Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 230 Dragon and Tiger Battle

Chapter 230 Dragon and Tiger Battle
It is usually because the patient has a history of heavy drinking, long-term use of hormones, or a history of hip fracture trauma, which will affect the blood circulation of the femoral head, resulting in femoral head, bone tissue necrosis, and even collapse.

In the early stage, minimally invasive methods such as decompression and bone grafting can be used for head-preserving treatment of the femoral head. For obvious collapse, artificial hip replacement is recommended to improve clinical symptoms.

Xu Changshan decided to go to Zhou Meng's home to help with follow-up visits, and Zhou Meng carried his mother back to the fourth-floor home.

Mrs. Liu asked Zhou Meng to pour tea to greet the guests. Zhou Meng brewed two cups of jasmine generously for the guests. His family was very poor, which can be described as a house with bare walls. His mother was not in good health, and his salary was basically spent on medical treatment. , if it wasn't for the poor economic situation, he would not sell the Polygonum multiflorum left by his father.

Xu Changshan looked at Mrs. Liu's recent examination report at the mining hospital. The MRI report showed that the bone tissue of the hip joint was recovering.

Xu Changshan made some adjustments to the Huoxue Yanggu Decoction, reducing the dosage of angelica, corydalis, and frankincense. These are mainly for promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, and relieving pain. Now the patient's pain has basically disappeared, and the blood supply of bone tissue has returned to normal. quantity.

Tangerine peel, turmeric, open up stagnation and promote qi.

Rhizoma Drynariae, Dipsacus, Cinnamon, Dog's Ridge, and Sperantoe warm yang and nourish kidneys, strengthen tendons and bones.

Duhuo and Angelica dahurica dispel cold and dampness, reduce swelling and pain, increase soil turtle and blood dryness, and guard against stagnation of qi and blood.

Because the patient's living environment is close to Qingshan Lake, it is relatively humid, and now it is early winter, the cold air is heavier, and Atractylodes atractylodes and Clematis have been added.

The patient's course of disease has been five years. After taking the pulse, it was found that her pulse was deep and thready, tight, weak and dissatisfied, less yin and yang deficiency, kidney qi deficiency and fatigue.

For weak constitution, it is also added with astragalus, atractylodes, and Zihe.

The adjusted prescription focuses on nourishing the liver and kidney, nourishing qi and blood, dispelling cold and dampness, warming the meridians, and strengthening the muscles and bones.

While adjusting the prescription, Xu Changshan taught Xu Chunliang earnestly that the old man believed that bone disease belonged to the kidney, and it was all caused by the deficiency of kidney qi. It can also be seen from the patient's complexion, the complexion is gloomy, the typical color of kidney water.

Xu Chunliang admired his grandfather more and more, not only because of his medical skills, but also because of his benevolent heart to help the world and save people. The old man who came to the mining area today is not for money, and he will not take any medicines brought by those old patients. , In today's era, there are not many conscientious doctors like Grandpa.

After Xu Changshan checked the limbs of Mrs. Liu, she said that her current physical condition is ready for hip replacement.

Usually clinically referred to as dislocation of the hip, it refers to the prolapse of the femoral head from the weak area between the iliac ligament and the ischial ligament, which can form a tear of the posterior joint capsule and the round ligament of the femoral head.

Hip dislocation is divided into anterior dislocation, posterior dislocation, and central dislocation. The old lady Liu in front of her is a typical posterior dislocation.

Manipulative reduction is generally performed without pain, and there is no anesthesia condition at present, so Xu Changshan first performed acupuncture pain relief for Mrs. Liu.

Follow the principle of taking the disease from the bottom up, acupuncture at Dazhui, Mingmen, Yaoyangguan, Lieque to open up Ren meridian, and Houxi acupoint to open up Du meridian, Zhongwan, and Qihai. Two veins.

Next, through the Taiyang and Shaoyang Jing, choose Weizhong, Waiqiu and Jinmen respectively.

Then connect the viscera including Shenshu and Bladder Shu.

The last step is to connect Yuanshen, choose Baihui, Yintang, and Shenmen to place needles.

Xu Chunliang watched his grandfather perform the needle. Although the old man was old, his technique was still steady and precise.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the dragon is nine, the tiger is six, the dragon is pure yang, and the tiger is yin.As the saying goes, there are nine dragons and six tigers.

The battle between the dragon and the tiger refers to when the needle is in the three parts of heaven, man and earth, do one tonic and one to relieve.The needle pierces the acupoints to induce qi, lifts to the sky, rotates to the right along the qi channels, and then quickly twists back.In the acupuncture method, do nine times of tonifying first, and then go back and do six times of purging.

After finishing, go to the Ministry of Human Resources for nine tonics and six diarrhea.

After finishing it, go to the ground to do the same nine tonics and six tonics, all using the twisting method.

The purpose of doing dragon and tiger fighting techniques is to relieve pain and analgesia.

Dragon and tiger ascending and descending are thrusting and lifting.Also do one supplement and one purging in the three parts.After the whole technique is done, lift the needle to the sky, wait here, and let the Qi continue to circulate.What is the purpose?When qi is about to pass through the joints, the joints get stuck, and the qi cannot pass through, resulting in pain.

For example, someone is dislocated or a bone is broken.If you can't pass the qi, use the method of dragon and tiger lifting to let the qi pass.

The battle between dragon and tiger is the twirling method. This pain relief method has a strong anesthesia effect.

Dragon and tiger lifting is a method of thrusting and lifting. It is only used when the joints are dislocated and the qi cannot pass.

