Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 179 The Dean's Secret

Chapter 179 The Dean's Secret

It was through this conflict between Xu Chunliang and Tang Tianyi that Zhao Feiyang saw the trump card of Huanian Group clearly. The seemingly huge Huanian Group actually has their shortcomings. Zhao Feiyang has been passive in the cooperation negotiations Began to have the confidence to turn defense into offense.

From this point of view, Xu Chunliang not only did not cause trouble for Changxing, but also contributed.

Zhao Feiyang later learned about the dispute between Xu Chunliang and Tang Tianyi, and even alarmed the leaders of the city bureau, which proved that Xu Chunliang also had a background behind him.

For this matter, he asked Gao Xinhua specifically. Gao Xinhua euphemistically said that Mr. Xu was very famous in Dongzhou, and many leaders in Dongzhou had seen him for medical treatment. In fact, Gao Xinhua didn't understand the situation.

Zhao Feiyang hung up the phone, thinking about the recent news that Duan Yuanhong, vice president of Huanian Group, was coming to Dongzhou. Tang Jinglun was only in charge of investigation, and Duan Yuanhong was in charge of negotiation. Knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle.

Zhao Feiyang called Geng Wenxiu and asked about the progress of the hospital's asset evaluation. Before the cooperation, Huanian Group would definitely evaluate Changxing's current assets and liabilities.

Zhao Feiyang also conducted a self-assessment. If the difference between the two parties is not too large, it proves that Huanian Group still maintains an objective attitude. If the difference is too large, it must argue with reason.

Geng Wenxiu reported that it would take about a week to complete the work. Zhao Feiyang was quite displeased with her work progress. Zhao Feiyang told him that Duan Yuanhong would arrive in Dongzhou in three days. The implication was that she had to complete the asset within three days. Evaluate work.

Geng Wenxiu could feel Zhao Feiyang's displeasure through the phone, and she hurriedly assured Zhao Feiyang that the task would be completed within three days.

Zhao Feiyang hung up the phone after saying that it was hard work, and lay down in the executive chair a little tiredly.

Geng Wenxiu is not an ideal helper. The reason why she is used is nothing more than her background. If it were not for the support of her elder brother Geng Wenjun, Changxing would not have successfully won the medical land in the high-tech zone.

Zhao Feiyang sighed. Since he came to Changxing, he was basically working at full capacity. During this time, he changed the ranks of middle-level cadres, but he did not find a strong assistant.

In the past, he once regarded Gao Xinhua as someone he could rely on, but Gao Xinhua lacked passion in his work. He could even perceive Gao Xinhua's perfunctory and slack towards him. , When a person has no ambition, it is difficult for you to have too many expectations of him.

Zhao Feiyang closed his eyes, and the faces of several vice presidents appeared in his mind in turn.

The ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted his thinking. This is a special piano piece called Sky City. Zhao Feiyang knows who is calling without looking at the number.

After hesitating for a while, he answered the phone, and a gentle female voice came from the receiver: "In a bad mood?"

Zhao Feiyang laughed: "How do you know?"

"I can sense it."

A warm current surged in Zhao Feiyang's heart: "Where are you?"

"You're too nervous, you should relax, it won't hinder your work." Before Zhao Feiyang could finish speaking, she hung up the phone.

Zhao Feiyang shook his head helplessly, and suddenly heard the sound of a message, opened WeChat, and saw a photo, in which there was a graceful figure standing in front of the window, and the blood in his body was rushing upwards.

There is also a location message in the back-Haizhou Tinghai Hot Spring.

There was a knock on the door outside, and Zhao Feiyang quickly turned off the screen of the phone. After getting his permission, Lin Yansheng, the director of the hospital office, opened the door and walked in, and put the documents Zhao Feiyang needed on the table.

Zhao Feiyang said: "Xiao Lin, I have a business to deal with, and I guess I'll be back tomorrow afternoon at the earliest."

Lin Yansheng said, "I'll arrange a car right away."

Zhao Feiyang shook his head and said, "No need, I will drive there by myself."

When Gao Xinhua went to the dean's office to report to Zhao Feiyang, he was in vain. Lin Yansheng, the director of the office, said that Zhao Feiyang was on a business trip temporarily.

Gao Xinhua didn't ask, if Zhao Feiyang wanted to say, Lin Yansheng would definitely tell where he was going.

Lin Yansheng has a stricter mouth than the previous Liu Dengke. He was personally selected by Zhao Feiyang. This person is very good at handling interpersonal relationships. It's hard to get the truth.

Gao Xinhua actually wanted to report the quality problems in the renovation of the hospital. Although he didn't want to take on this task, as the vice president in charge of logistics, he was duty-bound.

Although Tianhai Construction came in through formal channels of bidding, there were many problems with the quality of their projects, and there were also many unqualified places in the construction specifications.

Gao Xinhua decided to order the construction party to suspend work for rectification, but this matter must be communicated to Zhao Feiyang. After all, Tianhai Construction and Zhao Feiyang have a good relationship. His possibility.

