. I really don't care about Equator Capital's suspension of investment. I have no shortage of investment."

Mo Han said: "I know you have many girlfriends."

"Hey, this is boring, you are attacking me personally! I am a member of the system, and I hate it when others make a fuss about my lifestyle."

Mo Han said: "Those who are clear will be clear themselves, no need to explain."

Xu Chunliang said: "My explanation is useless, others think our relationship is unusual."

Mo Han said: "Stop smearing me. Will I fall in love with someone like you? Don't insult my taste."

Xu Chunliang said: "You have never tasted it and know what I taste like?"

"Shame on you!"

Xu Chunliang said: "You are allowed to belittle me, but you are not allowed to be hard on me?"

"You're just a tough talker."

Xu Chunliang said: "You really don't understand me."

"It's not enough to say anything. Goodbye!"

"No, I have something else to tell you."

"If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have a fart, hurry up!"

"Can you be more ladylike?"

"There is no need to waste my ladylike side on a scoundrel like you." Mo Han realized that he was irritated by Xu Chunliang for no reason. He did it deliberately and was very happy to do it, but he knew it clearly and fell into his trap. .

Xu Chunliang conveyed Huang Wanglin's advice to Mo Han. Mr. Huang Sanye had good intentions.

Mo Han said: "Thank you, Mr. Huang, for me. I know the difference between right and wrong."

Xu Chunliang said: "I know you are smart."

"The intelligence you talk about is not a compliment."

Xu Chunliang said: "I heard that you established a new Mohan Dongfang?"

Mo Han said: "It's impossible for me to do nothing at such a young age."

Xu Chunliang asked: "When will it open?"

Mo Han said: "We are still making preparations. It will take about two months. I will definitely invite you then. By the way, what are you planning to give as a gift?"

"Send me a piece of writing, written in oracle bone script on it, Mo Han Dongfang, I am the only one who is undefeated!"

Mo Han was furious, took a long breath, and then decisively ended the call without saying anything.

(End of this chapter)

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