Xu Changshan finished the nine tonics and six tones in the battle between the dragon and the tiger.

He began to reset with roundabout techniques, and asked Xu Chunliang to be his assistant.

The patient is placed in a supine position. Xu Chunliang presses both sides of the patient's pelvis with both hands. Xu Changshan fixes the ankle joint with one hand, and the other hand makes the knee joint of the affected side bend extremely and pulls the popliteal fossa upwards, so that the affected limb is pulled upwards from the knee. , so that the affected limb is retracted from the knee to the inside, so that the knee joint on the affected side is retracted from the inside to the outside, and a reverse question mark is drawn on the outside.

This technique is also called knee pull method for reset. The key skill of the technique is that the traction force should be exerted slowly, and impulsive force must not be used, because patients with femoral head necrosis are usually accompanied by osteoporosis. If the force is not properly grasped during the reset process, Very likely to cause fractures.

After all, Xu Changshan is old, and the hip joint replacement requires a lot of physical strength for the doctor. The old man finished the left joint reset for the patient first, and he was already sweating profusely from exhaustion.

Although the pain-relieving effect of acupuncture and moxibustion is good, it lasts for a relatively short period of time. Next, he needs to prick the acupoints again in the way of fighting dragons and tigers.

Xu Chunliang really couldn't bear his grandfather being so tired, so he took the initiative to ask Ying to take over for him to do the reset work.

Xu Changshan thought about it and agreed, and re-guided the main points of the reset method.

Xu Chunliang asked Zhou Meng to take over the work of his assistant, fixed the patient's right ankle joint with one hand, and pulled the affected limb inward with a roundabout method. Xu Chunliang's movements were crisp and quick. Xu Changshan wanted to remind him to pay attention to the control of strength. Before he could say anything, Xu Chunliang had successfully reset the joint.

The patient only had pain for a while, but with the joint reset, the pain disappeared quickly. As the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

Xu Changshan asked the patient to move the joints of both legs, checked her, and was sure that the reset had been successful. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The waves of the Yangtze River push forward, and a new generation replaces an old one. After all, he is still old. This kind of reset still needs to be sufficient. physical strength as a guarantee.

While sighing, he couldn't help but be surprised. It seems that there are successors in Huichuntang. Just from the grandson's restoration method today, it is decisive and accurate, which is very similar to his own style in the past.

Xu Changshan told Zhou Meng not to let the patient get out of bed within three days after the reset, and not to bear weight within three months, and to have an MRI every six months. You don't need to do it.

Zhou Meng was very grateful to their grandparents and grandchildren, and sincerely wanted to keep them for dinner, but Xu Changshan said that he still had a few patients to visit, and asked Zhou Meng to take good care of his mother, and other things will be discussed later.

When the father and father were going out, Zhou Meng chased them out again and gave the old man 1000 yuan.

Xu Changshan put on a serious face. If Zhou Meng behaves like this, he won't be given a follow-up visit in the future. Let's save the 1000 yuan to honor his mother.

Zhou Meng was so moved that his eyes were red, he kept sending the two of them downstairs, and wanted to send them off again, but Xu Changshan refused.

In the morning, Xu Chunliang accompanied his grandfather to a few more houses. Some of them had passed away, and some had already moved away. The old man brought so many traditional Chinese medicines, but only sent out a small half.After walking around in a circle, it was already noon. Xu Changshan originally planned to stay in the mining area for a day, but he had already finished everything in half a day.

On the way back, he passed the door of Mrs. Wei again, looking at the row upon row of high-rise buildings under construction, Xu Changshan shook his head, unable to hide the disappointment in his heart, maybe when he comes back next time, this worker’s village that carries historical memories has already passed away. gone.

Times have changed, the rise and fall of industry, and industrial upgrading cannot be changed. Xu Changshan pointed to the coal mine not far away, and told his grandson that he had trained there for a period of time in the early 70s, and asked him to eliminate the residual feudal ideology and accept the transformation of the working class.

He is in the mining area, the clinic cannot be opened, and the family has lost their source of income. His wife and three children are alone, and they support the three of them by picking up scraps and scrap iron, so that they can go to school.

Those days were the trough in his life. If he didn't rely on the help of these simple workers in the mining area, he might not be able to survive.

Seeing that his grandfather missed the past very much, Xu Chunliang proposed to accompany his grandfather to the mine, and Xu Changshan had exactly this intention.

Now there are no workers in the Qingshan Mine, and a stone tablet is erected at the entrance, indicating that it has become a provincial cultural relic protection unit, but it is not a tourist attraction open to the outside world.

Xu Changshan told his grandson that the Qingshan Mine was once occupied by Dongyang people for quite a long time. During that time, they crazily excavated coal resources, and then used the railway to continuously transport the coal to Haizhou, where it was shipped back to Neon , There are still many buildings from the Japanese occupation period on the mine. i
The gate of Qingshan Mine is locked, and it is not open to the public at present. Xu Chunliang found the old gatekeeper and stuffed him with two packs of cigarettes. The old man immediately gave the green light to them and reminded them that no one is allowed to enter. Today is an exception for them, let them go in, don't touch things, don't enter the mine without authorization, and they must leave within three hours.

Xu Chunliang originally wanted to temporarily store the snakeskin bag containing the medicinal materials in the reception room, but the old man insisted on carrying it, so Xu Chunliang had to carry it. There was still half a bag of medicinal materials and medicinal wine in it. Although it was not too heavy, it looked like fleeing famine. It seems that it has seriously affected the image of Xu Dajiao.

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