It's best to talk about this kind of thing in person, and you can figure out a person's psychology based on the changes in his expression. Since Zhao Feiyang is not here, Gao Xinhua plans to wait for him to come back to talk about it. On the way back to the office, he met the secretary Chen Xing'an.

Chen Xing'an warmly invited Gao Xinhua to sit at his place and taste the Phoenix Dancong he just bought.

Gao Xinhua knew that this old fox would definitely not be courteous for nothing, so he went there because of his affection.

Chen Xing'an's office is different from most people. There are succulents on the windowsill, a tea table in the reception area, and a koi tank on the west wall.

The office atmosphere is very light, and the atmosphere of life is very strong.

As the secretary, he did not directly participate in the management of Changxing Hospital. Whether it was the Gu Houyi era or the Zhao Feiyang era, he always upheld the attitude of not fighting or grabbing and watching from afar, creating a personality that was indifferent to fame and fortune.

Gao Xinhua knew that Chen Xing'an didn't like smoking, so he suppressed the idea of ​​smoking. He glanced at the name on the tea box: "Duck feces incense?"

Chen Xing'an smiled and said, "It's definitely good tea. I didn't blow it. Only two ancient trees in the mountainous area of ​​southern Fujian can produce this kind of tea."

Gao Xinhua said in his heart that you are obviously talking about it. I don’t know when a trend of stories has arisen. Drinking wine and telling stories, drinking tea and telling tea stories. According to Gao Xinhua’s experience, the more magical the story is, the worse the thing is. You Who can drink Moutai and tell stories?The one with the most stories is usually the town wine, and the same is true for tea.

When Chen Xing'an was young, he must have written very good essays. When he talked about tea stories, he was full of emotion and energy. Normal, if you don't even believe in yourself, how can you win the trust of others?

When drinking tea, Chen Xing'an likes to take a deep breath of the tea fragrance first, and then before the fragrance melts in his throat, he immediately picks up the teacup and swallows the scalding tea in one gulp.

Gao Xinhua can’t do it like him. His mouth and tongue are not tolerant to high temperature, and he thinks this way of drinking tea is not healthy. Studies have shown that frequent eating of overheated diets will increase the risk of esophageal cancer.

Chen Xing'an said: "How?"

Gao Xinhua picked up the teacup, blew on it, and just took a sip of tea: "It's very fragrant!"

Chen Xing'an smiled and said, "I'll just say it!"

Gao Xinhua's very fragrant is not a compliment. It's not that he doesn't understand tea. It is the most nutritious and healthiest way of drinking tea.

Gao Xinhua got up to watch the succulent plants planted by Chen Xing'an. He had to admit that Chen Xing'an was really good at this.

Chen Xing'an also followed him.

Gao Xinhua said: "Secretary Chen is really elegant."

"I call it loving life."

The morning sun shines in through the window, and it is very warm on the body. Through the window of the office, you can see the land of the second phase of the project. The wormwood inside has begun to turn yellow with the arrival of autumn, and the autumn wind blows , one after another, like waves.

Gao Xinhua recalled the scene when he went to the countryside to harvest wheat when he was young. At that time, he was passionate and youthful, with endless energy all over his body, but youth was fleeting like a fleeting moment.

Chen Xing'an followed his gaze and said with emotion: "The ground has been taken down, but there is no movement at all. Comrade Xinhua, you have to hurry up."

Gao Xinhua said with a smile: "I listen to the leaders, and I will call wherever the two leaders point out."

Chen Xingan said bullshit to the two leaders, I am a deaf ear, it is purely a display, the new Zhao Feiyang is even more domineering than Gu Houyi, all the power is in his hands, and his sense of existence is getting stronger and stronger. lower.

Chen Xing'an said: "The leader must listen to what he says is right, and must point out what he says is wrong, otherwise it will be irresponsible."

Gao Xinhua said: "I will never be able to reach Secretary Chen's height in my life. From my perspective, I can't see where the leader is wrong."

Chen Xing'an smiled and said, "Xinhua, Xinhua, you are so good at talking, no wonder Director Zhao relies so much on you."

"Of course the leader sometimes misunderstood." Gao Xinhua tactfully responded to Chen Xing'an's words.

Chen Xing'an laughed more and more happily, but secretly scolded Gao Xinhua for being slippery. It was not easy to get some truth out of him, but Chen Xing'an did not intend to let Gao Xinhua go. I understand, what exactly does he think about the Huanian Group?"

"I haven't heard him talk about this, Secretary Chen, I'm curious too, why don't you just ask him." Gao Xinhua kicked the ball back easily.

Chen Xing'an said: "Changxing needs to develop. It is a good thing to introduce private capital, but we are a public-owned hospital after all. Even if we introduce private capital, we have to be the masters, don't you think?"

Chen Xing'an's words represent the psychology of many Changxing employees at present. With the emergence of Huanian Group, more and more news about the cooperation between the two has flowed out. A problem that worries all Changxing people is bothering them. Will the future Changxing be private or public? Are they the owners of the hospital, or are they packaged and sold as commodities?
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(End of this chapter)

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